The Immortal Concubine

Chapter 93


As soon as Mo Lingxuan's words fell, he saw an old white-bearded man descending from the sky with a wine gourd hanging from his waist and a kind smile on his face, just like this appeared in front of a few people.

"Hahaha." The old man stood there, stroked his white beard, and laughed up to the sky.

"Master." Mo Lingxuan hurriedly stepped forward a few steps, walked to the old man, and yelled softly, his tone couldn't hide the slightest excitement and joy in his heart.


When Zuo Xiang and Nangong Ruiqian heard Mo Lingxuan suddenly call the old man in front of them as the master, they couldn't help but glanced at each other. Nangong Ruiqian shook his head inexplicably, apparently unaware of what was happening in front of them.

When did the four princes recognize a master, and this old man with white beard in front of him, what is this old man's genius, so that the dignified four princes of Fengyi Kingdom will call him a master, and the face is really big enough. , He and Mo Li's good brothers for so many years, but how did they never know, when did this happen

"Master, why did you come to the Prime Minister's Mansion? How do you know that I am here?" Mo Lingxuan was very surprised at the sudden arrival of the old man.

"The teacher came to you specially." The old man said with a smile on his face.

"Looking for me?" Mo Lingxuan blurted out inexplicably.

"Yeah, I saw you haven't been back to Shushan all this time. I was afraid of something wrong with you because of my teacher, so I went down the mountain to find you." The old man explained.

"Since the master is here, let's go in and sit down. The disciple now happens to have something to ask the master, and is about to go back to Shushan to find you. I didn't expect you to come in person?" Mo Lingxuan said in surprise.

"What makes you so anxious?" Seeing Mo Lingxuan's face full of eagerness at this moment, the old man looked at him and couldn't help asking strangely.

"Master, let's talk about it when we enter the house, please." Mo Lingxuan immediately stepped aside and gave way to the old man.

When the old man passed by Nangong Ruiqian, he stopped a little, turned his head and glanced at him deeply, stroked his beard, nodded with a smile, and then walked towards the living room of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Four princes, he is..." Looking back at the old white-haired man who entered the living room of the Prime Minister's Mansion, then the left-handed man walked up to Mo Lingxuan and asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

"He is the master I just recognized two months ago." Mo Lingxuan said truthfully.

"Master... This old man looks extraordinary in martial arts. The voice just now must have been transmitted by him internally. Such a skill requires at least several decades to practice. Then what is his identity, Jianghu? Is there such a person, who would it be...?" Nangong Ruiqian couldn't help guessing the identity of the old man in his heart, and couldn't help but mutter softly.

"Since my master is here, as long as he is willing to help him, the poison on Luo Xi's body will be completely removed soon. You don't have to worry about it anymore." Mo Lingxuan's tone was affirmative, he believed himself very much. Master, Luo Xi who has the ability to save him.

"Then who is he? He can completely remove the poison from Luo Xi's body. We have hired so many doctors these days, and they all said that the poison from Luo Xi's body is difficult to remove unless the poisoner is obtained. With the antidote in your hand, does your master really have such a great ability?" Obviously, Nangong Ruiqian didn't believe that the old man had this ability, so why

"Rui Qian, you may not know who my master is, he is the old man who is terrified by everyone in the rivers and lakes." Mentioning the name of his master, Mo Lingxuan's face was full of pride, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted. .

"What, that old man is a famous old man of Wuji, the first big sect in the arena, the master of Yan Sect-Yan Wuji, my God, I'm not dreaming, he actually came to my prime minister's house today?" Nangong Rui Qian learned that the old man was actually the Lord Yan Sect, his face was suddenly full of shock, his mouth opened wide, and he yelled out loudly in disbelief, and couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

Once Mo Lingxuan said Yan Wuji's identity, Nangong Ruiqian's heart was shocked.

At this moment, Nangong Ruiqian, like a dream, actually saw Yan Wuji, the man in the world with his own eyes.

However, how did Mo Li know Lord Yan Sect and became his apprentice? This, this... Is this incredible

Seeing that after Nangong Ruiqian knew Yan Wuji's identity, his face was completely shocked, standing there blankly, motionless, Mo Lingxuan walked to him and asked jokingly: "What, Don't you believe it?"

"Believe, I believe, I should believe it." Nangong Ruiqian nodded repeatedly.

He has seen Yan Wuji’s internal sound transmission just now, which is definitely not something ordinary people can do. It can be seen how profound his skills are, but he never thought that this old man turned out to be the Yan Sect Lord that everyone feared, or Master Shangguan Mo Li, my God, what's all this

Yanmen is a mysterious killer organization that has risen rapidly in the past five years and ranks first in the four countries.

The Lord of Yan Sect-Yan Wuji, is famous in the world. He is a man who is worshiped and feared by the world. There are countless disciples in Yan Sect. They are all over the Four Kingdoms. Now, among the four countries, who does not know about Yan Sect? People don't know, whoever is disrespectful and stays away, for fear that it will cause trouble to the upper body and suffer the disaster of destroying the door.

It is rumored that Lord Yan Men is an old man who is over a hundred years old. He knows astronomy from the top, and geography from the bottom. He has the ability to reach the sky, strong skill, and extremely high martial arts. He has reached the point of perfection. At the end, there is no shadow, no trace, no one has seen his true face, let alone how old he is.

In the few days when he first arrived in Fengyi Nation, Mo Lingxuan frequently appeared in various streets and alleys in the capital. He had only one purpose in his mind, which was to explore the traces of Xia Luoxi and find her as soon as possible.

That day, on a street in the capital, Mo Lingxuan was suddenly stopped by an old man with white hair, long white beard, and a bit of fairy spirit, and full of mystery all over his body. , No matter how Mo Lingxuan tried to get rid of the old man in front of him, he just couldn't get rid of it. The old man walking beside him seemed to stick to him like this all the time and couldn't drive away.

Because he was anxious to find Charlotte, Mo Lingxuan was anxious at the time, and didn't want to talk so much nonsense with the old man beside him. It was important to find Luo Xi.