The Idol And The Disabled President Made An Official Announcement

Chapter 82


After the two went out for a long time, they never came back.

Boss Lin said: "I'll go out and have a look." Then he got up and went out. There were only five climbers and Dr. Wang left in the wooden house.

Wen Run has been observing Dr. Wang, noticing that his eyes are fixed on the backpack containing the food, and his Adam's apple keeps rolling.

No one spoke anymore, the firewood in the brazier occasionally exploded with sporadic flames, and the wooden house was eerily quiet. At this time, the mechanical sound in the headset released a new mission, "Zhang Bailing and Reporter Sun never returned, maybe something happened, please find Zhang Bailing and Reporter Sun within an hour."

The four looked at each other secretly, and Wen Run suggested: "Zhang Bailing and Reporter Sun haven't come back, and Boss Lin has been out for a long time. Let's go and have a look, don't have any accidents."

"It's time to take a look." Doctor Wang agreed, and then stopped talking.

"It's cold and dark outside, and it's not safe yet. Lu Zhan and I will go out." Wen Run said, "Stay in the cabin and watch your luggage, be careful." The last sentence Wen Run said was looking at Weng Yu and He Ming.

Because there were survival supplies in the hiking bag, both Wen Run and Lu Zhan carried the bags on their backs. Weng Yu and He Ming sent them out, Wen Run took the opportunity to whisper, "Be careful with the doctor, he is not a good person."

Although the doctor has not directly done anything bad so far, judging from the way he lied, precautions are indispensable.

After bidding farewell to the two, Wen Run and Lu Zhan tied the climbing rope around their wrists, held up a dimly lit small flashlight, and followed the chaotic footprints to find the past. There was no snow at night, and the footprints on the snow were still there. The two followed the footprints and guessed that Zhang Bailing and Reporter Sun should have turned back to find the teacher.

Lu Zhan shrank his neck and rubbed his hands, still muttering, "Did they find out their conscience? Are they going to bring the teacher back?"

Wen Run shook his head, thinking that the program crew would not be so kind. He took out two Snickers bars from his pocket, shared one with Lu Zhan, and the two ate as they walked, "We'll know when we get there."

After eating a Snickers bar and two ham sausages, the two finally saw the light vaguely. When they got closer, Lu Zhan shook the flashlight, and saw Reporter Sun holding a small engineering shovel, turning his head Look towards them.

Zhang Bailing sat on the ground with his back to them.

It was too dark at night, the brightness of the flashlight was not enough, and the two of them couldn't see clearly what was going on there. Wen Run shook the flashlight and asked, "You guys have been out for too long, we don't feel relieved to come and have a look, are you here to pick up Teacher Chen?" ?”

The two approached while talking, and when they saw the situation on the snow clearly, Lu Zhan jumped three feet high in fright, and quickly hid behind Wen Run with only half of his head exposed, "Damn!!! What is this! "

I saw a simulation dummy buried in the snow, with its bare hands sticking out, firmly grasping Zhang Bailing's trousers, and the part above the dummy's shoulders has been separated from the snow, and the surrounding white snow The ground was full of solidified red liquid, like fresh blood.

Wen Run looked at the shovel in Reporter Sun's hand, and then at the artificial dummy that was broken in two. The dummy's hairstyle looked similar to that of Teacher Chen. He guessed that it was Bai-collar Zhang and Reporter Sun who came to find the teacher, but the teacher was frozen In the snow, Reporter Sun made a mistake when digging people, and shoveled the teacher into two pieces with a shovel...

Although he knew it was an act, the one buried was also a dummy. But at night, it's still weird.

Lu Zhan complained tremblingly, "Is that how hard you record your programs?"

Reporter Sun looked at him and suddenly smiled coldly.

Zhang Bailing seemed to have finally come to his senses. She kicked the dummy's hand away, scrambled to her feet, and ran back screaming, "It wasn't me! It wasn't me! I didn't kill you!"

