The Immortal Taoist

Chapter 106: Maybe he can block my Lingdao sword?


"What a cold temperament, so strong and powerful!"

Ling Dao couldn't feel any life in Gu Chengren's body, only the dead energy. Gu Chengren himself is very talented, but since he was severely injured that time, he has fallen into a state of decline and has been unable to recover until now.

No panacea, no matter what materials or treasures, they all have no effect. It is said that heart diseases require heart medicine. Unless he can figure out everything himself, he will stay in the True Qi realm for the rest of his life, and there is no possibility of hitting the Chongxiao realm again.

"I have seen your swordsmanship. They are no match for you. It's a pity that you are no match for me!"

Gu Chengren said coldly, and then took out his stainless steel sword. There was no smile on his face. He had never smiled since he fell into the realm. He had a zombie face, extremely stiff.

A flash of silver sword light flashed across the field, and Gu Chengren took action as soon as he said it. His sword contains a hint of despair, and it is precisely because of this that he becomes strong. At the peak of the True Qi Realm, there is no opponent at all.

"What a terrible sword!"

"Such a sword is impossible to resist!"

"Only with strength that far exceeds his can we break his swordsmanship!"

Those inner disciples of the True Qi Realm might not be able to see anything, but the expressions of the elders of the Sky Realm changed. Even they could feel the terror of Gu Chengren's sword. That is the power of despair, enough to make his opponent despair.

"I didn't expect that a small tenth-grade force could actually have such a disciple."

Ling Dao's expression also became serious. With his eyesight, he could naturally see the unusualness of Gu Chengren's swordsmanship. It is a pity that Gu Chengren is not desperate enough. If Gu Chengren's swordsmanship contains a trace of the original power of despair, it will be completely different. If that's the case, even if you look at many big forces, Gu Chengren is still a genius.

Gu Chengren's sword is not very fast, but it contains the power of despair. His opponent, shrouded in this despair, will definitely have his own strength affected. Unfortunately, Ling Dao is different from others. It is simply impossible to influence Ling Dao.

For five thousand years at the foot of Shenjian Mountain, he suffered from thousands of swords piercing his heart day and night. If Ling Dao can bear it, his will has long been indestructible. Even the sect master and deputy sect master of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect may not be as good as Ling Dao in terms of will alone.

"That kid will definitely be defeated. Such a sword is no longer something that a True Qi Realm warrior can handle!"

"Johnson, do you think that kid still has a chance of winning?"

Duan Zhenghui, the leader of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, looked at all this with a smile. He felt that the winner of this decisive battle must be Gu Chengren. It's a pity that Gu Chengren is too decadent, otherwise, Gu Chengren would definitely be able to shine in the sword fighting competition between Zhen Qi realm warriors.

"It's not a possibility, it's a necessity!"

Zhuang Xin's words made Duan Zhenghui stunned for a moment, and then he laughed. In fact, even Zhuang Xin was unsure, but he still believed that Ling Dao would win, just because Ling Dao had created too many miracles, and even he couldn't see through Ling Dao.

"Haha, since you are so confident, then I want to see how that kid can turn things around!"

Duan Zhenghui and Zhuang Xin did not lower their voices, and others naturally heard their conversation. The other two deputy sect masters both sneered. They all felt that Zhuang Xin must be crazy. How could Ling Dao win

"Thunder Shadowless Sword!"

In an instant, Ling Dao drew his sword, understood the real Ben Lei Shadowless Sword, and obtained another part of the Ben Lei Shadowless Sword. The power of the Thunder Shadowless Sword has long been far from what it used to be. With his swordsmanship talent, the Thunder Shadowless Sword that he took so long to master is naturally extremely terrifying.


Lightning suddenly appeared, thunder sounded, and the Fierce Sun Sword turned into a purple lightning and jumped out suddenly. Ling Dao's sword was definitely faster than Gu Chengren's, and it struck first and collided hard with Gu Chengren's sword. All the desperate power was crushed under the Ben Lei Shadowless Sword!

"What about the strongest disciple at the peak of the True Qi Realm of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect? Could he block my Ling Dao sword?"

Ling Dao's words made the entire martial arts arena fall silent. What is arrogance? This is arrogance! What is confidence? This is confidence! What is soaring arrogance? This is what soaring arrogance is!


Even Gu Chengren's eyes contained endless anger. He is useless and has fallen from the Sky Realm to the True Qi Realm. But now, a True Qi Realm warrior dares not to take him seriously, how can he not be angry? How can you not hate it

"You're so arrogant. You actually said that Gu Chengren couldn't stop his sword?"

"Crazy, really crazy, does he think he is a warrior in the Sky Realm?"

"It's ridiculous. You're just humiliating yourself by speaking out like this!"

Even Jiang Ren, who was standing below, frowned. However, he believed in Ling Dao. From the moment he met Ling Dao, Ling Dao never failed. No matter how strong the opponent is, Ling Dao will win, he always believes in this!

"As expected of my brother, he is indeed angry with me! Well said!"

Aolong raised his eyebrows, but looked extremely happy. He hates the kind of humble gentleman the most. Excessive modesty is actually hypocrisy. As a swordsman, you should show your sharp edge, be brave and diligent, strong is strong, and weak is weak!

"Jiang Xin, the boy you are talking about is too conceited, isn't he?"

Ling Dao's words obviously made Duan Zhenghui a little unhappy. In his opinion, Ling Dao didn't understand what advancement and retreat meant. He always pays attention to keeping a tightrope in everything he does, but Ling Dao's words are extremely arrogant. Zhuang Xin smiled incredulously, he believed in Ling Dao even more!

The power of the Ben Lei Shadowless Sword burst out suddenly, and the entire martial arts arena seemed to be shaking. The rich electric light sounded like the sound of thousands of horses galloping, and the bodies of the Zhenqi realm disciples in the martial arts arena were trembling.


A figure, including a man and a sword, suddenly flew backwards. In mid-air, he spurted out a large mouthful of blood. When he landed on the ground, everyone saw his head full of white hair, blowing in the wind.

"It's Gu Chengren!"

"He lost!"

"A complete defeat!"

When everyone recognized Gu Chengren, they all gasped. Naturally, they will not forget that Ling Dao really only used one sword. But it was this sword that defeated Gu Chengren. It really only used one sword. Gu Chengren did not block Ling Dao's sword!

The entire martial arts arena was in a state of excitement. Previously, they thought Ling Dao was speaking arrogantly, and they didn't know how high the sky was. Now many disciples looked at Ling Dao with a hint of admiration in their eyes. As a strong man, you should be like this, and as a sword cultivator, you should be so arrogant!

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