The Immortal’s Poison

Chapter 320: Auspicious (finale)


The Heavenly Tribulation Divine Thunder blasted through the small cave where Kong Nuer and Master Tuo Xie were without any suspense, but the poisonous ban in the mountain col remained. A group of people were gnashing their teeth in anxiety, but no one could step beyond the thunder!

When the calamity cloud dissipated, the heavy rain was still rumbling, and the violent roar in the northeast that shattered the sky suddenly smashed the world that had just returned to peace to pieces!

The ground trembled violently, and at the end of the line of sight, a plume of thick gray-brown dust and smoke was rolling and swirling, like a giant dragon that wanted to devour the heaven and earth, galloping towards the mountain col. WWw. QUanbEn-xIAoShUo. Com

Some flying masters used their body skills to leap into the air, looking toward the northeast. Wen Leyang was also held up high by the long vine summoned by Chi Maojiu.

All the monks looked at each other. Even if the monsters that were scattered not long ago were gathered together again, they would never be like this again.

In comparison, the previous monster army seemed like an endless swarm of ants, covering the sky and the ground in their path, and they would never be able to kill them cleanly; but the smoke and dust at this moment seemed like an evil beast that could tear the heaven and the earth apart, and it did not climb the mountain. Don't cross the river, because wherever you pass, the mountains will collapse, earth and rocks will fly, and everything in front of it will disappear in an instant!

Leaders such as the Big and Little Rabbit Demons loudly shouted orders to their disciples. Thousands of monks were noisy. Under the leadership of their masters, they climbed onto the nearby hillock. They showed off their magic weapons and set up magic formations to prepare for the enemy. Even Wen Leyang and others temporarily retreated to a low mountain.

The smoke and dust came very quickly, and in just a few breaths, it had already rushed from the end of the line of sight to three to five miles away. At this moment, a group of top experts finally saw clearly that the sky was blocked by the sun, and even the heavy rain could not wash it away. Wrapped in the hustle and bustle of the Qing Dynasty are everyone’s old acquaintances!

The body is as big as a giant river, covered with layers of brocade scales, with seven heads twisting and turning, constantly expanding and contracting. On each head, there is a huge flesh crown shining with divine light, majestic and fierce, arrogant and arrogant! The only thing that makes it lack of momentum is that there are two other necks hanging limply, swaying feebly as it advances.

Prime Minister Liu is here!

Not long ago, the madman Hong Ke smashed all the sky cones on Black and White Island. Liu Xiang, who still had seven heads alive, completely broke free from the shackles. However, it was difficult to coordinate for a while. Now, after adapting for a period of time, he finally broke out of Black and White. Island, came all the way to Shiwanda Mountain, and captured a few surviving Immortal Master disciples before they entered the mountain. They figured out what was going on ahead, and then saw the disaster coming, and they immediately understood that their biggest enemy was Kong Nuer was actually overcoming the tribulation.

There was no expression in Liu Xiang's fourteen eyes, only the suffocation of death. He didn't even glance at the thousands of waiting monks around him, and just screamed: "Kong Nu'er, the sky is filled with ghosts, gods, immortals and Buddhas to bless you." You can still leave some body parts so that I can crush them into ashes!"

With a shrill roar, the huge body crushed the nearby mountain wall and plunged into the small mountain col.

Liu Xiang would not let go of anyone present, but before that, he wanted to see if Kong Nuer was really reduced to ashes by the divine thunder of heavenly tribulation. Even if it was true, Liu Xiang would have to Swallow the remaining bones and remains into your mouth, crush them, grind them up, and swallow them!

After being trapped for thousands of years and losing three brothers, they finally saw the light of day again and rushed to the door of their enemy's house. However, Kong Nuer had already overcome the disaster, which made Liu Xiang go crazy.

Just when Liu Xiang entered the mountain col, and was about to throw himself into the mountain wall that had been bombarded by thunder into piles of gravel, the clear blue of the sky and water suddenly flowed, and the boundless water color surged up, and the poisonous ban All of them will be touched by this eternal evil!

Thin crackling sounds joined together in the blink of an eye, exploding layer by layer from Liu Xiang's body. The scales on his body were pulled out one after another under the poison of Master Tuo Xie! Liu Xiang never thought that there would be such a domineering poison in the world. He was caught off guard and his body jumped wildly. The seven huge heads bent their necks to the sky and let out an extremely angry howl.

At the same time, thousands of monks around them shouted in unison: "Kill!"

The Buddha's light spreads all over the world.

Tantric mantras and Buddhist Zen chants arouse endless compassion. The wrathful gods, protector heavenly dragons, twenty-eight gods, Arhats and Arakshas... all kinds of gods and Buddhas are fully displayed, the eyes of big and small rabbit demons are red, and the great lama is making a bright sound. The roar comes from the plateau, from the Great Mercy Temple, from the seventy-two ancient temples in the world, and from Buddhists practicing hard in the world. A Sanskrit sound is a killing curse for reincarnation!

