The Immortal Concubine

Chapter 87


But when he woke up again, he looked at the people kneeling on the ground, the ancient-colored rooms, and the strangely dressed people in front of him. The more he looked at them, the more they looked like ancient people.

In the end, Mo Lingxuan had to accept the fact that he passed through, and his identity became the noble four princes of Fengyi Nation. He was reborn in a country that did not exist in history, and he was the most beloved son of Fengyi Nation.

However, what was even more shocking was still to come. Not only the voice, but also the appearance of the four princes of the Phoenix Wing Nation was exactly the same as his previous life, but it took a long time for Mo Lingxuan to reflect.

Shangguan Mo Li, the four princes of Fengyi Kingdom, is the most beloved son of Fengyi Kingdom. His appearance is superb, unparalleled in the world, stunning, and his personality is cold and cold. He has learned martial arts since he was a child, and he can lead troops at a young age. , The child prodigy is famous all over the world, is a legend in Fengyi Country, and is also an object of worship, admiration, and adoration by a group of officials.

Since Mo Lingxuan came to this strange world, he put on a silver mask on his face, covering his stunning and graceful face. He once swears in his heart that no one is qualified to see his face unless he I met his beloved person here, the woman who can protect with her own life, and this woman is Charlotte. He believes that since he has come to this strange dynasty, his Luo Xi will definitely appear in this strange dynasty. here.

For more than two months (note: he came to this strange dynasty more than two months earlier than Xia Luoxi), he has not stopped for a moment, asking about Xia Luoxi's whereabouts, it can be said that he has traveled all over the four countries, and finally his hard work has paid off. A restaurant in Ling Yueguo made her meet Xia Luoxi.

At that time, don't say that the woman was exactly the same as the previous life of Charlotte, just relying on her arrogant, indifferent, indifference temperament, coupled with the familiar skills, sharp eyes, and still in front of so many people, Ou hit the left-hand daughter, belittled Lord Xuan, and directly called the names of the three princesses of Ling Yue Kingdom. Based on these, he dared to conclude that this woman was the person he had been looking for, and was his Luo Xi.

Since the restaurant encounter that day, Mo Lingxuan has been lurking around Lingyue Kingdom’s imperial palace, guarding Luo Xi. Until that night, Xia Zimo and Yuwenxuan brought their loyal guards into the Chenyou Palace in one fell swoop. , The four princes of the Liuli Kingdom sent troops to help each other, forming three major forces, attacking Lingyue Imperial City at the same time.

At that time, Mo Lingxuan had realized that Luo Xi must be in danger, so he desperately slammed into Lingyue Imperial City and broke into Chenyou Palace alone.

As he had guessed in his heart, when he walked into Chenyou Palace, his Luo Xi was tortured by Yu Wenxuan and was about to faint. If he wasn't in a hurry to take Luo Xi to a safe place, then at that time, he He must take Yu Wenxuan's dog's life. Mo Lingxuan remembered all the people who hurt Luo Xi that night. This hatred, in the next day, he will definitely repay Luo Xi to those people a hundredfold.

After rushing on the road for two days, Mo Lingxuan took Luo Xi to the Zuoxiang Mansion of Fengyi Nation as quickly as possible, and he stayed quietly beside Luo Xi's bed and never left.

It wasn't until four days after Luo Xi was in a coma that Luo Xi finally woke up. Then, at the moment when he saw Xia Luo Xi, the silver mask on his face was truly lost.

Mo Lingxuan slowly let go of Xia Luoxi's hand, her pampered eyes never left Luo Xi's sight.

"Yuwenxuan got a worm in my body. I am suffering from a severe poison. Only Yuwenxuan has the antidote. But now I have been rescued from Lingyue Palace by you. Then, maybe after half a year, I will She died of poison." With a sad smile on her mouth, her tone was full of reluctance. Today, she finally got together with Mo Lingxuan, but she had to face such an unchangeable reality. What is she like? Not reconciled.

"Sure enough, it was Yu Wenxuan that beast, who tortured you like what you are now, Luo Xi, don't worry, in the future, I will definitely seek justice for you, even if he destroys his entire country, I will not hesitate, I said. , Anyone who hurt you that night deserves to die and shouldn't live in this world." Mo Lingxuan clenched a fist, and an angry voice sounded.

Just now, Mo Lingxuan was full of anger, with murderous intent in his eyes, bloodthirsty and enchanting, like a Rakshasa. At this moment, Mo Lingxuan from the previous life is truly present. In front of a few people, the person on the frightened side did not dare to breathe, but to Charlotte, this was no stranger.

"How many days have I fallen asleep?" Charlotte Xi asked aloud.

"It's been four days, no matter how I call you, you just won't wake up, you don't even blink your eyes, it's like going to sleep." Mo Lingxuan said in a deep voice.

"Four days. Fortunately, there are only four days, not four years. If I guess right, Yiyu Wenxuan’s cruel methods and his ambitions must have been a few days ago. The emperor, become the Lingyue King." Xia Luo gritted her teeth grittedly, and hatred was boiling in her heart.

"It's not King Lingyue. After Yu Wenxuan became the throne, he directly changed his country name to Nanyue Dynasty, and he is now the monarch of Nanyue Kingdom." Mo Lingxuan just nodded slightly and said in a low voice. He knew about this matter. It was the reality that Charlotte had to face after waking up.

Xia Luo stunned for a moment. It seemed that he didn't expect Yu Wenxuan to move so fast. Just as soon as he became the throne, he changed the country's title. That meant it was obvious. From then on, Ling Yue country had completely disappeared in this chaotic world of four kingdoms contending for hegemony.

"That night, Xia Zimo forced the palace and Yu Wenxuan to rebel. The little prince Dongfang Chenhao of the Liuli Kingdom sent troops to help, so that my father died tragically and drove three days ago. The mother died in my arms with regret. I The emperor's brother, the emperor who is as gentle as jade and spoiled me, was brutally cut off by Yu Wenxuan. He Yu Wenxuan is the biggest enemy in my life. He, I want to kill, the people from the Liuli Kingdom , I won’t let any of them go. In the future, I will bloodbath Nanyue Country and Liuli Country. I will surely let them pay back their blood and blood, one by one, to avenge my father, queen and queen, for me. The brother who lost an arm, ask for justice." Xia Luoxi endured great pain in her heart, resisting the tears in her eyes, and said these words word by word, weeping blood, with a firm tone, like a swear, engraved in In her mind.