Lu Zhan saw her running away with the dummy's broken half hand hanging on the corner of her trousers. Seeing this, Reporter Sun gave them a cold look, and quickly chased after them.

At the same time, the mechanical voices of the headsets of the two simultaneously prompted: "Zhang Bailing's favorability towards you is -20, and Reporter Sun's favorability towards you is -15. Please pay attention to players. If the NPC's favorability is too low, unpredictable events will happen. .”

"Zhang Bai-collar's favorability for you is -19, and Reporter Sun's favorability for you is -10. Players please pay attention. If the NPC's favorability is too low, unpredictable events will happen."

Lu Zhan was dumbfounded, "What did I do wrong?"

Wen Run guessed: "The sudden drop in favorability is because we saw Zhang Bailing and Reporter Sun killing people? They became murderous and wanted to kill people?"

Lu Zhan hugged him tightly, wanting to hum, this variety show is really scary!

"Didn't you say 'Snow Mountain Ominous Spirit'? I haven't seen one of the ominous spirits so far, but the NPC is going to kill me!"

"The evil spirit doesn't necessarily mean that there is a ghost, and maybe the show crew deliberately used the name to mislead us." As far as it looks, the evil spirit is still gone, but the four surviving NPCs all have their own problems. Wen Run lovingly touched his dog's head, and comforted him: "If you think that these are all fake, you won't feel terrible."

According to his method, Lu Zhan muttered "Everything is fake, everything is fake" a dozen times, and then he looked at the dummy that was broken in two and was still panicking. He pulled Wen Run back, "No, no, we still can't stand it, let's go back quickly."

Wen Run was pulled forward by him, noticed the messy footprints on the ground, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, and he asked in surprise, "Where's Boss Lin?"

Boss Lin came out to find someone before them, but they didn't meet Boss Lin on the way, so where did Boss Lin go

"No! Let's go back quickly!" Wen Run suddenly recalled the task he released before. The task only asked them to find Zhang Bailing and Reporter Sun, but did not mention Boss Lin...

Wen Run pulled Lu Zhan back and ran back. Just as he could see the wooden house from a distance, he heard a mechanical audio report: "Player Weng Yu died and was eliminated."

"Player He Ming died and was eliminated."

"Please try to survive the remaining players and wait for rescue."

"Fuck!" Lu Zhan looked confused, "What the hell? Why did you die?"

The two hurried to the wooden house, opened the door and went in, only to find that Weng Yu and He Ming were no longer in the house, and their bags were also gone. Dr. Wang still kept the posture they left sitting by the fire, while Zhang Bailing was wrapped in the old blanket again, with his head hanging down, and he seemed to be chanting words. Reporter Sun looked back at them with a strange look in his eyes.

"Where's our companion?" Wen Run asked.

Dr. Wang raised his head slowly, "You haven't come back, and went out to find you."

Wen Run frowned, doubting his words.

"Boss Lin hasn't come back yet?" Wen Run asked Reporter Sun and the others again, "Have you seen Boss Lin? He went looking for you before us."

Zhang Bailing didn't speak. Reporter Sun shook his head, "I didn't see it."

Just as he was talking, the door of the wooden house was pushed open again. Boss Lin walked in quickly, rubbed his hands by the fire, complained that it was so cold outside, and looked at Zhang Bailing, "What did you run just now? I called you for so long later, but you ignored it, which made me almost go the wrong way and fall into the ice crevasse."

After he finished speaking, there was a sudden silence in the wooden house. Everyone looked at him without speaking.

"It depends on what I do?" Boss Lin was puzzled.

Reporter Sun moved his lips and said in a shy voice, "I've been with Zhang Bailing all the time, and I haven't seen you before."

"Impossible." Boss Lin said with a stiff face, "Then who did I see? With hair on and a red down jacket. Who else could it be if it wasn't a white collar?"

Reporter Sun fell silent.

Zhang Bailing raised his head, his eyes were a little frightened, and he murmured: "It's not's not me..."