The Tao and Dharma are free and easy, with seven turns and nine turns.

The Three Mountains Jue, the Heavenly Thunder Jue, the Seven Stars Original Jue; the Fire Curse, the Ten Thousand Spirits Curse, the Six Ding Tribulation-Breaking Curse... The talismans spread like thousands of forest catkins, the flying swords gathered horizontally and formed a waterfall, and the young master Liu Zheng looked ferocious. Wu Chi Sanwei gritted his teeth and led a group of disciples from the Kunlun Dao, the Eyang Dao and the Tianxia Dao Sect to smash all their lifelong practice into that small mountain col!

There are also countless lay practitioners, all kinds of magic weapons, machine puppets, beasts and birds...

The sky was full of spiritual energy, and Changli, who had just been knocked unconscious by Wen Leyang, woke up with a start, staring at his companions with wide eyes: "Who hit me just now..."

The heavy rain was still pouring down, and the whole world was covered in water vapor.

Countless magic weapons, filled with powerful true energy, poured out in the mountain col without stopping. The glorious light of the treasures blooming in layers, the earth, stone and mud exploded by the great supernatural power, entangled with each other, completely blocking everyone's sight, but the thunder in the sky, the echoing mantras, and the Sanskrit sounds could not cover up Liu Xiangna who had just left. The screams and screams gradually turned into a creepy chuckle!

Several demon fairies stood side by side on a hill not far away, and no one took action until Liu Xiang's laughter sounded. An unknown person said softly with a smile: "The last battle."

Yes, the last battle! If I win, the world will be at peace from now on; if I lose, the world will have nothing to do with me from now on!

Whether you win or lose, no matter what the outcome is, it is worth a lifetime of cultivation and a desperate gamble!

Changli touched the big bump on the back of his head, his bright eyes swept across the several seriously injured companions around him, and showed a bright smile: "Which of you can still fight?"

Hanbao suddenly laughed strangely: "In the last battle, stop talking nonsense!" As soon as he finished speaking, his body suddenly shriveled up!

Immediately, a clear and hearty laugh, a pitiful sigh, a sonorous and powerful drink, and a strange and eerie cry, four voices came out at the same time from the mouths of the four demon immortals: Changli, Awl, Golden Monkey and Drought Demon. But it started with the same three words:

Cut off the demon body!

The final battle has nothing to do with victory or defeat. They only seek happiness and brilliance. The demons and fairies have only one thought: beat him to death in this battle!

Demon blades, ice cones, golden shadows, and drought evil swept through at the same time! Looking from a distance, the hillside where the demon fairies are located seems to have suddenly turned into a world-destroying volcano. What spews out is blazing, scalding, and unparalleled awe-inspiring beauty! Four huge magical powers were entangled with each other, biting each other, like a sudden surge of water from the underworld, sweeping across Liu Xiang.

There is also a magic stone tower as big as a mountain, which attracts wind and thunder and rushes decisively from the thick dark clouds. It is cold and biting, as fast as a shooting star...

A group of Tuoxie disciples who were not good at long-range attacks laughed wildly or hissed at the same time as the demons and immortals exploded. Their bodies exploded and dispersed the heavy rain, magical powers, magic weapons, and air, dispersing everything. From another The direction rushed into the mountain col.

I don't know whether it was Wen Leyang or Chi Maojiu, but while running wildly, he laughed and sang the song that has been passed down for thousands of years and was once forgotten, but now it is enough to crush every sect: Wen Bucao, seedlings don't make friends. , On Crow Ridge, you can’t die!

Monks, Taoists, seculars, demons, Tuoxie, a Taoist cultivator, hundreds of sects, and thousands of masters all took action amidst the sky-shattering songs, just to kill Liu Xiang!

Liu Xiang's laughter did not grow low, but became louder and louder, gradually turning into rolling thunder that echoed in the sky! The seven heads suddenly started to shake, and each head was filled with the most powerful magical powers and the most arrogant things!

The fire head reverberated with thousands of feet of flames, burning the first hill into ashes in a flash, and hundreds of monks were reduced to ashes before they even had time to scream;

Saturn's head jumped, and three boulders that were no inferior to the Demonic Stone Tower fell from the sky. They collided with the stone tower with a rumble, and the earth and rocks exploded. The smallest debris exploded was as big as a five-story building, causing the monks below to run away with their heads in their hands;

The chaotic head opened its huge mouth, and a hollow vortex of black and white tore through the air in an instant. It appeared among the monks without any warning. Within a radius of a kilometer, all the monks were covered in flesh and blood at the moment when the chaotic vortex appeared. It was torn from the body bones abruptly, and the blood was like the water leaking from the suddenly exploded tank, hitting the ground with a bang, but the remaining bones of the victims were still standing;

The Moon head raised its eyes and looked forward. A layer of brilliant silvery moonlight cut into the sky like lightning. In the blink of an eye, a large area of the sky filled with magic weapons and magical powers was cleared by its gaze.

