The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 124: Extraordinary Counterattack 1


[Summary of the previous situation: If Gu Lian traveled through the orc world, and then she met the lovely Xiao Mingyu...]

"Are you okay?" The two little orcs came back from outside the village accompanied.

They are little orcs from Sanger Village, not yet adults. The forest outside the village is very dangerous, so the adults circle a relatively safe grove for the children to exercise and hunt. Even so, some children will be injured.

The two little orcs went to catch rabbits together today, and one of them tripped and cut his arm by a branch.

The injured little orc was afraid of pain, but he held back and didn't cry: "I'm fine, I'm fine, it doesn't really hurt."

His companion looked at him worriedly: "Let's go to Aunt Lian to bandage you."

Although it is only scratched, it is still very dangerous in this backward orc world. The wound needs to be sterilized and medicated, otherwise the infection will be bad.

Thinking of the gentle Aunt Lian, the little orc was refreshed and nodded quickly: "Okay!"

Gu Lian dressed in soft muslin clothes to clean up herbs in front of a simple wooden house. The productivity of this world is very low, and even muslin is a precious item. There are only four female orcs who can weave in the entire village, and among them, only one can weave muslin. Most of these muslins were sold to the respected orcs of the village, who themselves wore simple clothes of grass or coarse cloth, with large areas of their skin exposed.

"Aunt Lian!" The two little beasts came running hand in hand.

Gu Lian raised her head and smiled at them: "Full point."

These two little guys were only thirteen years old and looked petite and petite. Orcs are beasts in their infancy, turn into half-beasts when they are ten years old and enter adolescence, and completely turn into humanoids when they reach adulthood at the age of twenty. The two little guys in front of them have furry ears on top of their heads and a long tail behind them. At first glance, they look like feline orcs.

This village is actually full of cat-shaped orcs, all kinds of kittens, and tigers and lions. In fact, the cubs are very cute.

"Injured?" She looked at the arm of the little beast on the left, pressed him to sit on the big stone at the door, mashed up herbs, and rubbed it on his wound, "Does Xiaojie hurt?"

"Xiaojie is not afraid of pain!" Tears welled up in the big round eyes of the half-beast baby, and the expression on his tender and chubby face was stubborn.

Gu Lian laughed: "Xiaojie is really amazing!"

Xiaojie cocked the corner of his mouth slightly, very happy.

Gu Lian carefully bandaged him with a soft muslin cloth, which she specially asked the female orc in the village to buy. Treat the wound with some soft cloth. When the orcs are healed, they will be washed and sent back so that she can recycle them easily.

Fortunately, Gu Lian can prepare disinfection-medicine powder, which is barely sterilized, otherwise there is no way to reuse it. The conditions here are really bad, and some things can't be so particular about it.

"Okay, let's go play, be careful not to tug on the wound." She patted Xiaojie on the head, took two pieces of licorice seeds from the nearby medicine garden, rinsed them, and handed them to them, "Take them back and dry them in the sun. You can drink it in water, it's sweet."

The sweetness of licorice is completely inferior to that of white sugar. Some people in later generations have done experiments. They can still taste the sweetness after pouring 20,000 parts of water.

Xiaojie and his friends happily took the leaves and ran away, and sure enough, Auntie Lian was the best in the whole village.

"A pity! A pity!" The two little beasts had just left, and another group of people hurried over with a wounded orc.

This time it was an adult orc who was injured, and it seemed that the situation was very critical.

It's not a joke if an adult is injured, it should be an injury from fighting a beast. Gu Lian hurried up to meet him and checked him out. Fortunately, the injury is not fatal, but the blood loss is a little bit, and the bleeding must be stopped quickly.

After working for a long time, the injury was finally dealt with. Gu Lian looked back at his inventory, and there were not enough herbs.

The small amount of medicine grown in her medicine garden is not enough for the entire village to use, so she has to go into the woods often to collect medicines. She was the only doctor in the village, but fortunately, her doctor's force value was not low, otherwise it would be a hassle to collect medicines alone.

Gu Lian carried the basket on his back and entered the forest, walking all the way to the depths. This time, she will pick up a little more commonly used herbs, especially hemostatic.


Walking into the depths of the forest, I suddenly heard a small, delicate voice. Gu Lian moved for a while and listened intently.


I heard another sound, it didn't seem to be a hallucination.

Only their village is a feline orc village nearby. If there are cat orcs, either they came from afar, or they were lost in the village. He couldn't ignore both emotion and reason, and Gu Lian hurriedly walked over to the voice.

Pushing aside the grass, a group of pitiful kittens curled up there, meowing softly. Her fur is beautiful, but it's already dirty, and she's probably been lost for a long time.

Gu Lian paused, carefully picked her up, and put her in his arms.

