The Idol And The Disabled President Made An Official Announcement

Chapter 41


After leaving Chen Zhen's studio, Ye Hansheng went straight back to Songhai Mansion.

He was not in a happy mood, and he didn't bother to turn on the light when he entered the house, and went directly to the balcony in his wheelchair. The floor-to-ceiling windows of the balcony reflected the colorful neon lights outside, making it more gloomy compared to the quiet and dark room.

Twirling his empty fingers, Ye Hansheng suddenly wanted to smoke.

He didn't smoke before, but he suffered from both physical and mental torture, and gradually learned to use nicotine to numb himself. Later, he didn't want to rely on nicotine to kill his will, so he quit smoking again. Until now, he hasn't smoked for nearly two years.

At this moment, he was sitting in the darkness, looking at the warm yellow light from the opposite balcony, and fell into the addiction again.

Ye Hansheng twirled his fingers, went back to the house and searched for a while, only to find a box of Golden Throat Lozenges. He didn't pick one, he squeezed one and put it in his mouth, the unique spicy taste of throat lozenges rushed straight to the top of his head.

He went back to the balcony to see the light from the opposite balcony. There was no moving figure on the balcony, Wen Run should be in the house.

He just sat in the wheelchair and watched without blinking.

He actually listened to Chen Zhen's words.

He knew his situation, and he knew exactly what he should do and what he should not do. But sometimes people's feelings are not bound by reason. Reason knows that this is wrong, but the turbulent feelings can no longer be taken back.

To him, Wen Run is like a poorly clothed traveler who is in an extremely cold place. Under the hunger and cold, he suddenly finds a cluster of flames, and wants to take it for himself desperately. It doesn't matter whether the flame is strong enough, no matter how long the flame can warm him, or even whether the flame is willing or not. Because he wanted to possess it, he set up many traps, step by step to surround the flames around him, and he could never escape again.

People who have been cold for too long always expose their selfishness and meanness inadvertently.

A warm smile flashed across his mind, Ye Hansheng raised his hand to cover his eyes, not letting himself look at the warm light on the opposite side, and murmured in the darkness, "I'll give you one last chance..."

As long as you stop trying to get close to me, I will let you go and set you free.

Wen Run just hugged the pillow, curled up on the sofa and fell asleep. When I woke up the next day, the lights in the house were still on.

After sleeping curled up all night, my bones were sore, and I felt weak all over. He shook his head, threw the pillow aside, and went to the bathroom with bare feet. He came to the door to react, and hurried back to put on the slippers. When I arrived at the sink, I took the water to rinse my mouth, and stuffed the electric toothbrush into my mouth. There was a "buzzing" vibration in the bathroom, and there was no foam after brushing for a long time. Wen Run took out the toothbrush and took a look, only to find that there was no toothpaste at all.

He suddenly became more listless, squeezed out the toothpaste listlessly, and put the toothbrush into his mouth again.

In the clear and bright mirror, the boy's eyes were swollen, his hair was disheveled, and he looked decadent as if he had been up all night for three nights.

Wen Run stared blankly at himself in the mirror, doubts gradually appeared in his eyes, why should he care so much about Mr. Ye's personal affairs? No matter how good friends are, there will still be things that the other party doesn't know about each other. Are you too possessive, just because of a lady you don't know

Besides, as a friend, Ye can always find a lover who will accompany him sincerely, so he should be happy for him. Isn't what I hope for is that he can live a good life

He spat out a mouth full of foam, rinsed his mouth with warm water, and rinsed his face with cold water, finally recovering a little bit of energy. He pointed at the person in the mirror with his finger, and said seriously, "It's wrong for you to do this."

Pulling himself together, Wen Run tidied up his messy hair, put on a small formal suit, and prepared to go out to the company.

— Zheng Xuan told him that Wei Ye would come to the company this morning.

Wei Ye has taught him for so long, and the two of them basically communicated online. Now that they heard that he was coming to the company, Wen Run, as a student, naturally wanted to meet and express his gratitude.

After tidying herself up neatly, Wen Run went out in a good mood, but unexpectedly ran into Ye Hansheng at the elevator entrance.

Ye Hansheng was sitting in a wheelchair in a suit and leather shoes as usual. When he saw him, he greeted him in the same way, "Good morning, you want to go out?"

