The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 102: panda


In general, Her Royal Highness was very coaxing, Gu Lian frowned, watching Qiao Mingyu nibbling on the chicken leg she handed over.

"Is it delicious?" Gu Lian leaned over and took a bite.

Qiao Mingyu generously handed it over and asked her to take a few more bites.

Obviously there is one leg, and I don't know why the two of them have to stare at this scourge.

After eating, Qiao Mingyu couldn't wait to pull Gu Lian to see the tapir.

There are mountains nearby, and a bamboo forest grows at the foot of the mountain not far from this forest. Only a few pandas are playing, and the rest have to go deeper into the mountains to see them. Gu Lian remembered the Tang Sect in his previous life. The Tangjiabao site was full of large and small bamboo forests, but wherever there were bamboo forests, there must be pandas. However, the disciples of the Tang Sect were very friendly to these small animals, like guarding calves, and they were not allowed to approach and touch them easily.

Gu Lian had raised a panda, but it was just a simulated existence in the game, not the same as the real panda. Gu Lian tried to tease the panda with the method of his previous life, but unfortunately the other party didn't appreciate it at all.

"I'll try it." Qiao Mingyu was eager to try, and leaned over to try to smooth it out.

I saw that the white and black dumplings in the distance rushed over with lightning speed, hugged Qiao Mingyu's legs, and did not let go.

Pandas are extremely clingy when they get clingy, and they seem to have a herd mentality. Seeing that the panda was clinging to Qiao Mingyu and wouldn't let go, the other one suddenly got stronger and hugged Qiao Mingyu's other thigh.

Qiao Mingyu was at a loss, not knowing what happened.

Gu Lian couldn't help laughing, remembering the kind she raised in her previous life. It is more clingy than some cats, holding Gu Lian's thigh every day and following him wherever he goes. Pull it down and put it in the nest, it will run out with perseverance and continue to hold the thigh.

Panda's claws are very strong. If you hold it in your arms, you won't even think about tearing it off. It will hold on to the clothes so tightly that it can't pull them off.

"Ah Lian, you are still laughing..." Qiao Mingyu was very helpless.

She just came to see something strange, why was she entangled

"This shows that they like you very much." Gu Lian gloated, "They may think you are more like their mother."

"..." The joke wasn't funny at all.

Gu Lian walked over to rescue Qiao Mingyu, picked up a baby panda, and tore it off with the strength of the boss. It was still struggling to pounce on Qiao Mingyu, but fortunately this minor was so easy to handle.

"Don't make trouble." Gu Lian touched its small head and round ears, and put a bunch of tender bamboo branches in its hands.

Some eat, the panda cub immediately shifted his attention, holding the bamboo branch and rolling the bamboo leaves into his mouth, eating very fragrant.

Put this baby panda aside, and Gu Lian will get another one.

This one is only grown up, not so gullible. Xu is full and not interested in bamboo. Gu Lian picked up the panda cub who had reunited and put it away, and continued to tangle with the big one.

After abolishing the power of nine bulls and two tigers, this one was finally torn down. Qiao Mingyu's clothes were torn and messy, she took a few steps back in embarrassment, for fear of being entangled again.

Gu Lian smiled unkindly for a long time, and was quickly pulled away by her.

Qiao Mingyu regretted it, she would never look at any tapir again, it was terrible!

"What happened?" Zheng Qi looked at the two people who hurried back in surprise. Qiao Mingyu's expression looked like a ghost was chasing her.

Gu Lian just smiled and didn't have time to answer his questions.

Qiao Mingyu felt ashamed, and gave his cousin a cold look, telling him not to ask any more questions. As for Gu Lian, she naturally wouldn't dismantle her princess' platform, she kept her mouth shut after laughing enough, excused her tiredness and leaned on Qiao Mingyu, closed her eyes and prepared to go to sleep.

It's time to show Qiao Mingyu his girlfriend's strength. Her Royal Highness will do it right away, take her sweetheart into her arms, and adjust her posture so that she can sleep comfortably. Gu Lian let her play with it, and after a month of running in, Qiao Mingyu was very comfortable doing these things. Gu Lian did find it very comfortable to lie down like this, and soon fell asleep.

"His Royal Highness sleep too, I will arrange a vigil." Zheng Qi said.

Qiao Mingyu nodded slightly, leaned against the tree trunk behind him, and closed his eyes. But she didn't fall asleep, and she remained alert. She is someone who wants to protect Alian, so she has to be vigilant all the time.

All night, everyone continued on their way.

It is not unreasonable that the people in the two places in the Central Plains and Jiangnan always feel that the folk customs of the Bashu area are sturdy. In the Tianxi Dynasty, there were many prosperous cities in Shu, but there were also many poor mountains and bad waters. The mountain road is difficult, and most of them are walking and riding. It is inconvenient to escape from anything. Gu Lian and the others met a group of bandits on the second day, claiming to be heroes of the green forest, saying that they would rob the rich to help the poor.

"They've read too many words? They even robbed the rich to help the poor." A guard teased.

