The Imperial Concubine Is So Charming!

Chapter 99: The 100th picture is full of doubts


Sure enough, less than an incense stick of time after Ning Chen left, Ye Zhe arrived.

Because they were in a hurry to get on the road, the brother and sister didn't say anything, but they were both very worried about each other.

Ye Zhe, in particular, was very upset that he had not taken good care of his sister.

However, Ye Jun comforted him for a long time and even gave him a pair of newly made shoes, which made Ye Zhe want to achieve success quickly and become a support for his sister.

The brother and sister had lunch before they separated.

Ye Zhe injured his thigh and could not ride a horse, so he could only take a carriage. Ye Jun specially asked someone to put two more layers of mattresses on his carriage.

Riding a horse is faster and you can reach Lingzhou in half a day, but taking a carriage will take a whole day, so it is better to sit comfortably.

Ning Chen has been very busy these past two days. Although he has found an answer to the assassination, he cannot let it go. The entire camp must be searched and no more accidents can happen.

If there is another assassination like this, it will be fatal.

In addition, Fang Xiuyi and Ye Jun were seriously injured and now they have started to have fever. The accompanying imperial physician is short of medicine and is helpless for a while. Yang Baolin is pregnant and almost had a miscarriage, so she is also very weak.

You can tell how high-spirited he was when he said it, but now he looks so embarrassed.

Finally, we decided to set off two days later and not stop along the way. Although we would not be traveling day and night, it would be much faster than when we came here.

Ye Jun had just changed the medicine. He felt severe pain and had a fever. He didn’t feel well at all.

Nan Zhi and Nanny Qin were heartbroken when they saw this.

She had fair skin, and the knife cut from her shoulder to her waist. Although the cut was not particularly deep, it was strong enough to cut through her flesh.

The wound was now red and swollen, and the skin around it was also swollen. It hurt so much that I dared not touch it.

It’s not that Ye Jun likes to cry, it’s just that it’s really unbearable. She cries every time she changes the medicine. Those are physiological tears caused by the pain.

And I can only sleep on my stomach because my chest feels very stuffy. I also want to lie on my side, but it hurts when the wound is pulled, so I have to give up.

After changing the medicine, it felt like I had died once and I felt numb.

"Jieyu, please be patient. The imperial physician said that this medicine is very effective. It will heal in six or seven days. You will be much better when you come back to the palace." Nan Zhi coaxed.

Fortunately, it is spring now and the temperature is suitable, so the wound will not deteriorate easily and will heal faster.

"It's really a torture to come here." Ye Jun felt dizzy, but he kept thinking of one thing, so he spoke, "I keep thinking of the guard who attacked me and the emperor. Somehow, I feel that he came for me, otherwise why didn't he just attack the emperor directly?"

After all, that knife strike took a lot of strength.

Nanny Qin thought for a moment and continued, "Perhaps because he saw that the emperor favored the imperial concubine, he wanted to kill her as well."

This explanation makes sense, but Ye Jun always feels weird.

But the person is already dead, so it’s hard to check.

Besides, who would want her to die? It was just arranged at this time, as if the assassination was foreseen.

Thinking of this, Ye Jun's eyes flashed, and he suddenly thought of the concubines who followed him.

But after thinking about it, no one looked like him, so I could only think that I was just being too sensitive.

Maybe he was traumatized by the guard's fright, after all, he almost lost his life.

Compared to her, Yao Xiang was better. Although her wound was deep, the wound area was small after all. Except for the fact that her arm could not move, she could still walk around.

But she also had a fever and was lying there listlessly.

As the third person who received special care, Yang Baolin was the one with the easiest life.

Ning Chen assigned someone to look after her. She was not injured, just had a miscarriage, which she would be fine after taking some medicine.

Concubine Jing and Concubine Lin both had their own ideas in mind, but no one dared to take action at this juncture.

The day to return to Beijing finally arrived. In addition to the people who came with us, there was also Su Wanrong.

Because so many things had happened, everyone became obedient and well-behaved, and the situation was relatively harmonious all the way to Yuzhou.

Just after arriving in Yuzhou, Ning Chen received a letter from the Queen, telling her about Concubine Xia.

The prince who was about to be born healthy was plotted to death. Ning Chen sat in the carriage without saying a word, and the pressure around him was frightening.

"Send a message to the Queen. No matter what, I want an explanation. In addition, Concubine Xia was framed and lost her child. I want to promote her to Wanrong. If the real culprit is found, immediately detain him in the Ministry of Punishment. I will personally decide the fate of the culprit."

Yuan Jiu agreed, and quickly left, sending someone to ride as fast as possible back to Beijing to deliver the letter.

At that time, Ning Chen couldn't sit still at all. He felt a ball of anger burning in his heart.

After a long time, he got off the carriage and went to Ye Yun's carriage.

When he arrived, Nan Zhi got on the servants' carriage at the back, leaving only Yuan Jiu guarding the shaft outside.

"Why is the emperor here? I can't move easily. There are tea and snacks on the table. Your Majesty can eat by yourself." Ye Jun whispered.

Her fever had just subsided and she had no strength. Her voice was muffled and sounded somewhat soft and sweet, which invisibly soothed Ning Chen's irritability.

"Is your wound feeling better?" Ning Chen asked as he sat down.

Ye Jun nodded, "The swelling is slowly going down, but it still hurts. Your Majesty, please don't just talk about me. I see that Your Majesty is worried. Can you talk to me?"

She felt this low pressure as soon as she entered the carriage.

Ning Chen was silent for a while before speaking in a low voice, "Xia Cairen's child is gone."

"Gone?" Ye Jun was surprised. "She should have given birth by now. What on earth is going on?"

No wonder he was in a bad mood. He had just been stabbed, and the baby he was about to give birth to was gone. Who wouldn't feel bad

Ning Chen took out the letter sent by the Queen from his arms and handed it to her.

After reading it, Ye Jun felt uncomfortable.

As a person with a different education, she could not accept such behavior against innocent babies.

What's more, the letter said that the child was stillborn and was found to be dead as soon as its head came out. It took some ugly means to take the dead fetus out, thus saving Xia Cairen's life.

However, Xia Cairen was also seriously injured and she might not be able to get pregnant again.

In this age without painkillers and anesthetics, how painful must it be? The key is that even if the pain persists and the child is not saved, it is probably worse than the pain of having one's heart and bones cut out.

Ye Jun threw the letter away, feeling a little uncomfortable. He frowned and said, "To be so cruel, how much hatred must she have for Xia Cairen? But she dared to poison like this, I'm afraid it's hard to investigate."

"I am disgusted to find such vicious concubines in the harem." Ning Chen said coldly.

"However, in the letter, the Empress said that the fetus was too large and caused a difficult birth. What are those imperial doctors who check Xia Cairen's pulse every day doing? Even if Xia Cairen didn't know about her first pregnancy, they wouldn't know either."

After all, Ye Jun had seen some shady tactics through various channels, so he mentioned it now.

It's not just for Concubine Xia. With such a poisonous snake lurking in the harem, what if he plots against her one day

Ning Chen was reminded and felt very annoyed.

There are many doubts about this matter.

How did that dirty thing get into Xia's mouth? Was the fetus too large on purpose? These can only be investigated after returning to the palace.