The Imperial Concubine Just Wants To Be a Salted Fish Every Day

Chapter 50: A strong sense of crisis


No one cares about Concubine Li, she can only find a seat silently to sit down.

She watched the prince and Xiao Liangdi flirt with each other, and the sourness in her heart couldn't help surging up, she thought she had seen it.

It doesn't matter even if the prince calls other women to serve the bed, anyway, all women have the same status in the prince's heart.

But until now, when she saw with her own eyes how the prince and Xiao Liangdi got along, she suddenly realized that the prince's attitude towards Xiao Liangdi was completely different from his attitude towards other women.

When the prince faced other concubines, he was always cold and didn't even want to say a word.

But now that he is with Xiao Xixi, he will condone her innocuous jokes, tolerate her petty willfulness, and even take the initiative to ask her for her opinion.

This is definitely not a good sign.

Concubine Li felt a strong sense of crisis.

She even forgot what the purpose of her trip was. She was now thinking about how to grab the Prince's attention away from Xiao Liangdi.

She can no longer let the crown prince and Xiao Liangdi develop.

She has to find a way to stop it!

The maids brought the dishes to the table one by one.

Because the dishes are cooked in a small kitchen, they are not as particular as those in the imperial kitchen. They are all simple home-cooked dishes. Most of the ingredients come from the vegetable garden behind the Qingge Hall.

Concubine Li looked at the dishes in front of her, frowning slightly: "Xiao Liangdi, will you eat these for His Royal Highness?"

Xiao Xixi asked inexplicably, "What's wrong with these dishes?"

"There is a rule in the palace that the Crown Prince should have at least twenty dishes for each lunch, including twelve hot dishes, four cold dishes, two hot soups, and two desserts. Look at your dishes again, they will only add up. But there are only eight dishes, and there is only one soup. The rest are hot dishes. Where are the cold dishes and desserts? It's your honor to have your royal highness come to eat here. How can you neglect His Royal Highness so much? And arrogance, there is no such thing as you, you are too much, there are no rules at all!"

Concubine Li was very angry, and looked at Xiao Xixi with condemnation in her eyes.

Xiao Xixi ignored her, turned her head to look at the prince, and sighed in a tone full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

"His Royal Highness, you can eat twenty dishes for lunch? What kind of fairy life are you living?"

Concubine Li sneered: "Don't think you can get away with changing the subject, you must give an explanation to His Royal Highness for this lunch!"

Luo Qinghan said lightly: "If you think the food here is not good, you can leave."

Concubine Li's sneer froze on her face.

Immediately, her eyes turned red, and she complained aggrievedly: "Your Highness, concubine is complaining for you, why do you still say that?"

Luo Qinghan: "What I want to eat is my freedom, and I don't need others to dictate."

This time, Concubine Li couldn't hold it anymore, so she burst into tears.

She wiped the corners of her eyes with a silk handkerchief and choked.

"His Royal Highness, it's the concubine's fault. The concubine doesn't mean to point fingers at you. The concubine just cares about you too much, so she said those words. Please don't get angry with the concubine, okay?"

Luo Qinghan looked at her crying and aggrieved appearance, and then looked at the food in front of her, and the irritability that was finally suppressed came up again.

He just wanted to find a place to have a clean meal, why couldn't even this wish be fulfilled

Can't these people be more at ease? !

He looked at Concubine Li side coldly with a cold tone.

"Since you think these dishes are too few, then you should eat all these dishes for Gu now, and you are not allowed to leave a single bite."