The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 137: Extraordinary Blackening 7


Qiao Mingyu was naturally not interested in visiting any market, she came with a man.

Gu Lian had never seen that person. The information given by the system was that this person was called Gao Yun, the son of a high-level base officer. There was no detailed information, and it was also a third-level ability. Although Qiao Mingyu didn't speak much, he didn't keep his face straight. The man kept saying something to Qiao Mingyu tenderly, and pointed to the things that were being sold and asked her if she wanted it.

Gu Lian stood in the distance and watched silently for a while, and found that they should be acquainted. Men seem to like Qiao Mingyu, but Qiao Mingyu's attitude is not clear.

She watched for a while, then turned and left.

"Ming Yu, there is a bracelet over there, I think it suits you." Gao Yun pointed to a booth.

Qiao Mingyu frowned slightly: "I don't like wearing these things."

Gao Yun didn't care: "I just want to give you a gift, it's your birthday soon."

He said so, Qiao Mingyu could not refuse. She and Gao Yun are childhood sweethearts, the two families have always been neighbors, and she and Gao Yun have been classmates from elementary school to high school. Later, the end of the world came. Gao Yun's family belonged to the military. He mastered some arms and became a senior member of the base. Qiao Mingyu's family was engaged in business. Both parents died at the beginning of the end of the world, and they were suddenly reduced to the same situation as ordinary people. Fortunately, Qiao Mingyu's brothers and sisters are not weak, and they have become strong in the base.

Gao Yun likes her, she knows it. She refused several times, but Gao Yun was very persevering and wanted to slowly impress her. After all, after so many years of friendship, it was impossible for Qiao Mingyu to kill her and not keep in touch with her, so she could only move like a mountain.

The Gao family and other forces in the base are all fighting for the support of the third team. Qiao Rui has always felt that if you really want to choose, it is better to choose the Gao family. Qiao Mingyu was a little unhappy, but he didn't particularly reject it. After Qiao Rui came out this time, they would probably merge into the Gao family's camp.

Since this is the case, it is even more difficult to do too much. Qiao Mingyu thanked and accepted the gift, but planned to put it on the shelf.

That one Gu Lian returned to the apartment, feeling a little uncomfortable.

She didn't know why she was unhappy, and it had nothing to do with Qiao Mingyu's contacts with her, so why should she care. But my heart just cares, I can't control it.

Gu Lian locked himself in the room, summoned the five poisonous babies to interact with them, and browsed the reading interface of the base three system in a boring way. This account has read almost all of Jisan's books, and now you can view the books you have read by opening the reading interface. Click it to re-read the content. Gu Lian was bored, so he just looked at these to pass the time.

A large part of the book is about the love-hate relationship between game NPCs. It's interesting to look at gossip.

So Gu Lian stayed in the house for two days.

On the third day, Qiao Rui left the customs and successfully advanced to the fourth-level ability user.

"Congratulations." When Gu Lian went downstairs to eat, he followed the crowd and said congratulations, and took a look at Qiao Mingyu.

Qiao Mingyu was very happy at first, but after seeing Gu Lian, the smile on her face faded for some reason. Gu Lian pretended not to see it, went to the kitchen to get his own breakfast, and then sat down on the sofa to eat slowly.

The military division is reporting to Qiao Rui the recent situation of the team, including the previous departure of many people. Qiao Rui listened quietly, without any expression on his face, he was calm, as if he didn't care at all.

After speaking, Qiao Rui glanced at Gu Lian subconsciously, obviously wondering why Gu Lian didn't leave. But he didn't ask, instead he left after explaining something.

Jory came back at noon and announced something.

"The third team will join the Gao family's camp in the future, but they will not interfere in our team's internal affairs, but we will give priority to the tasks of the Gao family in the future."

In fact, it's not much different from before, just changed the force that issued the task. In the past, they took the task from the power user guild in the base, but now they take the task from the Gao family. Most of those quests were to find supplies for the Gao family, and the Gao family would give more remuneration than the ability user guild would give, and would give some "wages" for crystal cores every month. The only trouble is that if there is a conflict between the Gao family and people, they have to help the Gao family, and sometimes there are some mandatory tasks for them to do.

No one else had any opinion, but Gu Lian frowned slightly. She didn't quite understand why the third team had to join a certain faction.

In the past, forget it. At that time, there were no fourth-level abilities in their team. Sometimes not joining the camp would offend all the high-level officials. But now that I have it, I have no fear for a long time, why should I join the Gao family instead

Qiao Rui has his own considerations for this. First, he feels that Gao Yun is infatuated with his sister. Now that the end of the world, it is too difficult for her sister to find a reliable partner. He wants to match the two. He could see that his sister was not completely unacceptable to Gao Yun, but that he couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart for a while. If they stayed with him for a long time, they would definitely succeed. The second is that there are so many fewer people in the team now, and if you recruit new people slowly, there will be a certain danger. It is better to find a backer and restore your vitality with peace of mind.

