The Immortal Concubine

Chapter 12: Family warmth


In modern times, most of the 20-year-old children study on campus, and some may still act like a baby in front of their parents.

But as the crown prince of Ling Yueguo, the future prince, and the country's community, Xia Ziye must get up early every day to go to court and listen to politics.

After the dynasty, he would go to the Imperial Study Room with the emperor, help the emperor review memorials, and deal with some simpler national affairs.

Although he was still young, Xia Ziye was extraordinary and exquisite, and he was obviously much more mature than the modern children of the same age.

After all, he is a prince who grew up in the glorious palace of the golden wall. He has been admired by thousands of people since he was a child. Now he has been established as a prince early, and he will be the king of Lingyue in the future. Now it seems that Xia Ziye does have a kingly demeanor. Exudes a strong majesty temperament.

Xia Luoxi had just met Xia Ziye today, but from the moment she saw him, Xia Luoxi had an inexplicable sense of familiarity in her heart.

In this unfamiliar dynasty, there is not only a mother who dotes on her, but also a handsome prince and brother for no reason. It's a good deal no matter what. At this time, Xia Luoxi believed in Xia Ziye. The brother of this mother will never change in his lifetime.

Seeing Xia Luoxi lying on the bed and staring at them motionlessly, the queen and the prince couldn't help feeling a little strange in their hearts when they hadn't said a word for a while.

"Xie'er, what are you looking at, why don't you keep talking?" the queen asked softly and strangely.

Hearing the queen's voice, Xia Luoxi turned her mind back, retracted her gaze looking at Xia Ziye, turned her head slightly, and dropped her eyes on the queen again.

Although it was a newcomer, Xia Luoxi still had to abide by the rules here, because it was a feudal dynasty and everything was about etiquette.

Fortunately, God treats her not badly. After crossing to the Lingyue Kingdom, which does not exist in history, her identity becomes a princess of a country, and she will not suffer too much sin here. At least when she sees the prince, there is no need to bow down to him.

Fortunately, she didn't let her pass through to become a humble court lady. Whenever she saw a big person, she would kneel down and salute. If that were the case, she really didn't know how to survive here. According to her temperament, she would definitely not be able to stand it and go crazy. Yes, it will even cause a lot of trouble, make trouble, and even die in this strange dynasty.

Now Xia Luoxi has to think carefully. If she wants to survive in the palace of right and wrong for a long time, it seems that she will forget her previous identity and forget that she is a ruthless professional killer.

Don’t be like a modern killer with a cold face all day long, especially her sharp eyes, like a sharp knife, will definitely scare the people around you, when you talk to people, The tone should be as soft as possible, with a smile on his face.

After returning to God, Xia Luoxi quickly remembered to get up. She had just braced herself, and the queen held her back and said softly, "The body is not well, don't move."

The queen helped Xia Luoxi to lie down slowly, stroking Luo Xi's face with a look of pity, and gently said: "Xi'er, don't be so stupid in the future. Do this kind of thing. Fortunately, you are fine, in case. What are the three long and two short, what will you do after the mother?"

"Yes, Luo Xi, during the two days when you were in a coma, the queen mother and I did not know how many times I came to Ningshuang Palace. You can see how worried the queen is about you now. Seeing that you finally woke up today, we just let go. Heart." Xia Zihua said softly.

Xia Luoxi did not speak, a slight smile spread out on her face, and she nodded gently to the queen and prince.