The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 27: against


"Miss is back?" Hearing the movement, several maids greeted her from the room.

"The old lady's reward has just arrived, and it has been put into the warehouse." Zhuxianghui reported.

Gu Lian nodded slightly: "Father's reward will come later, let's put it all together."

"The Princess Mansion said that the new clothes will be delivered when they are ready." Zhuxiang smiled and surrounded Gu Lian as he entered the door, "There is also good news, the baby Gu insects have shed their shells."

Gu Lian's footsteps paused slightly: "So fast?"

A few days ago, the three aggressive Gu worms suddenly entered a state of manic restlessness, and they were about to grow into adult worms. But according to the experience of taking care of pity, this irritable period can be as little as five days or as long as a month. Counting the days, today is exactly the fifth day.

These little babies started raising at the same time, and even shed their shells together. Could it be that they cultivated feelings

Gu Lian washed his hands and came to the urn.

Originally, they used cheap earthen urns to make their homes. After going to the Princess Mansion, Sudan asked the craftsmen to make transparent glazed urns. This kind of glass is made of artificial crystal, which is more acceptable to Gu Lian than natural gems. After all, it is too precious and she deserves it.

The urn is filled with clean medicinal powder as "soil", and the rare poisonous insects are thrown into it every day to feed. The three Gu worm babies were originally only the size of a grain of rice, but after hatching, they slowly grew, and later became the size of a tennis ball. Fascinated Gu and Withered Remnant Gu are not bad, the life-threatening Gu's mouthparts are sharp, and it looks terrifying with its teeth and claws.

But now, the huge Gu worm has shed its shell, and it is only half a fingernail as small as a fingernail.

"Yo, so much has changed!" Mei Xiang's eyes widened, she just shed a shell, how could she shrink so much

Gu Lian carefully put away the shells dropped by the three Gu insects. If this thing was ground into powder and mixed with medicinal powder to adopt child Gu, the effect would be very good, and it would have the effect of accelerating growth.

Carefully wrapped it in three handkerchiefs, handed it to Juxiang and warned: "This thing is very poisonous, don't touch it. Separate it and grind it into powder, and pour it back into the corresponding urn. Use water for the medicine mortar stained with poisonous powder. Wash it clean, pour the washed water into a bottle and put it away, it is still very toxic. Finally, remember to wipe the handkerchief made of ice silk before you can touch it."

The silk spit out by the ice silkworm can detoxify many poisons. Others dare not boast. The poison of several Gu insects raised by the Poison Sutra can definitely be detoxified. However, the detoxification effect of ice silk is slightly weaker, so it is necessary to rinse it first. The real detoxification expert is Jade Butterfly Gu, the scale powder spilled by Jade Butterfly can detoxify hundreds of poisons, and it is the treasure of the five poisons.

Bi Die is more delicate than the ice silkworm, and it is very difficult to raise. Gu Lian does not plan to raise it in the short term.

After ordering these, Gu Lian directly grabbed the mini-death-killing Gu from the urn with his hands. Death Gu is very active, and likes to jump up and down in the urn. Before, the body was too big to jump, but now it has become smaller, and it is noisy.

Being caught by Gu Lian, it was still struggling to wave its small paws.

Death Gu looks like a beetle, glowing red, with four legs and two pointed claws, and a sharp mouth that can easily bite through the skin. Even the steel can be bitten. Gu Lian touched its claws, let her be quiet, and then got out the other two little bugs.

The blue fascination Gu was disturbed to sleep well, moved his legs in confusion, and lay down again and continued to sleep. Withered Remnant Gu was very close to Gu Lian, and slowly crawled to the palm of her hand, chose the most comfortable position to lie down, and used her small claws to scratch in her palm.

Gu Lian felt a little itchy.

"Miss, they..." Gu worms have been raised, where will they be kept next? Shouldn't it still be in the urn

Gu Lian said calmly: "Mother Gu is naturally raised in the master's body."

It means that she will take the Gu worms into her body.

A few maids have long been taught by the unique Gu technique of the Five Poisons - they have been taught faithfully and naturally, they have no objection, so they watched Gu Lian put the three insects next to the neck artery one by one and let them bite the hole and get in. .

Then Gu Lian wiped his neck with a handkerchief made of ice silk, the bleeding stopped, and the wound healed quickly.

From now on, every seven days, the mother gu can give birth to a litter of child gu, ranging from five to ten in a litter, which will be separated from the body through the blood vessels of the fingertips. Zi Gu is only the size of Xiaomi, and will not grow up in the future. They grow by drawing blood, and the longer they are raised, the more poisonous they become. However, whether or not to give birth to a child Gu still depends on the master's intention, and it is entirely dependent on the master's urging.