There are also gold skulls, Japanese zodiac signs, star genus...

The true soul not only controls and coordinates the nine heads, but is also the main soul in Liu Xiang's body. It can activate the chaotic force at will and cast spells through its nine heads. Wen Leyang poisoned the real soul four years ago, causing Liu Xiang to lose half of his combat power.

With the death of the two evil souls of Shui Xing and Mu Xing, Liu Xiang lost another 10% of the remaining 50% of his combat power (two of the nine heads should be 20%, but there was another 50% before) , now whether it is 10% less or 20% less... I am confused~).

Coupled with the fact that he had just escaped from trouble, his strength was far from restored, and he had been invaded by Master Tuo Xie's natal poison. A nine-headed snake now did not even have 20% of the strength it had back then!

But with only 20% of their strength, under Liu Xiangfu's counterattack, the monks lost nearly 3,000 people! The rest no longer dared to stay where they were, some turned around and ran away, while more people, their eyes red with blood, cursed loudly and activated the magic weapon, turned and jumped, and activated again in mid-air. Use magical powers.

An ancient monster who was trapped and exhausted, had lost two heads and the control of his true soul, and was injured by the most strange poison in the world; all the masters who could be named in the entire path of cultivation were among the collapsed and broken mountains around them. , like the wind, like the fire, like the stormy waves, beating into a ball.

No matter life or death, this is the last battle!

Liu Xiang's figure was also moving and flying, looking extremely clumsy when moving. The monks' magical powers almost failed every time. The scales that were no longer so strong after being ripped out by the poison finally began to follow the magic weapon crazily. The bombing began to break up.

But in just one stick of incense, more than half of the monks had been killed or injured in the fierce battle. Even the two stupid uncles were accidentally knocked away by Liu Xiang's huge body and fell far away. They groaned in pain and struggled. But he couldn't get up even though he had the strength.

Wen Le's eyes were so anxious that they were all split. He had already pressed himself against Liu Xiang's body, but the surging poison of life and death had only been able to lift off some scales so far. It had just torn off the unimaginably smooth but tough skin. A hole was opened.

The fierce battle continued. After another ten minutes, the number of monks who were still holding on was less than 2,000. Most of the remaining monks were master disciples of Wufu or Shizong. And several demon immortals have already used their demon-breaking body for the second time regardless of life and death!

Liu Xiang's body became more and more clumsy, and he would occasionally let out heavy breathing. However, even a person with no cultivation at all could see at this moment that if the fight continued like this, the monks would have no chance of winning.

After only a few dozen minutes of fierce fighting, Wen Leyang felt more tired than if he had been fighting monsters for several days. The resistance of Liu Xiang's body was extremely strong. If his wrong punch hadn't been weird enough, he wouldn't have waited for him to lift it. Open the scales and shock him to death first.

Liu Xiang's star head finally found Wen Leyang who was like a needle piercing his body. He turned his head and broke off Xiao Chi Maojiu's black vine with a little effort. The huge snake letter swallowed, and the star With a bit of cruelty and a bit of interest, the head probed down towards Wen Leyang unhurriedly.

There was a sudden explosion, and a piece of gravel shot up. A short, fat man with a long unruly beard that almost covered his face jumped out...

Silly uncle Wen Jiu, who was lying far away and unable to move, smiled at Wen Shisan and said, "If he wasn't a fat man, it would be like Sun Wukong was born."

The fat man's clothes were in rags, and his whole body exuded a stench of burnt smell, and occasionally there were a few wisps of misty smoke. His head and body were completely black. If Tuta Tunte were here, standing next to him would be the African version of a fat and thin Tutu.

It was like the fat man who had just been burnt burst out of the ground. The splash of rubble shocked Xingzu's head. He didn't care to pursue Wen Leyang any more. His huge head shook, and he shot towards the fat man with a fishy wind!

The fat black man seemed to be startled by the scene in front of him, and a thick and somewhat muffled voice boomed in Wen Leyang's ears: "What is this!"

Immediately, there was another loud laugh: "Liu Xiang?" As soon as he finished speaking, the fat man exhaled loudly, clenched his plump fist, and smashed it horizontally towards the Liu Xiang's head without any fancy!

Amidst the oppressive Wen Le's eyes and the dull sound of stars, two huge forces collided with each other. A wave of air visible to the naked eye suddenly bloomed between the snake's head and fist, and swept away in all directions in the blink of an eye. Here, even top masters such as Xiao Chi Maojiu and Xiao Sect Leader Liu Zheng screamed and fell to the sky. Ordinary monks turned into gourds on the ground, no matter in the sky or on the ground, they all turned somersaults. Fell out.

At the same time as the air wave swept over, there was a sound that made it unclear whether it was happy or sad. There was only a tearing, tearing, tearing scream, hysterically rising from Chang Li's mouth: "Tuo Xie!"

