The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 138: Extraordinary Blackening 8


The author has something to say: What I said yesterday seems to scare you? In fact, be means that the princess will be turned into a corpse by Alian, and then stay with Alian. 23333 This is the plot they strongly demand to see (really) I am innocent, I am not the mastermind

However, others wouldn't say it, but Gu Lian would.

She smiled faintly, pushed open the door, and knocked on the door of Qiao Mingyu next door.

"Who?" Qiao Mingyu was stunned when she saw that it was Gu Lian.

Her face was a little ugly, and she obviously didn't want to see Gu Lian.

Gu Lian looked at her innocently: "Deputy team, I want to ask you a question."

"You ask." Qiao Mingyu frowned slightly.

Gu Lian smiled slightly: "What do you think about homosexuality?"

Qiao Mingyu's brows furrowed even tighter, wondering why Gu Lian suddenly asked her this question. But she still replied subconsciously: "I don't have any opinion. It's the end of the world now. It doesn't make any difference between homosexuality or heterosexuality."

"So you don't discriminate?" Gu Lian asked.

Qiao Mingyu looked at her strangely; "Yes."

"Would you feel disgusted if a woman pursued you?" She leaned closer and asked in a low voice, the atmosphere was suddenly ambiguous.

Qiao Mingyu's expression changed, she took a step back, and her expression was indifferent: "Please respect yourself. Although I don't discriminate against sexual orientation, I'm not a lesbian, so don't recruit me."

Gu Lian pretended to be disappointed and sighed: "Is that so..."

"Is there anything else?" Qiao Mingyu wanted to close the door.

Gu Lian shook his head with a smile, watching the door slam shut in front of her eyes, and didn't care. She had long expected Qiao Mingyu's reaction, and she didn't come to pursue her today, just to show her attitude.

Since she has a possessive desire for this life, then this person is hers. Gu Lian squinted and smiled, she didn't know what it meant to take it as soon as she saw it.

Look, grab it. If you can't grab it, you must grab it, and if it becomes broken, you must grab it. Her things can only be hers.

Gu Lian turned around and came to Qiao Rui's door, knocking again.

This time, Qiao Rui's attitude was much better than Qiao Mingyu's. Gu Lian didn't talk nonsense with him, and came up to the point: "Mr. Gao just asked me to understand something, I wonder if it was the captain who instructed you?"

Qiao Rui immediately smelled an unusual smell, and without thinking about it, please go into the room and discuss it in detail.

After a long time, Gu Lian left Qiao Rui's room.

In fact, if she wants to get Qiao Mingyu, she must destroy the cooperation between the third team and the Gao family. Unfortunately, she does not like the son of the Gao family, so she must destroy the cooperation. Even if it can't be broken, it's okay to make some trouble.

Qiao Rui went straight out in the afternoon, probably to ask the Gao family for an explanation. Their behavior was too blatant, but they believed in Gao Bin's eyes. But it's a pity that they missed a madman who traveled through.

When Qiao Rui came back in the evening, his face was ugly. Qiao Mingyu noticed that something was wrong, and took his brother to the house to ask questions. Only on the first day of cooperation, the Gao family had a conflict with the third team. Because the people who caused the conflict were Gao Bin and Gu Lian, Qiao Mingyu felt uncomfortable subconsciously, so she couldn't help complaining about Gu Lian in her heart.

Why does this person have so many things, it is better to leave their team directly.

But intellectually, Qiao Mingyu also knew that what Gu Lian did was good for the third team, but emotionally she just didn't like Gu Lian.

After Qiao Rui left, Gu Lian knocked on Qiao Mingyu's door again and handed the food box to Qiao Mingyu.

"I think you didn't have dinner." Gu Lian looked gentle, "I'll bring it to you."

Qiao Mingyu took it stiffly: "Thank you." Then there was nothing else to say.

Gu Lian thoughtfully said you were welcome, then turned to leave, returned to his room, and did not stay. Qiao Mingyu breathed a sigh of relief, but looking at this boxed lunch, he lost his appetite.

For several days in a row, Qiao Mingyu felt Gu Lian's considerate care from every aspect, but she just felt awkward. It's not enough to hate it, it's just that I can't get over the hurdle in my heart. The more difficult it was, the more irritable it became, and in the end, it became even more annoyed with Gu Lian.

Gu Lian doesn't care, I do my own way and dedicate my diligence.

Qiao Mingyu couldn't take it anymore, and clearly rejected Gu Lian's behavior of helping to bring meals, and then slipped out of the apartment. Halfway through, he met Gao Yun who was waiting for her on purpose, and was dragged around together.

Qiao Mingyu was in a bad mood, and it was even worse to stay with Gao Yun. This is also someone who pursues her, but she doesn't like him that much either. Gao Yun's thoughtful care made her think of Gu Lian from time to time, and the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became.

Gao Yun only thought that she was in trouble because of the previous matter, but she apologized in a good voice: "It's our fault, we shouldn't let Gao Bin investigate the information behind his back. Mingyu, don't be angry, I apologize to you. "As he said that, he took out a fourth-level crystal nucleus, "You take this one, and it is my apology to you at that time."

