The Imperial Concubine Just Wants To Be a Salted Fish Every Day

Chapter 111: Still not messy enough? !


The guard was surprised.

Along the way, they passed through many county towns, and the cost of entering the city was generally a few pennies.

Twenty taels of silver is enough for a family of three to eat and drink for more than half a year, and this yamen asks for ten taels of silver when he opens his mouth, which is simply cheating!

The guard didn't know whether the money should be given or not, so he could only look back at the prince.

Luo Qing said coldly: "Give him money."

There were eleven of them, and they gave one hundred and twelve taels of silver all at once.

The yamen took the bank notes and confirmed that the number was correct, then opened the city gate a little more, urging them to come in quickly.

When the refugees saw the city gates open, they all moved towards this side, wanting to follow the carriage into the city.

The yamen had long expected this to happen, and rushed out with swords, guns and sticks, and after beating up a few leading refugees, the others did not dare to approach, and could only watch the city gates close again.

The city looks much cleaner than the outside, and the shops on the street are all neat and tidy.

They chose an inn that looked more pleasing to the eye and stayed there.

Nie Changping couldn't sit still. He wanted to go out for a walk and asked the prince if he wanted to go together

Luo Qinghan thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

Since the prince is going, Xiao Xixi will naturally follow him as his leg pendant.

Nie Changping called the inn clerk and asked if there was any fun in the city

The guy said bitterly: "What kind of fun can we have in a small county like ours? In the past, we could go to a fair on the 15th day of the first lunar month, but now the city gate is blocked, people outside can't get in, people inside can't get out, the market is closed. The city will naturally disappear.”

Nie Changping asked curiously, "Why do you block the city gate here?"

There is no business in the inn, and the guys were idle and bored, so I talked to them a few more words.

"It wasn't caused by the drought. It caused many victims to flock into the city to beg, and there were several incidents of beating, smashing and looting, which made people in the city panic. It just so happened that the prince was coming to our Gangu County, and the magistrate of Yang County was too afraid. It's not good for the victims to gather in the city, so they had to drive them out of the city and locked the city gates."

Hearing the word "Prince", Luo Qinghan turned his eyes.

He asked, "You all know that the prince is coming?"

The man pouted: "That's right, Magistrate Yang has already received the news that the prince is coming to stay with us for a few days. In order to please the prince, he collected delicacies everywhere, and even asked people to build a palace in the city. There are many in the city. The men were all arrested and used as coolies, which caused the city to complain."

Although the guy didn't say it clearly, it could be seen from his demeanor that he should be very dissatisfied with the upcoming prince.

Their days were already very difficult, why did the prince come out to meddle? Still not messy enough? !

Luo Qinghan asked, "Where is the palace built?"

The guy said: "It's just east of the city, you can see it when you go out and turn left and walk straight ahead."

They left the inn, walked in the direction the man said, and soon saw the palace.

The palace has not yet been completed, but it has begun to take shape, and its scale is unexpectedly large, occupying almost a quarter of the area of Gangu County.

Countless people are sweating and carrying stones, and there are many yamen patrolling around the palace. They not only monitor the people's work, but also prevent idlers from approaching the palace.

Luo Qinghan stood not far away, quietly looking at the large-scale palace in front of him, his eyes heavy.

If he didn't hide his identity and quietly came to Gangu County, I'm afraid he would never know what the hell the people below were doing behind his back.