The Immortal Concubine

Chapter 198


"Yeah." Naturally, Xia Ziye couldn't tell the truth about it. He just nodded, then gave a soft hmm, and didn't speak any more.

Xia Luoxi stood aside, already seeing all the surprises on Xia Ziye's face when she saw the white-clothed woman just now, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but bend.

She was in Xia Ziye’s bedroom just now, and her guess was really correct. Her brother seemed to have a feeling of love for the white-clothed woman in front of him. Although the young girl was covered with a veil and couldn't see her face clearly, she still made people think. When she spoke to Xia Ziye just now, her voice was so soft that she must have smeared a blush on her face.

"The girl is overwhelmed. My medical skills are not as superb as the girl said, but I only know some fur." Charlotte said modestly.

"The girl is so modest." The white-clothed woman shook her head slightly and smiled.

"However, only with the girl's dress and the extravagance that she exudes, presumably the girl is not an ordinary citizen, I don't know which general's daughter in the court?" Xia Luoxi looked at the woman in white and said. There are words in the tentative exit.

"Miss Guanjia can't talk about it, it's just a little richer than ordinary people." The white-clothed woman smiled and spoke an understatement, and did not say anything afterwards.

"How come, the girl is very expensive, giving people the feeling that everyone is a lady, she can tell that she is not an ordinary person at a glance, and my intuition has always been accurate." Xia Luoxi reminded her clearly again.

This time, the woman in white stopped talking, and Xia Ziye could see that, perhaps, people have a certain addiction that is unspeakable, and they don’t want them to know her true identity, so she ended this embarrassing situation in the living room and smiled. He said: "Everyone, sit down, don't stand and talk." Then he looked at Xia Luoxi and winked at her: "Since the girl doesn't want to say her identity, we shouldn't force her."

"Oh, okay." Luo Xi knew it well, his lips twitched and nodded gently.

The people in the living room sat down together again.

"Don't know the name of the surname of the son?" The white-clothed girl looked at Xia Ziye opposite, and asked in a very soft tone, full of expectation.

"In the next Xia Ziye, this is sister Nangong Luo Xi." Xia Ziye politely embraced the white girl and introduced.

"Zi Ye, a very nice name." The girl in white couldn't help blurting out, her tone full of admiration.

Hearing the admiration from the white-clothed girl towards Xia Ziye, Xia Luoxi, who was sitting on the side, couldn't help but laughed.

It didn't matter if Xia Luoxi laughed, everyone in the living room immediately cast doubtful eyes on her, wondering in their hearts, why did Luo Xi laugh, so happy

"If Xi, what are you laughing at?" Xia Ziye turned to look at her, frowning slightly.

"Nothing to laugh." Xia Luoxi coughed, and quickly recovered her sorrow.

"Since Lingmei is the daughter of Zuoxiang's daughter and the sister of General Nangong, what is the relationship between the son and Zuoxiang's mansion? From the conversation between the two of you just now, I feel that you two should be brothers and sisters, right?" The woman looked at Xia Ziye and spoke out the doubts in her heart at this time, her eyes full of expectation.

"If Xi is not the daughter of Zuoxiang’s daughter, in fact, the two of us are the real brothers and sisters. It was only half a year ago that our parents died. At that time, we happened to meet General Nangong and he was taken to Zuoxiang’s mansion. The wife saw Ruoxi for the first time and liked it very much, so she regarded Ruoxi as a god-daughter. Since then, Ruoxi has become the daughter of Zuoxiang. During this period, we have been living in Zuoxiang's residence." Xia Ziye was not right. The woman in white concealed something, but told her the truth.

Intuitively, Xia Ziye felt that the white-clothed woman sitting across from him was very noble, soft-spoken, and a typical lady, as Luo Xi had just guessed. I could see that this woman was definitely not an ordinary citizen. I also believe that even if the white-clothed woman knew about his brother-sister relationship with Ruoxi, she wouldn't go out and talk nonsense, she wouldn't be that kind of person.

"So, I'm still wondering. The relationship between the two of you and the Zuoxiang's mansion is about to confuse me. I have lived in the capital for so long, only knowing that Zuoxiang has a son who has become a Phoenix Wing. The general of the country, I have never heard of it. The general has a younger sister. Just now, when the son said this, I understood the truth of this matter. It turns out that the sister is not the daughter of the left, but the two of you are brothers and sisters. what."

After hearing Xia Ziye's recount, the white-clothed woman nodded her head a few times, but it could be regarded as solving the doubt in her heart at this time, and she couldn't help feeling a little moved in her heart.

It was only the first time they met today, and they didn’t understand each other. It could be said that they were extremely strange. However, the young man in front of him trusted him so much, and also discussed the relationship between him and his sister and the Zuoxiang’s mansion. , Told her without scruples, this is not a normal trust.

Recalling the scene when Xia Ziye taught her group of rogue muscles half an hour ago, the woman in white felt warm in her heart for every word he said.

The servants who were taken by Situ Zhu back to Taiwei's Mansion and went to the living room.

At this time, Situ Zhu's father, the current lieutenant, the eldest sister-Situ Yuxuan, and the second sister-Situ Yuhan, all three were sitting in the living room.

When Situ Zhu, who was seriously injured and almost dying, was carried to the living room by the servants of the mansion, the three of them were immediately shocked, especially the lord Taiwei who was Situ Zhu’s father. He saw Situ Zhu’s blood all over his body. There was no trace of blood on his face, and he had fallen into a faint. He was almost fainted by the scene that appeared before him. Even Situ Zhu’s two sisters were pale and trembling, and they did not dare to open their eyes. Look.

At this time, if the Taiwei hadn't been supported by his own daughter, he would have been sitting on the ground. You know, he is just such a precious son, the only seedling of his Situ family, and there must be no accident.

"Zhu'er, this..., what the hell happened to this? How could my son become like this, who was it, who did it..." After slowly regaining his consciousness, he yelled with comfort, red eyes, crazy. To the two subordinates who carried into Situ Zhu, they came up with a shout.