He looked at Wen Run's particularly formal attire, and guessed what he was going to do. He knows all of Wen Run's itineraries. He doesn't have a job today. It should be a private matter for him to go out.

"Go to the company. Brother Zheng said that Mr. Wei will go to the company in the morning." Wen Run also said with a smile.

Wei Ye? Ye Hansheng's face was slightly cold, and he lowered his eyes and said lightly: "Really? Since we are on the way, let's go together."

The relationship between the two has long been unnecessary, and Wen Run has no reason to refuse, "Oh", said: "Thank you, Mr. Ye."

Ye Hansheng nodded slightly, turned the wheelchair and walked in front. The bodyguards were already waiting downstairs in their cars.

Ye Hansheng was in the back seat, and Wen Run was in the co-pilot. There was no words all the way, the two had different thoughts, and the atmosphere seemed to return to the time when they first met, awkward and a little alienated.

The bodyguard drove the car directly into the parking lot. To avoid suspicion, Wen Run separated from Ye Hansheng in the parking lot. Ye Hansheng took the special elevator upstairs, while Wen Run took the ordinary elevator.

Wen Run went directly to Zheng Xuan's office. When he arrived, Wei Ye hadn't come yet, and Zheng Xuan was the only one in the office. Wen Run poured himself a cup of tea, found a place to sit down, and then remembered to ask, "Why did the teacher come to the company suddenly?" He remembered that Zheng Xuan said that Wei Ye was fine and didn't like coming to Star Region.

Zheng Xuan smiled and said, "I came to find someone to help."

"Oh." Wen Run took a sip of water and didn't ask what help he could do. If he could help, Zheng Xuan would definitely tell him. If he can't help, it's useless to ask.

Wen Run sat for a while, and Wei Ye arrived. He didn't come alone, he was followed by a young man who looked younger than Wei Ye, in his twenties, standing beside Wei Ye, tall and tall, with a posture like a green bamboo. It just looks a little cold.

Wei Ye greeted the two of them, and then introduced: "This is my lover Lin Xu."

Zheng Xuan looked strange, but Wen Run opened his mouth wide. He was stunned for a moment and immediately reacted. His mind quickly turned to what should he call Master's lover? The teacher's wife can't do it, and the teacher is also a little weird, and his thoughts changed suddenly. Finally, he stretched out his hand with a friendly expression, and said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, hello."

Lin Xu recognized him from the moment he entered the door, and has been observing him calmly. Seeing that he stretched out his hand in a very quick response, he smiled at him gently. When he didn't smile, his expression was a little cold, but when he smiled , like spring flowers blooming. It was only then that Wen Run noticed that Lin Xu was very good-looking. It's not good-looking in the ordinary sense, it's the kind of fairy-tale beauty with immortality.

After getting to know each other, the four of them sat down. Except for Lin Xu and Wen Run, who met each other for the first time, the others were familiar with each other, so there were not so many politeness. Wei Ye cut to the chase and said, "Ah Xu is preparing for a movie recently, and there is a character in it. Ah Xu has taken a fancy to Wen Run, so I'll make a connection and ask you if you want to try it."

Wen Run was stunned for a moment, "Movie? Me?"

Wei Ye smiled, "Yes, do you still remember the short segment I asked you to act in when you were apprenticed? That was actually a short segment I picked from the script. A Xu saw it by accident and thought you were very suitable for that segment. Role."

"But..." Wen Run was a little hesitant. With Wei Ye's contacts, he could definitely pick someone more suitable than him. Why did he come to find him who has no big screen experience at all

Wei Ye saw his doubts and looked helplessly at Lin Xu beside him.

Lin Xu explained: "This is a film I prepared myself, you don't need to look at Wei Ye's face." He continued: "And the cost of this film is not large, and the remuneration that can be offered will not be very high."

Wen Run immediately understood that Lin Xu had no intention of using Wei Ye's name. He asked, "Can I read the script first?"

Lin Xu nodded, took out the script from his briefcase and handed it to him, "You can watch it slowly, don't worry. The movie is still in preparation, and it won't start until the end of the year at the earliest."

Wen Run put away the script and nodded, "I will read it carefully and give you an answer."

After the few people finished their business, Wen Run saw that Wei Ye and Lin Xu wanted to say goodbye, so he took the initiative to say: "It's just in time for lunch, why don't I be the host and invite Teacher and Mr. Lin to have a light meal."