The catastrophe was over, Kong Nu'er was bound to die, and Tuo Xie, a vegetable jar, was covered in scorch, but he jumped out like a dragon and a tiger.

With one blow, Tuo Xie screamed strangely, and was forcefully rammed into the ground by Liu Xiang's head, and the head of the star also raised its long neck awkwardly and painfully in the reaction of the huge force. However, with great strength, the snake's neck still could not be removed. Instead, it moved the monster's body, which was comparable to a giant river. So slowly, slowly, everyone was in disbelief and almost had their eyes opened. In his eyes, he fell to the ground with a bang!

A big stone was smashed into pieces on the back of Wen Leyang's head, but he jumped up as if he was electrocuted. Before he could run to the fallen rocks, Tuo Xie was already disgraced and jumped out with a strange cry. Every finger on the right hand that had just bombarded the monster was twisted unnaturally.

Liu Xiang also jumped up and roared, but Xingzhu's head was shaking around as if he was drunk. From his mouth came the strange singing of "Yiyi Yaya". On his forehead, a huge depression appeared extremely eye-catching, and his eyes In the middle, it also became turbid, and it lost all its vitality...

Grandmaster Tuo Xie didn't hear Chang Li's roar, and now he was dazzled. Liu Xiang's seven heads turned into thirteen in his eyes... Even so, Tuo Xie raised his left fist again and laughed. With: "Do it again!"

Almost at the same time, another familiar voice of Wen Leyang roared angrily from a distance: "Xiang Liu, one hundred thousand...or else 80,000 years ago, you personally promised me that you would never step into the one hundred thousand..." Half a step up the mountain, have you forgotten?"

Where the roar fell, one stone after another was not huge, but the sound of the wind was enough to tear apart the stone of the soul. It roared and rolled all the way, and came one after another. Amidst the loud banging sound, it hit Liu Xiang like raindrops. on the head.

Liu Xiang, who could not be severely damaged even by the huge force of the 'Demon Broken Body', was actually splashed with blood after being hit by these stones. The savage man in the chaotic evil mountain came from a distant place. The mountain peak jumped up, and after throwing away the sacred stone, he simply picked up his flatbed truck and slapped the Chaos Head between the eyes!

Tuo Xie laughed and jumped up again. Wen Leyang, Chi Maojiu and Mu Mu followed the master closely like lightning; the remaining monks used their magical powers again, and countless magic weapons bombarded them; the savage man exploded. Xiao, with amazing power, punches and kicks blasted into the sky; the four demon fairies gnashed their teeth, ignoring the hideous wounds and broken arms, and struggled to get up...

The mountain col has long been razed to the ground, and the final brutal battle is in full swing...

Since Wen Leyang came out of the den of birth, old age, illness and death, he has experienced countless fierce battles in more than ten years. Some are heroic and fierce, some are life and death, some are embarrassing, and some are ridiculous, but in terms of the tragedy, the magnificence, and the majesty The majestic power of Heaven is none other than this battle before us!

Deep in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, the hills suddenly collapsed, the giant rivers wailed and broke apart, and the world seemed to have turned into a small pool. Liu Xiang was the giant crocodile in this small pool, and Tuo Xie and the savage man were the two fierce ones. There was a giant catfish with six whiskers, and the others were crazy little man-eating fish. The melee between the two sides was filled with blood and huge waves.

Forgetting the time, the sun and the moon were gone, and in Wen Leyang's eyes, heart, fists and feet, there was only one word left: fight!

The seven Liu Xiang heads were hit one by one, and every time one fell, even with the full strength of the two old monsters, hundreds of monks would die...

This battle lasted for seven days and seven nights after Master Tuoxie and the savage man joined one after another. Only then did Liu Xiang's last chaotic head finally wail feebly for a while, closed his eyes and fell heavily to the ground. On the ground!

Almost at the same time, the dark clouds in the sky quietly dispersed, the endless blue sky was washed, and a rainbow hung diagonally over the mountains, clear and brilliant!

Before the survivors even had time to cheer, they suddenly burst out crying: "Only the fourth child is left, what else do I want from the rainbow!" Before he could finish his words, a strong fat man jumped up high and waved a wave of laughter in his hand. A huge Xuanhua ax was thrown towards the rainbow!

Of Sejong's seven rainbow brothers, only the crazy fourth is left.

When Rainbow Old Four cries, all the survivors burst into tears! The five major Zen monasteries of Mercy Temple were all in mourning; only nine of the seventy-two sword masters of the Kunlun Tao were alive; only four disciples of the Eyang Tao were left except Sanwei and Ah Dan; Master Rang Jiong sacrificed his life to defend the Tao...

Within the transformation realm, there are tens of thousands of monks; there are more than 10,000 masters who have gone to aid the 100,000 mountains.

After fighting against evil beasts, immortal masters, and Liu Xiang, only these few thousand people were left!

