The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 43: admit wrong


The snow stopped in the afternoon, and the sun came out after a long absence, but the snow on the ground did not mean to melt.

Gu Lian woke up in the afternoon and lay on the bed casually teasing the ice silkworm, which had grown into an adult.

Yan Control's little butterfly was flying around it, and there was a dark little spider lurking in the folds of the quilt beside it, waiting for an opportunity, ready to find an opportunity to pounce on Bi Die. It may be resistant now, and it has learned to spin silk, and it will definitely be able to stick to the blue butterfly.

Shaoji Snake went to the window to bask in the sun, and Gu Lian propped her head up to watch the three babies play, so that she would not be bored all day.

In such a quiet time, some people just want to disturb.

"Miss, Aunt Yu asks to see you." Mei Xiang walked in and put down a bowl of hot souffle.

Gu Lian lazily stretched out his hand and took a sip of the cheese, the sweetness was just right.

Lan Xiang, who was grinding medicinal powder in the room, asked strangely, "Aunt Yu? Yuzhi? What is she here for?"

Mei Xiang shook her head, she didn't know.

Gu Lian didn't lift her eyes, and said lightly, "No." What else can I do, but I'm here to ask for guilt.

The last time Yuzhi was so arrogant that she brought a futon to taunt her, she still remembered it, and she probably remembered Yuzhi herself. Now that she is free from Yin's shackles, she must be worried that Gu Lian will turn over the old accounts against her. Just in case, I'll ask for a crime first, and it's best to expose the matter, but if you can't expose it, in the future, when Gu Lian deals with her, she will be at a loss.

But she made a mistake, and Gu Lian didn't bother to see her at all. With the support of the princess, Gu Lian doesn't have to give any face to anyone in the Gu family.

Yuzhi was stopped outside the courtyard with her little girl. She listened to Mei Xiang's mouthful of "the young lady has not woken up from her afternoon nap". She didn't believe it at all. Gu Lian just didn't want to see her.

This can't be done, Yuzhi gritted her teeth and knelt down suddenly. The little maid next to her didn't know why, but she hurriedly knelt down.

"Hey, what is Auntie doing?" Mei Xiang was startled and wanted to help her up, but Yuzhi gave up her strength and didn't help her up at all.

Yuzhi's face was mournful: "If the eldest miss doesn't see the slave, the slave will not be able to kneel. It was the slave's fault before, I only hope the eldest can remember the villain's mistakes. The slave is kneeling in this ice and snow, presumably the eldest will be able to. I saw the sincerity of the slaves."

She said and looked around quietly. Although Gu Lian's yard was remote, because of Gu Lian's different identities, people often came to give gifts for their masters or come to visit them. Yuzhi is kneeling here, outsiders don't know the specific situation, they can only say that Gu Lian bullied her father's concubine, and just made the number nine cold winter kneel in the snow. If Gu Lian still wanted a reputation, he had to let her in.

Mei Xiang's face froze, Yuzhi kept saying that she knelt down in order to sincerely admit her mistake, but she didn't know that this was actually coercion

"Just wait." Mei Xiang said, and went in to ask Gu Lian for countermeasures.

After drinking a bowl of hot cheese, Gu Lian felt a lot warmer all over. She took a spoon and dipped some residue from the bowl and placed it beside the little babies. They also liked the taste, but they couldn't eat much, so they could only taste it.

After tasting the sweet cheese, the three immediately became obedient, lying on the bed without moving, allowing Gu Lian to caress their bodies.

At this time, Mei Xiang came in whistling: "Miss, Yuzhi is too deceiving!"

Hearing Mei Xiang's topsy-turvy explanation, Gu Lian calmly touched the small body of the ice silkworm: "What's the matter? Let her kneel in the courtyard, close the courtyard door, and kneel for as long as she wants."

Gu Lian didn't care about her reputation, but she said she would do it if she wanted to help the original owner maintain her reputation. How dare Yuzhi threaten her? What Gu Lian feared the most was threats.

Not long after, Mei Xiang came out with a cold face and said to Yuzhi, "Miss let you in."

Yuzhi showed a smile and knew that this trick would work.

However, as soon as she entered the door, Mei Xiang slammed the courtyard door shut, and Yuzhi's heart skipped a beat, with an ominous premonition.

Mei Xiangpi, who was behind Zhi Ting, said without a smile, "Miss Yu was moved by Aunt Yu's sincerity, but it wasn't enough. Seeing people coming and going outside, it's not good to kneel there. Therefore, for the sake of Aunt Yu's sake For the sake of honor, the miss specially ordered to invite my aunt to come into the yard and kneel."

"No..." Yuzhi's eyes widened slightly, Gu Lian dared to do this! She is one of Gu Zhimo's most favored concubines at present. Isn't she afraid that Gu Zhimo will get angry

However, Gu Lian was really not afraid.

Seeing that Yuzhi turned around and wanted to leave, Mei Xiang stood in front of the door and gave a wink to a few little palace maids who were sweeping in the yard. Although these people were only little palace maids, they were carefully nurtured and their martial arts skills were not weak. Otherwise, Qiao Mingyu would not be at ease to let Gu Lian stay in the Gu family alone.

They dropped their brooms and rushed over, holding down Yuzhi and the little girl beside her who were trying to resist, and knelt down on the deepest snow. A person's body temperature can melt snow through clothes. When the snow wets the clothes at the knees, and the chill seeps into the joints, it's enough for her.

But this is Yuzhi's own request, and no one can say anything.

