The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 125: Extraordinary Counterattack 2


After sending the picked up kitten home, Gu Lian thought that she would have nothing to do with her, but she never expected that the third son came to the door with the kitten the next day.

The third son's name is Qiao Rui, and his usual handsome face is now full of embarrassed expressions: "Well, I'm sorry to bother you..."

"What's wrong?" Gu Lian put down the work in his hand.

"My sister makes trouble when she can't see you, and has been crying all night. Can I ask you to help take care of my sister, I can pay you."

There is no concept of money in the orc world, and the reward is food. Generally only male orcs will go out to hunt wild beasts, and then divide the meat. Meat is their daily staple, and people here do not grow crops. Females will sometimes help out and pick wild fruits by the way, but it is dangerous in the forest, so few fruits can be eaten, and most of the time they still eat meat.

Gu Lian is never short of food here. Every time she treats someone, she will bring meat from the other party's home. Gu Lian couldn't finish it, so he would let the children take some home to eat, or make bacon. If it weren't for the lack of salt, she would probably still be able to make bacon or something.

Gu Lian wanted to say that he was not short of food, but looking at the hairy head that came out of his brother's shirt, he couldn't help swallowing what he wanted to say. Such a cute little guy, it's easy to help take care of her, and she likes her very much.

"That's fine, but I don't want your meat." Gu Lian said, "You learn to identify some medicinal herbs with me. If you come across them while hunting, just pick them up and bring them back to me."

"But..." So he took advantage of it.

Gu Lian reached out and took the cat who had been trying to play with her: "Then you can get me some more salt."

The salt in her hand is basically on the market day, she takes the extra meat to exchange with other villagers, or usually exchanges with the villagers. People here are accustomed to adding a little salt to season their food, and it is very rude to boil the meat in plain water without any seasoning. Gu Lian couldn't get used to it. She found a lot of seasonings in the forest, and she transplanted some of them by herself, fiddled with them and put them in the house, and used them when cooking meat.

But other seasonings are easy to handle, but salt is very troublesome. After all, everyone doesn't have much on hand, and Gu Lian can't produce and sell them on his own.

Qiao Rui nodded in response, touched her sister's head, and instructed: "Be good."

My heart is very sad, I have only been out for a few days, and my brother doesn't want it anymore, just a savior.

With a delicate little baby around, life seems to be more interesting.

At first, I just wanted Gu Lian to help her with the area during the day. First, Xiaomao Tuan likes to stick to her. Second, Qiao Rui wants to lead the team to go hunting during the day and has no time to take care of her sister. , If you are thrown into the forest again, I am afraid that you will not be so lucky to come back alive.

Later, Mao Tuanzi became more and more sticky to her, and even refused to go home at night. Gu Lian and Qiao Rui had no choice but to let the cat stay by Gu Lian's side all the year round.

"Mi woo." Xiao Mao Tuan was spoiled, and now he has evolved to a state where his feet don't touch the ground. He only wants to walk around on the bed and table every day, but refuses to go to the ground because the ground is dirty.

She called out, and the cat slave Gu Lian came over immediately and took her into his arms.

"Little lazy cat, are you awake?"

The cubs sleep two-thirds of the day and have an odd schedule. After Gu Lian slept, she was playing, Gu Lian got up, and she fell asleep.

"Meow." She licked her mouth, begging for something to eat.

Gu Lian tapped her little nose: "I cooked it for you a long time ago."

The weather is getting colder, and the broth cooked in the morning is now frozen, and it is very interesting to dig up with a stone spoon and tremble. But Gu Lian didn't dare to give her cold food, so he had to reheat it into soup.

The kitten was full, and generously allowed Gu Lian to touch her belly.

"Is it cold?" Gu Lian covered it's belly, frowning, "I'll make you a little dress tomorrow."

The kitten raised its ears, turned over and grabbed Gu Lian's arm and got up: "Meow?"

She has long been able to understand human words, but she can't speak human words because she can't transform into a human form before the age of ten. As long as you are ten years old, even a beast can speak human words, which will be much more convenient.

"Do you like it?" Gu Lian poked her little ear.

No way, she can't understand the animal language of the little baby, in fact, everyone can't understand it.

The kitten nodded his head: "Mi."

Gu Lian suddenly smiled, thinking that the cat will change shape when the spring begins tomorrow, and he is looking forward to it. She will definitely look as good-looking as her brother, and she will wear two cat ears, ah, she must be cute.

"Mi woo." At some point, the kitten climbed onto her shoulder and licked her face.

The soft little tongue is itchy with soft barbs. Gu Lian reached out to catch her, and rubbed her head: "Naughty."

From autumn to winter, the village ushered in the first snow of the year.