The male guards have followed Qiao Mingyu and the others for a long time, and they have long since changed from serious guards to gag soldiers. Qiao Mingyu was too lazy to care, and Gu Lian was happy to see it succeed.

Sometimes, the same gangsters are more memorable than the serious guards, and they are more reluctant to provoke them. The ruffians are more slippery, and it is always more difficult to clean up.

The people who walk on the mountain roads are generally people who do small business, and go to the market from the village, how can they get rich. No wonder the people here are always complaining and complaining about the government's inaction.

"It's abominable." Zheng Liao came up from the bottom in the army and knew many soldiers from civilian backgrounds, so he was very disgusted by these villains who oppressed the people.

Zheng Qi was about to order his subordinates to go up and clean them up, but Gu Lian swept out first.

After riding a horse for a month, I feel like my bones are about to fall apart. Gu Lian was ready to loosen his muscles and bones. Although there was no sense of achievement in cleaning up the trashy fish in front of him, he couldn't find a better opponent at present.

Qiao Mingyu was a step late and had to watch Gu Lian perform.

Gu Lianxu is obsessed with the glazed flute, and does not need the internal power of the five poisons at all. Just relying on the martial arts of the rivers and lakes can directly kill this group of trash fish. The glazed flute lightly hit a bandit on the chest, smashing him upside down and flying out, hitting the mountain wall, and vomited a mouthful of blood. Gu Lian kicked back and kicked the second one.

Next, a flute and a flute were all smashed into the air. Gu Lian was gone, and all the bandits were evenly scattered not far away, moaning and moaning.

The male guard who followed Qiao Mingyu to the Northwest battlefield was not surprised, but the two new commanders were stunned.

I thought she was a delicate young lady, but she was a strange girl. The two of them opened their mouths wide, as if they saw Sister Lin slap the huge cauldron with a slap.

Gu Lian put away the flute, smiled reservedly, and restored her delicate character.


Qiao Mingyu exclaimed with joy: "Alian is really amazing!"

The two commanders laughed dryly, unable to understand Her Royal Highness's aesthetics.

"Let's go and clean up the bandit." Gu Lian opened the system map, where many locations of the bandit cottage were marked.

Use the residual heat before the system disappears.

Qiao Mingyu's eyes lit up: "Okay!" There was a fight!

"..." Your two highnesses, do you still remember that you came to greet your little uncle

No matter how the commander complained, when the two noble royal highnesses made a decision, they would definitely implement it. What's more, the male guard members have always followed the princess and the county master's head. They didn't think there was any problem in killing a bandit along the way, so they happily followed.

The bandit camps here are not dense, but the terrain is complicated, the cost of the army to suppress the bandits is too high, and it is not clean, so I have not even tried it. Anyway, these thieves are small groups of small stocks, each camp has only a dozen or twenty people, the scale is very small, and it is not worth fighting.

This is convenient for Gu Lian and the others. It is easy to deal with small numbers of people. Once the camp is right, it can be directly surrounded and destroyed.

In order to cover up their unpredictable discovery of the location of the bandit camp, Gu Lian and Qiao Mingyu simply left the team and used light energy to fly around in the mountains. Gu Lian had a map to guide them, and consciously flew to the vicinity of the bandit camp, which really allowed them to "discover" a lot of camps, so it was logical to go over there.

However, it was a waste of time. They cleaned up all the way to Chengdu, and spent more than half a month on the way.

When I arrived in Chengdu, it was already the beginning of October. There are still two months for the New Year, and the little uncle of the Zheng family will take the servants on the road together. It is impossible to hurry on the road. Therefore, if I rush back to the capital within two months, I will still be a little nervous.

Gu Lian and Qiao Mingyu discussed it, but if it was impossible, they let the servants and household items go slowly, and they took their uncle back first.

"It depends on whether my uncle is willing or not." Qiao Mingyu said.

Gu Lian nodded: "That's natural." She just made a suggestion.

After dismounting and entering Chengdu City, he was suddenly stopped before he took two steps.

"Excuse me, is it Miss Biao?" The servant saluted respectfully, "The servant belongs to the Zheng residence."

If Qiao Mingyu's mother hadn't married into the royal family, and now she went back to see her uncle in Zheng's mansion, the slave should also be called "Miss Biao". Qiao Mingyu's eyes widened when he heard the words: "Is your uncle temporarily living in the mansion next to the City Lord's Mansion?"

The servant nodded: "Exactly, Miss Biao and all the Qingsui slaves are here. My master has been waiting for a long time, and I thought something happened to Miss Biao on the way."

Qiao Mingyu felt a little guilty. After she was playing, she forgot to say hello to her uncle in advance. No wonder the other party was worried.

"Let's go." Gu Lian took Qiao Mingyu's hand, threw the reins to the male guard, and took Qiao Mingyu to follow.

The author has something to say: There have been a lot of classes recently _(:з"∠)_ Today I have four major classes, starting at 8 in the morning and ending at 8:30 in the evening...