"No need." Qiao Mingyu twitched the corners of his mouth stiffly, rejecting his kindness.

The two of them didn't stroll for a long time before Qiao Mingyu said goodbye in a dull and boring way and returned to the apartment.

Today, Qiao Rui led the team to do the task, but Gu Lian and Qiao Mingyu didn't go. There were only five or six people left in the apartment, and they were basically all in their own rooms. There was only Gu Lian in the hall, as if he was waiting for her on purpose.

Qiao Mingyu pursed her lips, and after seeing Gu Lian, she paused for a while, then pretended not to see it, and went upstairs directly.

"Ming Yu." Gu Lian stopped her.

Hearing this title, Qiao Mingyu began to feel awkward again.

"You went to see Gao Yun?" she asked lightly.

Qiao Mingyu was suddenly furious, and she turned back suddenly: "What's your business?!"

Gu Lian didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

"It's none of your business." Qiao Mingyu seemed to have flipped a switch and began to frantically vent his irritability, "You follow me!"

Gu Lian chuckled: "So what?"

In fact, there is no need to follow them at all. Gu Lian and Gao Yun have been marked by him deliberately, and they can be seen by looking at the small map.

Qiao Mingyu didn't know this, she was just very upset. It is one thing for Gu Lian to chase after her, but it is another thing to follow her. She didn't know that Gu Lian admitted it casually, she just thought that Gu Lian had really done such a rude thing.

But Gu Lian was actually faster than her, and suddenly rushed in front of her and stopped her.

"The last time Gao Bin's behavior was definitely not entirely the instigation of the person in charge of the Gao family." Gu Lian said the truth calmly, "Gao Yun must also know about it, and it's even possible that he is the mastermind. You shouldn't talk to him. Going too close will hurt your team."

Qiao Mingyu knew what she said was reasonable, but she didn't want to hear it, she just sneered and didn't answer.

Gu Lian didn't care, and continued to say what Qiao Mingyu didn't want to hear, and explained to her clearly the things she didn't want to face. Including how much trouble Qiao Mingyu caused to Qiao Rui by pretending to be clever, and Qiao Mingyu's way of managing the team during this period of time was wrong, which led to the embarrassment of the third team.

"Stop talking!" Qiao Mingyu became more and more impatient, she just wanted to stop Gu Lian's mouth, she said angrily, "No matter how much you use the banner of being good for me, you can't cover up your dirty thoughts! What are you just speculating about Gao Yun? He grew up with me, can I not know what kind of person he is? How could I believe that you don't believe him!"

After speaking angrily, Qiao Mingyu regretted it.

Gu Lian was not angry, she was silent for a while, and said coldly: "Mingyu, do you think you are still a child? If you have done something wrong, you can just escape it because others don't care about it? Then you look like an ignorant child. Refuse to admit wrongdoing by losing your temper?"

"Don't call me Mingyu!" Qiao Mingyu interrupted her, "I don't have a good relationship with you!"

After she finished speaking, she hurried upstairs while Gu Lian was not paying attention, for fear of hearing another sharp voice.

Gu Lian stood at the bottom of the stairs for a long time, until someone came downstairs to say hello to her, and then she suddenly came back to her senses.

"Xiao Gu? Why are you standing here?"

Gu Lian smiled: "It's nothing, I've been stunned for a while."

The man didn't ask much, nodded and left.

Gu Lian took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She was the one who was reckless today, because the fact that Qiao Mingyu and Gao Yun were together irritated her and made her a little reluctant to say anything. Those words she shouldn't have said, after all, it is useless to say, and she has no position to say.

Forget it, Qiao Mingyu can do whatever she wants. Anyway, if she hurts the third team because of her stupidity, she will only regret it.

In the evening, Qiao Rui led the team back, and when he heard that Qiao Mingyu and Gao Yun went to the trading market together in the afternoon, he couldn't help frowning.

Before, he wanted to match Qiao Mingyu and Gao Yun because he felt that everyone grew up together and knew the bottom line, but now, the Gao family has changed. The apocalypse is more terrifying than imagined, and its pollution to human nature is more serious than anything else. Many people's subconscious viciousness has been drawn out, and they have become nothing like they used to be.

Qiao Rui thought that the Gao family had not changed, but in fact they just became more obscure, so he didn't see it.

In this case, my sister is not suitable to be with Gao Yun, otherwise it will definitely suffer. Gao Yun likes her sister now, who knows what will happen in the future? Jory didn't want to take the risk.

He went to his sister to have a heart-to-heart talk, trying to persuade her to stay away from Gao Yun.

"It's you who made me spend more time with him, and now it's you who told me to meet less. Brother, what else do you want?!" Gu Lian heard Qiao Mingyu's voice next door, "You don't know Gao Yun yet. We grew up together, brother, you said that Gao Yun has changed, but I think it was you who changed! Gao Yun didn't do anything, why do you two suspect him?!"

Gu Lian caressed the twin snake Liang Sisi's body with an icy expression, and the corner of her mouth twitched.

Really, silly cute.