He said with some embarrassment, "The teacher taught me a lot, but I never had the chance to express my gratitude."

Lin Xu had a good impression of him, so he didn't refuse when he heard the words, nodded, and the four of them went out to eat together.

Ye Hansheng had a gloomy face all morning, and he couldn't read any documents. All he could think about was Wen Run, so that he could go to see Wei Ye, and he even packed up on purpose. When Wen Run was with him, he never saw him. Dressed up specially. He was sore and annoyed, his whole figure was like a balloon full of air, ready to explode with surging emotions at any time.

Sitting at the desk with a gloomy face, Ye Han stared coldly at the phone on the right. After a long time, he finally pressed the internal line and called the assistant to come in.

The little girls in the president's office didn't know why Mr. Ye was in a good mood and he was in a bad mood. They were frightened all morning, and they didn't dare to lift their heads when the assistant was called in.

Ye Hansheng pondered for a moment and asked, "Has Wei Ye come to the company?"

The assistant nodded and heaved a sigh of relief. It happened that Wei Ye was still gossiping in the small group just now, so he replied cautiously: "Teacher Wei is here to see Brother Zheng. After talking about it just now, it seems that we went out for dinner."

"...Where's Wen Run?" Ye Hansheng slammed his fingers on the table in a bad mood.

The assistant was taken aback, and recalled uncertainly: "Ms. Wen... seems to have gone with her too."

Ye Han gave a faint "um" and turned the wheelchair to face the floor-to-ceiling windows, showing no emotion, "Okay, you go out, Zheng Xuan is back, let him come up."

The assistant breathed a sigh of relief quietly, and retreated out in response.

The four of them drove for a light meal near the company, chatted while eating, and soon became warm. Don't look at Lin Xu's superficial aloofness, it's only when we get along that he has a good temper and is very knowledgeable. It's just that he doesn't know how to strike up a conversation with people, so he seems a bit repulsive. Wen Run chatted speculatively with him, and the two even added WeChat, making an appointment to have dinner together next time they are free.

After eating, Wei Ye and Lin Xu took a step ahead, and Zheng Xuan drove Wen Run back to the company. There was a traffic jam on the way back, so Zheng Xuan took the time to talk about his recent arrangements.

""Jinling Terrace" will be broadcast soon, and the recording of the second season of "Farming" will start in May. Recently, there are two high-end endorsements being discussed... and the company recently invested in a historical drama, and the high-level attention You are in charge... Take a good rest these few days, get enough energy and adjust your state, and you will be busy soon."

He rambled about his work arrangements, and he was gentle and uplifting. From his sudden popularity to now, he has not revealed any scandals. His development momentum is rapid, and his reputation and popularity are good. As long as he keeps going, the two dramas to be filmed will be broadcast one after another, as long as he can achieve a decent performance in one drama, he will have a solid performance, and he will completely gain a firm foothold.

And there will be "Orchid Awards" in May next year. "Jinling Terrace" and "Broken Halberd" are both high-quality dramas, and Wen Run's performance in the dramas is good. If he can be nominated for Best Supporting Actor, his status in the circle Even if it is really unbreakable, the resources will rise to another level.

Of course, it's still a bit far to say these things now, Zheng Xuan just thought about it in his heart, and didn't say it out to put pressure on Wen Run. Wen Run has already worked very hard, and there is no need for him to create pressure.

The two returned to the company. Wen Run was fine here, so he was going to drive his own car back directly. He said goodbye to Zheng Xuan, hesitating for a long time in front of the car door, seeing that the elevator on Zheng Xuan's side was about to come down, he finally couldn't help but call out to Zheng Xuan.

"Brother Zheng!"

Zheng Xuan turned around and looked at him suspiciously, "Is there anything else?"

Wen Run walked over quickly, tried his best to adjust his facial expression, making himself look a bit gossip, "Suddenly remembered to ask you something..." He pretended to be curious and asked, "Does Mr. Ye have a girlfriend now?" ?Yesterday I saw him with a lady, it seemed intimate."

Zheng Xuan didn't react for a while, and was still thinking about how Ye Hansheng could be with a woman, and then Wen Run joked: "Can we go to Mr. Ye for sweets?"

