The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 49: Nirvana


This is really terrifying, the timid seventh prince jumped, where did this girl jump out? ! It seems that I hadn't seen her in the house before!

In fact, Gu Lian didn't do anything. She just stepped on the sixth prince's wrist with a dagger, forcing him to let go, and then stepped on the back of the heart with one foot. The sixth prince almost didn't catch his breath. After that, it was the people who saw it. Gu Lian slowly stepped on the back of his neck and bent over to pick up the dagger.

Gu Lian played with the poison-stained dagger, the tip of the blade had a faint blue tinge, and you couldn't tell if you didn't look closely, it was poison.

She smiled lightly, and rolled her feet slightly hard: "Hey, your Highness is too careless, and you can't do this next time. This is the emperor's bedroom, how can you bring in a murder weapon? If anyone is injured, it will have a lot of impact. not good."

Completely ignoring the ghostly expressions of the surrounding princes, Gu Lian continued: "You mean it? Squeak, don't pretend to be dead."


The sixth prince who was stepped on was about to vomit blood: "How dare you do this to this hall, you..."

"Don't want to die?" Gu Lian increased his strength, "I would like to try to break your neck in minutes? Huh?"

The sixth prince didn't dare to speak, maybe it wasn't that he didn't dare, but he was trampled to the point where he couldn't make a sound.

"Ah Lian." Qiao Mingyu finally came back to his senses, and hurriedly came over and pulled Gu Lian away, "If you trample him to death, you will have nightmares, leave it to me."

Thinking that Qiao Mingyu was the princes who came to save people: "..."

The chief eunuch who also thought that the princess was here to save people: "...cough, so what, the late emperor died!"

There's nothing else to say but to say this.

The third prince looked at Gu Lian several times in amazement, and secretly said that she was worthy of being the aunt of Lingsu, and then ignored the sixth prince on the ground and the stupid fourth prince, and walked out with the edict. Give others a chance to fight back.

Qiao Mingyu said loudly, "Come out," and the four commanders who were hiding in the outer hall immediately rushed out and restrained the sixth prince and the fourth prince.

The other young princes looked at Gu Lian in awe, and all shrank behind the elder brother.

King Zhuang glanced back at the group of little radish heads behind him, with a seventh prince who was not a radish head but also hiding, and resisted the urge to roll his eyes. However, he really admired such a strange woman as Gu Lian. She was obviously fragile, but her body seemed to contain infinite power.

After that, there was nothing to do with Gu Lian and Qiao Mingyu, and the third prince could handle it very well. Qiao Mingyu left the four commanders to help, and then took Gu Lian back to the house.

A change of emperors passed peacefully because of Gu Lian's horizontal thrust. Although there might have been secret guards to stop the sixth prince without Gu Lian, Gu Lian's move really deterred those with bad intentions. The fourth prince was stunned, and he was suppressed by the watch before he could do anything, and he missed the opportunity in vain.

The sixth prince thought that he would not be the emperor anyway, so he would simply kill the third prince to avenge his mother-in-law, but the fourth prince would have the opportunity to rush to destroy the imperial decree. It's a pity that the sixth prince took the lead, and as a result, he was almost frightened by a little girl.

Qiao Mingyu was also frightened. She was looking at Gu Lian's dagger and made up for the scene if Gu Lian lost his hand and was stabbed by the dagger. That is to say, it is understandable that people are scared, she is scared purely by her own brain. Especially when he learned that there was a poison-drug that seals the throat with blood on the dagger, the whole person was not well.

Gu Lian didn't care: "I have eaten detoxification sacred objects for you."

Qiao Mingyu was taken aback for a moment: "Yes." But what does this have to do with what they were talking about

"I've eaten that thing too." The implication was that she would not be poisoned.

"But isn't that one for detoxification?" Qiao Mingyu was at a loss.

At the beginning, she didn't listen carefully, and when she ate it, she just remembered that it was given to her by Gu Lian. Zhuxiang explained to her, she turned her head and forgot all about it. She originally wanted to ask Gu Lian how she could give her such a precious thing to eat, but she forgot to ask.

Gu Lian looked at her helplessly: "Actually, the main effect of the detoxification sacred object is to make the person taking it safe from all poisons. This detoxification is not another detoxification."

Generally speaking, detoxification refers to being poisoned and then detoxified, but the detoxification sacred object here means that all poisons will be defused the moment they touch the user.

Only then did Qiao Mingyu feel relieved.

"Don't worry, I'm number one in the world for playing poison." Gu Lian slightly hooked her lips.

To tell the truth, the poison-drug in this world is very backward, and the poison-drug that is truly colorless, odorless and imperceptible does not exist here, but at Gu Lian, she can easily dispense more than ten kinds of poison-drug that meet the requirements. . The Five Poisons focus on the study of Gu worms and the strange poisons in the world. Even the Tang Sect, which is known as the main poison technique and organ technique, cannot compare, not to mention the fact that Tang Shuyan, the eldest lady of the Tang family, infiltrated the Five Poisons and provoked the internal strife of the Five Poisons. It has always been suspected that Tangmen's poison was stolen from the Five Poisons.

