The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 24: Mid-Autumn Festival


During the Mid-autumn Festival, the palace held a banquet in Yaoyue Hall.

Yueyue Palace is an open-air palace with unique design, covering a vast area and standing on Taiyue Lake. The shape is like the arc-shaped long building of Qixiufang, or a back-shaped building.

In the middle is a high platform standing on the water, on which the dancing girl Tsukihime is, and the guests feast in the roofed building.

The palace maid was wearing a white wide-sleeved gauze, fluttering like a fairy in the sky. Holding trays in hand, they shuttled through the building, pouring wine and vegetables for everyone.

The royal family occupies the best position, and the closer you are to the royal family, the higher the official position. Gu Lian was fortunate enough to sit beside the princess, which attracted a lot of attention.

Everyone knows that the princess has a little companion to read these days, and she likes it very much, but hearing that she is only the daughter of a small official, she can't help but feel suspicious. When His Majesty the Emperor selected companions for the princess, the princess threw away all those companions. I didn't expect that a little-known girl would be favored by the princess.

As one of the candidates for companion reading who was expelled, the young lady of the Dali Temple Qing family twisted the handkerchief in her hand, and turned her head away angrily, as if her eyes would be dirty if she looked at it again.

"It's so many years ago, why do you still remember it?" Mrs. Dali Siqing, who was beside her, said slowly.

The young lady pouted: "Mother, I just can't get angry!"

Her mother gave her a cold look: "Don't make a fool of yourself!"

Today is Mid-Autumn Festival, and it's still in the palace. If something happens, they can't afford it.

The lady was very dissatisfied, but she also knew that it was really impossible to make trouble today. She glanced at the pale-skinned emperor who was sitting on the top, and went away obediently. In case it frightens His Majesty... She has a hundred heads that can't be chopped off!

She doesn't make trouble, doesn't mean other people don't make trouble.

There is no one else in Gu Lian, surrounded by some royal clansmen. They have their own pride and disdain to talk to Gu Lian. Naturally, they will not surrender their status and make it difficult for Gu Lian. Gu Lian was happy and relaxed, drinking fruit wine and eating cakes, focusing on the dancer on the high platform.

At this moment, a palace maid accidentally overturned the hot soup.

Gu Lian didn't change her expression and didn't squint, she picked up a green bean for decoration on the table and shot it out. Since her body had not yet developed her internal strength, she used the system's own skill "Rainbow Qi Changkong".

This is a move that all players of Jisan can do, throwing a hidden weapon such as a dart, stone, etc., to hit the enemy. The attack distance is very long, and the damage generated after the attack is also very weak, but it is still very useful for knocking things down.

Of course, this move is a very good trick to attract monsters for melee sects.

The palace maid was hit by the bean in the waist, and there was tender meat there. Although she was not injured, it was really painful. The soup that was originally going to be poured on Gu Lian's body just crooked and poured onto himself. She screamed loudly, attracting the attention of everyone around her.

Gu Lian seemed to be frightened, she turned around suddenly, her body trembled.

The emperors and princes not far away also looked over, and so did Qiao Mingyu, who was greeting him in front of the emperor, and just saw Gu Lian's reaction. She suddenly turned cold, and walked over in three or two steps to pull Gu Lian up and protect her behind her.

"What's going on?" Qiao Mingyu frowned.

The lady of the imperial family who had witnessed everything next to her hurriedly arrived: "The lady in the palace was walking well, but suddenly she twisted her hand and overturned the soup." As for the beans, she didn't see it.

Gu Lian just took the cover of Qiao Mingyu's movements, picked up the bean that bounced on the table, and quickly put it back in place.

The murder weapon is in its place, and there is absolutely nothing to find out.

Qiao Mingyu frowned and looked at the court lady who fell to the ground, waved her hand, and her own eunuch stepped forward to help her down and apply medicine. Another little eunuch hurriedly cleaned up the food scraps here, and reassigned a palace maid to serve the soup.