The fifth brother Hanbao leaned on a piece of gravel, turned his cruel eyes to look at the sky, and said with enlightenment: "The Yin Eye of Qinling was buried, the mourning tripod was damaged, and the evil spirit of the corpse figurines was soaring to the sky. Somewhere in the world, there would have been There was a catastrophe, but I didn’t expect that this catastrophe would fall on the path of cultivation!”

The entire path of cultivation, no matter good or evil, no matter demons, no matter right or wrong, no matter grudges, all got together into a ball and burned together with Kong Nuer and Liu Xiangyu.

Kong Nuer was dead, but Liu Xiang was still alive. Although it was beaten to the point where almost no trace of Chaos Force was left, its body was from the same source as heaven and earth. Even if it was injured and unable to move, no one could kill it.

The savage man rested for a while and said to the others: "I will find a way to trap it, but every seventy-seven years, I have to beat it hard to destroy the strength it has accumulated!" He stood up and dragged it. The huge hydra laboriously walked deep into the mountain. After walking a few steps, he seemed to remember something again. He turned back to Master Tuo Xie and smiled: "Cai Jar, you are good! Every seventy-seven years from now on." , remember to come to me to defeat Prime Minister Liu!"

Tuo Xie waved his hand laboriously, and just as he said 'ok', he immediately started to cough violently. After he managed to regain his breath, the savage man had already left laughing.

Little Chi Maojiu suddenly remembered that he still had a piece of fairy grass in his arms. He hurriedly dug it out and stumbled to Tuo Xie's side. He couldn't help but stuff the suspiciously shiny piece of centipede into his ancestor's mouth.

Tuo tilted his lips and commented with some confusion: "The grass jelly leaves... why are they a bit salty?"

Chi Maojiu didn't dare to tell the Patriarch that this leaf was spat out by the slaughtered rice. Just when he didn't know what to say, two monks, Jifei Shuijing, ran over. The two brothers knelt down in front of Tuoxie side by side with a grunt. : "I am a late learner and have met my grandpa!"

Tuo Xie was startled, and jumped up with all his strength. He also knelt down and returned the two monks' orders with a grunt: "The Immortal Chief and the Master have spoken seriously..."

Jifei Shuijing didn't say anything and fainted from fright.

What follows is that grandparents and grandchildren recognize each other, relatives meet, and talk about the past years. The emotions and happiness, grievances and joys are entangled, and the cries, laughter, and curses overlap and turn into weird screams!

During the fierce battle, Tuo Xie had long recognized the skills of the later disciples, and even took the time to hug the cat demon Changli. However, after the fierce battle, the three women Changli, Zhuizi, and Mumu were all gone. .

Both Tuo Xie and Wen Leyang were anxious...

Nannan told them with a smile: "Changli saw that the beating was over. He said he wanted to take a bath and dress up before meeting you, so he took Aizi and Mumu and ran to the back mountain." As she said that, she pointed to the depths of the mountain.

After saying that, Xiao Wu looked up at his father: "Standing in the rain, doesn't it count as taking a shower?"

Hanba snorted: "I don't understand why they haven't washed enough."

After days of hard fighting and torrential rain, Master Tuo Xie's body was still burnt and black. Xiao Chi Maojiu used his sleeves to wipe his face in a flattering way, but the sleeves turned out to be much cleaner than before.

Wen Leyang also came over and asked Master Tuo Xie: "You... have survived Kong Nuer's catastrophe?"

Tuo Xie was all confused when he jumped out. No need to ask whether he was hit by the calamity caused by Kong Nuer.

Tuo Xie didn't mean to be an elder at all. He smiled and shook his head: "Kong Nu'er is a bit of a figure." After saying that, he cursed fiercely: "It's so fucking embarrassing!"

When the calamity started, Kong Nuer suddenly let out a strange cry and rushed out of the cave. Tuo Xie immediately met the enemy with a wrong fist without even thinking about it. However, Kong Nuer did not use his energy to resist at all, and allowed the poison to penetrate into his heart and lungs. Before Tuo Xie had time to understand what was going on, the divine thunder suddenly descended and hit the two of them hard.

In just a moment, Tuo Xie could smell the aroma of his own barbecue. Only then did he realize that the catastrophe Kong Nu'er had said before was indeed true. Tuo Xie wiped his forehead and said with a smile: "I came here to block him, and I never thought about leaving alive. But when I knew I was going to die, I was still scared to death!"

Unexpectedly, after Kong Nuer only hugged him once, he laughed strangely: "I'll let you have a taste of the heavenly tribulation. I'll scare you to death!" After saying that, he actually let go of his hand and was struck by the thunder. Before he was completely killed, he said one last thing: "Say something for me..."

Speaking of this, Tuo Xie lowered his voice: "At that time, I was out of my mind and knew that Kong Nu'er was about to die. I was finally able to leave, but I was struck by the divine thunder and was numb all over. In addition, the cave was in a mess..."

