The Immortal Concubine

Chapter 16: The nympho princess


Xia Luo looked into the bronze mirror and wore this noble princess costume instead of the clothes she usually wears in modern times. The more I look at it, the less I get used to it. I always feel weird. She still prefers black because only black can do it. It really shows that she is a cold-blooded professional killer.

Although in the palace of Youda, the identity is the princess of a country, the status is outstanding, and the queen and the prince are all favored, but this is also a place of right and wrong, not necessarily, it will cause trouble to the upper body.

Yesterday, when Qinger told her about what happened to this little princess in the past, Xia Luoxi also heard some unbelievable facts.

The four princesses of Ling Yueguo have been naughty and naughty since childhood. They have been in trouble for three days and two, and she also has a famous'famous name'. Everyone in the palace has already known it. That is when you see a handsome man, regardless of identity. And the occasion, and then went up to molested others, this is their fourth princess-Xia Ruoxi, so many servants in the palace ridiculed in private, especially her half-sister, Ling Yueguo third princess- Xia Ruoli.

The heirs of King Ling Yue were thin, and he had only two sons and two daughters, the eldest son Xia Zimo, the prince Xia Zihua, the third princess Xia Ruoli, and the little princess Xia Ruoxi.

Because Xia Ruoxi was the youngest among several brothers and sisters, and would be pleasing, she has always been doted by the emperor and the queen. As long as she does not do too much in the palace, the emperor and the queen generally don’t bother to care about her. Just be happy.

Both Xia Luoli and Xia Zimo were born by the imperial concubine Jin, a female compatriot, while Xia Zihua and Xia Luoxi were both born by the Queen of the Palace, and their status and status are naturally more noble than their two brothers and sisters.

But as early as a few years ago, the concubine Jin had passed away, leaving only their two brothers and sisters living together in the palace. Xia Zimo was the eldest son, and Xia Ruoli was the third youngest, and was the third princess of Lingyue Kingdom.

As early as two years ago, Xia Zimo had been named King Jing, moved away from the palace and moved to the Palace of Jing Dynasty. In the same year, Xia Zihua was established as the prince of Lingyue Kingdom and was in the uterus. The future emperor's throne was none other than him.

Xia Zimo knew in his heart that all of this was because Xia Zihua's mother was a queen, and she didn't even have a backer by her side. The emperor had always been cold-hearted to their two brothers and sisters and never valued herself.

Therefore, Xia Zimo was extremely dissatisfied with the emperor in his heart, and the Lord of Hate was too biased towards Xia Zihua, both of whom were his biological sons, but they were very different.

Xia Zimo has a bad temper. As long as he is slightly uncomfortable, he will lose his temper to the minions under him. This is already known to everyone. The people who work under him usually live a life of fear, for fear that it will cause trouble. Xia Zimo was not happy, and their lives would not be guaranteed by that time.

Although he was the eldest son, the emperor was not good to him, no matter how hard he tried to do a thing well to satisfy the emperor, even if he made great contributions, in the end, the emperor would only praise him a few words and would not reward him. What, this made Xia Zimo extremely dissatisfied.

In fact, most of the servants in the palace knew in their hearts that the relationship between their two siblings and Xia Zihua and Xia Ruoxi was not very good, they seldom communicate with each other, and they seldom talk.

In the palace, every time the two princesses happen to meet each other, Xia Ruoli will always laugh at Xia Ruoxi in front of many court ladies and eunuchs, holding her idiot to say things, and ruthlessly scolding. She did something to make Xia Ruoxi lose face in front of the minions.