The Immortal Doctress: Emperor’s Consort

Chapter 34: I will wait for her


As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the dining hall suddenly solidified.

Ling Yunting's back stiffened into a line, and his deep and domineering eyes were locked on Mu Zhiqing, as if if the answer he asked was not what he wanted, he would transform into a savage beast, and all reason would be lost...

Ling Qingye couldn't help but swallowed. Sitting next to his eldest brother, he deeply felt the terrifying aura, which almost froze him to death.

Future sister-in-law, you must not give any earth-shattering answers, Ling Qingye prayed desperately, otherwise he would worry about his own life...

Feeling the three eyes staring closely at her, Mu Zhiqing said: "No."

The moment she said these words, the tense atmosphere disappeared.

Ling Qingye took a deep breath and noticed that his elder brother's terrifying aura melted away instantly, as if he had never appeared before.

At this moment, he already understood that his eldest brother was absolutely destined to win over his eldest sister-in-law!

"Then why don't you get married?"

Mu Jinlan also breathed a sigh of relief. She naturally hoped that her daughter would be happy, but this marriage had been decided many years ago, and the fortune teller at the time said that the two were extremely compatible. If you marry Qing, you will be happy for a lifetime.

If not, she wouldn't be in a hurry to do so.

Now looking at Ling Yunting's handsome appearance, extraordinary bearing, and extremely fond of Zhi Qing, she felt more and more that what the fortune teller said was right.

Only this kind of mature, steady and capable man has the ability to take care of Zhiqing for the rest of her life.

"Mom, we have only known each other for two days." Mu Zhiqing couldn't help but said, "How can we judge that we are suitable?"

Mu Jinlan fell into silence, already understanding in her heart that the reason why Zhi Qing behaved like this was probably because she was influenced by her. Once she misjudged the wrong person, her life would be ruined.

At this time, Ling Yunting said: "Auntie, you don't have to force Zhiqing, I can wait."

His star-like eyes turned around, revealing sincerity and confidence, "I will wait until she is willing to marry me."

Looking at the depth of affection in those eyes, Mu Zhiqing couldn't help but feel in a daze. They had only met twice, but why did she feel that Ling Yunting seemed to have deep feelings for her

How is this possible

She shook her head, dispelling the absurd thoughts from her mind.

Hearing this, Mu Jinlan became more and more satisfied with Ling Yunting, so she smiled and said, "Okay, okay, you can just discuss your matters. Come eat quickly, the food is almost cold."

"Sister-in-law, you also like to eat chicken legs?" Ling Qingye said with a smile.

Mu Zhiqing didn't say anything, just looked at him. This guy actually called her sister-in-law...

Ling Qingye's expression paused, why did sister-in-law like to use this trick just like her eldest brother

"Future sister-in-law, is this right?" Ling Qingye chuckled, "I also like to eat chicken legs."

Mu Zhiqing said with a dark face, "I don't like eating it."

"Don't like to eat?" Ling Qingye was slightly startled, then smiled and handed Mu Zhiqing's bowl to Ling Yunting, "That's okay, just give it to my elder brother. Auntie's kindness cannot be wasted."

"Brother, am I right?"

Ling Yunting: "Yes."

Mu Zhiqing: "..."

After the meal, except for Mu Zhiqing, the three of them got along very happily.

It looked like... as if they were a close family.