The Immortal Concubine

Chapter 152


The disciples in Yanmen are scattered in the Four Kingdoms, they are not concentrated together, and there are not many disciples in the Nanyue Kingdom, that is, a few hundred people, how can they be worth the entire country of Nanyue Kingdom, and Yu Wenxuan The guards around him are all elites, who have been trained for a long time. They are not afraid of death and martial arts. How could the princess be his opponent.

And Yu Wenxuan also has a son Xuan Yue, who is the number one in the Jianghu competition list, to help. Once the princess the day after tomorrow goes to the robbing field, Yu Wenxuan will definitely let Chu Tianze deal with the princess. How can the princess get out of the field so easily? The general prince rescued him.

"Qing'er, since you know the Yan sect, you know the Yan sect master who makes people in the rivers and lakes, everyone admires and fears-the old man Wuji, as his disciple, I must have obtained the true biography of the master, a few hundred people. The dark guard, how could it be my opponent, and, besides..." Charlotte smiled happily, and suddenly stopped talking.

"What else?" Qing'er looked at Luo Xi with doubts, knowing that she still had something to say.

"Did you know that the artifacts in Xuanyuan Cave have appeared two days ago, and the four great ancient beasts have been summoned out. Have you ever witnessed the four great beasts appearing in the sky at the same time?" Xia Luo asked Qing'er with his own eyes. .

"Of course I have seen it. That day, the entire sky suddenly became very dark, the ground shook violently, and the dust was flying outside. There were four huge figures in the sky suddenly, accompanied by trembling screams, almost without shaking our ears. Deaf, those four shadows should be the four great ancient beasts. I don’t know who has such great ability. Not only did they get the ancient artifacts, they also summoned all the four great ancient beasts, as well as the woman’s association in the rumor. Who is it, what identity is it, and where is it?" When Qing'er raised the matter, she was extremely excited. In front of Xia Luoxi, she couldn't help but guess the woman who could control two ancient artifacts.

After hearing Qing'er's words, the three of them couldn't help but glance at each other, and then all smiled softly.

"What are you laughing at?" Qinger asked strangely.

"Do you want to know who summoned the four ancient mythical beasts?" Xia Luo said with a raised eyebrow.

"Who, princess, don't you know?" Qing'er's eyes suddenly lit up, and she quickly asked Xiang Luoxi, but her heart was full of expectations.

"Of course I know, and are we still familiar with each other?" Charlotte joked.

"Ah, no, then please tell me who they are, where and what identity they are, and they must be able to summon the four great ancient beasts." Qing'er asked impatiently. .

"You said, should I tell Qing'er the person who summoned the ancient four mythical beasts?" Xia Luoxi turned to look at Mo Lingxuan and Nangong Ruiqian, and tried to hold back a smile.

"It's up to you, you are the Lord Yan Sect now, who else would dare not listen to what you said." Mo Lingxuan played again, trying to make Luo Xi happy.

"Cut, not serious!" Charlotte gave Mo Lingxuan a glance.

"Princess, please tell the servants, who are the four who control the ancient artifacts and where are they?" Qing'er asked eagerly.

"It's far in the sky, right in front of you." Xiao Luoxi pointed at Mo Lingxuan and Nangong Ruiqian, and said with a smile.

"He, the two of them?" Following Luo Xi's direction, he looked up. It was not who Mo Lingxuan and Nangong Ruiqian were sitting across from her. How could they be the two of them? The princess is too Would you joke her

"Why, don't you believe it?"

"How come they are the two, princess, don't you make this kind of joke with the maidservant?" Qing'er shook her head a few times amused.

"I'm serious, it's not like joking with you." Charlotte's face became more serious.

"Do you want us to take out the Qinglong treasure fan and Lie's stuffed bow and arrow for you to see, then you can truly believe that the disciple of the old man Wuji is the one who controls the ancient artifacts." Mo Lingxuan said jokingly.

"At night, what ancient artifacts do you find, what nerves do you have, you want to scare people." When Mo Lingxuan said this, Luo Xi's dissatisfaction immediately aroused.

"Isn't this to satisfy Qing'er's curiosity? Look at her now, she looks very surprised. Obviously she doesn't believe what you just said. We are the masters of ancient artifacts. If you don't let her see it in person, She won't believe it." Mo Lingxuan reminded Luo Xi jokingly.

"Yeah, as far as she said just now, we really thought we didn't have the ability to obtain ancient artifacts." On one side, Nangong Ruiqian also joked Qinger.

"Qing'er, do you want to see these ancient artifacts with your own eyes now?" Xia Luoxi looked at Qing'er with a smile and asked.

"Yes, of course I did, but..."

"But what?" Nangong Ruiqian asked, who was sitting on the side.

"The slave servant heard that when the ancient artifacts appeared, earth-shaking changes would take place. The situation changed and the sky was dark. Will the ground shake, the sky will darken, and the house will not be ruined? "Qing'er said worriedly.

"Where is the dim sky at night, and where the weather changes? However, during the day, when the ancient artifact appears, it may be as you just said, but since we got the ancient artifact, we have been true. I haven't been summoned before, so I will open your eyes first today." Qing'er's words just fell, and Xia Luoxi's laughter was immediately evoked.

What the princess said was true, and he really regarded the three of them as the masters of ancient artifacts. How could it be so realistic, is it true

"Then you can quickly take it out and let the slaves take a look, so that you can open your eyes." Qing'er urged, the princess said so decisively, I really want to know whether they can summon ancient artifacts.

"You two will take it out for a while, let Qing'er get addicted to her eyes, you can see how anxious she is." Xia Luo smiled happily and winked at the two of them.

Mo Lingxuan and Nangong Ruiqian looked at each other, then stood up together, Qing'er involuntarily left the table, looking at them with expectation, can they really bring out two ancient artifacts

"Blue dragon treasure fan, strong stuffing bows and arrows."

As Mo Lingxuan and Nangong Ruiqian yelled softly at the same time, their respective ancient artifacts were instantly held in their hands, and the clothes they were wearing at this time also changed instantly.