The Immortal Concubine

Chapter 114


"From now on, you will practice in Shushan according to the mental methods and secrets recorded in the secret book every day, and wait for the day you learn it as a teacher." The old man Wuji said earnestly and earnestly instructed them.

"Yes, Master." The four people shouted in unison with confidence.

After the explanation, the four of them walked out of Yan Wuji's room and came to the courtyard. They planned to find a quiet place and started to learn these skills.

"Ling Xuan, where's your secret book, did the old man give you a long time ago?" Xia Luoxi stopped and turned to ask Mo Ling Xuan.

"As early as when I came to Shushan with the master for the first time, the master gave me the secret book." Mo Lingxuan nodded and said.

"Practicing so long before us, then you have already been familiar with these skills, so you are better than us now, the three of us just got the cheats today, and we have to start again." Charlotte couldn't help but be surprised. Yelled out loudly.

"I, like you, have to practice again."

"Why?" Charlotte asked strangely.

"Because I have been searching for your whereabouts all these days. It can be said that I have traveled all over the four countries. How can I learn these skills? I only watched it a few times in the past few days, and then I haven't moved It, can't find you, I don't have any thoughts, let alone practice the secret book seriously." Mo Lingxuan looked at Xia Luoxi deeply, his tone was full of love.

"Then say that, or I delayed you." When Mo Lingxuan said this, Charlotte felt a little guilty in her heart.

"Don't say that, Luo Xi, this has nothing to do with anyone. It is my voluntary choice. Now, we are both seniors and we can learn skills together and start over again." Mo Ling comforted her softly.

"Yeah." After listening to Mo Lingxuan's words, Xia Luoxi felt a little better.

When Mo Lingxuan spoke to Xia Luoxi just now, he spoke softly and his eyes were affectionate, causing Leng Xiaohan, who was standing on the side, to look up at the two of them, and he couldn't help but start to guess the relationship between the two.

"Did you bring the secret book that the old man gave you?" Xia Luoxi asked immediately.

"Where are you here?" Mo Lingxuan immediately took out his secret book from his arms and showed it to Luo Xi.

Xia Luoxi glanced at the cheats in their respective hands, and then looked down at their own. Only then did they find that the cover of the cheats in each hand was different in color, hers was purple, Mo Lingxuan's was green, Nangong Ruiqian The one in Leng Xiaohan is big red, and the one in Leng Xiaohan is blue. What do the four colors represent, and why are they different

"Let's go, I'll take you to a place. I used to practice there when I was in Shushan." Mo Lingxuan said.

The four of them left the place together, walked forward for a while, and turned left and right. Under the leadership of Mo Lingxuan, they came to the door of a relatively hidden cave and stopped together.

"go in."

Walking into the cave, Charlotte couldn't help but look around, and found that there were a few stone tables inside, and a few weapons were hung on the stone walls. The ground was very clean, as if someone had cleaned it. Luo Xi guessed in his heart that someone should be living in it. For a while.

A ray of sunlight came in, and the inside of the cave was not very gloomy, but the surroundings were very quiet. The practice like theirs should really avoid the interruption of the world. Not to mention, Mo Lingxuan really found a good practicer. The place, this cave is very nice, very suitable for them.

"Yes, this is indeed a good place for training. The surroundings are so quiet and hidden. It really avoids everyone's interruption. We can practice here with peace of mind in the future." Charlotte couldn't help but nodded his head.

"In addition to eating and sleeping every day, the four of us will practice from here in the future. I think, within half a year, we will be familiar with all the skills in the cheats, and find our own artifacts as early as possible. Don't go down the mountain, Master." Mo Lingxuan encouraged the three of them.

"Yes, I hope that, as you said, within half a year, we will be able to obtain our respective artifacts." Nangong Ruiqian said expectantly.

"Let's start, let's start our own practice. If there is something we don't understand, we can collude with each other and discuss with each other." Mo Lingxuan said.

"Yeah." Several people nodded together.

Several people took their own secret books in their hands and looked through them carefully. During the reading process, they sometimes shook their heads and sometimes shook their eyebrows slightly, as if they didn’t understand something. They only asked the three people around them for advice, and then the four. They gathered together and discussed at the same time, but after a while, I saw a smile on each of them, which relieved the doubts in their hearts, the kind of smile from the heart.

Time flies, strides like flying, in the blink of an eye, only a flick of a finger for half a year.

In the past six months, as Mo Lingxuan said at the beginning, apart from eating and sleeping, several people spent most of their time in this cave, and they had been diligent in practicing all their skills.

Now, half a year has passed, and all the skills recorded in this cheat book on their opponents have been practiced superbly.

In the past six months, the four of them worked hard together in order to find their own weapons as soon as possible, and then bid farewell to the master to go down the mountain.

In the meantime, the old man Wuji had been to the cave many times, so he would stay for a while, and carefully trained them from the side. Sometimes, stay in the cave for two or three days, so the four of them would be so amazing. With only half a year’s time, I will master all my skills and memorize them by heart.

In addition to learning all the skills in the cheats, the old man Wuji also taught them some mental methods to improve their internal strength, so that they will learn these skills more smoothly.

Now the four of them, each possessing powerful magical powers and peerless martial arts, if they get their own ancient artifacts, they will be number one in the world, and no one can match them in the world. At that time, even their master-the old man Wuji , Will be in front of them, willing to bow down.

After half a year of getting along with them, the relationship between the four is now extraordinary, not a relative is better than a relative, the relationship between Mo Lingxuan and Xia Luoxi is growing day by day, the smile on Leng Xiaohan’s face is also slowly A little bit of unfolding, no longer as cold as when they first met.