The Idol And The Disabled President Made An Official Announcement

Chapter 71


Eyes full of mockery and hatred, Ye Hansheng's sharp eyes were like a sharp knife, peeling away layer by layer the dirt hidden under the surface of the light. Ye Mao opened his eyes wide, his chest heaved violently, and his heavy panting sounded heavy.

Straighten your back again and distance yourself from him. Ye Hansheng even had the time to smooth out the creases on the hospital gown for him, and helped him ring the call bell at the bedside, "You must take care of yourself..." He curled his lips and said softly, "The debt you owe has not yet been paid. After paying off, the good show has just begun, and you have to live for a long time."

Ye Hansheng turned the wheelchair back a little, and said to Yu Biao, who was standing by, "Let's go, see Director Ye next time."

Yu Biao was forced to watch a big show of a wealthy family's bullying. Hearing this, he hurriedly pushed him outside. Hearing too much of the boss's secrets is not good.

"Stop!" Seeing him treating her like nothing, Ye Qiurui turned pale for a while, blocked the door and asked, "Has Zhong Ling visited you?"

She said how that wimpy Zhong Ling suddenly found a good lawyer, insisted on a divorce so courageously, and left the country quickly. It turned out that Ye Hansheng had intervened.

Slowly brushing off the non-existent dust on the shirt, Ye Hansheng looked at her with cold and heavy eyes, and he had a half-smile, "He came to look for me, and I hired him a divorce lawyer." Not serious, not serious He knocked on the armrest of the wheelchair, and Ye Hansheng said in a gentle voice: "He is in the United States now, and I heard that he can't afford to eat and can only live on the street. Do you want me to take you to reunite with him? It is said that a husband and wife can cut money if they are of the same mind. If the two of you are together, maybe you won’t have to sleep on the streets.”

Ye Qiurui's body felt cold, and she took two steps back in shock from his eyes. Although he was smiling, that smile was vicious no matter how you looked at it, like a vicious ghost climbing up from the 18th floor of hell, who would tear off the hypocritical human skin at any time, pounce on her and eat the Ye family.

"You don't have to worry about my business." Ye Qiurui stepped aside to open the door and moved closer to the hospital bed. Ye Hansheng glanced at her mockingly, and signaled Yu Biao to leave.

Everything in the ward was left behind by him, and he clearly saw that the Ye family was about to suffer retribution, but he was not as happy as he imagined. The past of the Ye family was like a poisonous vine wrapped around his body, entwined day and night, sucking blood, making him miserable. But now that he cut off the vine with his own hands, there is only endless irritability and nausea.

There was a depression in his chest, and he couldn't go up or down. Ye Han rapped on the armrest irritably, the frequency getting faster and faster, so as to suppress the emotions that were on the verge of losing control.

The pent-up depression made him just want to destroy something to vent his irritability. The phone in his pocket suddenly rang, Ye Hansheng's thoughts were interrupted, he took out the phone, and there was a WeChat message from Wen Run on the screen.

[The assistant bought me flower cakes today, which are very delicious. I sent you two boxes to the company, remember to check =3=]

After the text, he also posted a selfie of himself biting a flower cake. In the photo, Wen Run was still wearing a costume, smiling with crooked eyebrows, and faintly visible dimples on his cheeks. I don't know if it's because he's one year older, but his youthful air is much weaker than when he first met him, and he already has the appearance of a handsome young man.

But no matter what kind of appearance he turned into, Ye Hansheng's heart could be softened at a glance.

He leaned close to the screen and touched the young man in the photo, the depression in Ye Hansheng's chest dissipated little by little, he was like a ray of light that suddenly broke into his world, gentle and warm, whenever the darkness he suppressed in his heart was about to move, he always Can appear in time and use the warmest words to bring him back to the world.

After saving the photo, Ye Hansheng sent him a message back: [OK. Pay attention to your body when filming. /kiss]

Wen Run, who received the reply, rubbed the tips of his ears that were a little hot, and returned a kissing expression. Then the two ate the remaining flower cakes, wiped their hands and continued to film.

After Ye Hansheng left, the ward fell into a deathly silence.

Ye Maokai half leaned against the head of the bed, letting the nurse check him with a blank expression. Ye Hansheng's face seemed to be still swaying in front of his eyes, that young face was full of hatred and disgust for him. Looking at him like a ferocious beast, he wished to bite a few bloody holes in his body.

The blood in his body cooled down little by little, and it was the first time that Ye Maokai felt the eldest son's hatred for him so strongly.

He always thought that the conflict between him and Ye Hansheng was because he was too young and too clear about black and white. When he gets older and starts a family, he will understand the common problems of men and the nature of father and son. After all, he is still a member of the Ye family.