Although Gu Lian was displeased, she didn't say anything. If it was a big deal, she would die if she took on a dangerous mission in the future. So no one objected, and the matter of joining the Gao family's camp was settled.

Qiao Rui glanced at Qiao Mingyu and called her upstairs, ready to say something. What should everyone do next, they all dispersed.

In the afternoon, someone from the Gao family came here, euphemistically, in order to show sincerity, an insider from the Gao family was sent to facilitate contact. If they have anything, just go to the insider directly. In fact, the insider was probably here to be a watcher, and he stayed directly in the building.

Although everyone was a little dissatisfied, they could still accept it, but there was one thing that made Gu Lian very uncomfortable. The guy's attitude towards Qiao Mingyu was basically towards the future young grandmother. Qiao Mingyu was a little embarrassed, but what she did was not too blatant, and she couldn't force her to change, so she ignored it, but stimulated Gu Lian a bit.

At this point, if she still doesn't understand that she has a possessiveness towards Qiao Mingyu, then she is too stupid.

She didn't want Qiao Mingyu and Gao Yun to be together because she liked Qiao Mingyu or something else, it's hard to say. She and Qiao Mingyu have only known each other for more than ten days, and she herself is not quite sure whether she likes Qiao Mingyu. However, this didn't stop her from seeing the Gao family's unhappiness, so Gu Lian simply went upstairs out of sight.

Gu Lian didn't plan to do anything to the Gao family, but some people just like to bump into them by themselves.

The next morning, Gu Lian heard a knock on the door. She opened the door and saw that it was the insider of the Gao family.

"Hello, I'm Gao Bin." Although his surname was Gao, he didn't seem to be the young master of the Gao family or anything, just a subordinate.

Gu Lian smiled at him politely, without revealing her dislike for him at all: "Mr. Gao, what are you?"

"Is it convenient for me to go in?" He spoke in a calm and gentle manner. If it wasn't for Gu Lian's preconceived notions of hating him, he would probably have a good impression of him.

Gu Lian stepped aside and invited him in, wanting to see what he was going to do.

"Please sit down." Gu Lian poured him a glass of water.

"Thank you." He took his hands and put them aside, opened the folder he brought, and prepared to record it.

Gu Lian glanced at it, there was a stack of paper in it, and the top chapter was a filled out form. He put the watch at the end, clipped it again, and looked at Gu Lian.

"Ms. Gu, I'm offended, I just want to ask you a few questions. Our Gao family asked me to record your strength in detail. After all, we cooperate with you. If we don't have this information, we don't know if we can release some of this information to you. What kind of difficult task." He said the scene, "If the difficulty is too small, it will be overkill for you to do it. If it is too difficult, you can't do it, and you can't save face and refuse to accept it, then it will be a little embarrassing."

Gu Lian squinted slightly: "Then ask."

No matter how beautiful the scene is, it is just to cover up the essence of the bad motivation.

Gao Bin inquired about Gu Lian's abilities in detail, including how many first-level zombies, second-level zombies, etc., and how many zombies he could control if he controlled first, second, and third levels at the same time. For example, controlling one level 3 can control several other levels, and two level 3 can control several other levels. The inquiries are very detailed, and almost all the possibilities are listed.

He tried his best to convey goodwill and let Gu Lian cooperate. Gu Lian also cooperated with a good temper, but she didn't care in her heart.

Asking these is actually meaningless. The Gao family wants to know these just to find out their strength. If they turn their face in the future, the Gao family will know how to deal with them. Gu Lian estimated that this kind of investigation would come once every time he was promoted, and Gao Bin's task was nothing more than to monitor and collect information, and then report it to the Gao family.

Thanks to Qiao Rui's trust in the Gao family, in Gu Lian's opinion, this Gao family is only doing well on the surface, and it is not much better than others behind the scenes.

"Thank you very much for your cooperation." Gao Bin breathed a sigh of relief after asking, and after saying goodbye to Gu Lian, he left and knocked on the next door.

Gu Lian closed the door, but opened the small map. She marked Gao Bin, and you could see where Gao Bin went through the small map.

I saw that after Gao Bin investigated the remaining households on the second floor, he spared Qiao Rui and Qiao Mingyu and went to the third floor to continue the investigation. It seems that he also knows that his behavior is not good. After investigating Qiao Rui, he will definitely be aware of the problem, and Qiao Mingyu never hides her brother and will say everything. This Gao Bin may even be looking at the dishes, and who may not say it, he will ask more details, and he may say that he will think more, so he will ask less.

Gu Lian didn't know if he should be glad that he pretended to be good, and he actually concealed it from this guy.

The author has something to say: After the confession, it will be blackened, yes, this episode is from be (āŠ™vāŠ™) I will give you sugar to eat later.