The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 17: Night raid


Aunt Li looked at the deflated Yin Shi, smiled happily, and got up and retired. Yin Shi was so angry that her chest kept heaving, but she couldn't do anything about her. She could only watch Auntie Li leave by herself without rules, but she couldn't speak.

All of this has nothing to do with Gu Lian. To be honest, she kind of hopes that the Gu family will inherit it from someone else. Gu Zishu couldn't support the wall, and one of the dandy children would sooner or later ruin the family business. Although the Yin family treated the original owner badly, it had little to do with the Gu family. Even if there was a suspicion of watching from the sidelines, the fact that the Gu family was the family of the original owner could not be erased. One is prosperous, and one is lost.

It is impossible for Gu Lian to completely cut off the relationship with the Gu family. In this way, the original owner will be scolded in the spine, and she will not cut off the relationship. If something happens to the Gu family, she will not be able to escape.

Now that she wears it, she has to keep the things that the original owner cared about, and she has to maintain the original owner's reputation.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the Yin family had not recovered, Gu Lian hurriedly offered to retire. Yin shi was too lazy to care about her for the time being, and waved her hand away.

"Miss." Bamboo Xiang was waiting outside after closing the curtain to go out.

When I didn't know whether the little girl beside me was trustworthy or not, Gu Lian only took Mei Xiang to walk around alone, but now she doesn't need to trouble Mei Xiang anymore, she just stayed in the yard to handle affairs and take care of the house.

"I've been sitting for a few more hours today. Could it be that Madam made things difficult for her?" Zhuxiang looked at Gu Lian worriedly.

Gu Lian shook her head slightly: "Madam and Concubine Li are not on good terms, so it's not easy for me to say goodbye."

The weather was very hot, and as a token of kindness, Mrs. Yin made sure that the girls didn't have to come to greet each other every day. However, Gu Wan approached Gu Qing, and in order to please Yin Shi, he naturally came with Gu Qing every day. Gu Lian didn't want to come, but as the eldest sister, the next two sisters came every day. It would not be very good if she didn't come, so she had to come along to greet her. But she staggered them on purpose, so she rarely met them.

On weekdays, Gu Qing and the others often bumped into Aunt Li, but today Aunt Li sat for a while longer, and Gu Lian was unlucky to meet her.

"The madam has given permission for those concubines not to come to greet them. Why does Concubine Li come every day?"

After hearing about this, Mei Xiang complained that Concubine Li was troubled, so that the young lady was almost punished.

Gu Lian picked up the tea cup and took a sip: "If there is a chance to spy on Madam's bottom, Aunt Li will naturally not let it go."

Know yourself and the enemy, and you will be safe in a hundred battles. Concubine Li was going to face Yin Shi directly, but she was a careful person and would not act immediately until she had a thorough understanding of the other party's situation. For example, when she met Gu Zhimo back then, she was not in a hurry. After researching for a while and searching for a lot of information, she chose this path. Now, she is trying to figure out Yin's bottom line by repeating the old tricks.

Concubine Li has bad intentions, but Gu Zhimo doesn't understand these secrets, but he only sees that he wants to greet his wife every day, and he is well-behaved and peaceful. This was a great bonus in his heart. Relatively speaking, Yin Shi, who often slandered Aunt Li in a mean-spirited way, made him even more displeased.

No matter how unhappy he is, he still has to go to Yin's house on the first and fifteenth day of every month, after all, she is the wife.

Today happens to be fifteen.

In the middle of the night, Gu Lian woke up thirsty. No one was waiting in the room. He got out of bed and poured tea by himself. He heard a slight noise outside.

Gu Lian stopped vigilantly and lowered his voice to almost nothing.

However, the sound didn't sound again until Gu Lian frowned and put down the teacup after drinking the water and made a small sound on the table, and there was no movement outside.

Gu Lian was a daring person, she gathered up her clothes and walked quietly towards the window.

The system gave her eyes that could see at night. She walked to the window and carefully pressed against the wall without leaning against the window, and listened quietly for a while.

After about a quarter of an hour, the people outside breathed a sigh of relief, took a few breaths, and reached out to try to push the window. Unable to push it, a small stick stuck in through the crack of the window, and when it was picked up, the simple wooden latch was lifted, and the window opened with a creak.

Gu Lian hid behind the inward-opening wooden window, and waited for the other party to flip through the window lightly, and then used the system to silently throw out Fascinating Gu and Scorpion Heart.

The opponent fainted.

Fascinate Gu and Scorpion Heart, the effect is stun for two seconds, this is in the game. When it is actually used, it naturally lasts for more than two seconds, and it is not dizzy, but complete syncope.

When the corresponding Gu worms are not cultivated, using the Fascinating Gu skill can produce the effects of Gu worms, but the duration is not long.