Orcs are strong and not afraid of the cold, so wearing thin clothes is not cold. Gu Lian has internal strength to protect her body and is not cold, but she is very worried that the kitten will freeze. How can she resist the cold winter with her thin and soft fur. Gu Lian can only exercise, to keep her body warm, and let the kitten stay in her clothes and not come out.

In previous winters, cubs often freeze to death in the village. Generally speaking, the cubs will not go out unless they go out. Even the little orcs in their teenage years will stay in the house around the fire to keep warm.

Most of the villages are wooden and stone huts. Fortunately, there are no thatched huts, otherwise it will easily collapse under heavy snow. Gu Lian's house is actually a stone house, and it is a stone house made of hollow brick walls. It is warm in winter and cool in summer, except that it is covered with a layer of wood. When it was built, she asked half of the village orcs to help and took out her own. All meat stock.

In this way, she still owes a lot of favors, but fortunately, what others owe her is probably more than offset.

However, as the only doctor, her reputation in the village is second only to the village chief's family, and she lives comfortably.

"Mimi." The kitten stretched out a small pad and scratched her belly.

Fortunately, Gu Lian was not afraid of itching, otherwise he would have been unable to bear it.

She hurriedly stroked the kitten soothingly: "what's the matter?"

The cat crawled up quickly with his clothes on, and stuck out a head from his neckline: "Meow."

His eyes stared straight outside, with a longing expression, this is wanting to go out to play in the snow.

"No, it will freeze." Gu Lian immediately refused, pressing his head and stuffing it back.


The kitten got angry and decided not to deal with the bad Gu Lian all day.

Gu Lian went out and built a small snowman and placed it at the door, and asked the kitten to come out and see. She reluctantly crawled out to take a look, and liked it very much. Gu Lian wickedly grabbed her little paws to touch the snow, causing her to shiver.

"Look, it's cold, I'll tell you it's not fun." Seeing that the kitten lost interest in the snow, she quickly put the kitten back into her arms and went into the house to warm up.

What Gu Lian burns here is not firewood, but crude charcoal, which is much more durable than firewood. But it was a little troublesome, but fortunately it wasn't too troublesome.

The females in the village usually have nothing to do, so Gu Lian taught them how to cook with spices and charcoal, and now the living standard in the village is much higher. It's a pity that the amount of cotton is too small, Gu Lian only found a little, and after many days of tossing, he made a quilt, and he could only cover it with his kitten, and no one else could benefit.

The snow outside is much lighter, but it looks like it will be falling for a long time. Gu Lian was about to take the cat to bed when he heard a knock on the door.

"Who?" Gu Lian walked over to open the door.

Qiao Rui stood outside the door, holding the meat in his hand: "This snow will fall for several days, and I don't know if it will get bigger and bigger. If it gets bigger, I won't be able to come and see Yu. Yu, this is the reward for these days." Then he stuffed the meat into Gu Lian.

Gu Lian did not refuse, although she did not need it, but the other party would feel at ease after accepting it. There is no shortage of this meat for the village chiefs left and right.

"I will take good care of Yuyu," she assured.

"Then I can rest assured." Qiao Rui turned around and left, not daring to stay any longer. If it snowed heavily in a while, it would be difficult to go back, so he could only rush home.

"Yuyu." Gu Lian turned to look at the kitten who was pounced on the quilt on the bed, "Your brother has brought you something delicious."

The kitten raised its head from the soft bed: "Meow?"

"Would you like to cook broth for you?" Gu Lian smiled.

The kitten's eyes lit up: "Meow!"

In fact, the kitten prefers to eat fish, but there is only a small stream nearby, and the number of fish is limited, so Gu Lian can only occasionally catch one for her to try. Winter is here, there are fewer fish, the kitten hasn't eaten fish for a long time, and Gu Lian feels distressed when he sees it. It's snowing now, and I can't go out at all, and I can't eat fish at all.

Fortunately, the kitten is not a picky eater, and the broth also likes it.

Gu Lian closed the door and started to cut the meat and cook the soup.

The cat cub threw himself into the gentle village of the quilt again, rolled and fluttered, and had a great time. Although the kitten does not have any other entertainment activities, it seems that it is just playing with itself, and it will not get tired.

She felt that the broth had already been cooked before she played for a while, and it was very fragrant, even more fragrant than what her brother cooked. After drinking it once, I can't forget it, and I would rather abandon my brother and hug Gu Lian's thigh tightly to eat and drink.

"Meow." Xiao Maoqiu stood at the head of the bed and stared at Gu Lian without blinking. Seeing her walking around to get the seasonings and bowls, her head turned around, very cute.

Gu Lian glanced back at her and couldn't help but smile: "It'll be alright soon."

"Mi." Xiao Maoqiu raised his head and acted coquettishly.

Gu Lian hurriedly filled a bowl of soup and blew it carefully for a long while before bringing it over and feeding her soup one by one with a small spoon. Seeing her cute appearance, she squinted her eyes with a smile.