Wen Leyang's eyes widened: "Don't you remember what Kong Nu'er wanted to say to Linli?"

Tuo Xie quickly shook his head: "It's not that I didn't remember it, it's that I didn't hear it at all!"

Chi Maojiu told the other two honest people in a low voice: "It's good for us, the three of us, the grandson and grandson, to know about this."

Before he finished speaking, there was suddenly a strange cooing sound from Xiao Wu's side. Crazy Toad Hong Pot finally refined the soul of the second child, and roared majestically: "I do good deeds in the world, but you are my enemy." ..." Xiao Wu didn't wait for it to finish speaking and quickly knocked it out with a stick.

The three women are back, Awl is on the left, Mu Mu is on the right, Changli has a bright expression, but her face is a little gray due to two consecutive broken demon bodies. The smile lines hanging on the corners of her lips are trembling, but in a moment, she turns into a charming girl. The smile turned into grievance, sadness, and elation!

Chang Li walked to Tuo Xie's side with great effort, and sat down on the ground with her long head hanging upside down. The wet black, cool, slippery, and soft material covered her pussy, as well as Master Tuo Xie's. Round head...

Zhuizi asked Mumu with a smile: "What should I do if I can't see you?"

Mu Mu was startled and quickly pulled her away: "Don't look at what you shouldn't look at!"

After everyone left Shiwanda Mountain, they said goodbye and dispersed. The vitality of Xiuzhen Dao was severely damaged. Except for a few brains of Wufu Zhengdao, almost the entire army was destroyed. The casualties among Shizong were even worse. At this moment, they had no idea of revenge and supremacy.

Nineteen was seriously injured, and his mind was even more devastated. The family's plan that had been planned for thousands of years came to nothing. Three brothers died in the mountain. There was no hope of resurrecting their ancestors. In the eyes of their Yuezui descendants, the Yizi Palace was just a person. What a bitter joke.

The surviving casual cultivators are still in high spirits. The dead are dead, their enemies have been killed, and the remaining ones still have half a lifetime of freedom!

Wen Leyang and others surrounded Tuo Xie and returned to Wenjia Village from Shiwanda Mountain. When they just arrived at the foot of the mountain, Wen Leyang suddenly stopped. There was a strange look on his face that could not tell whether it was shock or joy. He opened his mouth and said something to Tuo Xie. Before he could say anything, a series of suffocating and violent loud noises suddenly rose into the sky from Wenjia Village. Immediately, the fire was enchanting, and a raging red flame that looked like blood rippled dozens of feet into the fire snake, licking it viciously. Sky!

Wen Leyang screamed: "I'm convinced!" As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and rushed back towards the mountain.

In just a moment, by the time Wen Leyang rushed back to the village, the entire Wenjia Village had become a mess. I had surrendered to the small house where I was cocooning, and turned into a rough man that even ten strong men could not hug. The pillar of fire shot straight into the sky, and the air was trembling with the violent heat wave. Looking up, it seemed as if the sky was melting layer by layer under the scorching heat. Fortunately, although the pillar of fire was harsh, it was solid and tangible, and the flames did not spread in all directions.

The village was full of collapsed houses and bricks and rubble everywhere. Anyone who doesn't know the truth will definitely say after just one glance: "This village was just bombed..."

Most of the Wen family disciples were fine. When the earthquake first appeared, they grabbed their wives and children and jumped out of the window and ran away. A few of them, who were not good at academics, only suffered some superficial injuries. Although not serious, their heads were bruised and bloody. It's always inevitable.

Xiao Yi was hit with a big bump on his forehead.

The blind man's head and face were full of fire. He was screaming and running around, carrying a bucket without saying anything or doing anything. He poured it several times but it was empty...

What made Wen Leyang even more confused was that not far from the fire pillar, Xiu'er, a giant frog that had been living in the Miao territory, was staring at everything in front of him with his eyes bulging.

A few days ago, everyone in the Wen family learned that they had found Master Tuo Xie, Wen Leyang and others and were about to return safely, and they were all happy and excited. Only the blind man was frowning. Dare to use the method I learned before to help insects turn into butterflies.

The blind man has his own little plan. The matter of me breaking the cocoon has already fallen on his shoulders. If Wen Leyang and others are not at home, even if I accidentally kill the insect, I will at least have a chance to escape; if I wait, Those living ancestors are back, and if he makes a mistake, he will be eaten alive.

The blind man then made up his mind, and before Wen Leyang came back, he used his means to forcefully turn the insects into butterflies. If he succeeded, it would be a great achievement. If he failed, he would run away immediately...

Wen Leyang stretched out his hand to force the bucket in Wen Buzuo's hand, knocked it upside down on the blind man's head, and asked hurriedly: "What's going on!"

