The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 135: Extraordinary Blackening 5


People who didn't want to admit that their observation skills were too bad decided to change a pleasant topic, such as going back after finishing this vote and going back for a few days.

"It depends on Mr. Zhao's attitude." Lin Miao snorted, "Maybe people will blame us for not bringing back a living son."

"It's just weird." The strategist didn't care at all, "His high-level seat won't last long."

The one who first relied on materials was in the top position, and then most of the materials were handed in, and now there are not many left in his hand. He has nothing else now, that is, he has quite a lot of crystal cores. They used the crystal core to smash a few "masters". If this person is stupid enough to match up with their third team, they don't mind killing those masters behind their backs. By then, this person has no one in his hands, that is, he will be slaughtered. fat sheep. They don't need to do anything, others will take the opportunity to take a bite, take away his crystal core, and kill him by the way.

Many people want to sit on the upper floors of the base.

Qiao Mingyu did not participate in the routine, she quietly looked out the car window, not knowing what she was thinking.

Returning to the base after half an hour, Xiao Li drove to the side door, and the others went directly to the small door, which was faster. It is more troublesome to bring zombies into the base. The military advisor thought about it, went over, and negotiated with the base staff. By the way, he used the communicator to send a message to Mr. Zhao and let him come over and deal with it himself.

After returning to the base, Gu Lian thought about it, separated from his teammates, and went to the trading market by himself, preparing to exchange the crystal core for something. Although there are three meals a day provided by the team, but if you want to eat something else, you have to buy it yourself. And Gu Lian didn't intend to give up. She wanted to try raising a Gu, but she couldn't give up anymore.

After buying some things, Gu Lian greeted everyone casually and entered his room.

In the hall downstairs, everyone was discussing the previous tasks. Unsurprisingly, the Mr. Zhao was not satisfied. He was very suspicious of the zombies they killed, but there was no evidence, so it was not reported. However, they all felt that Mr. Zhao would not give up. He would either bribe the team members for information, or target them in secret.

Anyway, it's annoying.

"Actually, I shouldn't take this mission." The sergeant sighed.

Qiao Rui frowned; "I don't want to take this task, but Zhao himself came to find me."

The top management of the base came to the door in person, and he couldn't refuse, unless he didn't want to hang around here.

"Why didn't he find the first team and the second team?" Lin Miao asked dissatisfied.

"Why?" The military advisor sneered, bullying the soft and afraid of the hard.

The captains of the first team and the second team are all four-level power users, and the first level between power users is a world of difference. There are currently two fourth-level ability users in the base, who dares to provoke them? It is said that the fourth-level ability user is very powerful, and it is no problem for one to fight dozens of third-level ability users.

Qiao Mingyu took out the fifth-level crystal core: "Brother, you can use it to upgrade your abilities. You should be able to upgrade to the fourth-level this time."

In order to leave the fifth-level crystal nucleus to Qiao Rui, Qiao Mingyu paid out of his own pocket to compensate the other team members, so no one has any opinion at this moment. Everyone actually understands it very well. After all, although the fifth-level crystal core is a good thing, it is also dangerous for the third-level ability user to absorb and refine. It is best for the fourth-level ability user to use the fifth-level crystal core, so that it is foolproof.

After all, this thing was transferred out of the zombie's brain, and it contains a small amount of toxin. If it is only one level higher, it will definitely be able to easily detoxify it. It is hard to say if it is two levels higher. At present, Qiao Rui is the third-level peak, not far from the fourth-level. If he absorbs this, he will definitely be able to generate the fourth-level. At that time, the toxins accumulated in the body will be dissolved, and there will be no danger. If other people have too much toxins in their bodies, the difficulty of promotion will increase. If it affects the promotion and stays at the third level, it will not be worth the loss.

Qiao Rui hesitated for a moment, he naturally wanted to leave good things to his sister, but although her sister was strong, her power level had not reached the peak of the third level, so she would not be able to use it for a while. Now that they have offended a high-level, it is better to upgrade to the fourth level as soon as possible to keep the team, so they no longer refuse.

"I'm going to retreat. During this time, Mingyu, be careful yourself."

After that, there was a sound from the stairs, and Gu Lian stopped listening.

She fiddled with the things she got, made a nest for the baby Gu worm, and then took out the eggs that came with the system, trying to hatch the baby Gu worm. For this reason, she basically did not leave the room for the next few days, received a few pieces of bread and water in advance, told the person in charge that she was going to retreat, and went back to the room.

Disappointingly, she did not hatch a baby Gu worm. Three days later, the eggs were eroded by the zombie virus in the air and became dead eggs.