Wen Run looked at Boss Lin, trying to judge whether he was telling the truth or a lie. Before entering the wooden house, he suspected that the murderer was Boss Lin, but everyone else in the wooden house was there, and Boss Lin was the last one to come back, and he also met "Zhang Bai-collar".

For a moment, he became unsure whether it was someone else who killed Weng Yu and the two, or whether Boss Lin killed someone and lied to clear his suspicions.

At this time, Dr. Wang said slowly: "I heard that the snow-capped mountains at night are not peaceful, and occasionally people will encounter some unclean things. Everyone should stay in the house and don't go out. It will be fine until dawn..."

After finishing speaking, he pulled the scarf, curled up his body, and said, "Go to bed early. Once you sleep, the sky will dawn."

Boss Lin scoffed at his words, "You are still a doctor, don't you know that if you fall asleep in such a cold day, you might not be able to wake up?"

Reporter Sun said: "Then what should we do? We can't stay up all night."

"Let's take turns keeping vigil." Boss Lin said, "I just saw a few sleeping bags in the utility room of the wooden house. Let's take turns sleeping and watch the night alone, so that we won't fall asleep and wake up again."

A few people went to the utility room to search for a while, and they found six sleeping bags.

The firewood in the brazier has been burned out, and only sporadic embers are left. Boss Lin proposed to form a circle with sleeping bags, and put the brazier with residual heat in the middle. Everyone took turns sleeping in a circle for an hour. The person near the door Just be in charge of the night watch. Just like playing the "four-corner game", the person behind is responsible for waking up the person in front, and so on, which happens to be a cycle.

Seeing that no one raised any objections, Boss Lin said, "I'll be the first to start the night watch."

He slept in the first sleeping bag near the door, followed by Zhang Bailing, Reporter Sun, Lu Zhan, Wen Run, and Dr. Wang from left to right.

Everyone got into their sleeping bags, Wen Run and Lu Zhan were next to each other, they met each other's eyes, Wen Run waved his hands slightly to signal him not to sleep. Then got into the sleeping bag.

Weng Yu and He Ming "died" suddenly. The biggest suspects were Boss Lin and Dr. Wang. The remaining reporters Sun and Zhang Bailing were less suspicious, but it was not impossible. In short, these four people seem to have serious problems, and they have to be careful. It is better not to sleep at this time.

Wen Run huddled in his sleeping bag, and went through the plot of the game since the beginning of the game. When he was stroked in a daze and started to feel sleepy, he heard the sound of chewing suddenly coming from the quiet wooden house. His drowsiness disappeared immediately, and he pretended to turn over, trying to look towards the source of the sound.

That direction should have come from Dr. Wang's sleeping bag. Sounds like eating.

Wen Run got out of the sleeping bag, pretended to be woken up, and asked in a low voice, "Doctor Wang, what are you doing?"

The sound of chewing suddenly stopped. Dr. Wang's voice was muffled, "Sorry, I like to grind my teeth when I sleep."


Wen Run didn't say anything more. After a while, the fine chewing sound sounded again, but it was lighter than before.

The chewing sound continued until the first round of sleeping was over, and Boss Lin got up to take pictures of Dr. Wang. Dr. Wang followed... After they changed their sleeping bags. In the second round, the vigil was replaced by a white-collar worker.

This time there was no more chewing. Wen Run lay in the sleeping bag, his eyes wide open and he did not sleep. It's just that he couldn't see anything in the dark wooden house, and after a while, he started to doze off again.

Struggling to wait until the third rotation position. Wen Run woke up Lu Zhan in front of him, and after changing his position, he retracted into the sleeping bag again. It's so easy to get sleepy just lying down like this. Wen Run reached out and fumbled, and took out a Snickers bar from his hiking bag and slowly gnawed on it. He always had a premonition that something was bound to happen.

However, he ate a sweet and greasy Snickers bar slowly, and still nothing happened.

He pricked up his ears, trying to listen to the voices in the dark night. After the third round of vigil, Reporter Sun got up slowly to call for someone, followed by the sound of slightly flustered footsteps and shouts, "Boss Lin, Boss Lin !"

