The Idol And The Disabled President Made An Official Announcement

Chapter 91


The day Ye Hansheng had the surgery was the Orchid Awards ceremony. Discussions on the Internet were in full swing, but Wen Run stayed outside the operating room nervously.

Ye Hansheng has been in for three hours, he and Gu Sinian are sitting in the hall waiting, the electronic screen is scrolling which step the operation is in progress. Wen Run looked up for three hours, barely changing his position.

Gu Sinian sat beside him, his voice was a little tense because of nervousness, "Don't worry, I asked the master to calculate it, the doom of the cold voice is over, everything will go smoothly in the future, and the operation will not go wrong."

"You still believe this." Wen Run forced a smile.

Gu Sinian laughed at himself, twisting a string of sandalwood beads in his hand, "Human power is beyond the reach, so we can only pin our hopes on gods and Buddhas."

Wen Run thought for a while, and felt that this was the reason. He put his palms together and stared at Ye Hansheng's name on the electronic display, but said in his heart: As long as Ye Hansheng's operation goes well, he will do good deeds for the rest of his life to fulfill his wish.

Ye Hansheng's operation lasted five hours. When he was pushed out of the operating room, the anesthesia hadn't completely passed. He only had time to take a look at Wen Run before falling asleep again.

"How's the surgery going?" Wen Run asked as he watched the nurse push him into the elevator.

"The operation went well, but I have to stay in the ICU for one night to observe. If everything is normal, I should be more optimistic." Zhao Cheng said.

"Okay, thank you." Wen Run thanked Zhao Cheng repeatedly, and then rushed to the inpatient department with Gu Sinian.

Ye Hansheng has been transferred to the ICU, and his family members cannot go in, so they can only wait outside. Wen Run packed all the supplies needed in the ICU and handed them to the nurse, then he and Gu Sinian continued to guard outside.

The operation started at ten o'clock in the morning, plus the preparation time, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon. Gu Sinian exhaled lightly, and said to Wen Run: "I'll stay here tonight, you go back and have a good rest. When he wakes up tomorrow, I'll replace you."

Wen Run thought for a while, and felt that it would not be a problem for the two of them to suffer together, so he nodded and agreed, "Then I'll go buy you dinner."

After delivering dinner to Gu Sinian, Wen Run drove back.

There was no one at home, and the setting sun outside came in through the French windows of the balcony, and the whole house seemed to be shrouded in a gloomy light and shadow. Wen Run sat down on the sofa, and suddenly felt that the house was so quiet that it made people a little lonely.

Raising his hand and rubbing his face, Wen Run thought of Ye Hansheng in the hospital, and suddenly felt that when Ye Hansheng's leg healed, the two of them could raise a dog together, and it was better to be lively, so that no matter who stayed at home alone, they would not feel lonely .

After several hours of tense guarding in the hospital, Wen Run fell asleep on the sofa not long after returning home.

When he woke up again, it was completely dark outside.

Subconsciously took out the phone to check the time, only to find that the notification page was full of messages. He opened it suspiciously, only to find that it was sent by a friend, and by Qu Su...

"What's going on again?" Wen Run rubbed the center of his brows, and managed to cheer up and clicked on the message.

The message sent by Qu Su told him not to respond, and the rest was left to the studio to deal with, and he asked about Ye Hansheng's operation.

Lu Zhan and the others were asking whether the news was true or not, with an aggrieved tone.

Wen Run looked confused, clicked on Weibo, and finally understood what happened.

Tonight is the Orchid Awards ceremony.

He was so full of thoughts about Ye Hansheng's operation that he forgot about it long ago.

As one of the nominees for Best Supporting Actor, Wen Run has always had a lot of calls for the award, but it was Rao Li, who played the second male lead in "Jinling Terrace", who won the award.

Originally, Rao Li's award was nothing to worry about, he is also an old actor, and his reputation has always been good, so winning an award is considered convincing. But the problem was that after Rao Li won the award, many of Wen Run's black fans took advantage of the opportunity to make trouble, and began to underestimate Wen Run's acting skills by taking advantage of Rao Li's award.

[I blew it so hard before, but now I'm slapped in the face? ]

[Obviously the acting skills are like this, if you insist on blowing up the sky, does it hurt if you fall down now? ]

[Be an idol, be an idol, don't touch Ci Liao's acting skills, you don't have that thing at all, I hope a certain company has a little self-knowledge and stops bragging about acting skills. ]

Such remarks abound after the awards ceremony, and the milk powder is not angry, so it is natural to argue and refute. Before the awards, those who boasted about his gentle acting skills and said that he will definitely win the award are not fans at all, and many of them are even rhythmic by marketing accounts.

But their excuses didn't work. Since Wen Run came out publicly, he has become more black than before. Once there is a little trouble, this group of people will jump out and laugh.

