The Immortal Taoist

Chapter 191: The Sky Control Realm Killer


A bright moon was in the sky, and the stars were shining all over the sky. Under the moonlight, Ling Dao and Die Wu sat opposite each other. They were walking in the mountains and forests, so naturally there were no restaurants, so they could only eat and sleep in the open air. Fortunately, Ling Dao and Die Wu not only don't mind this kind of life, but actually like it.

During the three days with Diewu, Diewu told Lingdao many things. Ling Dao now has some understanding of the world of Sword Gods, and even more about the Eastern Sword Territory. His horizons are also broader. The small Daluo Dynasty is only an eighth-level force. How can it stop him

Three days also gave Die Wu a new understanding of Ling Dao. The young man in front of her, although his current level is very low, he is only in the middle stage of Soaring Heaven Realm, so he is incomparable to her. But her understanding of swordsmanship is even greater than hers, and sometimes the words she speaks are extremely helpful to her.

Originally, it was only because of Qingluan that Diewu followed Lingdao. Now, she felt lucky that Ling Dao, who was only in the middle stage of the Sky Realm, was able to guide her. If she told her, no one would believe her. Even in the Lingjian Sect, there are only a handful of people who can guide her.

Diewu is the proud daughter of heaven. There are countless men in the entire Lingjian Sect who are attracted to her, but it is a pity that she is so indifferent to everyone. Even though Diewu had never smiled during this period, her expression was much softer than before. If a Lingjian Sect disciple saw it, he would definitely think that he was dazzled.

"Huh? Are you murderous?"

In the quiet night, Lingdao did not fall asleep, but secretly watched the butterfly dance not far away. There is no flaw to be found in her exquisite facial features, and her fair skin shines with crystal luster in the moonlight. The long eyelashes twitch occasionally, looking quite playful.

It was precisely because of this that Ling Dao could feel the murderous aura, and he jumped up in an instant and left the place where he was originally. A long sword suddenly appeared under the moonlight and directly pierced the big tree. If Ling Dao had not avoided it, the one who had penetrated the body might have been Ling Dao.

A black figure appeared in the field. It was him who took action just now. Unfortunately, he did not expect that Ling Dao could dodge such a fatal sword in advance. He had been here a long time ago, but he never showed up, waiting for the best time.

He had a very confident sword, but it was easily avoided by Ling Dao, which was a bit difficult for him to accept. Fortunately, he himself is a warrior in the Sky Control Realm, so there is no problem in dealing with a mid-level warrior in the Soaring Sky Realm. There is a huge difference in realm, so it would be strange if he couldn't kill Ling Dao.

"The killer of the fatal building?"

There is no doubt that the man in black in front of him is definitely not from the Heavy Sword Sect. Moreover, the sword technique he used just now gave Ling Dao a feeling of déjà vu. In just a moment, Ling Dao guessed the identity of the man in black.

"It's good to know that none of the people I want to kill in Duiminglou can survive yet!"

As he spoke, the figure of the man in black disappeared from Ling Dao's eyes. As a killer, he will naturally not fight Ling Dao head-on. Even if Ling Dao is a big step behind him, he will not take it lightly. This is the difference between a killer and an ordinary warrior.

In the sword fighting competition, Ling Dao showed off his power on the sword fighting stage and became famous everywhere. It was naturally expected that the killer of Suiminglou would be able to find him. Ever since Ling Dao participated in the sword fighting competition, he had expected today's situation. Now, he doesn't have the strength to take revenge, but there is no problem in collecting some interest.

If the killer of Suiminglou wants to kill him, then he can do it. Anyway, if one comes, he will kill one. After all, his realm is there, only the Soaring Sky Realm, and the Life-Destroying Building should not send Origin Realm warriors to take action. It is already quite difficult to get a warrior from the Sky Control Realm to take action.

It's a pity that they don't know that Ling Dao is not afraid of the warriors of the Sky Control Realm at all. It's true that Ling Dao is in the Soaring Sky Realm, but his combat power is definitely at the level of the Yukong Realm. The killer in front of him was only at the early stage of the Sky Control Realm, so Ling Dao was naturally absolutely sure of it.

Die Wu, who was originally asleep, opened his eyes at some unknown time. The black and white eyes are extremely clear, like a pool of autumn water. But just such a pair of eyes can see through illusions, and the black-clothed killer can't hide in front of her.

If Die Wu takes action, the killer in black will be killed instantly. However, Die Wu has no intention of taking action at all. She already knows a little about Ling Dao. He was just a killer in the early stage of the Royal Air Realm. He really didn't want to kill Ling Dao. There was no need to worry about Ling Dao at all.

The next moment, a gorgeous peony flower appeared in front of Ling Dao's eyes. Beauty implies murderous intent. When peonies appear, it is when the killer draws his sword. The black-clothed killer's sword was hidden among the peonies. At this moment, it suddenly thrust out, like an arrow leaving the string, incredibly fast.

Not only that, but the black-clothed killer's body spurted out billowing true energy, turning into a black mist that enveloped the place where Ling Dao was. Originally, everything seemed so clear under the moonlight, but now where Ling Dao was, he could not see his fingers.

Even though Lingdao has excellent eyesight, he can't see anything now. This black-clothed assassin had assassinated more than a dozen warriors in the air control realm, and all of them were successful, so he was naturally very powerful. The black mist shrouded him, coupled with his quick sword and sudden assassination, it was naturally difficult for other air-controlling warriors to resist.

"How will he crack such a difficult method?"

Die Wu thought silently in his heart, and then looked at Ling Dao and the black-clothed killer. If it were her, the black-clad killer's methods would be nothing more than a joke in front of her. But if she encountered such an assassination when she was in the middle stage of the Sky Realm, she would have a huge headache.

"Since you can't see, just close your eyes!"

Ling Dao's expression remained calm, without any trace of panic. He immediately closed his eyes, and then his ears began to tremble. If his eyesight was useless, he would not use his eyes, but his ears and hearing. He still had full confidence in dealing with this Sky Control Realm killer.

The sword of the killer in black is as thin as a cicada's wing, yet extremely sharp. A smile of victory appeared in his eyes. In his opinion, Ling Dao had clearly given up resistance and closed his eyes. How could he be his opponent

Just when the black-clothed killer's sword was less than seven inches away from Ling Dao's chest, Ling Dao finally moved. The Thunder Sword turned into a purple lightning bolt and stabbed towards the black-clothed killer at a faster speed. Even if Ling Dao closed his eyes tightly, this sword was still extremely accurate. If it hit, it would definitely penetrate the heart of the black-clothed killer!

When they meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins. Ling Dao is betting that this Sky Control Realm killer will not dare to fight him! If the killer in black doesn't sheath his sword, then both of them will die!

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