Zheng Xuan is such a shrewd person, he was fooled by his acting skills at first, but when he realized it, he thought about it carefully, and immediately smelled the sour smell in the air.

"Hmm... I don't know too well..."

Zheng Xuan deliberately said: "I haven't heard of it. I will ask when I go to his office next time. If I really have a partner, I will remember to ask for a wedding candy for you."

Wen Run is not good enough in the end, even the best acting skills will show their flaws when they are restless. Hearing Zheng Xuan's words, he was suddenly happy and now worried, the smile on his face couldn't hold back, and he said with a smirk, "Okay, then I'll go back first."

Seeing him like that, Zheng Xuan reminded him worriedly, "Be careful when driving on the road."

Wen Run waved his hand and said he knew.

Watching him drive away, Zheng Xuan finally couldn't hold back and laughed a few times, thinking that Ye Hansheng didn't just shave his head and get hot, and Wen Run had already taken his heart.

But this kid is too immature, he probably has never been in a relationship, and Ye Hansheng probably has to figure out a way if he wants to get enlightened.

He went upstairs in a good mood, and instead of going back to his office, he went directly upstairs to Ye Hansheng's CEO's office.

The assistant had heard that he was back, but no one answered the phone, so he took the elevator downstairs to find someone. As a result, as soon as she left, Zheng Xuan came out of the elevator by himself and walked into Ye Hansheng's office.

He closed the door on purpose, sat down like a grandpa, and unhurriedly boiled water to make himself a pot of tea.

Ye Hansheng looked at him gloomyly, and asked gloomily, "What is Wei Ye doing here?"

Zheng Xuan didn't understand why he suddenly mentioned Wei Ye, and said casually: "Lin Xu is preparing for a movie, and he fell in love with Wen Run. He brought Lin Xu over, and first asked Wen Run's intentions."

Where did Ye Hansheng remember who Lin Xu was? Zheng Xuan's words reached his ears, that is, Wei Ye and Wen Run were not enough to be masters and apprentices, and now Wen Run was also needed for filming. He hadn't seen too many cases where love was born out of drama, and he heard that his face was black and black, as if it was going to be a storm at any time.

He was already beginning to regret his decision last night. Wen Run can only be his, even if he doesn't want to, he still has to find a way to tie him by his side.

Zheng Xuan made tea, poured two cups, put one cup in front of Ye Hansheng, and finally noticed the extremely ugly face of the president, he realized belatedly, "You won't eat Wei Ye's dry vinegar again, will you?" ?”

And he was thinking, there's nothing wrong with Wei Ye this time, so he's going to be jealous? ?

He couldn't help but want to sympathize with Wen Run, who is he looking at!

"I remember I said that Wei Ye likes men." Ye Han looked at him in a dark voice, and sneered, "Find a reason to push the movie away, and then find another teacher for Wen Run, and let them have less contact with them in the future."

Zheng Xuan: "???"

He was simply baffled. He brought a partner to Wen Run to talk about cooperation in a serious manner, but the taste changed as soon as it came out of Ye Hansheng's mouth.

He said unhappily: "You are too narrow-minded. There are so many men in the circle who like men, and Wen Run won't let Wen Run touch any of them? You might as well lock him up to save trouble."

"I'd rather lock him up."

Ye Hansheng gritted his teeth, and his cold brows revealed a trace of madness, "If you don't want to..."

Zheng Xuan choked, looked at him again, finally saw something was wrong, and frowned, "What's wrong with you and Wen Run? Did you quarrel?"

Ye Hansheng closed his eyes tiredly, and said in a low voice, "I'm going to see Chen Zhen..."

"Why did you go to see Chen Zhen all of a sudden? You can't control your emotions anymore? Didn't you feel fine before..." Zheng Xuan paused suddenly, raised his eyebrows in surprise, "The woman you met yesterday was Chen Zhen?"

"Yesterday?" Ye Hansheng narrowed his eyes, "How do you know it was yesterday?"

Zheng Xuan touched it and finally figured it out. Most likely, after meeting Chen Zhen, what Chen Zhen said made him unhappy, and he started going crazy today.

He didn't keep it up anymore, and said directly: "Wen Run told me. Just now in the parking lot, he came to ask me if you have a girlfriend. I heard that, but it smelled sour... "