The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 126: Extraordinary Counterattack 3


This winter, the village was quite happy, because the number of dead orcs dropped sharply, and everyone had a warm winter.

On the first day when the ice and snow melted and the earth rejuvenated, the kitten began to change shape.

Gu Lian pushed open the door and walked out, seeing a greenish green in the withered grass outside the house, and suddenly smiled.

There are no evergreen plants in this forest, and this green grass is the first time Gu Lian has seen in the past two months. After seeing it, Gu Lian was in a good mood. She looked back at the small furball sleeping in the center of the pillow, and her heart softened.

The kitten sleeps for two days, and then suddenly changes into a human form before waking up.

Gu Lian couldn't wait to see what this little cutie looked like.

She hesitated, not taking advantage of the good weather to enter the forest. There are still some food in the forest in winter. For example, there is a bamboo forest in the east, and there must be winter bamboo shoots at this time. I haven't eaten much vegetables in a winter, so it's time to add some vitamin C or something.

However, she is not at ease when the cat is at home alone. She still remembered the incident when her stepmother and fourth son killed the cat. If she leaves, who knows if the mother and son will make a comeback.

Forget it, wait two more days.

"Aunt Lian!" The little orcs ran over in groups. They went to play in the open space behind and happened to pass by here. Seeing Gu Lian standing at the door, they all said hello.

Gu Lian's thoughts moved, and she stopped them: "Is your mother going into the forest to pick wild vegetables recently?"

"Yes." They nodded.

Finally, the weather was so good, and many adult orcs entered the woods together.

There are few wild vegetables in winter, but it is not without. The weather was bad before, so I didn't pick it much. At this moment, there are still many wild vegetables in the woods.

Gu Lian touched the head of one of them: "Whoever picks the most, I'll exchange the meat with you later."

The little beast replied obediently, and then asked in a chatter, "Aunt Lian won't go?"

"I can't go." She smiled.

Gu Lian raised the kitten from the village chief's house, and everyone in the village knew about it. The simple orcs didn't think much about it, and no one was willing to meddle in their own business, only those little orcs were very envious. In their hearts, Gu Lian is a very powerful person, and they also want to be raised by Aunt Lian.

"Okay, let's play."

After sending the little orc away, Gu Lian started to make a fire to cook.

The kitten has been sleeping for a day and a half, and should wake up in the afternoon. Gu Lian thought that this place was full of motivation, so he decided to eat something at noon, and make a good meal in the evening. When the cat has entered the juvenile period, he can start to eat meat as the main food, instead of having to drink broth every day, and he can make some food that he didn't dare to give her before.

These days, Gu Lian only dared to cook all kinds of soup in order to prevent the kittens from stealing the dishes that she couldn't digest. Pure broth, mushroom broth, wild radish broth, etc., for her to eat instead. However, in addition to soup, the kitten could only eat a little bit of soft boiled meat, and Gu Lian didn't even dare to give her vegetables.

Everyone raises children like this, and Gu Lian has never tested whether the orc baby will have indigestion when eating vegetables, and he does not dare to try it.

After eating a simple lunch, Gu Lian sat by the door and took a nap.

The days when there is nothing to do can only be so decadent. Speaking of which, Gu Lian does not have too many medicines here, and when the spring is deep, he will find an opportunity to go into the forest to pick some. I can't go in now, but fortunately, she stocked up a lot before winter came, otherwise it would have been sold out before spring.

The little furball in the house slept very deeply, and would purr nicely when it slept soundly on weekdays, but these days, the transformation of the slumber has made no movement at all. Fortunately, she was breathing smoothly and looked healthy.

The sun was slowly tilting towards the west, and at about four o'clock in the afternoon there was a sudden movement in the house. Gu Lian was startled and immediately woke up.

She quickly got up and entered the room, only to see a smaller orc sitting on the bed in confusion, completely naked.

Gu Lian hurried over and wrapped her in a quilt.

The weather is still very cold at the moment, so sitting like this will catch a cold.

But she never expected that the next second the little orc happily hugged her neck and said, "Mom!"


Gu Lian was almost knocked over.

It stands to reason that she has raised the kitten for half a year, so she shouldn't be regarded as a mother, but the mother died when the kitten was very young. The stepmother was not good to her, and the elder brother didn't call the stepmother a mother, so the cat subconsciously thought that he had no mother. Later, I met Gu Lian and found that she was very gentle and pampered herself, so the cat who looked forward to her mother very much took her as her mother.

Gu Lian thought that the cat was close to her because the food she cooked was delicious, how could she have thought that every time her Mimi barked, she was calling her mother.

"Mom, Mom!" The kitten was so happy, she rubbed against Gu Lian's arms.

The kitten has a lively personality. Before, she could only run around on the bed and did not dare to jump off the high bed. Don't be afraid now, she is excited to get out of bed to play, but she is still naked.