Wen Run got out of the sleeping bag, took out the flashlight, and saw Reporter Sun and Bai-collar Zhang squatting beside Boss Lin's sleeping bag. There are also two red spots on the neck.

"What's going on?" Wen Run asked.

Dr. Wang also got up at this time. He checked the body and came to a conclusion: "It was frozen to death. It has been dead for two hours."

"How is that possible! I woke him up when I was on vigil." Zhang Bailing exclaimed. It happened to be the second round two hours ago. She was on vigil, and the person in front of her was Boss Lin. It is Dr. Wang. Zhang Bailing broke down and said, "If he was dead long ago, then who did I wake up? And who woke you up?!"

Reporter Sun also said: "If he died of freezing, what happened to the two small holes in his neck?"

Dr. Wang's cloudy eyes swept across the people with different expressions, lowered his head and said slowly: "There is... a ghost in this room."

Lu Zhan: "..." Day!

Just record a variety show, as for going so hard

Several people carried Boss Lin's body out and buried him. After removing Boss Lin's sleeping bag, the remaining five ate the last bit of food and continued to sleep.

Both Wen Run and Lu Zhan were extremely vigilant, but apart from the sound of chewing, there was still no movement, and in the end, even the sound of chewing disappeared.

After suffering for an hour, when the next round was changed, everyone found that Dr. Wang was also dead.

Zhang Bailing was the first to discover his death. She sat on the ground with blank eyes and murmured, "Another one died..."

Wen Run observed Dr. Wang's "corpse". There are two red spots on the neck like Boss Lin. The difference is that his stomach is very distended, and it looks like he swelled up after eating something. Wen Run searched in his sleeping bag, and found a few lumps of ice that had melted a bit, and the teeth marks still vaguely remained on the ice bumps.

Lu Zhan deliberately pressed Dr. Wang's bulging stomach, and whispered to Wen Run in a low voice, "This stomach is quite similar." After speaking, he couldn't help but pressed twice more, but he heard the sound coming from his pocket. There was a slight plastic sound, as if something was hidden.

Lu Zhan gave a strange "Huh", groped in his pocket, and took out a Snickers bag. He was shocked: "He ate our Snickers bar!"

Wen Run quickly realized, "It should belong to Weng Yu and He Ming!"

After Weng Yu and He Ming "died", their backpacks also disappeared. It should be taken away by Dr. Wang, and all the food of the two of them was taken by the way.

"Did he eat too many ice lumps, strangled himself to death, or froze to death?" Wen Run looked at the packaging bag he found, and then looked at the tooth marks left on a few ice lumps, thinking of the non-stop chewing sound , guessed.

But Zhang Bailing suddenly said: "It's Miaomiao! Miaomiao is back to take revenge." She pointed at Dr. Wang on the ground, then at Wen Run and Lu Zhan, and said sharply, "You, you, you all deserve to die!"

Reporter Sun laughed miserably, patted her on the shoulder reassuringly, and said to Wen Run, "She may have been a little stimulated. Let's bury her first. It's scary to put her here."

So the three of them worked together to carry Dr. Wang outside to be buried.

It was still dark outside, and Wen Run lit up with a flashlight. Lu Zhan and Reporter Sun were digging a hole, meaning they dug a hole that wasn't too deep. Lu Zhan met Wen Run's eyes when he raised his head to wipe his sweat. , while carrying him with Reporter Sun, he suddenly threw a handful of snow on his face. Reporter Sun subconsciously raised his hand to cover his face, and Wen Run took the opportunity to push him into the snow pit.

The hole was meant to be dug, and it wasn't deep. After being pushed down, Reporter Sun struggled to remember, but was blocked by Lu Zhanxiong with an engineer shovel, and said arrogantly: "You choose your own way of death! Buried alive or chopped in two?"

Reporter Sun's group performer faltered for a second, and cooperated with him to lie down peacefully in the snow pit and close his eyes, "I'm dead."