Mei Xiang finally let out a bad breath and looked at Yuzhi with satisfaction: "Auntie, let's kneel." She looked at the two little palace maids again, "Look at them, let them kneel and kneel until the lady is satisfied."

After he finished speaking, he went into the house to bake the fire, and no longer cared about Yuzhi and the others.

This time, Yuzhi is really called Tian Tian not working, and the ground is not working. If one can't get it right, I'm afraid that her legs will be ruined.

Mei Xiang raised her eyebrows and fluttered as she walked. Gu Lian glanced at her, and knew that something was going well, so he didn't ask any more questions, and focused on teasing the little bug.

the other end.

After thinking about it, Qiao Mingyu felt that something was wrong.

"The old lady of the Gu family is sick?" Qiao Mingyu asked.

"It's good." Su Dan didn't know, so didn't the princess know about it two months ago

Qiao Mingyu sat there gloomily, and the whole person was very decadent: "Then Alian doesn't have to wait."

Sudan nodded, this is the reason.

"So why is she still staying in the Gu Mansion?" Qiao Mingyu was puzzled.


"I'm going to bring her back to spend the New Year with me!"

Then the willful Her Royal Highness ran away again.

Sudan looked at her back helplessly, and the princess' reflex arc was too long, and it was two months later. However, it is really difficult for Miss Gu to live in the Princess Mansion for the Chinese New Year, but Her Royal Highness the Princess is a relative of the royal family, and there is no "no" in her dictionary, so she can do whatever she wants. .

If it wasn't for the fact that the Gu family was too small and there were too many annoying guys, she wouldn't have moved in with Gu Lian.

Qiao Mingyu ran to Gu's house on horseback. She had to ask Gu Lian why she didn't come back to live, and she clearly promised to accompany her for the New Year.

When she came to Gu's mansion, it happened that Gu Zhimo came back for lunch at noon, before she could return to the yamen. After finally catching the princess once, how could Gu Zhimo miss this opportunity, and immediately greeted him in person, stopping Qiao Mingyu halfway.

"Wei Chen is attending Her Royal Highness." Gu Zhimo bowed, "I don't know if the Hall is here, but if I miss you from afar, I hope Your Highness will forgive me."

Qiao Mingyu impatiently said politely to him: "Ben Gong is here to find Gu Lian."

Of course Gu Zhimo knew, he quickly expressed that he would lead the way in person. Qiao Mingyu couldn't ask for anything, it would be best if someone led the way, so he nodded slightly, signaling him to lead quickly.

"I don't know if the princess is here today, is it..." Gu Zhimo asked tentatively.

This Highness didn't know if it was purely boring to play, or to go out to play with Gu Lian, or to do something, he had to find out.

Qiao Mingyu ignored him.

Gu Zhimo couldn't ask any more, so he could only press it without mentioning it.

Soon after arriving outside Gu Lian's courtyard, the courtyard door was closed tightly, Gu Zhimo frowned slightly, waved his hand and asked Chang Sui to knock on the door. Unexpectedly, Qiao Mingyu directly passed Gu Zhimo and reached out and pushed open the courtyard door.

The four people in the yard were stunned for a moment, and the moment the two little palace maids saw the person, they immediately knelt down and saluted: "Join Your Highness."

Qiao Mingyu raised his eyebrows: "What is this doing?"

Gu Zhimo, who followed up, was surprised, why is Yuzhi here? And kneeling in the snow

The little palace maid hurriedly replied: "If you go back to your highness, this concubine Yu said that she was here to apologize to the young lady, so she had to kneel in the snow to show her determination. I can't wait to stop me, so Sister Mei Xiang will let us watch over here. , If something happens, I would like to help you as soon as possible."

The words that seemed to reverse black and white made Yuzhi's eyes dark with anger, and the little girl beside her knew that her lower lip was purple, and she trembled even more when she heard the words: "You, you are talking nonsense! You are clearly forcing me and my aunt to kneel here! "

The little palace maid was not afraid at all, and did not fight back, fully demonstrating the superb quality of the palace maids who came out of the princess' residence. She just respectfully greeted Qiao Mingyu and blessed her again: "Everything the servant said is true, I don't dare to deceive."

Qiao Mingyu naturally believed in her own palace maid. She didn't care about whether to kneel or not. She just wanted to ask: "What are they going to pay for? Did they bully Alian?"

Saying this, the little palace maid immediately charged, went into the warehouse and took out the futon, and explained the matter in detail.

"You are so brave!" Qiao Mingyu was furious, "How dare you use this kind of thing to spar with Alian!"

Yuzhi's face turned pale, and she quickly kowtowed to admit her mistake: "The servant is guilty, but this is really the order of the eldest lady, and the servant is wronged..."

Gu Zhimo couldn't stand it any longer, he hurriedly coughed: "His Royal Highness, after all, this is my family's affairs, and I also ask Your Highness to hand it over to Wei Chen."

Gu Zhimo, the new concubine, was still very satisfied, and she didn't think it was Yuzhi's fault, so she put all the blame on Yin's head.

Qiao Mingyu was about to say something, but was suddenly interrupted.

"The girl sees Her Royal Highness."

The familiar voice instantly pulled Qiao Mingyu's attention, she turned around suddenly, and saw the amazingly beautiful woman standing under the eaves.

The author has something to say: I made a mistake and became a direct publication. It should have been put in the manuscript box. You can read it first, there will be two more updates in a while =3=

But this one didn't have time to catch bugs QAQ