The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 139: Extraordinary Blackening 9


The face slap came so quickly that Qiao Mingyu was almost caught off guard.

In the second month of the cooperation between the third team and the Gao family, the Gao family released a very difficult task with a relatively high degree of danger. No one was willing to take it, and few teams other than the third team could finish it.

Gao Yun went to Qiao Mingyu in private and told her about it by the way.

"This task is really difficult." Gao Yun seemed to mention it casually in the chat, and he sighed, "In the beginning, we also thought about not sending this task at all and giving up the batch of resources, but the batch of resources really very useful."

The task is to go to the government building in the city center to get a few documents, which are the filing documents submitted by the researchers to the government, including the backup research materials. Now these researchers have been collected by Tianxi Base, and they stay in the base to continue their research, but they need some previous research data. Forget about other research data, this batch of data is related to water purification and land purification. It can be said that if the water can get that document, whoever has the opportunity to develop purification reagents one step ahead of time will become the leader of the base.

Therefore, the Gao family is very keen on this information.

But the first team and the second team tried to get that information before, but unfortunately they were unsuccessful.

This time the Gao family took a fancy to the third team, because there was a Gu Lian who was said to have walked out of the city center. Gu Lian can walk out for the first time, should be able to walk out the second time.

After listening to Gao Yun's words, Qiao Mingyu didn't doubt anything, just frowned: "Is it really important?"

Gao Yun smiled bitterly: "It's very important."

"Then I'll go back and talk to my brother to see if we can try it once." Qiao Mingyu took the bait.

Gao Yun breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little guilty, but he didn't regret it.

The goal this time is to kill two birds with one stone. The data is one of them, and the second is to consume the strength of the third team. To be precise, the Gao family was worried about the rest of the third team. What they wanted was never the entire third team, but only the Qiao Rui brothers and sisters. With them around, the rest of the team doesn't matter, and it's not too difficult to form a third team with comparable strength.

The main problem is that the original team members did not end up in the Gao family, and the Gao family needed some people who were absolutely loyal. Although the third team is recruiting people from the outside, the Gao family can completely mix in with those people, secretly exclude dissidents, and join the third team by themselves.

In short, they want the third team to change blood, except for a few key personnel, the rest will be replaced.

The mission this time is very dangerous. The third team will dispatch the vast majority of people, and those who are a little weaker will die in the city center. They completed the first link of the goal without fighting, and then slowly moved to insert their own people.

This tactic was made by several people including Gao Yun. At this moment, Gao Yun suddenly began to feel guilty, and it was just a false conscience.

Qiao Mingyu said goodbye to Gao Yun and went to Qiao Rui.

"No." Qiao Rui firmly disagreed with the task.

Qiao Mingyu didn't understand: "We can try it. If the situation is not good, we will retreat. This is what the other two teams did. Why not? We should cooperate with the Gao family, and we should show some sincerity. Now we don't even try. Brother, how did you become such a person?"

Qiao Rui felt a little chilling. Is my sister really stupid or deliberately turning a blind eye to those things that are not right

The conversation between the two took place in the hall, without avoiding anyone, and everyone heard it. During this time, they got along well with Gao Bin, but they were confused by the appearance of the Gao family. After listening to Qiao Mingyu's words, they felt that it was reasonable, and they could give it a try.

Seeing the general trend, Qiao Rui agreed with Qiao Mingyu's proposal tiredly, and then returned to the room in silence.

When he met Gu Lian on the stairs, he paused slightly: "When you go out on a mission, I hope you can focus on protecting Yuyu."

Gu Lian smiled and said three words meaningfully: "Don't worry."

Her chance has come.

Get ready the next day, set off on the third day.

There were twenty-three people who came in three vans. Drive until it is close to the city center, and then everyone gets off.

Gu Lian caught the trace and approached Qiao Mingyu, and took it with him not far away, ready to help him at any time.

There were more zombies in the city center than they thought, but they didn't see any high-level zombies. Everyone was temporarily relieved, but Qiao Rui was even more worried. There can be no high-level zombies in the city center, and it is not impossible for five-level zombies to appear here.

The tranquility before the storm is even more terrifying.

They slowly walked towards the city government building. Qiao Rui wanted to leave quickly, so it was fine to act like he didn't plan to actually get the materials. But Qiao Mingyu was so stubborn that she refused to leave when she saw that there was no danger. Why didn't she take it when she thought there was a chance? The high-level zombies are obviously not nearby, and they should take the opportunity to quickly take the information.

The two were deadlocked for a while, and Qiao Rui was afraid that it would be more dangerous if the time dragged on for a long time, so he had to compromise.

Just as he was about to enter the government building, a zombie suddenly came out.

"Be careful!"

Gu Lian was the first to react, pulling Qiao Mingyu away from the attack.