Online fans are going back and forth, and after going back and forth like this, suddenly a trumpet who claims to know the inside story comes out to speak, saying that in fact, the best supporting actor selected by the judging committee at the beginning was Wen Run, but later Wen Run came out of the closet. The incident was too big, and some members of the judging committee were homophobic and insisted that letting Wen Run win the award would have a bad influence, so they changed the winner to Rao Li.

The trumpet who broke the news was quite detailed, even how long the jury had been arguing and how many times the judges had quarreled.

This trumpet leak without a stone hammer is not very credible, but someone went to pick up this year's judges and found that the chairman of the jury and another judge had publicly published critical remarks on homosexuality, which was indeed the same as the leaker. "Judges homophobic" right on.

As a result, the credibility of this microblog broke the news all at once.

Some people went to the judges to ask for confirmation, but the judges who participated in the selection were all silent, neither came out to refute the rumors, nor admitted the statement. The more ambiguous the attitude is, the more people feel that there are ghosts in it.

And Wen Run himself didn't even attend the awards ceremony. If he hadn't learned some inside information in advance, as one of the nominees, and didn't have a job, why didn't he attend the awards ceremony

The more I think about it, the more I feel that there is an inside story. Passers-by who eat melons are divided into three factions. Those who complain about Wen Run are on the side of milk powder. Even Rao Li and Rao Li's fans were dragged into the water. And the rest are eating melons and watching the show and no one will help, it's so lively.

The Orchid Awards had just ended, and Weibo was already tearing up like a raging fire, and even the limelight for Best Actor and Actress was overwhelmed.

And Wen Run stayed in front of the operating room for several hours without knowing anything about it. Qu Su also knew about his situation, and only asked him not to respond, leaving the rest to the studio.

After figuring out what was going on, Wen Run quit Weibo, replied to the messages one by one, then switched his phone to airplane mode, went to the bathroom to take a shower, and went back to his room to continue sleeping.

The Orchid Award or the Red Flower Award has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't have the energy to care about the disputes on the Internet. He still has to rest and regain his energy, and he will go to the hospital tomorrow to take care of Ye Hansheng.

Wen Run went to bed early, but the disputes on the Internet did not calm down because of the indifference of the parties.

Even Rao Li couldn't hold back anymore, and posted on Weibo: [Every award I have won is based on my strength. If I don't accept it, I will fight @文润 next time. ]

Rao Li's Weibo suddenly brought the tension between fans and passers-by to the star himself. Some people scolded him for his low EQ, and he wanted to clarify what Aite Wenrun was doing, and he wasn't a Wenrun bombshell; some people praised him for being bloody, and it made him feel comfortable to directly point fuck without beating around the bush.

However, Wen Run, whom he had teased, never responded. Instead, Wen Run's studio posted a Weibo: [@文润 did not attend the awards ceremony because it was in conflict with a private schedule, so I didn't show up. Please don't spread too much. ]

As for whether or not the Orchid Awards had any insider information, there was no mention at all.

[Hehe, really 6 who avoids important things and plays lightly, what personal matter is more important than awarding awards? ]

[They all posted on Weibo to clarify, will you die if you say a few more words? As for Wen Run's acting skills, you can't win the award, don't you have any doubts in your own mind? ]

[The studio did it on purpose, right? What do you want to imply? If you don't accept it, just say it openly, are you afraid of suffocating yourself to death if you hide it? ]

Many people sneered and ridiculed under the Weibo of the studio, but Qu Su ignored it.

This time, some of the judges on the judging committee had a personal relationship with Zheng Xuan. After the judges were selected, they passed the good news to them in advance. Qu Su kept pressing and didn't even tell Wen Run. Getting ready. Unexpectedly, Wen Run came out right after that, and soon the judge sent news that there had been a change in candidates, and someone in the jury firmly opposed Wen Run's election. And euphemistically stated that it was because Wen Run came out of the closet.

Although Qu Su was angry, there was nothing he could do. There has never been a unified standard for award selection. Every time, the judging committee argues and "competes". Even if you know that there is unfairness, you can't put it on the surface to argue.

Now that someone has revealed the inside story, Qu Su is naturally happy to see the result, and it is absolutely impossible to speak for the jury.

After Wenrun Studio posted on Weibo, there was no further response. In the eyes of Milk Powder, it was almost acquiesced that the selection was unfair, but in the eyes of Rao Li's fans and Internet hackers, Wen Run couldn't afford to lose.