Fascinated Heart Gu can only last for about a day, after which one must re-enter Fascinated Heart Gu. It is not clear how long the syncope effect will last, and it needs to be tested.

Gu Lian felt a little pity in her heart. If she had a mother Gu in her hand, she could continuously give birth to permanently effective child Gu, which would remain dormant in the human body and could attack at any time. As long as you don't get caught, you can keep using it.

I walked over and took a look. This man was wearing tight black clothes with his cuffs tied up, but he was not wearing a mask on his face. Gu Lian pinched his chin and looked at him twice, but he didn't recognize him.

After thinking for a while, Gu Lian threw another skill Chan Xiao, which combined with Fascinating Gu can have the effect of sealing the inner force.

The Five Poisons Poison Sutra is different from the Heaven Repairing Art, where each move corresponds to one Gu, while the Poison Sutra is three state-plus Gu insects, and several independent moves that cooperate with each other. Different collocations have different effects, which are complicated and difficult to remember, but very practical.

Death Gu is better, both add damage, and the other two are a bit troublesome.

Gu Lian is not sure when this person will wake up. If it is too late to apply the new syncope effect, it will be very troublesome. Fortunately, the ice silkworm she raised has a short growth cycle, and has spit out silk several times these days. Gu Lian made a rope, which was very tough and could never break free.

Ice silkworms rarely turn butterflies, so it is almost impossible to give birth to young silkworms, but fortunately they can spin silk. These silks can be used to make soft armor that is impervious to swords, and it is a good thing that a thousand dollars cannot buy. However, the disciples of the Five Poisons would rather use them as waistbands than sell the silk to Qixiufang to be made into soft armor.

For this, Qixiu was quite critical, and it was not until later that Zhaoxiu Quyun of Qixiu returned to Wudu to become the leader, and Wudu was willing to sell them the silk that he could not use up. The reason is just because the people of the five poisons like to use ice silk to weave nets for fishing... If you can't run out, you can also weave another one!

Ice silkworms are rare in the outside world, and there is only one in the Five Poison Religion. It's just that the five poisons are the mother Gu ice silkworm Gu, not pure ice silkworms. Others can't take it away, so it's okay to take it away. If you don't learn the internal skills of the five poisons, you won't be able to survive. Those ice silkworm Gu will melt into ice and snow in the hands of outsiders, leaving no residue.

After kicking the unconscious man in black, Gu Lian probably guessed where this man came from.

The fact that she accompanies the princess to the polo match still pricks the eyes of some people. Those people didn't think she was of any use before and didn't take her seriously, but now the situation outside is getting more and more tense, and a dead horse is a living horse doctor, so they came to Gu Lian.

Regardless of whether Gu Lian is useful or not, let's tie it up first. It would be best if you could use Gu Lian to lead out Qiao Mingyu. Without them, there would be no loss. At most, it would be a waste of time. As for Gu Lian, if you kill them, the dead will not expose them.

It's a pity that they misestimated Gu Lian's skill and ability, thinking that they would definitely succeed.

Gu Lian is someone who has been on the brink of death for many years, and his five senses have long been trained to be very keen.

In those days, the map of Jiangshan Sheji, which recorded the layout of the military defense of the Tang Dynasty, was divided into eight parts. Except for the few parts that remained in the hands of the custodian, the rest were either missing, or were found by the chaotic ministers and thieves to take the opportunity to present them to the rebels. Gu Lian killed one of the thieves, snatched a copy of the map, and handed it back to Li Commander of Tiance Mansion for safekeeping. How could the pursuit and killing she experienced on the way to escort the map of Sheji could be compared with this small battle

This guy woke up and made a noise. Gu Lian tied him tightly, and pulled a piece of cloth to seal his mouth. After confirming that it was impossible to spit it out, he went back to bed and continued to sleep. Her body was still tense, and any sound could wake her up immediately.

Fortunately, nothing happened all night, until she woke up and the man didn't wake up either.

Gu Lian called the prudent Juxiang, who was startled when she saw the man.

"Miss?" Juxiang asked in a low voice, "This?"

Gu Lian frowned slightly: "It is estimated that it is for the princess."

Juxiang immediately understood, and she immediately said, "The slave servant asked Zhuxiang to deliver a letter to the princess."

"Go, let Zhuxiang speak more strictly." Gu Lian gave a routine order, but she was not worried that Zhuxiang would really say something.

If Zhuxiang can't keep her mouth shut, she won't cultivate each other.

Asked the maid Mei Xiang to take leave of the Yin family, and Gu Lian concentrated on watching that person in the room.

Mei Xiang went and didn't even see Yin's face. Yulan's face was not good-looking, and she forced a smile to Mei Xiang: "Madam is ill, so please forgive me today."

