The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 106: New Years


"The three rooms are divided." Zhuxiang said.

Gu Lian was slightly surprised, but she didn't expect this.

The third aunt has great ambitions. If she wants to manage the entire Gu Mansion, how could she be willing to split up? To know how much property the concubine can't get.

"It should be the fourth young master who pushed him."

The only direct son of the third room, the fourth young master, is about the same age as the deceased Gu Zishu, but he has a deep mind and has been secretly cooperating with the eldest young master, but he is wary of each other. This time, the eldest young master won a big victory, and when he was about to deal with the third room, the fourth young master took the time to persuade his mother to let his mother and his father go to the separation.

Regardless of the family, the next one to be cleaned up is their third room.

The tragic situation of the first and second rooms is still there. The third uncle is a timid, cowardly and intimidating person. Hearing his wife said that all this was done by the eldest young master behind his back, he was so scared that he almost lost his mind. But they have no evidence, everything is based on the conjecture of the fourth young master, so they can't take the eldest young master.

The third aunt listens to her son the most, and naturally she has him. She believed everything her son said, and helped convince the third uncle.

This was a good thing, and the third uncle immediately ran to tell the sick mother that they were going to split up the family.

The old lady was so angry that their family had not fallen yet, so this son of a bitch looked like he was going to quickly draw a line with his family property. But the Chinese New Year is coming soon, and the separation of the family at this moment is not good. At any rate, it will be delayed until after the New Year.

When the eldest young master saw this, he was too lazy to deal with the third uncle and the others, but the other party didn't stop him. But with Gu Zhimo, he wasn't going to let it go.

Gu Zhimo is the eldest son and the first son. As long as he is there, the family business will not be the second house. Not to mention that Gu Zhimo has a son. The eldest young master knew that Gu Zijun had the eyes of Gu Lian and could not kill this cousin directly, so he would start with Gu Zhimo.

"I've been sick for so long, he did it?" Gu Lian asked coldly.

Gu Zhimo, a scumbag, will not regret Gu Lian's death. So when Gu Lian talked about this, he didn't have any other thoughts, and he didn't plan to save him.

Zhuxiang knew some inside stories, and she lowered her voice: "Young master means to make him a fool..."

Gu Zhimo hasn't been on duty well in the past few months because of family affairs, and he doesn't know if he can keep his official position during the year-end evaluation. The eldest young master doesn't care about this, he just wants to get the family business and go to the next exam by himself in the spring of the year. Now that he already has a reputation, as long as he is a jinshi in the Chunwei exam, he will be able to become a minor official, and he does not need to envy Gu Zhimo.

Gu Lian nodded, indicating that he understood.

In this way, the family's affairs have been dealt with cleanly, and you can have a good year in peace.

At noon, Qiao Mingyu and Qiao Ancheng came back. The little prince had a puffed face and didn't want to talk to his aunt at all. Qiao Mingyu was too lazy to care about her, so she leaned over to Gu Lian and sat next to her, euphemistically saying it was so warm.

Joan looked enviously.

He thinks that he has "grown up" after turning over the years, and Qiao Ancheng, who has grown up, already understands the benefits of having a female mother. Such a sweet and soft mother will not be as unreliable as his mother, and will hug him and tell him stories, coax him to sleep, and if he is sad and sad, he will hold him tenderly and speak softly. soothe him.

Qiao Ancheng also wanted a mother like this, but when he thought of his mother... Forget it, his mother would be jealous.

Gu Lian saw the envy in the child's eyes, and couldn't help laughing, beckoning him to come over, then possessed him, picked him up, and placed him on his lap. She put her arms around the child and took pastries to feed him.

"What? Miss your mother?" Gu Lian joked.

The old gentleman of Qiao Ancheng's literature class was not in good health after the winter and went back to recuperate. Therefore, Qiao Ancheng always lived here with Gu Lian, saving the trouble of running to and from the palace every three days. After all, it's been four days since he entered the palace. Wouldn't such a small child miss her mother

However, Qiao Ancheng shook his head, Gu Lian didn't care, he just thought he was embarrassed to admit it.

"It's okay, I'm going to the palace tonight for a family banquet, then you will stay in the palace for two days." Gu Lian pinched his little face.

Qiao Ancheng wrinkled his face: "Don't pinch my face, my mother said it would be swollen."

"Your mother said that, has he never pinched it?" Gu Lian asked back.

Joan Cheng was speechless for a moment.

His mother is particularly bad. While scaring him that his face will be swollen if he is pinched all the time, she keeps pinching her. No matter how her son resists, she is indifferent, and she watches with schadenfreude. Qiao Ancheng especially doubted that he was not born to his mother, but the elders said that he was born to his mother.

The little prince naturally didn't know that the elder was just joking, he took it seriously.

"That's right, teacher." Qiao Ancheng cuddled in Gu Lian's arms obediently, "My mother said that you will have a baby in the future. Does that mean that after you have a baby, you won't hold me and coax me?"

He didn't have a female mother, and he always regarded Gu Lian as his mother. Although Gu Lian looked petite, she was much more reliable than his mother.