"The medicinal powder in those urns can be moved." The urns used by the adopted son Gu are too extravagant. Before, they also made another kind of utensil, which is similar to the box for storing seasonings in later generations, but it is larger and has more grids. Also a little more, with a separate lid. Throwing the medicinal powder in an urn into a grid is the most suitable for raising child Gu.

The glazed urn also needs to raise other Gu insects, and these three kinds of Gu are not the only ones under the Poison Sutra.

This time, Gu Lian wants to raise Sleep Gu, Illusory Gu and Profound Water Gu.

In addition to the Poison Sutra, there are Phoenix Gu and five sacred beasts, which are not easy to raise. Not to mention Phoenix Gu, the effect is against the sky, and the difficulty of cultivation increases proportionally; the five holy beasts are too big to hide.

Three insect eggs were taken out of the bamboo flute and placed in a urn that was washed and re-sprayed with medicinal powder. The following is waiting to grow up. The growth cycle of these three kinds of Gus is relatively short. You don't need to raise them for half a year like the previous three. They will become adults in about two months.

Looking at the little ice silkworm who was still a baby, Gu Lian sighed helplessly, this is really slow growing.

In any case, raising bugs still has to come slowly.

Gu Lian stayed in the Gu Mansion with peace of mind. Every morning, he went to greet his mother-in-law, and in the afternoon, he went to treat his grandmother. In fact, it was not her turn to do anything, and Gu Qing rushed to do everything. Gu Lian simply didn't argue with her, so she accompanies the old lady to talk, and when the old man is sleepy, she leaves.

For this matter, she was not less cold-eyed and hostile to the mother and daughter of Gu Qing.

The more Yin Shi thought about it, the more angry he became, and he couldn't eat well. Her daughter made cows and horses for the old woman every day, but the old woman was more pleasant to Gu Lian than to her daughter. Gu Lian only helped Gu Zhidai a little, and she didn't volunteer it. Why should she enjoy the gentleness of the old lady

Co-author Gu Zhidai is the daughter of the old woman, so her daughter is not the granddaughter of the old woman

Unable to take action on the old lady, Yin decided to put her anger on Gu Lian's head.

It's been seven or eight days since Gu Lian came back, and the Princess Mansion didn't even send anyone to ask questions. It's very likely that the Princess has forgotten about Gu Lian. She had heard that when Gu Lian was in the mansion, the princess seldom returned to the mansion to live. How much affection could the two have? As long as she grasped the reason, even if she sparred with Gu Lian, no one else had anything to say. The left and right masters have already disliked her, and she has no need to curry favor with this heartless man!

So, when Gu Lian went to greet her mother-in-law the next day, her mother-in-law suddenly uncharacteristically asked the maid beside her to come with a thick stack of scriptures.

"I'm thinking, the old lady's illness has been bad, maybe it's because we didn't sincerely pray for the Buddha's blessing." Yin Shi blamed himself, "Sister Lian, you are the eldest daughter in the family, to set an example, these scriptures You take a copy and let the Buddha see your filial piety as a granddaughter. Your sisters are still young, so I will ask them to copy less. If there is more, you, as the eldest sister, will do it for you. Should be fine, right?"

Gu Lian's eyes narrowed slightly: "Naturally, there is no problem."

"That's good." Mrs Yin smiled contentedly, covered her lips and yawned, "Last night I knelt down in the small Buddha hall and prayed for the old lady all night, but now I'm very tired, please step back, I Squint for a while before going to pray for the old lady."

It's all for this sake, and I can't help but resist. Gu Lian simply accepted Yin's assignment and returned to his small courtyard with the scriptures.

However, Mrs Yin didn't plan to let her go like this at all, the big girl Yuzhi who delivered the scriptures clapped her hands with a smile, and then a little girl handed over the futon woven by rushes.

"Miss, to pray for blessings by copying the scriptures, you still have to kneel on the top of the futon to show sincerity, don't you think?" Yuzhi said, and touched the rough surface of the futon. With a hand, Yuzhi added, "Last night, the lady knelt on this futon to pray for the old lady, and today I specially sent this futon to the eldest lady, the eldest lady, don't let the lady's good intentions be let down. ."

The author has something to say: I will enter V tomorrow, and 3 more updates will be offered at that time. At the same time, there will also be 3 more updates the day after tomorrow, which means that the 3 updates will last for three days.

In addition: Tomorrow's update will be moved to 11:11 am, after which the update time will return to normal, please know