The Immortal Concubine

Chapter 177


The Yulin Army only drew out the sword in his hand and pointed towards Xia Luoxi and Chu Tianze, but they did not make it too late. First, because Yuwenxuan hadn't spoken yet, they didn't dare to act rashly, and second, since they poured into Chenyou Palace, I saw the soul-slashing sword in Xia Luoxi's hand for the first time. The whole body of the sword exudes a strong purple light. The imperial forest soldiers who came back from the field with Yu Wenxuan yesterday have already spread the news that the wand is present. The entire palace shocked everyone.

It is said that the magic wand is controlled by a woman in purple clothes. The whole body of the magic wand emits a strong and dazzling purple light. Although they have not seen the Soul Slashing Sword with their own eyes, since they have the Slaying Magic Wand, the Soul Slashing Sword will definitely be there. The light on this woman's hand, and the light it radiated, was the same as that of the magic wand, it was all purple light.

At this moment, their hearts were determined that the long sword that the woman was holding in her hand and emitting a strong purple light was not an ordinary weapon, it should be the ancient divine weapon Soul Slashing Sword.

When the Yulin Army saw the soul-slashing sword in Luo Xi's hands, they were obviously scared. They had already guessed in their hearts that the purple-clothed woman in front of them was the master of the wand and the soul-slashing sword, the people of the world. The woman who was crazily looking for one person who could control two ancient artifacts, and her true identity was still the little princess of Ling Yue Kingdom before, and she couldn't help feeling a little awed in her heart.

The Soul Slashing Sword is an ancient divine weapon. No matter how many people they have, they can't resist a Soul Slashing Sword, and now no one dares to step forward and take the two of them.

"Get out of the way, those who block me will die." Charlotte's sharp eyes shot at the group of guards around them. The scared guards stepped back again and again, and no one dared to step forward.

"Are you all dead? I want to beheaded by the emperor one by one, and soon take the assassins to this palace." Xia Ruoli saw the guards motionless, but just kept pointing their weapons at the two Xia Ruoxi. With a roar, how could these useless guys be so timid and so afraid of death.

"Don't act rashly, let me retreat." At this moment, Yu Wenxuan suddenly burst out.

"Yes." The Yulin Army put the knife back into the scabbard together, waiting aside.

"The emperor, Xia Ruoxi finally fell into your hand. You must not let her go like this, or let them go, otherwise there will be endless troubles." Xia Ruoli looked at Yu Wenxuan, her tone full of dissatisfaction.

"Shut up to me, you don't want to live anymore." Yu Wenxuan yelled at her, frightened Xia Ruoli hurriedly closed her mouth, did not dare to speak again, anger was burning in her eyes, and she stared at Xia Luoli fiercely. With that expression, I can't wait to eat Luo Xi.

Xia Luoxi didn't put her in her eyes at all, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, giving her a mocking look.

"Soul Sword." Xia Luo burst out with a cry.

As soon as Xia Luoxi's words fell, the Soul Slashing Sword immediately broke away from Luo Xi's hand and flew up. At this time, the master didn't need to do any work at all. The purple light emitted from the sword's body slashed towards the guards of Chenyou Palace, and slashed one after another. In the blockbuster, dozens of guards fell to the ground, vomiting blood, and quickly rolled their eyes.

Luo Xi was already merciful. The rest of the guards had never seen such a weird sword technique, and this sword seemed to be able to understand people's words, all of them pale and embarrassed, and they were crawling. Out of Chenyou Palace.

"Take us out of here right away." Charlotte gave a cry.

The Soul Slashing Sword received the owner's order, and immediately slammed in front of the two of them.

"Go." Xia Luoxi and Chu Tianze lifted their feet off the ground and stepped on the body of Zhanhunzhan's sword together.

Luo Xi's mind was united, and he whispered: "Flying with the sword."

The Soul Slashing Sword took Luo Xi and Chu Tianze and flew out of Chenyou Palace in an instant, shooting straight into the sky like a meteor.

Yu Wenxuan only saw a purple light flashing in front of him, and Xia Ruoxi and Chu Tianze disappeared into the Chenyou Palace at the same time. He hurriedly walked to the gate of the palace and couldn't help looking up, but he was shocked when he didn't find the two figures. Endless.

The Yulin Army waiting at the gate of Chenyou Palace all stared at the sky blankly. Just now they saw with their own eyes that the purple-clothed woman and Chu Tianze stood on the body of the Soul Slashing Sword and flew out suddenly. The palace rushed straight into the sky, but it surprised many people, how could it be so magical.

"It is really an ancient artifact. The Soul Slashing Sword can fly with the sword. I have only heard of it before, and I have never really seen it. When I saw it today, I didn't expect the rumors to be true. It can bring Xia Ruoxi and Chu Tianze together. Where to go." Yu Wenxuan looked at the sky, exclaimed, and couldn't help guessing in his heart, clenching his hands into fists.

Xia Ruoli speeded up and walked out of Chenyou Palace and came to Yuwenxuan with a face full of astonishment. She didn't know what happened just now. Why did Xia Ruoxi and Chu Tianze suddenly leave Chenyou Palace like this

At that time, she could see clearly that the two of them were brought out of Chenyou Palace by the sword in Xia Ruoxi's hand that emits purple light. The speed was so fast, what kind of weapon was it, so spiritual, So powerful, so listen to Xia Ruoxi's words

"The emperor, he... What about them, why did you let them go like this? They came to assassinate you?" Xia Ruoli asked hesitantly, looking at the sky.

"Xia Ruoli, did you want to die? You even let the Yulin Army stop them. I was almost killed by you, don't you know." Yu Wenxuan turned his head and stared at Xia Ruoli with a roar.

"The emperor, I..." Xia Ruoli couldn't say it in shock.

When Yu Wenxuan saw Xia Ruoli’s left face, he had been stabbed by the soul-slashing sword in Luo Xi's hand, but it had cut through her skin, which was not very serious. However, at this time, her face was full of blood, Yu Wenxuan Not only did she not feel any pity, she felt even more angry when she thought of what Xia Ruoli had done just now.

This stupid misfortune almost didn't kill him. How could Xia Ruoxi be something she could provoke? She had already shown mercy to her men just now, and she still dared to let the Yulin Army take them down. It was really overwhelming.

"If you don't have my will in the future, you are not allowed to take half a step out of your palace, otherwise I will put you in the cold palace and don't want to come out again for the rest of my life." Yu Wenxuan stared at Xia Ruoli and sternly told her.

These words of Yu Wenxuan immediately caused Xia Ruoli to take a breath, and even said that she was going to drive her into the cold palace. So cruel, what did she do wrong, she was not completely thinking about him just now. Afraid that Xia Ruoxi would hurt him.