The Immortal Concubine

Chapter 23: There was another conflict


This scene was seen by Xia Ruoli, who was standing aside, her eyes staring fiercely at Charlotte, her eyes were full of anger, and she hated Charlotte in her heart. She was dissatisfied, why should she be a flower? Chi was so affectionate and loved by Xia Xiaolin.

And she, as the eldest princess of Ling Yueguo, is proficient in everything like piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy, which is not better than this idiot Xia Ruoxi, but she has never received such care from Xia Xiaolin. What is it for? Xia Ruoli's two hands can't help but 'S clenched his fists.

Xia Luoxi always felt a strong jealous gaze behind her, and she was throwing it at her. She didn't need to guess who she was. She turned her head a little and looked at Shang Xia Ruoli's jealous and hateful eyes, and Luo Xi looked at her. The corners of his lips curled up slightly with a smile.

"Xie'er, come, come to the queen mother." At this time, the queen greeted Xia Luoxi softly.

Hearing the queen's shout, Xia Luoxi immediately turned her body, walked a few steps forward, came to the queen, smiled softly at her, her voice immediately became very soft, and whispered: "Mother Queen."

"Good boy." A soft and loving smile appeared on Huanghou Zhuang's elegant face.

"The body hasn't fully recovered, why did I get out of bed and came to Chenyou Palace." The queen asked with concern.

Seeing the queen so worried about her body, this great maternal love made Xia Luoxi very touched, and her heart was full of warmth. At this moment, Xia Luoxi had no worries when she first saw the queen.

Knowing that the queen is still very worried about her condition, Xia Luoxi comforted her and said: "I'm fine. The emperor and I came to Chenyou Palace to greet the father and the queen. Don't worry too much about the mother and the queen. You see that I am not right now. Is it okay?"

"Well, that's good, you'll be fine." The queen nodded in relief and said.

"Father, mother, if there is nothing wrong, then the minister will retire first." Xia Zihua walked to Luo Xi's side and said to the emperor and empress.

"You all go down, I and the queen still have important matters to discuss." Xia Xiaolin nodded slightly and said.

"Yes, Erchen retires." After the four of them finished their salutes, they exited Chenyou Palace together.

"Second emperor brother, this king still has important matters to deal with today, first go back to the Jing Palace, we will talk another day." Xia Zimo said to Xia Zihua.

"Brother go slowly." Xia Zihua nodded politely to Xia Zimo.

Seeing that Xia Zimo had gone far, but Xia Ruoli was still standing there motionless, and did not leave with Xia Zimo, Xia Ruoxi couldn't help turning his head to look at Xia Ruoli, and asked strangely: "Hey, your brother Wang After leaving, why are you still standing here?"

"This is my home, where do I want to go, what does it matter to you?" Xia Ruoli said angrily.

"Oh, that's right, it's none of my business. Who made you the third princess of Ling Yue Kingdom? This is your home. No one will stop you where you want to go." Xia Ruoxi said with a smile.

"Okay, Ruoxi, you just recovered, so you should go back to Ningshuang Palace, don't let the father and the queen worry about you." Xia Zihua was afraid that Xia Ruoxi and Xia Ruoli would have another conflict, so she asked Xia Luo to regret.

"I don't want to stay here either. Seeing some people makes me feel particularly uncomfortable. It is better to return to the Frost Palace early, so as not to affect my mood." Charlotte said with a higher voice.

Qing'er and Xia Zihua, who stood beside Xia Luoxi, knew what Xia Luoxi had said just now, and pointed the finger at Xia Ruoli clearly.

"Who are you talking about?" Xia Ruoli pointed at Xia Luoxi and asked angrily.

"I didn't say you again, what is your guilty conscience?" Xia Luoxi raised her eyes to Xia Ruoli and raised her eyebrows.

"you… "