The Immortal Concubine

Chapter 84


Fanxi Kingdom is a country with a female dignity. Unlike the other three countries, it is not as powerful and wealthy as the other three countries. Although it is a female country, Fanxi has advantages that the other three countries do not have. That is, it has a vast and continuous mountain range, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. There is an endless desert, forming an extremely contradictory geographical situation, sandwiched between the three countries, known as the tiger in the mountains, the poisonous snake in the desert!

Although the Empress Fanxi was in a moment of urgency, she said that she would send troops to defeat Nanyue Kingdom, but if there is a real fight, if Nanyue Kingdom has no other countries to help, I am afraid that in the end, it may not be able to defeat Fanxi Kingdom.

"Where is the Qing'er who the emperor arranged next to Ruoxi, is there any situation with her?" Empress Fanxi suddenly thought of Qing'er, and hurriedly inquired.

"It is said that that night, the silver-faced man only rescued the eldest princess from Lingyue Kingdom's palace. Qing'er should be in Nanyue Kingdom's palace now. Prince Ling Yueguo has broken an arm and is now dying. Yuwenxuan may let Qing'er take care of Lingyue Kingdom. Crown Prince." Liu Yuexin guessed.

"You go down first. If you have any new information, please report it to me at any time. Also, send more people to secretly investigate the whereabouts of the princess." Helianjin told her.

"Yes, the subordinate retires."

Hey, Xia Ruoxi's identity should be the fourth princess of Lingyue Kingdom, why did she become the eldest princess of Fanxi Kingdom again, well, the truth has surfaced, ha ha, the news begins.

It turned out that the queen of Lingyue Kingdom—He Lianyun was a sister to the Queen of Fanxi, a compatriot, and the Queen of Fanxi loved her very much. But later, the third Royal Highness of Fanxi suddenly disappeared for no reason, and this disappearance. In just twenty years, no one has seen His Highness Three in the palace.

In order to prevent people from worrying about this matter, the Queen Fanxi guessed that the sky was flying. After Helianjin became the throne, a decree called the world to say that His Royal Highness Fanxisan died of a disease. This dispelled everyone's doubts.

In fact, the truth is not like what the Queen Fanxi said. In the past few years, Fanxi Kingdom was caught in a battle for the throne. In order to prevent her own sister from being harmed, He Lianjin was buried here, and let her confidant secretly The Third Highness brought out Fanxi Kingdom and embarked on the road to Lingyue Kingdom.

Unexpectedly, an accident came quietly. On the way to Lingyue Kingdom, Helianyun was raided by a killer sent by Fanxi Kingdom. She lost her life to Huangquan. Thanks to a man's rescue, she was saved. life.

And the person who saved her, she never thought that this person turned out to be Xia Xiaolin, the king of Lingyue Kingdom. The two seemed to fall in love at first sight, one was the emperor of Lingyue Kingdom, and the other was His Royal Highness Fanxi San. They were also honorable, no Divided up and down, Xia Xiaolin quickly appointed Nahelianyun as his concubine.

At that time, Xia Xiaolin had just ascended the throne, and regardless of the opposition of the ministers, he insisted on setting up Helianyun as a successor.

One year after the two married, He Lianyun gave birth to Ling Yuehuang a little prince, the prince Xia Ziye, and two years later, he gave birth to another little princess, Xia Ruoxi.

Since then, He Lianyun has never returned to Fanxi Kingdom, because the Queen Fanxi has already summoned the imperial edict to the world. If she goes back, she will definitely cause a disturbance and frighten everyone.

In order not to worry He Lianjin, He Lianyun soon let his confidant go to Fanxi Kingdom and told He Lianjin the matter clearly.

After the Queen Fanxi heard about this, she finally let go of her heart. Her sister was finally safe, and she was married to the Emperor of Lingyue Kingdom. After becoming a country, she did not waste her original decision and made her sister happy.

Except for Xia Xiaolin, no one in Lingyue Kingdom knows that the true identity of the Queen Lingyue Kingdom is actually the noble Third Royal Highness Fanxi, the sister of Queen Fanxi.

However, who knows that the emperors of Fanxi Kingdom competed and intrigued each other for several years. In that time of the emperor struggle, He Lianjin was designed and framed by an adulterer, which caused her to be infertile for life and lost her career. The power of a mother is such a cruel reality for a woman to be unable to conceive.

Therefore, He Lianjin had to place all her hopes on her most beloved sister He Lianyun, hoping that she could give birth to a daughter as soon as possible and inherit her throne in the future.

It's a pity that He Lianyun's first child was a baby boy, the prince of Ling Yueguo—Xia Ziye, but fortunately, at that time, she hadn't ascended the throne.

Finally, one year after Helianjin ascended the throne, there was good news from Ling Yueguo that Helianyun gave birth to a little princess for Ling Yuehuang, which made Helianjin very happy, and her hanging heart finally Put it down, if there is no longer a princess, I am afraid it will cause the court to ****.

When Xia Ruoxi was just born, He Lianjin immediately issued an imperial decree to call on the world that the eldest princess was born, and the whole world celebrated. Moreover, this newly-born baby girl can justly inherit the throne of Fanxi and become the future Queen of Fanxi.

However, Xia Ruoxi's identity is the fourth princess of Lingyue Kingdom. It is a fact that no one can change. She cannot return to Fanxi Kingdom for no reason and become the eldest princess.

He Lianjin racked his brains and finally came up with a good way, that is to let people spread rumors in the palace, saying that the eldest princess was born prematurely, she was born weak and sick, just a few days after she was born, she was caught The master of the world was accepted as an apprentice, went to a secret place, calmed her body, and returned to Fanxi when she grew up.

Since it was the Queen’s words, no one dared to raise doubts, so everyone believed what the Queen Fanxi said that the eldest princess was accepted as an apprentice by a world-famous person. After she became an adult, she would naturally return to Fanxi.

Fanxi has a'prince', whose name is Helianqi, who is the sister of the Fanxi Queen and the sister of Helianyun. It was she who wanted to be the Queen of Fanxi. She did not hesitate to design and frame Helianjin, which caused Helianjin to die for life. She was pregnant, and sent a killer to assassinate Helianyun on her way to Lingyue Country.

Helianqi has a daughter named He Yunxi, the second princess of Fanxi Kingdom. This person is arrogant and arrogant. Relying on power, he often does some unruly things. The queen thinks that she is a member of the royal family. Without her, wouldn't it be that she lost the royal face and could only open one eye and close one eye, which caused He Yunmeng to be even more unscrupulous and arrogant.

Helianqi didn't get the throne that year, and more than ten years later, he put all his ambitions on his daughter, hoping to support his daughter to the throne.