This kitten is only the size of a slap and has a beautiful orange-white coat. The fur is oily and watery, and it looks well raised, but I don't know why it strays deep into the forest. She screamed so weakly, she must have been hungry for days.

Gu Lian vaguely remembered that only the village chief's fur color was like this in the village, and the youngest daughter of the village chief's family was indeed lost two days ago. Gu Lian once gave medicine to the injured fourth son of the village chief. He was so badly injured that he had to transform into his original shape. At that time, she also praised that the hair color was good-looking, and the people next to her told her that only the village chief's family had this kind of hair color.

but... ...

Seven of the ten orange cats are fat, one is very fat, the remaining one is as fat as a pig, and the last one is an elephant.

Gu Lian thought of the group of fat people in the village chief's family, and felt very emotional. He didn't know if the little kitten in his arms would grow into a big fat man in the future.

Since there is a cub in his arms, it is not easy to stay outside. She had to take it home quickly to get her something to eat, and then send it back to the village chief's house.

"Honey, don't be afraid." Gu Lian touched the kitten across her clothes, "I'll be home soon."

Such a small kitten looks like she should drink milk, but she is actually nine years old. Infancy orcs need to drink broth, and can also eat some soft, rotten pieces of meat. When you are a teenager, you can eat meat in a big mouth.

This little baby was hungry for several days, and Gu Lian didn't even think about cooking a pot of broth.

"Meow." The kitten was in her arms in a hurry, already starving.

Gu Lian hurriedly hugged her: "Don't, be careful of getting scalded. The soup hasn't been cooked yet, be good."

The kitten curled up pitifully and motionless, she was really hungry.

After tossing for a long time, I finally drank the soup. The cat cub lay contentedly on Gu Lian's lap, turned his belly, and put his head on her hand. Gu Lian followed her will and scratched her head, tickled her hair, and made her comfortable, so she was willing to go to sleep obediently.

Really cute.

Gu Lian covered her chest, it was so cute, she couldn't bear to return the cub to the village chief. The biological mother of the little cub had passed away for several years, and the stepmother was obviously not good to her at all, otherwise, how could such a small cub be lost in the forest!

However, Gu Lian heard that the village chief loved the only daughter very much, so Gu Lian hesitated and sent the kitten back.

Although she really couldn't trust the village chief, this man was an unsympathetic orc when he was young. He got together with several females, and later married whoever became pregnant. It is a pity that the first two wives died in childbirth, and the children born did not live long. Now there are only two sons by his side, one is the third son from his third wife, and the other is the fourth son from his current wife.

The third son and the kitten were born from the same mother, but the fourth son was older than the kitten. Obviously, the village chief where the kitten was born was married to his current wife. But he was very dignified in the village, and no one dared to have an opinion.

"Yuyu!" As soon as he came in near the village chief's house, he ran into his third son. He has been looking for his missing sister for the past few days. He was so anxious that he couldn't eat or sleep. He thought that his sister was already in trouble, but he was lucky and recovered.

Gu Lian thinks about it and feels lucky, such a small cub, a wild beast can swallow her in one bite. But she was still screaming from hunger, and sooner or later she would attract the beasts. Fortunately, she met today, otherwise such a small child would be eaten if not starved to death.

"Thank you so much!" The third son is the only orange cat in the village chief's family who is not fat, as if a genetic mutation.

Gu Lian smiled and handed the kitten to him: "Watch carefully, I found her in the depths of the forest."

Gu Lian suspects that the fourth son threw the kitten in. After all, the fourth son is an adult and can enter the depths of the forest.

The third son obviously thinks the same way. It takes two or three days for such a small cat to climb into the depths of the forest by himself. It is only possible that someone was brought in, and who would have trouble with such a small child, only the mother and son team.

It must be because the father dotes on the sister too much, so they will start with the sister.

The third son was so distressed, and they were so heartbroken, even such a young sister could do it.

"I'll go back first." Gu Lian greeted her and was about to leave, she thought for a while and added, "She's been hungry for a few days, don't give her meat, just drink soup, remember to skim off the oil before feeding. Give her a drink, or she will have diarrhea."

"Okay!" The third son quickly agreed.

Gu Lian smiled and turned around. The herbs she picked today have not been processed yet, so they need to be dried quickly for later use.

The author has something to say: Note (1): "Seven of the ten orange cats are fat, and one is very fat. The remaining one is as fat as a pig, and the last one is an elephant." It is a joke on the Internet. Who.

I'm lazy when I write a story _(:з"∠)_ I try to update it on time every day. Today, my roommates have been chatting all the time. I'm already desperate for their loud voice. It's useless to wear earplugs, which seriously affects my code. Word efficiency QAQ two more will have to wait for a while...