The Immortal Concubine

Chapter 68: Spicy means


In the same way, Xia Luoxi pressed the people in black who attacked her. They acted the same, biting their tongues to commit suicide rather than revealing the least information to her. An angry Xia Luoxi broke each of their necks. The methods are extremely cruel.

Qing'er stood aside, staring at the scene in front of her in horror. She was so frightened that she didn't dare to pant for breath. Seeing that Luo Xi's method of killing the man in black was so cruel. He didn't even blink his eyes, how much courage it would take.

When did the four princesses become so powerful, with such agile skills, and so cruel, that she could kill people without blinking, how could she have never noticed that the woman in front of her was still the former four princesses, how could she? It has changed so much, what has gone wrong, or is it that the four princesses have been hiding their strengths for so many years, and it was not fully revealed until today that the prince was assassinated

Xia Ziye was shocked when he saw the methods and cruelty that Xia Luo used to kill people just now.

If he regrets when his sister has become so powerful, facing such a dangerous situation today, at such a critical juncture, not only is she not afraid, but she has joined the battle desperately, and joins him to deal with the black people in front of her. Clothes, and started, so cruel and cruel, without leaving a living.

Xia Ziye clearly felt that when Xia Luoxi dealt with the man in black, her eyes were full of killing intent. She had no feelings at all. She could only be described as "killing without blinking". This is the same as before, often in him and his mother's queen. Is the little princess acting like a baby in front of him, who is always going to be mischievous? Xia Ziye's mood at this time can only be described by the word shock. His sister is completely reborn.

Only a few minutes later, these people in black were killed by Xia Ziye and Xia Luo. They all died tragically on the ground. There was no sign of life, and the ground was bloody.

"Who sent them, dared to enter the Prince's Palace at night, and these people in black are not like ordinary assassins at all, but rather like assassins cultivated over the years, all of them are extremely cruel and cause death. I would rather bite his tongue to commit suicide than tell their master behind the scenes." Xia Luo looked at the corpses of the black-clothed men on the ground with dreadful eyebrows, thoughtful.

"These people broke into the Prince's Hall, only to kill me, who sent it?" Xia Ziye clenched his fists involuntarily.

"No matter who it is, one day, I will find out who is behind this group of people in black. Don't fall into my hands, otherwise I will cut him a thousand times and dare to assassinate me. All of his relatives are damned, and I will not let them go." There was no expression on Xia Luoxi's face, her eyes were sharp and her tone of voice was fierce.

Xia Luoxi's harsh words just now directly caused Xia Ziye and Qing'er around him to be stunned. At this moment, Luo Xi was so strange in front of them.

"Luo Xi, you are not injured, let the emperor brother take a look." After the reflection came, Xia Ziye hurriedly walked to Luo Xi, looked up and down, his face was nervous, I was really afraid of the black group just now. Yiren hurt Luo Xi.

"I'm okay, Brother Huang, they didn't hurt you, right." Xia Luoxi quickly asked with concern.

"Brother Emperor is fine, as long as you are not injured." Xia Ziye breathed a sigh of relief. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "Just now I have heard the screams and the sound of swords colliding outside. I didn't expect them to be so fast, and they could break into the Prince's Palace so easily. Who sent them? What is the matter? Purpose?" Charlotte couldn't help but guess in her heart.

"These people in black are here to kill me." Xia Ziye said.

"This group of assassins can actually enter the palace so easily and break into the Prince's Palace to assassinate the emperor brother. Could it be that..." Charlotte Xiwei raised his brows, and seemed to think of something in his heart, always feeling that the identity of these people in black is not simple.

"What's wrong, Ruoxi, did you think of something?" Seeing that Xia Luoxi suddenly raised her brows, Xia Ziye looked at her thoughtfully and asked.

"I always feel that these people in black are not like ordinary assassins. They are so agile, they are like killers trained for many years. They would rather bite their tongues and commit suicide than reveal the least information to us, and start their hands. Cruel and fierce, recruiting and recruiting people and death, you said, who will this group of assassins send, and how courageous?" Xia Luoxi's heart was full of doubts at this time.

"It can be seen that these assassins were showing mercy to you and Qing'er just now, and did not want to hurt you. Their purpose of breaking into the Prince's Palace today is just to assassinate me. Who is so bold and dare to send a killer to assassinate Ben? Prince." Xia Ziye couldn't help clenching his fists.

"No matter who it is, there will always be the day when the water will come to light, it is best not to fall into my hands, otherwise I will let them die one by one." A trace of killing intent flashed in Xia Luoxi's eyes, her face looked like frost.

"If Xi, who did you learn your kung fu from? How agile your skills are. Brother Huang never knew. You didn't even hide it from Brother Huang. If it wasn't just now, you and I would unite to deal with these assassins, presumably, Brother Huang has been hurt by them, and the consequences will be unimaginable." Xia Ziye raised his eyes to Luo Xi in front of him with doubts.

"This..., Brother Huang, since you have discovered all the kung fu in my body, don't ask anymore. Anyway, as long as I am here in the future, no one will come to assassinate you again. I will be by your side to protect your safety. "Xia Luo coughed a little, pretending to be embarrassed, and told Xia Ziye that she would not tell Xia Ziye her true identity.

"Yeah." Xia Ziye couldn't help but guess that if Xi met a worldly expert and taught her martial arts, she didn't want to be known, so she kept hiding from them and didn't continue to ask.

Seeing that Xia Ziye did not continue to ask her any more, Xia Luoxi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. I was really afraid that Xia Ziye took the matter and asked her endlessly, and she didn't know how to answer him. Xia Zi would definitely be aroused by that time. Ye's suspicion revealed a flaw.

This group of people in black had just been resolved, and there were not too many meetings. At this moment, suddenly ran into an eunuch from the outside, with a hurried look and pale face, and ran to Xia Ziye in one fell swoop, then his legs were soft, and both knees fell on his knees. On the ground, lying there, his body trembling, his voice trembling slightly, he said: "Too, prince, it's not good, there are many soldiers outside, surrounding the palace."

"What, can you see who it is?" Xia Ziye's heart trembled fiercely, and hurriedly stepped forward, asking eagerly.

"Yes, it's Lord Xuan and King Jing. They have rebelled." The eunuch said in a panic, cold sweat all over.