The Immortal Concubine

Chapter 89


"I was on the second floor, staring at you for a long time. I didn't reflect until you and Prince Ling Yueguo left the restaurant for a while." Mo Lingxuan said excitedly.

"Yeah." Xia Luoxi just nodded her head and said nothing.

Just after hearing what Mo Lingxuan and Xia Luoxi had said so much, they felt inexplicable, Zuoxiang and Nangong Ruiqian, who stood on the side, had a face of doubt, and they didn't know where to ask.

When did their four princes meet the four princesses of Lingyue Kingdom, and between them, they seem to be very familiar, no, not very familiar, listening to the tone of the two of them just now, it looks like a couple, just this After a while, the look on the Fourth Prince's face was in addition to excitement and spoiling, why didn't he Nangong Ruiqian know when this happened, Shangguan Mo Li even kept this from him

Zuo Xiang and Nangong Ruiqian looked at each other and shook their heads in unison. Prime Minister Zuo cautiously looked at Mo Lingxuan, and said with embarrassment: "Four princes, now the Liuli Kingdom and Nanyue Kingdom have issued a reward for the imperial list. If you want to find the four princesses of Lingyue Kingdom, you just let this girl live in the Prime Minister's Mansion. I'm afraid..."

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I will leave here tomorrow and won't cause any trouble to you." Xiao Luoxi heard the meaning of the prime minister's words, not allowing Mo Lingxuan to speak, Luo Xi whispered. Said.

She has never been favored by anyone, except for Mo Lingxuan in front of her, in this chaotic world of four kingdoms fighting for hegemony, there is no one she can trust.

"Luo Xi, you are severely poisoned and your body is so weak, where can you go alone?" Mo Lingxuan looked worried. He knew that Charlotte cherished her temper, and no one could change the things she decided.

"The world is so big, there is always a place for me. I vowed to take the life of the dog thief in Yuwenxuan. I won't die so easily. Even if he is dead, I can't have anything to do." Xia Luoxi's eyes flashed It's a bit spicy.

"Luo Xi." Mo Lingxuan couldn't help clenching his fists.

"No, no, four princes, you have misunderstood what the veteran meant. Lingyue Kingdom no longer exists. This girl is the subjugated princess of Lingyue Kingdom. At the same time, she was arrested by the powers of two countries. Being alone is definitely dangerous, and She suffered severe poison again and her body was so weak. The veteran was wondering whether the Four Lords could give this girl an identity and make her a member of the Phoenix Wing Kingdom. After a long time, they could not find anyone, presumably Liuli Kingdom. And Nanyue National Association will stop there." Zuo Xiang stood aside, reminding Mo Lingxuan very cautiously.

The words awakened the dreamer, Zuo Xiang’s remarks came into Mo Lingxuan’s heart completely, yes, Luo Xi’s current identity is the subjugated princess of Lingyue Kingdom, or the prince of the Liuli Kingdom and the emperor of Nanyue Kingdom, the object of arrest. , If he leaves the Phoenix Wing Nation, his life will definitely be in danger, and now, Luo Xi is severely poisoned, he must get the antidote within half a year, otherwise Luo Xi's life will not be guaranteed.

However, I am only the prince of the Phoenix Wing Nation. I have no real power in his hands. There are the emperor and the prince. In this troubled world that speaks with power, what ability is there to protect Luo Xi, even if I want to be with Luo Xi no matter what? , No matter how much he was favored by the monarch of Fengyi, no matter how strong his kung fu, now the prince has not accepted the princess, he can not rush in front of the prince, let the monarch of Fengyi give the marriage.

If this happens, he will definitely get gossips from people around him. He doesn't care. The important thing is Luo Xi. With such a strong temper, how can she tolerate others making irresponsible remarks to her? This time it was really difficult for Mo Ling. Xuan.

"Now that the prince hasn't accepted the concubine, it is impossible for this king to go to his father to ask for a marriage, and the prince is sinister and cunning. Now I am looking for a chance to bring down this king. If the prince knows that Luo Xi is the subjugated princess of Lingyue Kingdom. I am afraid that he will announce this to the world, and it is more likely to threaten Luo Xi’s life. If the prince knew about this and went to his father, the king would have no words to say. At that time, once the emperor of the Nanyue Kingdom and the people of the Liuli Kingdom came to the Fengyi Kingdom to be important, no one would be able to save Luo Xi at that time." Mo Lingxuan looked at Xia Luoxi with embarrassment and self-blame.

"Ling Xuan, I won't hurt you. I know you also have your problems. You saved me from the Lingyue State Palace safe and sound. I am very grateful. I will be fully recovered in a few days. Since I will leave Zuoxiang’s Mansion, the country’s enemies hate me and cannot but report it. I vowed to take the head of Yuwenxuan to sacrifice the spirit of my father and mother, and seek justice for the emperor who has broken one arm. Let Yuwenxuan's blood and blood be paid back, and there is no place to bury him. You are the fourth prince of Fengyi Nation. You don't have to go to this muddy water at all, otherwise it will break your future." Xia Luoxi's eyes are full of killing intent. The tone was fierce and firm.

"I said, if you kill someone, I will accompany you. I will not let you face this danger alone. The matter of revenge will be discussed later. Now it is mainly your body, and your body is very poisonous now. If within half a year Can't find the antidote anymore, then you..." Mo Ling said unbearably.

"After half a year, I died from the poison, so what? This half a year is enough. I will kill Yu Wenxuan personally and avenge my loved ones. You know me. I have never been a good person. I He is cruel, murderous, and cruel, he Yu Wenxuan dared to deal with me this kind of murderous hand, and I, Charlotte, will return it to him a hundred times in the future, and one day, it will let him taste the loss of the person who cares the most. Pain, I will surely let the entire Nanyue country be buried with my father, queen and mother, and let them die without a place to bury them. This is the painful price that Yu Wenxuan has to pay for hurting me." Xia Luo's sharp voice sounded, Ling The Zuoxiang standing on the side was horrified, and even the ice face of Nangong Ruiqian was suddenly full of shock.

The four princesses of Lingyue Kingdom are really not afraid of the heavens, the earth, and arrogant to the point of arrogance. Now they have been reduced to the subjugated princesses, but now in his Zuoxiang Mansion, they even killed the Nanyue Kingdom and let the entire Nanyue Kingdom be buried with her relatives The words can be said so easily.

Such a domineering and arrogant speech, those fierce eyes, fierce speech, and how firm it is, it does not look like a subjugated princess who has lost her parents and is in grief.