He will understand how stupid it is to compete with the living because of a dead person, and to give up this huge Ye family.

But today Ye Hansheng tore off the last layer of window paper between the two with his own hands. He told him plainly that not only did he not let go of his mother's death, not only did he plan to take revenge on his revenge, but he also hated his biological father and the Ye family.

Ye family and even Ye family, he is not going to let go of any of them.

Ye Mao sneered openly, and muttered to himself: "You will regret it..."

Seeing his strange expression, Ye Qiurui approached him cautiously, poured a glass of warm water and handed it over, "Dad, don't be angry, brother, he has this kind of personality—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Ye Maokai knocked down the water glass suddenly, the water glass was torn apart, and water droplets splashed all over the floor. Ye Mao asked sharply, "Did you already know?"

Ye Qiurui's expression froze slightly, and she quickly covered it up, forced a smile and said, "Dad, what are you talking about? I don't understand..."

Ye Maokai pushed her away, and said with a sneer, "You already knew about it, and you still helped that bitch hide it from me, didn't you? Okay, okay, you are really my good daughter, Ye Maokai!!"

He stared fiercely at his daughter with a stiff expression, his heart grew more resentful, he gritted his teeth and said, "Does Qiu Ting also know? You all keep it from—" He paused suddenly, and suddenly remembered Ye Hansheng's words.

"You have no son for a long time..."

"They rolled into bed with you behind Ye Qiuting's back a year before Ye Qiuting was born..."

One year before his birth... Ye Qiuting...

Ye Maokai slowly widened his eyes, turned his head little by little to look at Ye Qiurui who was full of guilt, a possibility slowly emerged in his heart...

Ye Maokai suddenly covered his chest, curled up in pain, and made a heavy panting sound from his throat.

Ye Qiurui thought he was stimulated by the memory of his mother's cheating, and anxiously stepped forward to comfort him, but was pushed away by Ye Maokai again. His face was contorted, his eyes were red, he randomly picked up the vase on the table and threw it at her, and said angrily, "Get out, get out of here!!"

Ye Qiurui narrowly escaped, and the vase smashed to pieces on the ground with a loud "bang". She glanced at the broken porcelain on the ground in fear, and slowly backed away, still calmly saying: "Dad, I'm leaving now, don't be angry, I'm leaving now..."


Ye Mao was panting heavily, groped to find the medicine bottle on the table, poured a few pills and swallowed them directly, and his fast and unbalanced heartbeat calmed down a bit.

After taking a breath, Ye Maokai took his mobile phone and called his secretary.

The secretary arrived at the ward an hour later. The smashed and messy ward has been tidied up again, and there is no trace of previous disputes. The secretary stood in front of the hospital bed with his head bowed respectfully, "Dong Ye, what are your orders?"

Ye Maokai leaned against the head of the bed, his face looked haggard and his temples were aching, but now there is no one else he can trust except himself.

"How is the company doing?"

The secretary looked at him in embarrassment, hesitating whether to speak or not.

"I want to listen to the truth." Ye Maokai gave him a cold look and said in a deep voice.

"Not very good." The secretary didn't dare to look at her, "Ruimao's funds have a gap, Director Ye is trying to find a way to raise funds."

Ruimao is the largest project of Ye's at present. It has been developed for more than two years. According to the original plan, Ruimao is going to be the largest shopping mall in City B. A lot of money has been invested in the early design and bidding, and the shopping mall is also built. It was halfway through, and now the Ye family had a problem halfway, and it was too late to withdraw. We can only bite the bullet and raise funds, and only when the project is completed as soon as possible can the funds be withdrawn.

Ye Mao opened and closed his eyes, suddenly feeling powerless and exhausted, his eyelids drooped, and he asked again: "How is Director Ye doing in the company?"

The secretary watched his face carefully, but couldn't figure out what he wanted to hear, so he could only say cautiously: "The board of directors seems to be a little dissatisfied."

Ye Mao twitched his face, but didn't know what expression to make. Among the four children, Ye Hansheng is the most capable, followed by Ye Qiurui. But Ye Qiurui is eager for quick success, lacks courage and is too short-sighted, so he has always been pessimistic about it.

Ye Hansheng has always been his favorite heir.

But at this point, it seems that it doesn't matter who Ye takes over. He vaguely understood in his heart that if Ye Hansheng was really the controller behind Hansi Real Estate, then he would never let Mrs. Ye go.

Besides, apart from Ye Qiurui, no one can take over the Ye family. He swallowed back the original words, and did not mention the matter of replacing Ye Qiurui again. Ye Maokai mentioned another matter, "You find someone to go to the prison, find a way to get Ye Qiuting's DNA, and then send it for a paternity test."

"No matter what method you use, it must be fast."