Lu Zhan grinned, "It's called being the first to act first, understand?"

Although he didn't know why he acted preemptively against Reporter Sun, he was definitely right to listen to Wen Run.

Now there is only one white-collar worker left in the room.

Wen Run remained vigilant, and said to Lu Zhan, "I'll lure him out, and then you react quickly and rush in. Close the door."

Lu Zhan nodded and hid to the side.

Wen Run stood far away, pushed open the door with an engineering shovel, and Zhang Bailing, who was hiding behind the door, rushed out with an ax in his hand, yelling frantically, "You all go to hell!"

Lu Zhan said "Damn it", and quickly rushed into the room to hold the door. And Wen Run ran away. I have to say that the group performers invited by the program group really did their best, holding an ax and chasing after him quickly, Wen Run ran around the wooden house before rushing into the house, and held the door together with Lu Zhan.

Zhang Bailing was still screaming and smashing the door outside, which was even more frightening than really crazy.

Lu Zhan leaned against the door and said with lingering fear: "md, I will never come to this perverted show again! If I am not sick, I will be scared to be sick!"

Zhang Bailing yelled frantically outside for a while, and finally stopped. Just as the two of them relaxed, they heard someone knocking heavily on the door.

"Okay! The recording is over! You can come out and rest!"

Lu Zhan reacted for a while, the first reaction was that the other party wanted to trick them out, and shouted: "It's not yet dawn! The game is not over! Don't try to trick us out!"

The director didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "The recording is really over! The rest can be re-shooted tomorrow morning, so hurry up and take a break."

The two dubiously opened the door.

The director team, including the group performers who had "dead" before, all came back. They stomped their feet and asked the staff to move the generator in, and then put on the lights, before saying: "Bring the hot pot ingredients, do you want to sleep first or Have something to eat first?"

They survived to the end, almost without sleep most of the night. The director team and other staff also stayed up most of the night, and now everyone is cold and hungry.

"Eat hot pot!" Lu Zhan was the first to raise his hand. He asked curiously again, "Where are Weng Yu and He Ming?"

The chief director said: "The weather is too cold, their part has been filmed, so I will go back to the hotel to rest."

Lu Zhan looked sad suddenly, turned his head and said to Wen Run, "If we had known, we would have died earlier." In this way, we could go back to the hotel to rest early, so there is no need to worry about it.

The chief director laughed, "I was worried that you would be out too early, and I wanted the extras to let the group perform. I didn't expect you to perform so well and come back at the end."

Lu Zhan stared at the beef balls in the pot wholeheartedly, and said modestly: "Wherever I am, Wen Run will take me away."

Reporter Sun's extras were also curious, "When did you start to doubt me?"

Wen Run took a sip of hot milk tea, narrowed his eyes and said, "I have suspected you for a long time."

In fact, in the game, the program team really provided a lot of clues, such as the degree of favorability; for example, Reporter Sun's unusual hospitality to Zhang Bailing; for example, Dr. Wang lied about a blizzard; Drag marks... There are really many small details that are easy to be ignored. As long as you pay attention to the details, it is easy to infer the character of each character and their motivation and purpose based on the details.

In fact, in this game, everyone is a "snow mountain fierce spirit".

Teacher Chen was buried alive and died tragically. He was the first evil spirit deliberately placed on the surface by the program group to create a gloomy atmosphere and mislead others.

In fact, the four people who survived are the real "violent spirits".