The lantern bug is the larvae of the Fire Poison King. After absorbing enough fire power, it will form a cocoon, but almost no one or two bugs can successfully turn into a butterfly. Over the past few thousand years, countless poison masters have tried countless methods, but they have never been able to find a way to turn the Buddha lampworm into a butterfly.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the method is very simple. Fire generates earth. After the Buddha lampworm makes a cocoon, it needs a poisonous earth element to act as an inducer. Once the earth poison arrives, it will immediately remove the fire poison in the chrysalis. When stirred up, the chrysalis will be reborn in the explosion of fire poison.

If there is no earth poison to guide it, the power of fire will be trapped in the cocoon. Although the chrysalis will not be roasted to char, it will never be able to get out until it gradually dies of old age.

The blind man had long asked his uncle to come forward and borrow Xiu'er, the sitting toad from Miao territory, but he had never dared to do it. Just when Wen Leyang and his party arrived at the foot of the mountain, the blind man had just made up his mind to take it out of the giant frog's stomach. A little bit of stomach sand containing soil poison.

The blind man held the stomach sand in his hands, and before he could sprinkle it on the cocoon, he had just taken a few steps closer to the hut. When I took it, I suddenly exploded, stirring up a pillar of fire that was enough to burn a huge river. The blind man took the brunt of the attack and was burned all over his head and face.

I took advantage of the Taoist true fire power of the flowing golden fire bell, and the whole village collapsed in the huge earthquake when the fire pillar exploded.

Just as Wen Leyang listened to the blind man with big blisters say what had happened, a thick pillar of fire suddenly rose from the ground not far away. A hundred feet above everyone's heads, a cloud of hardened red flames burned, and then exploded. broken.

Ben Lie's angry flames did not fall to the ground, but connected into clouds of fire that filled the sky. The flames covered everyone's sight. Under the sea of fire, a butterfly so red that it made people's eyes bleed was standing. Dance gracefully!

Master Tuo Xie had never heard about me being convinced. He looked up and his eyes were shining, and he grabbed Wen Leyang's arm: "Where did you catch this breed? Tell me quickly."

Before Wen Leyang could speak, Chang Li muttered casually from the side: "Do the grandsons still want to keep the things that the grandmaster likes?"

Wen Leyang was a little uncomfortable for a while. Chang Li, who had always helped him grab things before, suddenly came to grab his treasure today...

Tuo Xie coughed: "I can't have it." He turned around and glared at Chang Li.

Chang Li felt that she had been wronged, and turned to glare at Wen Leyang with her big eyes. After a moment, she laughed again, stretched out her hand to touch Tuo Xie's thick arm, her face was full of contentment...

As soon as a few people spoke, I was convinced and saw the master in mid-air. The fiery red butterfly wings shook, and with a bang, the boundless sea of fire in the mid-air suddenly disappeared. I was convinced and simply stopped flapping my wings and just followed it. In the sky, he whirled, flipped, and fell down toward Wen Leyang coquettishly.

Wen Leyang laughed loudly, stretched out his hand to hold the insect, and after a closer look, he realized that it had not changed at all, except that it had a pair of beautiful wings.

My black bean-like eyes flashed, and I obeyed and jumped up from Wen Leyang's hand. I screamed strangely, my voice was happy and joyful, and I felt very confident!

Tuo Xie has learned about the origin of Wen Leyang's poisonous power in the past few days, and he laughed and said: "Your life and death poison has been fused with earth, metal, water, and wood, and your body has been reshaped by the poison, meridians, bones, blood vessels, and Muscles. If you absorb the fire poison again, you will reshape your skin. From then on, the poisonous body will become a saint, and your skills will be perfected. You will be no weaker than me."

Wen Leyang was stunned, looking at the Patriarch blankly, as if he didn't understand what he meant.

Chang Li reminded from the side with a smile: "Your body was originally filled with evil and wealth, but now you have absorbed the fire poison I took, and your poisonous body has become a saint, and you will be invincible in the world from now on!"

"Then what will happen if I take it?" Wen Leyang finally came to his senses.

Tuo Xie smiled and shook his head.

After hearing the words, I immediately curled up my wings and lay with my belly button up in Wen Leyang's hand, posing as if I wanted to take it. My eyes were full of willingness. However, a small flame emerged from behind everyone silently, and silently burned Master Tuo Xie's trousers.

I'm convinced and don't dare seek revenge from Chang Li. Tuo Xie... who is this master

Wen Leyang suddenly became happy and looked around. He saw two beautiful daughters-in-law, a pitiful confidant, four angry grandfathers, an uncle rubbing his hands and stamping his feet, a pair of parents with gray temples, and two people playing puppets and fighting. Uncle... "The world is at peace, all enemies are dead, after poisoning one's body and becoming a saint...who will he beat?"

With a haha, Changli was the first to laugh and reached out to pat Wen Leyang on the shoulder: "Not bad!"

After saying that, he immediately went to look at Tuo Xie and muttered softly: "Really?"

I took it and saved my life, but smoke started to rise from Master Tuosi's pants...