The secretary's heart skipped a beat, and cold sweat broke out on his back. He didn't expect Ye Maokai to suddenly call him here to do this kind of thing. Although he was heavily relied on by Ye Maokai, it was all about work, and Zhou Xu used to do this kind of private affairs.

But Zhou Xu was already dead.

The secretary agreed, sweating profusely. Seeing that Ye Maokai had no other instructions, he hurriedly left the ward. Looking at the blue sky outside, the secretary let out a sigh of relief. It seemed that he had to find a new home as soon as possible.

Seeing Ye's precariousness, and Ye Maokai even explaining this kind of thing to him, he doesn't want to follow in Zhou Xu's footsteps.

The secretary made some connections, and after getting Ye Qiuting's hair, he sent it along with Ye Mao's sample for identification, and it was already the third day when he got the result.

The appraisal result was sealed in a kraft paper bag, so he didn't dare to read more, so he drove to the hospital again.

Ye Maokai was the only person in the ward, and the secretary carefully handed over the kraft paper bag. Ye Maokai took it, stared blankly for a while, and then stretched out his hand to untie the coil.

Even though he had already expected it, Ye Maokai's fingers were still trembling the moment he took out the report. Grit your teeth tightly. Pulling out the report bit by bit, the conclusion at the top reads: The parent-child relationship between Ye Maokai and Ye Qiuting is ruled out.

It was suddenly dark in front of his eyes, and the report dropped his hand to the ground, Ye Maokai held on to the wall to barely stand still. He hunched over, the emotion on his face changed several times, and finally turned from anger to calm.

After a long time, he turned around and said to the panic-stricken secretary: " can also get Ye Qiurui for comparison."

The secretary was about to agree, but he suddenly closed his eyes and fell straight down.

The secretary couldn't care about anything else, and hurried out to call the doctors and nurses in. Ye Maokai was carried on a stretcher and rushed to the emergency room.

When Ye Qiurui, who heard the news, saw the secretary at the door of the operating room, she had a bad feeling in her heart. She raised her chin, "What happened? What are you doing here?"

The secretary lowered his head, regretting that he was involved in such a horrible housework, and respectfully said: "It was Ye Dong who asked me to come here."

"Why did I ask you to come here? Didn't I tell you that Director Ye is not in good health, so you should not bother him and report to me first?!" Ye Qiurui said angrily.

"Look for yourself." The secretary handed her the brown paper bag in his arms.

Ye Qiurui took it suspiciously, she was a little confused when she pulled out the paper inside, but when she saw the top conclusion, her expression changed instantly. "When did it happen? Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Three days ago, Director Ye refused to let me speak."

Three days ago... Ye Qiurui recalled, it was the day Ye Hansheng came. Her mind was spinning quickly, thinking about how to solve this matter, but everything was entangled, like a few balls of yarn that were messed up and tangled together, she couldn't figure it out at all.

"What else did Director Ye tell you?"

The secretary hesitated before saying, "Let me check your DNA again."

Ye Qiurui didn't feel too surprised when she listened. She thought for a while, and it would be beneficial to her to do a paternity test. Ye Qiuting must have been given up. Ye Hansheng had already broken up, so the only choice for his father... was her.

Cursing her lips slightly, Ye Qiurui said: "As for the appraisal, let's do it after Director Ye wakes up. You can go back first."

The secretary couldn't wait for it, so he left in a hurry.

Ye Qiurui stood alone at the door of the operating room, thinking about how to clean herself after her father was discharged from the hospital. Ye Qiuting probably won't be able to keep it, but mother has been with father for so many years, so she can still intercede properly. No matter how much more, it's better to wait for her to completely control Ye Shi before planning.

She had planned well, but what she didn't expect was that what was pushed out from the operating room was a paralyzed and twisted Ye Maokai.

After a series of emotional ups and downs, coupled with the stimulation of the paternity test, luck finally did not favor Ye Maokai, and after fainting this time, he was never able to stand up again. A severe stroke paralyzed his entire lower body.

She couldn't even take care of her own excrement and urine, and could only lie on a hospital bed for the rest of her life, being taken care of by a nurse.

After waking up, Ye Maokai's face was twisted ferociously, he beat his unconscious legs frantically, and roared indiscriminately. Ye Qiurui tried to comfort him, but was frightened by the madness in his eyes, took a step back, and managed to maintain a calm voice: "Dad, the doctor said, as long as you maintain a calm mood and persist in rehabilitation, There is still a chance to recover in the future.”

Ye Maokai stopped, glanced at her, lifted his lips, and lowered his head expressionlessly.

The author has something to say: Mr. Ye (to the scumbag): Are you going to use a wheelchair too? Oh no, you can't even sit in a wheelchair now.