Boss Lin claims to be a coal boss, but he is physically strong, has experience in survival in the wild, and has a hard heart. In order to survive on his own, he once offered to give up his teacher twice, and later he used an excuse to go to Reporter Sun and Zhang Bailing, and secretly returned to "kill" Weng Yu and He Ming, and robbed them of their food;

Dr. Wang looks kind and friendly, but he is actually selfish and greedy. When everyone gave up Teacher Chen, although he persuaded them, he never recited the teacher once; later he lied about a blizzard and indirectly forced everyone to give up Teacher; when Boss Lin came back to kill Weng Yu and He Ming, he definitely He was present, but he didn't stop him. Instead, he shared the food with Boss Lin; in the end, after Boss Lin died, he probably guessed that it was Zhang Bailing and Reporter Sun who killed Boss Lin together, but he still chose to remain silent, only ambiguous. Clearly said "there are ghosts in the house";

Zhang Bailing and the teacher are best friends, but in the end they chose to give up their best friends. Although her conscience has not yet died out, she and Reporter Sun turned back to find the teacher, but after Reporter Sun killed the teacher by mistake, she took off her clothes to keep herself warm, but the teacher was not dead at that time, so Wen Run they went At that time, what she saw was that the dummy was holding on to her trousers tightly, but her arms were naked. At first, Wen Run thought that the props were not restored enough, but then he accidentally discovered that Zhang Bailing kept chanting "I'm sorry" to the white sweater hidden under the old blanket, and then he realized that this was a hint, implying that Zhang Bailing was not normal at this time; So when she was taking turns at the night watch, she deliberately skipped Boss Lin and let Boss Lin freeze to death in his sleep to avenge the teacher and pass on her own guilt, which is also a matter of course;

In the end was Reporter Sun. He obeyed Zhang Bailing in everything because he liked Zhang Bailing. Wen Run guessed that the two of them should have known each other a long time ago, and that Zhang Bailing might have promised him something, so he first accompanied Zhang Bailing to find the teacher, but ended up killing the teacher by mistake; The boss's sleeping bag, to cover up the fact that Zhang Bailing skipped Boss Lin to call Dr. Wang, and let Boss Lin freeze to death;

Everything can be deduced from the clues deliberately left by the program team, but at the beginning everyone is easily misled by the name of this issue, and the focus is on the "violent spirit", ignoring the people around them. Danger.

So Wen Run realized after Dr. Wang's death that if he wanted to survive smoothly, he had to deal with the threats around him first. This is how he and Lu Zhan teamed up to "kill" Reporter Sun.

After listening to his analysis, the chief director rejoiced: "Fortunately, I didn't tell them to release water." He even became angry because the guests stole food and asked several group performers to "entertain" them.

Although the recording was completed earlier than expected, the effect after editing should be good.

After eating the hot hot pot, everyone in the house tidied up the wooden house, took the time to rest for a few hours, waited until dawn, and continued to record the following plot.

The two surviving members of the mountaineering team spent the night in the wooden house, and finally arrived at the rescue team after dawn. When he opened the door, Zhang Bailing had already frozen into a snowman outside, while Reporter Sun in the snow pit was still alive, and was dug out by the rescue team and brought down the mountain together...

After the recording was over, the group packed up and went down the mountain. Haohao Tangtang went back to the hotel, Wen Run went back to the hotel to take a hot bath and was escorted by Qu Su to drink a large bowl of ginger soup, but he still caught a cold. When he returned to City B, his whole body was listless, his eyes were red and his nose was red, and he sneezed twice from time to time, looking very pitiful.

Ye Hansheng fed him medicine with a dark face, and said, "We won't accept this kind of program from now on."

Wen Run responded humbly, obediently opened his mouth to take the medicine, his whole face wrinkled bitterly, seeing that he was angry, he deliberately dragged out his voice and complained: "It's so bitter..."

Sure enough, Ye Hansheng couldn't care less about getting angry, and put the cup to his lips, coaxing: "There is one last sip, and you can eat sugar after drinking."

Frowning, he drank the medicine, and a candy was stuffed into his mouth immediately. The warm and sweet candy swirled around in his mouth, and finally neutralized the bitterness of the medicine. Seeing that Ye Hansheng's face was still calm, and his eyes rolled slyly, he suddenly said: "It's almost the Chinese New Year, this year's Chinese New Year, you want to Don't come to my house?"

The author has something to say: Mr. Ye:! ! What should I prepare to meet my father-in-law and mother-in-law