The Idol Group Pet Became a Final Boss!

Chapter 975: Extra Story Movie Chapter 17


The man's tone was cold and hard, and the little white tiger suddenly didn't dare to speak.

Suddenly, it shook its ears, and its face changed greatly: "Sir, I'm leaving in a hurry, and you can call me if you need it!"

Shi Sui made a "hmm" sound, crossed his arms, and saw the little white tiger planing and digging in the air with its fat claws, digging out... a hole.

On the other side of the hole, the figure of Cerebellar Axe can be vaguely seen.

The white and soft kitten tries to stand on the jiojio and try to open the snack cabinet, but it can't be opened no matter what, it's extremely wronged.

"Damn it! Ben Huhu can't open this cabinet? Woooooo..."

The little white tiger flashed along the hole, hooked its tail in the air, and the snack cabinet opened automatically.

"Meow?" Cerebellar Axe blinked his eyes, as if he couldn't believe such a surprise.

In the air, came the arrogant and cool voice of the little white tiger:

"Hey, what else do you want to eat?"


The hole in the sky was getting smaller and smaller, and Shi Sui couldn't see what happened later.

However, the man raised his eyebrows, and suddenly felt sorry for Xiao Xiji, who was still working hard to accumulate points in the fast-traveling world.

I don't know if the hair on the top of its head is a bit more blue and yellow

The reshoots continued for several days.

Xiangyi originally thought that kissing in the bathroom was difficult enough to shoot, but he didn't expect that the next few scenes would be even more difficult...

The filming of the two of them is almost one or two, but the kissing scene needs to start with ten each time, and even Mu Si personally pressed the heads of the two together, teaching them to kiss...

Little rabbit, every time he is so ashamed that he smokes.

As for a certain actor, he took a cold shower too.

in a few days.

The two filmed the last emotional scene.

In this scene, the screenwriter added the "dark moment" on the eve of the film's climax. In commercial films, the protagonist often suffers repeated setbacks, has nothing, and loses his relatives or lovers. In addition to the intense tears, it is also to pave the way for the later climax.

Austin in the film suddenly lost all clues, and even vaguely realized that his brother's death actually had an inescapable relationship with him.

In other words, it is possible that he killed his younger brother.

At this time, the big villain boss sensed Austin's intentions and came to hunt down Austin and Miss Zhang himself.

The two fell into a desperate situation, and at the juncture of life and death, the two kissed briefly, touching and leaving.

Afterwards, Miss Zhang drew his sword, just in time to connect with the martial arts part that Xiangyi filmed before.

"This Muxi Austin's mood is very complicated. On the one hand, he learned that his younger brother may have been indirectly killed by him; Women are dangerous, you can't trust them completely, but you can't consciously be attracted to her.

Therefore, his emotions are very complicated, including pain, doubt, and liking... But at the last moment, he realized that everything was because of his incompetence, he wanted revenge, and he wanted to use his own way , to truly defeat the villain..."

Mu Si explained the drama in great detail, and the three of them communicated for a while before shooting started.

The wind howled.

"Ahead is the way of thinking, we can't escape." The girl was still wearing a beautiful red dress, but the skirt was stained with different shades of blood.

"There is a way, there must be a way..." The man who had always been conceited and proud had a deep and hoarse voice at this moment.

"I don't seem to have time to tell you my name..."