The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 103: uncle


"Uncle!" Qiao Mingyu's eyes lit up as she looked at the gentle man who was waiting in front of the door.

The man has a good-looking appearance, and it is said that he is very similar to Qiao Mingyu's deceased mother concubine. He was over 30 years old, but he looked very young, so he and Qiao Mingyu stood together, very much like brothers and sisters.

"It's finally here." The Zheng family's uncle's name is Zheng Yinfeng, which is also a nice name. He gently touched Qiao Mingyu's head with a loving look.

After chatting with Qiao Mingyu, he looked at Gu Lian again.

"Is this the Lord of the Five Immortals?"

Gu Lian smiled politely: "Uncle Zheng's."

"Come in and talk, you should be tired on your way." He smiled gently, "Why are you delayed on the way? Make me worry."

Qiao Mingyu hides behind Gu Lian with some guilt, thinks for a while, then walks out and protects Gu Lian behind him: "It's nothing, it's just that I'm a little playful. I ran into a bandit before, so I took care of it."

Zheng Yinfeng did not blame, but looked at the two of them dotingly: "You have few people with you, so don't make a fool of yourself next time."


One thing is another thing, Qiao Mingyu agreed obediently, not daring to make trouble.

"Follow me to see you Mr. Fang, and then go to rest." Zheng Yinfeng said, and led them to another road to the Xiaohua Hall.

Mr. Fang

Gu Lian had never heard of this person and was a little puzzled.

Qiao Mingyu moved her mouth and made a mouth shape, Gu Lian saw it clearly, so it was.

No wonder this little uncle wanted to be expelled from his home and had to come to Shuzhong. That Mr. Fang was Zheng Yinfeng's lover. The Zheng family's style is strict, and naturally they can't tolerate a clan who likes the south wind, but Zheng Yinfeng, who was still a teenager at that time, was so determined, he would rather follow him to leave the capital to go to Shu, which he didn't understand at all, rather than cut off contact with Mr. Fang.

Mr. Fang is deeply infatuated with his lover, and has treated him very well these years. It's just that Zheng Yinfeng didn't dare to go home, and he has only gone back once in the past fifteen years.

Mr. Fang is a quiet man, but looks very reliable. The eyes he looked at Zheng Yinfeng were very tender and doting, and Qiao Mingyu felt relieved when he saw him like this. My uncle was very happy, and she didn't need to worry about it.

"Have a good rest, and don't be in a hurry on your way." After listening to Qiao Mingyu's proposal, Mr. Fang nodded in agreement, not forgetting to care a few words.

Zheng Yinfeng felt sorry for his niece, urged them to rest quickly, and personally led them on the way.

"Uncle." Qiao Mingyu grabbed his sleeve and asked in a low voice, "Will he be unhappy when you and Mr. Fang return to Huaijing?"

Mr. Fang is a native of Shu. He left the middle of Shu for a study tour and met the young master of the Zheng family in Huaijing. The two fell in love at first sight, and they got along for a while. Later, Zheng Yinfeng was expelled from his home because of this, so he followed Mr. Fang to Shuzhong.

Now that he wants to go back to Huaijing, then Mr. Fang will definitely follow him, I am afraid that his homeland will be difficult to leave.

Zheng Yinfeng smiled: "Don't worry, he first proposed to your imperial brother to return to Beijing."

Mr. Fang knew that his lover had been missing his family for so many years. It just so happened that Mr. Fang's parents and elders had passed away. He had no immediate family here, and only a group of relatives were left to fight the autumn wind. Instead of staying here and facing bad relatives, it is better to accompany your sweetheart home.

What's more, the Zheng family now needs Zheng Yinfeng very much.

Qiao Mingyu was relieved when she heard the words, loosened her uncle's sleeve, and went in to accompany Gu Lian. I saw that Gu Lian had already entered the room to take a bath, she paused, and after the two of them said it, she was a little embarrassed. Qiao Mingyu used to be cheeky enough to play hooligans, but now she has a hard time getting past that hurdle in her heart.

After hesitating again and again, he still didn't decide whether to go in or not, but Gu Lian had already finished washing out.

"Are you still shy?" Gu Lian pursed her lips and smiled, "Don't be shy, wait for the little servant to change to clean water, then go take a bath."

Qiao Mingyu was disappointed.

There are no huge swimming pools in the Princess Mansion and the Princess Mansion. You can only bathe in wooden barrels, which is really inconvenient. Qiao Mingyu waited for a long time before she got a bucket of clean warm water, and hurriedly went into the inner room with her clothes.

Gu Lian dried her hair, tied it loosely, and went in without any entanglement.

What's so confusing about this.

Qiao Mingyu had just undressed before entering the tub. Gu Lian had already walked to the tub with a bath towel. After getting wet, she was waiting to wipe Qiao Mingyu's back.

"..." Qiao Mingyu subconsciously protected her chest.

Gu Lian glanced at her sideways: "Come in, the water is going to be cold."

come in, come in...

Qiao Mingyu sniffed, there should be no nosebleed.

Seeing that she was still in a daze, Gu Lian reluctantly came over and pulled her: "It's getting colder now, so you're not afraid of catching a cold when you stand."