Gu Lian decided to dress her up first, and then talk about the correction of the address issue later.

The kitten is delighted to have put on comfortable new clothes. It's not exactly the right size, but that's okay.

She couldn't wait to step on the ground, curiously trying to walk on her legs.

Gu Lian was also afraid that she would not be able to walk on both legs and would need someone to teach her. Fortunately, this is like a talent, and the kitten learns how to walk in one fell swoop.

It was a pity that there were no shoes, so Gu Lian refused to let her go out, for fear that the stones on the ground would cut through her delicate feet.

"Um..." The kitten hung on Gu Lian's body and asked her to carry herself out.

Gu Lian used her internal strength and hugged her easily.

"Wow." She raised her big face, "Mom!"

Gu Lian almost threw her down: "...I'm not your mother."

"Huh?" She tilted her head.

Gu Lian put her back on the bed and looked at her seriously: "My name is Gu Lian, you can call me Aunt Lian. I am not your mother, your name is Qiao Mingyu, and it is your brother Qiao Rui who often comes to see you. Mom has been dead for a long time, I'll take you to see your dad later."

Qiao Mingyu was not very happy, she drooped her little fluffy ears: "Mom..."

Gu Lian thought that she was sad about her mother's death, and was about to appease her. Where did she expect someone to say in the next second, "Mom, don't you want me?"

"..." I'm really not your mother!

After three days in the world, Gu Lian finally broke the kitten's cognition. She didn't want to become a kitten's mother for no reason, after all, she was still a girl to be married.

The kitten was wearing the new shoes made by her brother, and happily ran in from the door: "Alian! Brother Alian gave me this!"

She held a beautiful blue stone in her hand.

"Where did it come from?" Gu Lian asked cooperatively.

She was so excited that her cat's ears trembled: "It's in the water!"

Her brother took her to the creek to catch fish, and then picked up this stone for her. As soon as she was happy, she ran back to share with Gu Lian, forgetting her brother who caught the fish.

Kuhaha's elder brother finally caught a fish, and was about to turn back to show off to his sister on the shore. In a twinkling of an eye, he found that the person was gone, and he was too heartbroken.

Gu Lian smiled and took the kitten back to the stream.

In such a short time, my elder brother has caught three fish, and they are not small in size.

Spring is here, and the fish are no longer submerged in the water, and begin to have fun everywhere. There are more fish in the creek. It is the spring flood season recently. There are always groups of fish swimming in the river in the distance, and there will be more fish that slip through the net in the creek.

Gu Lian planned to catch more fish to make smoked or salted fish, so as not to catch fish in the future, Qiao Mingyu would not be able to eat it if he wanted to.

"Brother is amazing!" The kitten circled around the fish basket, flicking its long tail.

Jorry was so motivated that he could catch ten more fish.

Gu Lian also rolled up his sleeves and trousers and went into the water to catch fish, and the two of them caught a dozen or so in a short time. Qiao Mingyu was playing on the shore, and stretched out her small paws to try to play in the water, but when she touched the water, she subconsciously threw the water away.

She used to be able to lick her paws by herself, but later she felt comfortable being served by Gu Lian. Every time her paws got dirty, Gu Lian would help her clean them with a soft towel. She got used to it and forgot that she could lick it by herself. At this moment, the kitten is half lying on the shore, holding up its little paws aggrieved, how cute it is.

Gu Lian immediately threw the fish on the shore, ran over it, and wiped her claws with her clothes.

"Ah Lian!" Qiao Mingyu wagged her tail happily, leaned over and licked her face.

Seeing that she was bored, Gu Lian pointed at the fish jumping on the ground and said, "Will Yuyu help me check the fish into the fish basket?"

"Okay, okay!"

With excess energy, Qiao Mingyu hurried over to pick up the fish, but she couldn't get to the point. The fish was too slippery and kept falling off.

Gu Lian ignored her and continued to catch fish and let the kitten play by herself. The caught fish was thrown on the shore, no longer accurately thrown into the frame, and left to Qiao Mingyu to pick up slowly.

Qiao Mingyu was very talented and quickly mastered the trick. The fish on the ground were cleaned up, and there was nothing to do. She flicked her tail unhappily, ran to the fish basket again, picked out the fish inside and threw them on the ground, repeating the game of picking up the fish and putting them in the basket.

Seeing this scene, Gu Lian silently ordered a row of wax for the poor little fish.

If this goes on, those fish will be killed by her sooner or later.

After filling the fish basket all the time, Gu Lian and Qiao Rui returned with the basket full of rewards. The kitten ran around beside him, talking about eating grilled fish at night.

"Xiao Rui will eat with us tonight?" Gu Lian suggested.

Qiao Rui was a few years younger than Gu Lian. He looked at his sister and nodded: "Thank you, Sister Gu."