"It's not easy." Qiao Mingyu sat down beside Gu Lian and whispered, "Be careful."

Gu Lian smiled slightly, indicating that she was fine, but in Qiao Mingyu's eyes, even though she was pale, she still tried to squeeze out a smile, so that she should not worry.

Qiao Mingyu was so distressed that she decided not to leave her side until the banquet was over.

When things failed, someone who secretly acted as a demon couldn't help but panic. Fortunately, the whole thing seemed like an accident, and she comforted herself so that she wouldn't be so unpromising.

Qiao Mingyu was about to call someone to investigate, when there was a sudden commotion at the place of the concubine.

Today's Mid-Autumn Festival, almost all concubines are present, including those who are not eligible to attend on weekdays. When Qiao Mingyu saw the posture there, she knew she was going to suffer, but there was a pregnant woman there.

I don't know if I should sigh that the emperor is dying of illness and still get the concubine pregnant, or should I wonder if this is the seed of the old emperor. But in any case, pregnant women must not have an accident.

It has always been a major event to involve royal children. Not only did Qiao Mingyu have a bad feeling in his heart, but everyone else did the same.

Anyone who knows the inside story secretly prays that the pregnant woman will never have an accident, but unfortunately it backfires.

"What happened?" Qiao Mingyu asked Sudan who hurried back.

Su Dan's expression was solemn: "It's Lin Guiren, she is red!"


Qiao Mingyu sighed deeply, it was really difficult for a woman in the palace to get pregnant, and it was not easy to give birth safely. Lin Guiren was on guard against everything, but he did not guard against this time.

I thought that such an important banquet, no one dared to do it, but someone was so bold. I don't know if it's brainless, or it's a broken jar and a decision to lose both, or I'm confident that it won't be discovered.

After such a big incident, the emperor and concubine left the table in a hurry, and the banquet could not go on. But the emperor did not speak, and no one dared to leave. Qiao Mingyu took Gu Lian forward. They couldn't stay here. Without the emperor, the guards would relax a lot, which was very dangerous.

"Go to my palace first." Qiao Mingyu lowered her voice, "Just in front."

Qiao Mingyu's palace is simple and atmospheric, similar to her princess palace. She left Gu Lian in her bedroom and left in a hurry.

The palace concubine's fetal qi has nothing to do with Qiao Mingyu, but the emperor has secretly handed the tiger talisman of the imperial guards to Qiao Mingyu, so she wants to go out and watch. If there is any accident, it is better to deal with it in time.

Su Dan couldn't help much, and stayed to take care of Gu Lian.

"Miss Gu." Su Dan brought someone to fetch water to clean her face, "Let's rest for a while, it's probably going to be troubled until the middle of the night."

At least, it has to be determined whether the fetus is saved.

Qiao Mingyu was worried about letting Gu Lian leave the palace now, so she estimated that she would stay in the palace for one night.

Gu Lian thought about it, and he really couldn't help much, so it's better to rest here while waiting. She could see that Qiao Mingyu had no feelings for the younger brother and sister who had not yet been born, and just hoped that the other mother and child would be safe out of morality. In this case, there is no need to worry that Qiao Mingyu will be sad if something happens, and naturally there is nothing for her to worry about.

Without comforting Qiao Mingyu, Gu Lian decided to rest first.

Before that, Su Dan asked the small kitchen to step up the time to cook a few small dishes and let Gu Lian fill his stomach.

The palace banquet was already hard to eat, and it ended early, Gu Lian must be hungry.

"I had my stomach padded before entering the palace." Gu Lian took the bowl and chopsticks and said with a smile.

"Then eat some more." Su Dan insisted.

Gu Lian stopped talking, and quietly bowed his head to eat.

After taking a bath and resting with dinner, the noise outside didn't turn out until the middle of the night, and Qiao Mingyu also came back at this time.

The author has something to say: After cutting the nails, the code word speed drops sharply QAQ