After entering the tub, Qiao Mingyu realized that her face was a little hot, and she simply dipped half of her face into the water. The servant in the house made the petals float on the water on his own initiative, which was convenient for the shy Qiao Mingyu and made her less embarrassed.

However, in the next second, Gu Lian rudely grabbed the petals by hand. After crushing and squeezing out the juice in the water, it was simply fished out and thrown into the empty bucket next to it.

Good, there are no obstacles now.

Qiao Mingyu: "..."

"I'll wash for you." Gu Lian said enthusiastically.

Then the rogue pity started to get up and down.

She should have been scrubbing with a bath towel, but it turned into soaping her with pig ling. Qiao Mingyu only felt that the place where she was touched by her palm was hot, and her body felt a little strange.

But Gu Lian was only responsible for teasing, not for putting out fires. After stroking his whole body, he picked up the bath towel and began to scrub seriously. Wipe off the foam for her, then wash her hair again, wave her sleeves, and turn away.

"After washing, you can dry the water and come out early. After a while, the water will be cold and you will catch a cold."

Qiao Mingyu was speechless.

A, pity, too, bad, too!

After hurriedly putting on her underwear, Qiao Mingyu angrily climbed onto the bed and was about to denounce Gu Lian when she held her shoulders.

"Wipe your hair dry." She reminded helplessly. After speaking, she felt that she might as well do it herself, so she reached for a dry towel and began to wipe her hair for Qiao Mingyu.

Qiao Mingyu suddenly became obedient, and the matter that he planned to settle just now was forgotten.

"Mr. Fang wants to become an official in the court?" Gu Lian asked while wiping her hair.

It seems that Mr. Fang should also be quite capable, and Gu Lian doesn't think he will rest assured that Zheng Yinfeng will be alone.

"Of course." Qiao Mingyu nodded, "They are their own family, and they won't have children. If you reuse their words, the royal brother doesn't have to worry."

People without children are always less of a threat.

Gu Lian naturally understood this truth, no wonder Rui Di chose Zheng Yinfeng. He is not the most suitable member of the Zheng family to be an official, but he is the most suitable for the Zheng family to occupy a high position. What's more, his means are not weak, and there is Mr. Fang's assistance, so he is very relieved.

"Your little uncle was an official?"

"Have been." Qiao Mingyu knew this.

Zheng Yinfeng and Mr. Fang were both local officials in Shu and held high positions. But then the emperor became more and more lethargic, and the two of them resigned and prepared to live a good life.

But now that the nephew became the emperor, and he sincerely invited them to the court, and Zheng Yinfeng was deeply attached to the Zheng family, so he agreed with a half push. No man is unambitious. They also want to sit in high positions, do practical things for the people, and prove their worth. Ruidi just gave them a platform to display their ambitions again.

Gu Lian dried her hair, put the towel aside, and was about to turn off the light and pulled Qiao Mingyu to lie down to sleep when Qiao Mingyu suddenly grabbed her hand.

"By the way, Alian, I want a child." She stared at Qiao Mingyu with burning eyes.

"Oh." Gu Lian calmly pulled out his hand, walked to the table and turned off the light, "It's a pity that we are both women, so we can't have children together. I don't have the guts to let women and women have children, don't think about it. ."

Qiao Mingyu shook his head: "I didn't want you to give birth."

"Then you want to find a man to have a baby?" Gu Lian raised her eyebrows, deliberately teasing her.

Qiao Mingyu was a little embarrassed and angry: "I mean adopt one!"

Seeing that she was embarrassed, Gu Lian hurriedly went to bed and hugged her waist: "Sister Mingyu, don't be angry, I'm just kidding you."

"Ah Lian, don't you want children?" Qiao Mingyu didn't care about Gu Lian's joke before, she asked nervously.

"Of course not." Gu Lian smiled slightly, "It's fine to raise a child, just go to Shan'ertang and bring one back."

Shan Ertang is similar to an orphanage, but the welfare is worse than that of later orphanages. The children there sometimes do not have enough to eat and must go out to work to earn food. The so-called work is just going to some charitable people to help with some light work, in exchange for a meal.

In previous years, dignitaries and nobles would also help Shanertang from time to time, but in the past two years, natural and man-made disasters have occurred frequently, and everyone has been frugal, so the money donated is less.

Qiao Mingyu had no problem, she originally wanted to pick a child who had lost her parents at a young age in the clan. However, since Gu Lian prefers the orphans from the common people, she has no objection.

After the natural disasters and plagues, there were a large number of orphans, and they were not worried that they would not be able to choose the right one.

"A boy or a girl?" Gu Lian asked.

"It's all good." Qiao Mingyu smiled softly.

If it's a boy, make him a little man. If it's a girl, she should be pampered, but she can't be as sturdy as her, and she must be as graceful and squeamish as Alian. It doesn't matter what the boy is, the girl's family must give her beautiful clothes and jewelry since she was a child, and dress her up beautifully.

Gu Lian didn't know what Qiao Mingyu was thinking, she pressed Qiao Mingyu into the bed: "rest first, the child will think about it after returning to Beijing."

"Well, good." Qiao Mingyu responded, but she thought in her heart that it would be good to have one for each boy and girl.

The author has something to say: I'm stupid, the beginning of October should be three months before the Chinese New Year _(:з"∠)_Ignore this bug