Mei Xiang couldn't ask for anything. Seeing that Yulan didn't look like an excuse, it was estimated that she was really ill. After routinely asking about her condition, she hurriedly returned to the yard.

"Miss, aren't you feeling well?" Mei Xiang didn't enter the room, she didn't know anything about the man in black, she only heard Gu Lian saying that she was not feeling well and asked her to take leave. Now that I heard that Yin Shi was also ill, Mei Xiang was very worried.

Could it be some kind of infectious disease

Gu Lian glanced at her: "Also? Madam is not feeling well?"

"Yes." Mei Xiang was taken aback, "Yulan said that Madam is ill."

Gu Lian lowered her eyes and pondered, how could she be sick again

Yesterday, Yin Shi was so angry that she didn't have much energy, so maybe it was really qi disease. Last night, Gu Zhimo went to Yin's place for the night, and she was still ill today. It seems that she was thinking that she was preparing to put eye drops on Concubine Li, but she was trained by Gu Zhimo instead.

Since the marriage, the Yin family has been smooth sailing. Except for those little concubines in the backyard, and the stimulation of the birth of a concubine by her aunt in the past, she has not suffered much grievances. Her mother-in-law has always been indifferent. Aunt Li's son's birthday banquet was the first time her mother-in-law intervened after she delegated the housekeeping power to her. She just got up to meet the challenge, otherwise she would get angry.

To put it bluntly, it is that Yin's glass heart is serious, she has been protected at home for a long time, and she has become a small public act.

"I see." Gu Lian got up and walked towards the inner room. He just heard some movement, and the one inside was probably awake.

Mei Xiang followed, and as soon as she entered the back room, she was dumbfounded.

"This is this..."

"Shh." Gu Lian turned her head and put her index finger on her lips, "Meixiang, you should learn from Juxiang, you are the leader, you must be very calm."

Mei Xiang lowered her head in shame and answered again and again.

The man in black struggled for a while, but did not break free from the rope made of ice silk, but instead became tighter and tighter. He didn't dare to struggle any more, and annoyance flashed in his eyes.

I didn't expect to be planted in the hands of such a little girl.

Gu Lian was upset when he heard all kinds of "uuuu" and "hmmm", and raised his hand, another scorpion heart made him continue to coma.

As soon as the man in black was black, he didn't know anything.

Due to the angle, he couldn't see the faint green light flashing on the bamboo flute that slipped out of the cuff when Gu Lian made a move, so he was so suffocated that he couldn't even see the opponent's move. .

Mei Xiang was loyal and loyal after being attacked by Gu, and she had long since seen no surprise. She stepped forward to confirm that the person had indeed passed out, and was relieved.

"Miss, what should I do now?" Mei Xiang asked her back.

Gu Lian turned the bamboo flute in his hand: "Wait."

She has to find a way to change to a glass flute. The use of the Five Poisons skills will make her glow, and she will definitely be classified as a magical existence such as magic in this world. Now it's an emerald green bamboo flute, so you can't see it with the scorpion heart, but other skills aren't all green, so they can't be concealed.

The glazed flute can be inlaid with some finely colored gemstones. At that time, the flute itself will be colorful and not easy to see.

Of course, the most important thing is to raise Gu as soon as possible. The cool effect used by Poison Sutra is only slightly glowing after debugging and weakening, but no matter how weakened the effect of the Heaven Repairing Art is, it is very strange. For example, the Ice Silkworm Gu's move, Ice Silkworm Pulling Silk, will really pull out a crystal that glows. The white silk is connected to the person being treated! This is the effect of the system, there is no way to change it, you can only use the real ice silkworm Gu to cover it up. After all, the real ice silkworm Gu can be silently controlled by the mother Gu to release ice dew to heal the wounded, without the "thread pulling" special effect.

In short, the cool effects that these players love are pitfalls for Gu Lian. Why didn't she cross into the realm of self-cultivation? That way, it won't be eye-catching, and she can be as cool as she can be.

Gu Lian sighed, that's all, as soon as you come, you will be at peace. I don't know how Zhuxiang delivered the letter. The princess was not in the princess' mansion, and it was estimated that it would take some effort to get the letter to the palace, but now, I can only wait.

The author has something to say: Thank you for your concern, Jiyou, her mood has stabilized (づ ̄ 3 ̄) づ Today, a four thousand-word chapter is presented~

I hope that Jiyou will not be provoked by that bad guy again. We have already tried to prevent Jiyou from contacting that person again. Fortunately, it is only a netizen. If it is a real friend, it is estimated that it will be more troublesome. Hey, across the Internet, some people are really scary, knowing that they have depression and deliberately provoking _(:з"∠)_