She found that there were several big red dots on the small map, and her expression froze: "More than one!"

That's a level four zombie.

Except for Qiao Rui and Qiao Mingyu, no one can deal with the fourth-level zombies, but Qiao Rui can only deal with three for the time being. Gu Lian controlled one, and then cooperated with Qiao Rui to hold the remaining four zombies, and the others assisted in the attack, which seemed to be quite safe. But this is not the case. How can there be only four zombies in the city center? Level 5 zombies appeared in the suburbs a month ago!

Afraid of what was coming, another level five suddenly appeared.

The fourth-level ability user can hold the fifth-level ability user, and there is still hope for it to slowly grind to death, but now where to find the second fourth-level ability user

Qiao Rui made a decisive decision and asked Qiao Mingyu to lead people to retreat.

"Brother!" Qiao Mingyu was anxious, she took someone away, what should her brother do

Qiao Rui suddenly broke out and dragged himself three zombies and killed one and maimed two. Gu Lian hurriedly directed the one he controlled to drag the two half-crippled ones, plus the one he faced, a total of It's three half-crippled zombies. You won't lose for a while, but it's hard to say who will win after a long time.

"Let's work together to kill the fourth-level zombies first!" Qiao Mingyu gritted his teeth.

How can it be that simple? Suddenly, six fourth-level zombies and one fifth-level zombie sprang out, apparently finding someone surrounded by them.

They appeared too suddenly, and they killed several team members before everyone could react. For a while, the team was a little flustered, and this time I am afraid that the group will be destroyed.

Gu Lian immediately pulled Qiao Mingyu to leave, but Qiao Mingyu still refused. Qiao Rui repulsed the zombies and rushed in the direction of Gu Lian: "Go!"

The rest of the team quickly retreated, but unfortunately it was too late.

The speed of high-level zombies is not low, at least faster than these low-level power users. The players at the end of the team were quickly torn apart, and when they escaped from the zombie encirclement, there were only five people left. They are all acquaintances, the Qiao brothers and sisters, Gu Lian, Lin Miao and the military division.

They found a place to rest, and Qiao Rui's face was ugly.

Qiao Mingyu didn't dare to speak, she suddenly realized that so many people died, it was actually her fault.

"This time..." The sergeant said carefully.

Lin Miao didn't lift his eyelids, obviously he hadn't come out of his emotions just now.

The atmosphere was silent, but no one was in the mood to rest. It's not safe here. If they want to make a little repair, they have to flee quickly, because no one knows if there are other high-level zombies nearby.

"They are coming." Gu Lian said suddenly, grabbing Qiao Mingyu and rushing out, "They surrounded us and ran away separately!"

With so many people gathered together, the smells overlap, and they are a bunch of delicious targets in the zombie perception. It is better to scatter and escape. The others were stunned for a moment, then dispersed and fled. Qiao Rui did not dare to follow Gu Lian's direction, for fear of attracting more zombies to chase after his sister.

After separating from them, Gu Lian suddenly knocked out Qiao Mingyu.

After a day and a night, Qiao Mingyu woke up leisurely and found herself on the rooftop of a building.

"You..." Qiao Mingyu got up and touched her sore neck.

After a while, she suddenly remembered: "You knocked me out?! Where's my brother?! What happened to them?!"

Gu Lian played with the worm flute at will: "They are still alive, but they are slightly injured. Your brother is slightly injured, and the others are slightly more serious. They are recuperating in the base."

They can go out alive, thanks to Gu Lian's help, otherwise they will all be planted here.

Qiao Mingyu's intuition was wrong: "This is not the base, where is this?"

"This is it." Gu Lian smiled, "The city center."

Qiao Mingyu's face changed.

"My dear vice-captain, now, let me tell you what stupid things you did." Gu Lian said quietly.

From Gao Yun's deliberate disclosure, to Qiao Mingyu persuading everyone to take on such a mortal mission, and then insisting on leading everyone to do the mission, and finally killing nearly twenty of his companions. If Gao Yun is the culprit, Qiao Mingyu is the accomplice.

Qiao Mingyu was about to collapse, but she knew that what Gu Lian said was right.

It was her, it was her who killed her teammates, it was her stupidity who killed those people!

Gu Lian walked to her side, pinched her chin and forced her to look up at herself: "Miss, are you happy?"

Qiao Mingyu's self-blame and guilt eyes suddenly changed, turning into resentment and disgust.

Gu Lian knew that she began to justify herself and escape again. Needless to say, she also knew what Qiao Mingyu was thinking. She was just blaming others for the fault, deceiving herself and saying that she was right. Gu Lian didn't want to hear these stupid words, so he stunned Qiao Mingyu again.

The author has something to say: I will end this story tomorrow, and then we will go to write cookies~