A small group of radical netizens directly brought Wen Run to the stage, sarcastically saying that he is narrow-minded, that his acting skills are not as good as others, and that his character is not as good as Rao Li... and Rao Li's fans also mentioned the film and television works that Rao Li had participated in. Listing them all out, and comparing them with Wen Run's works, he said contemptuously: [Wen Run's temperament and acting skills are not worthy of being an actor. ]

This Weibo was reposted by many people, and the reposts were all mocking Wen Run, [It’s fine if you don’t attend the awards ceremony, now you don’t even dare to respond directly to Weibo, let’s just change the name to Wen Counsel in the future/Show your teeth]

Just when the retweets of this Weibo were getting higher and higher, one of the judges finally posted a response to this matter, [I have participated in the award selection of the TV drama unit of the Orchid Awards for three times, the award selection is based on strength and Acting skills and other factors should not be used as selection criteria. ]

The judge himself is also a veteran of the show, and has won countless awards. The "other factors" he said are very meaningful, and it is self-evident what he refers to when dealing with the most serious insider issues that everyone is tearing up at the moment.

His Weibo almost confirmed the statement that "Wen Run didn't win the award because he came out publicly", that is to say, if the selection was based on strength and acting skills, the award this time should have gone to Wen Run.

The outspoken words of the old drama bone instantly reversed the trend on Weibo. Before those people ridiculed how powerful Wen Run was, after the reversal, the slaps in the face became louder.

And this is not over yet, after the old drama, passers-by came out to explode a few photos, and the blogger who exploded the photos tweeted: [I have a family member who also underwent surgery today, and I accidentally ran into Wen Run in the waiting area for the operation, so I didn't intend to post it at all. Come out, but seeing that everyone misunderstands it so badly, I think it is still necessary to post it. ]

In the photo, Wen Run was sitting on a rest chair in the waiting area for the operation, wearing a mask and a peaked cap. Although most of his face was covered, people familiar with him could still recognize him. In the photo, he was staring at the electronic display with his head up, and Ye Hansheng's name was impressively displayed on the display.

Only then did everyone know that the private itinerary mentioned by the studio turned out to be Ye Hansheng's surgery.

No wonder Wen Run didn't attend the awards ceremony, and it's no wonder Wen Run hasn't responded once until now. Her boyfriend has already undergone surgery, so who is in the mood to post on Weibo

All the previous doubts were resolved, and many fans and passers-by went to their Weibo or Chaohua to wish Ye Hansheng a smooth operation.

There are also people who are still holding on to the previous aggression, and ask him on Rao Li's Weibo, is it cool to pick up other people's leaks and let Aite himself show off his power

Rao Li, who was praised for being bloody, saw more and more comments mocking him, and directly deleted the previous Weibo post, and never said anything again.

When netizens were arguing about what was right and what was wrong, Wen Run had a good night's sleep, and he woke up at dawn the next day, made fish soup and prepared breakfast at home. Packed it in an insulated box and took it to the hospital.

He arrived early, and the inpatient department was still quiet. He walked lightly and went to the ICU. He saw Gu Sinian lying on a chair in his clothes and fell asleep. He stepped forward to wake him up, and said softly, "Go back Rest, I am here to guard."

Gu Sinian yawned and looked at the time, "It's so early."

Wen Run handed him the small insulated box, "Well, let's have some breakfast before going to rest."

Gu Sinian was not polite either, he opened the insulated box and started to eat. After breakfast, he took a room at a hotel near the hospital to rest. Wen Run stayed outside the ICU instead of him. At nine o'clock in the morning, Zhao Cheng came over to check the situation, and after confirming that Ye Hansheng's condition had stabilized, he was transferred to the VIP ward.

Zhao Cheng had a smile on his face, "The situation is good, better than I expected, his legs are already feeling, but because of his special condition, he can't use an analgesic pump after surgery, the wound will be very painful for a few days , you'd better find a way to help him divert his attention. When the wound heals, his legs will basically recover, but if he wants to stand up and walk like a normal person, he must continue to do rehabilitation."

Wen Run's eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment his nose was unbearably sore. His eyes widened and he bit his lips tightly, before suppressing the choking in his voice, "Thank you, thank you so much."

"It should be my job." Zhao Cheng patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, go and see him, he should be awake by now."

Wen Run sniffed, suppressing the soreness in his nose, and hurried back to the ward.

Ye Hansheng was lying on the hospital bed. He had just woken up at this time. Because of the anesthetic, his spirit was still a little sluggish, and his reaction was a little slow. When he heard the sound of the door opening, he slowly turned his head to look at the door, with anticipation in his eyes, waiting to see When the person who came in had red eyes, he couldn't help frowning again, "What's wrong?"

"I'm so happy, Dr. Zhao said that your operation was a success." Seeing that he woke up, Wen Run quickly took two steps forward, and carefully touched his pale cheek, "Does it hurt?"

The corners of Ye Hansheng's mouth turned up slightly, he rubbed his face against his palm, and said in a hoarse voice, "It doesn't hurt to see you."

The author has something to say: Mr. Ye: Kissing my wife doesn't hurt anymore.