Gu Lian was very unhappy, this virus was too domineering, even the Gu poison could not resist it, and only those Gu insects protected by the system could ignore it. After all, the Gu worms produced by the system are data-based things, not real, so naturally they will not be affected by viruses.

Forget it, she should use the system skills obediently.

Gu Lian disposed of the container in which she was raising Gu, and then pushed the door out.

Qiao Rui has been in retreat for three days and has not come out, but everyone can feel that Qiao Rui's momentum is getting stronger and stronger.

After going downstairs, Gu Lian found that the atmosphere was not very good.

"I really didn't expect them to be such people." Lin Miao, a hot-tempered fire-type power user, got angry while sitting on the sofa.

Gu Lian poured a glass of water and sat down: "What happened?"

The thin boy sat next to her and whispered, "Brother Qing and Zuo Li, who were with us on the mission that day, betrayed us and told Mr. Zhao the news. We just found out that they had left our team, and they seemed to be going to Zhao. over there, sir."

Xiao Li interfaced: "Is it true that the surnamed Zhao wants to set up a power team by himself?"

"Just him?" Lin Miao sneered, "The rubbish under his command, the team he created is just a piece of shit."

Not to mention Qiao Mingyu, Lin Miao alone can overturn the group of third-level ability users.

The reason why their third team is ranked third is only because they don't have a fourth-level ability user. Since it is a private team, unlike the other two high-level bases standing behind them, their resources are collected by themselves. Of course, they are not as good as the "official teams" that have a lot of resources regardless of whether they are doing tasks or not. After a fight, the overall strength of my side is higher, but compared to the power level, it can't be compared.

But sometimes, power levels aren't everything. Just like Qiao Rui at the peak of the third level is no match for Qiao Mingyu in the middle of the third level, as long as he does not enter a higher level, this level is just good-looking. When Qiao Rui also reaches the fourth level, their third team will not be afraid.

"If I hadn't been too lazy to fight for the first place with those two teams, we would have been the first." Lin Miao snorted.

The two official teams rarely go out on missions, and they go out to do some unimportant tasks, and never do dangerous missions. The actual combat experience is not too rich, and it is good to be lazy, they simply need to be taken to heart.

"What about the two traitors? Let them go?" someone asked.

Lin Miao immediately exploded: "Think beautifully!"

The strategist motioned him to calm down: "Find a chance to do them."

Now that Qiao Rui is in retreat, the people in the base dare not act rashly. Mr. Zhao wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of the third team, otherwise, if Qiao Rui's upgrade was successful, he would not be able to deal with it. But the other people at the top of the base are not stupid. There are many high-level bases, but there are only two official teams. There are a few who are very optimistic about the third team and want to develop them into their own team. In the case of someone disrupting the situation, Mr. Zhao will do anything to be spoiled, so he simply stopped and waited for Qiao Rui to exit.

Promotion is risky, what if Qiao Rui fails? By then he can't handle it. As for what to do if it succeeds, Mr. Zhao refused to think about it.

But he couldn't do it, but the third team dared. Under the leadership of the strategist, everyone got together to discuss how to deal with the traitors.

Gu Lian didn't speak, but if she was Qiao Mingyu, she would deliberately tell the situation of the team in a miserable situation, and then take the opportunity to let those who were not determined to leave by themselves. In this way, the remaining people will have a relatively high cohesion and sense of belonging, and can develop into the core members of the team. The members who will be accepted in the future will be regarded as ordinary members, and they will be judged whether they will enter the core team after assessment.

Although the current third team is high in strength, many people don't actually have such a great sense of belonging to this team. If something happens, they are likely to leave like those two people. Such teams are unstable, and with so many people discussing tactics in front of them, who knows if someone will betray them.

But Qiao Mingyu may not be able to do such a move, after all, this person is not very good at management. The worst thing is that Qiao Rui, who is good at management, is in retreat, and the strategist with high IQ and high emotional quotient did not expect this.

However, her status is a little embarrassing now, and she has just joined the team, so it is estimated that no one listens to what she says. She really didn't have a sense of belonging to the team herself, so she decided not to talk about it. Anyway, when Qiao Rui is out of the customs, all the problems will be solved, and it doesn't matter if she doesn't say anything.

After the meeting was over, Gu Lian went back to the room to rest after eating, and did not stay too much.

"Gu Lian." At the door of the room, Qiao Mingyu suddenly stopped her from behind.

Gu Lian paused and turned around with a smile: "What's the matter? Vice-captain."

Qiao Mingyu looked at her fixedly: "Do you have any objection to our tactics?"

Gu Lian looked at her in surprise, pretending to be surprised and asked, "Is there any?"

The author has something to say: I thought I said it very clearly