Gu Lian's mouth twitched: "Your mother is talking nonsense, do you believe it? How do women and women have children?"

"But my mother gave birth to me with my father!" Qiao An said plausibly with an expression like you were lying to me.

Gu Lian was at a loss for words for a while, this bear child...

Qiao Mingyu laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten her waist. She hugged Gu Lian and didn't let go. She lay on her back and made trouble: "Yes, yes, your teacher will give birth to a baby for me."

"..." Gu Lian gave Qiao Mingyu an elbow with a blank expression.

Her Royal Highness suddenly became honest, like a wife and slave, be careful to pay for her sweetheart.

Joan looked at them suspiciously, did he say something funny

Gu Lian knew why Lingsu wanted to lie about her. Last year, Qiao Ancheng came to ask Gu Lian if his mother was pregnant. Gu Lian lied to him and said yes, so Lingsu waited for an opportunity to retaliate against her. But it's been a year since this happened, and this guy still remembers it, he's really careful.

"Don't worry about having children." Gu Lian rubbed Qiao Ancheng's head, "When you grow up and marry a daughter-in-law, I might give you a sister."

Qiao Ancheng opened his mouth wide: "It's taking so long..."

Gu Lian nodded firmly.

Yeah, then you'll know how stupid you were when you were a kid.

Qiao Mingyu rubbed his stomach, picked up his nephew from his wife's arms, and threw it to the ground: "Well, you're dead, go play by yourself, don't bother your teacher."

"What are you playing?" Gu Lian stretched out his hand to hold him, and glared at Qiao Mingyu by the way, "It's time to eat."

Qiao Mingyu looked away in a guilty conscience. She took her nephew to eat snacks on the street all morning. How can she eat now. She remembered that Gu Lian had specially instructed them to eat less food and save their stomachs for lunch before they left, but she didn't listen.

Gu Lian knew what was going on when she saw her expression, and sighed helplessly.

"Cheng'er is still young and easy to accumulate food. Don't give him too much food. And occasionally eat a little snack on the street, don't eat too much, just go back to the house and let the cook cook what you want."

Qiao Mingyu nodded again and again, but did not dislike Gu Lian like a housekeeper.

The days were as smooth as water, and it was New Year's Eve in a flash.

That night in Laba, Gu Lian deliberately talked to Lingsu, who finally realized her problem and began to greet her son. The little prince was extremely happy. He lived in the palace for the past few days during the Chinese New Year. Every day, his face flushed with excitement. When he saw Gu Lian, he would say how good his mother was, better than anyone's mother.

Lingsu couldn't be bothered, and felt that she was the best mother in the world.

Gu Lian: "Do you still remember that you are a big man?"

Lingsu: "..."

In short, Qiao Ancheng's maternal love problem is solved, and childhood should be happier.

New Year's Eve New Year's Eve, feast for a hundred officials.

Last year's annual banquet was not too big because the late emperor had just passed away, but this time was different. Officials of the fifth rank and above can bring their family members to the palace for banquets. In the afternoon, their family members can enter the palace ahead of time, and let the boys and girls have a blind date. In the evening, the officials enter the palace and go to the Gufeng Palace for a banquet. one time.

Years ago, before the emperor sealed the pen, all the evaluations had ended. Some people were promoted and others were demoted. Of course, there were also those who were unlucky and lost their official positions like Gu Zhimo. But most people are still beaming, and it makes people happy to watch.

Without the relationship of Gu Zhimo, the Gu family would naturally not be able to enter the palace. Although there were no annoying guys who jumped out all the time to respond to others, Gu Lian didn't want to see the Gu family during the new year. She sent Mei Xiang to send the New Year's gifts, and she never went to Gu's house after returning to Beijing.

In the past, she would also care a little about her reputation and gossip outside, but now she just wants to live her own life with Qiao Mingyu, and she doesn't bother to care about the talk of those people.

"Teacher." The prince was wearing an apricot-yellow formal suit, and the whole figure was like a delicate porcelain doll, and he respectfully bowed to Gu Lian.

There were many ladies around, who were surprised when they saw this, but didn't dare to say anything.

Gu Lian smiled slightly: "Why did the prince come here?"

It was only half afternoon, and the imperial garden was now full of girls and wives to be married, chatting and laughing together in twos and threes. There were also some young people who came out of the path from time to time, hurriedly said hello and left, pretending to be here by accident, but in fact they came to see the girl on purpose.

Qiao Ancheng was ordered by his aunt to rescue his teacher, but he couldn't say that.

"The national teacher wants to see the solitary, and also see you. The solitary will stop by, please come with you." The little prince had a serious face, pretending to be an old man, but he was too cute.

Gu Lian smiled and held his hand: "Then let's go."

No one dared to stop them, and watched the two of them leave with a group of palace maids and eunuchs. Seeing people leave, some babble-loving ladies inexplicably spread a gossip.

"Is this county owner and the national teacher..."

"It's really enviable. I heard that the national teacher is handsome and handsome, and many girls in Beijing want to marry in their dreams!"


The author has something to say: There is one more update later, don't forget to read it!