There was a lot of noise and noise all around, and they were busy sorting out the debris of the bombed earth and rocks. Xiao Chi Maojiu suddenly remembered something. He forgot to bring the baby Le Yang, and the matter of the longevity lock sealed by the witch Gu was completely intact. I told my ancestor again.

When Tuo Xie heard it, tears flowed down unconsciously.

Brotherly love is a promise that lasts for a thousand years. As long as you say it, I will never forget it!

After a long time, Tuo Xie wiped away his tears and said to Chi Maojiu: "Forget, forget, Le Yangwen's hard work is all in the baby's name. The children should have forgotten the senior brother's death." That’s right.”

After saying that, he paused and reached out to pick up the doll: "From now on, he is my son."

Changli immediately puffed up his chest: "He is also my son!"

Two days later, members of the Miao family and the Luo family also came to Jiuding Mountain. The fate of their ancestors for more than two thousand years, their persistence for more than two thousand years, the bloody storms of more than ten years, the joys and sorrows of more than ten years,... It’s all blended into the stewed lamb and scrambled eggs!

After this happy gathering, Zhuizi played in the world and enjoyed the taste of being a human being; Changli and Tuoxie left the dust, not knowing when they would find trouble with the crooked tower. The Sword Immortal returned to the mountain to revive the family. Zong, the demon monk returned to the temple to realize Zen again, the corpse fairy father and daughter returned to Yinyan to try to build a corpse raising place again, and the new generation of inner disciples of the Wen, Miao and Luo families entered the country very quickly, but unfortunately they had no opponents.

It was two years later when everyone reunited again. Xiao Yi lived up to expectations and gave birth to a baby Wen Leyang. At this time, Mu Mu's belly also swelled...

In the good spring, when Xiao Wen Leyang was full moon, relatives and friends from all walks of life returned to Jiuding Mountain. Tuo Xie and his wife, Han Bao father and daughter, Qian Ren master and apprentice, Zhui Zi, Liu Zheng, Tu Yao and others all came. After meeting, There was endless intimacy everywhere, and Wen Leyang was busy entertaining everyone, when suddenly an exciting and melodious roar sounded from the village chief's house!

When Wen Leyang got married, the pair of spring birds that Hanbao and his daughter gave him as a congratulatory gift glided out of the big house. Their red feathers and silver threads were exceptionally gorgeous, and they were covered with a blurry and bright halo around their bodies. , like two little divine phoenixes!

Nanny Xiaowu was overjoyed, smiling and cheering: "The spring bird has become a spirit, turning into auspiciousness!"

A pair of spring birds soared out and flew up and down around Wen Leyang without looking for anyone else. When they opened their mouths, they heard a clear and heavenly sound that was intoxicating and refreshing.

The old Taoist Jifei laughed in amusement: "The spring bird loves Wen Leyang, and great blessings have fallen on him. From now on..." At this point, the old Taoist suddenly closed his mouth.

After a while, all the guests among the guests who had heard of the auspicious allusion of spring birds laughed in unison:

Got a hundred sons!

Live a thousand years!

Be blessed!

Everyone was overjoyed, except Xiao Yi and Mu Mu, who were all shocked when they heard the words "get a hundred children". If the auspiciousness comes true, even including the full moon, there are still ninety-nine children to be born. , two people have one point, one is fifty, the other is forty-nine...

Aizi smiled with a twinkling smile and glanced at the two wives with malicious intent.

Xiao Yi hugged Xiao Wen Leyang, looked at the awl with the same malicious intent, and laughed softly: "How about... I give you thirty-three?"

Zhuizi was shocked. After a while, that pretty face actually turned red...

Xiao Yi smiled even more proudly: "You have an idea? No idea?" As he said that, he freed up a hand and made two threes in a row: "Thirty-three!"

A group of people were celebrating and joking in the village, but no one noticed that a toad that had transformed into vermilion and was only the size of a fist quietly crawled into the village chief's yard and then into the big house.

The crazy toad was only a real red pot when it was in Jiuding Mountain. Now no one dares to let it go down the mountain, otherwise no matter whether it becomes an evil spirit or a doppelganger, everyone will not be able to bear it.

Hong Ke sneaked under the treasure bed of the great grandfather. Looking at the treasures in his eyes, he was overjoyed. He opened his mouth and was about to swallow it when he suddenly touched the restriction placed by the great grandfather himself.

Following the uncle's strange scream, countless monsters outside exploded their nests and rushed towards the village chief's house.

Hong Ke was so frightened that she didn't care about stealing any more treasures. She ran and jumped into the courtyard, and then with a fierce force, she jumped onto the courtyard wall...

It's the warm season again, the wind is blowing, the flowers are flying, the grass is vast, the green hills are like smiles, and the red pots are coming out of the wall... It's a wonderful spring scene again!



My heart is itching, I love you!

Happy New Year to all the little poisons! (Quanben Novel Website

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