Gu Lian is not sure if the news is true or not, but the strange poison of the five poisons is indeed famous, and most of them are still unsolved by Wanhuagu. The five poisons can be solved, as long as you have a breath, you can use Phoenix Gu to bring you back to life, and the Nirvana fire will burn all the poisons. However, many strange poisons are actually instantly fatal...

Speaking of Phoenix Gu, Gu Lian suddenly frowned: "Ming Yu, I need fire."

Phoenix Gu is not easy to raise, it is because of the lack of strange fire. It's impossible to really look for Phoenix Fire, but ordinary fire can't replace it, at least it's Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire. It is not difficult to cultivate the eggs of Phoenix Gu, but it is quite cumbersome. It only needs to use the powder ground from bracken, mix with the blood of the five holy beasts and a drop of blood essence from the cultivator, plus some rare spirit medicine juice and poisonous grass powder, to prepare a special culture solution. Put any worm eggs in it, and after soaking it for seven days, the eggs of Phoenix Gu will become. But whether it can hatch depends on whether the egg can withstand the calcination of the flame.

Generally, the five poisons will cultivate as many as a thousand eggs at a time. The cultivated eggs are the size of rice grains, and then they are thrown into the fire one by one to burn. Those who can't hold on will be burned to ashes, and those who can hold on will emit an orange-yellow phoenix halo that wraps around themselves, and even slowly floats. At this time, the eggs are taken away and collected, and the preliminary is completed.

After that, at least ten phoenix Gu eggs that have survived the flames will be placed in the previous culture medium. After they have absorbed all the liquid and hatched, they will kill each other, leaving a Gu king, which is the mother Gu. .

The mother Gu can be put directly into the body. To produce a child Gu at any time requires devouring a drop of blood essence. The child Gu can survive for at least seven days, and as long as the child Gu is alive, the person who has been inflicted by the Phoenix Gu will have an extra life. After being seriously injured, Phoenix Gu protects the heart, and it only needs to cooperate with the five poison secret technique "Nirvana Rebirth" to catalyze the child Gu. It is equivalent to sacrificing the child Gu, filling the essence of the child Gu into the opponent's body and repairing all the wounds in her body.

After a month of resting, you will be able to live and breathe.

Unlike in the game, the resurrection skill of Nirvana Rebirth can only be used on people who have been hit by Phoenix Gu, and the user must have the mother Gu of Phoenix Gu, otherwise this trick will not work. Gu Lian always thought it was troublesome and didn't raise Phoenix Gu. Later, a new expansion pack was released, but a bunch of Gu eggs were piled up there, and it was useless without fire.

"Different fire..." This stumped Qiao Mingyu, never heard of such a thing.

Gu Lian just asked, not holding out hope. Seeing that Qiao Mingyu was still thinking hard, she comforted her: "It doesn't matter if you don't have it. I'll go to Lingsu and ask, but it really doesn't work. It's okay to use his alchemy fire."

Chunyang disciples may not all have studied medicine, but they must be able to make alchemy. Their Pill Fire is generated by internal strength, which is more magical than ordinary flames.

Thinking of Lingsu, who was about to be dragged by him as a coolie, Gu Lian could guess how that guy would react. It must be all kinds of complaints about her oppressing the toiling people.

But when it comes to Pill Fire, Qiao Mingyu's eyes suddenly lit up.

"It is said that the flames used in the royal shrine to forge weapons are the fires that fell from the sky many years ago. I don't know if it is true or not. But all the weapons made with that flame are all high-quality weapons, which may suit your needs. Require."

Gu Lian thought for a while, then nodded: "I'll try."

Speaking of which, she used to borrow fire from the place where she hid swords and forged Chengwu, and was almost chased by a good friend who was a disciple of Jianlu guards to the ends of the earth. The resulting ash contaminates the fire. Gu Lian felt that he was making a big fuss. Obviously, Zhuang Hua, who was hiding the sword, didn't even care about her. This guy had to go online.

Just in case, Gu Lian specifically asked, "If the ashes from the Gu worm eggs fall into the fire, it's fine, right?"

"It's alright." Qiao Mingyu didn't understand why, "It's just a little ashes, and the materials that are usually used for refining will still have ashes."

Gu Lian was relieved, and sure enough, her basic friend was making too much of a fuss.

Qiao Mingyu was very happy to be able to serve Gu Lian. She immediately took Qiao Mingyu to the magic weapon room, informed the person in charge, and then occupied the fire.

Tianhuo was in a separate room and sent the blacksmith back. Gu Lian took out the jade boxes containing Gu eggs and started throwing them one by one.

Seeing the Gu eggs being burned to ashes, Qiao Mingyu felt a little distressed.

"Can it be done?"

Gu Lian glanced at her: "Princess is not afraid of seeing strange things, but don't care so much if it is successful or not, and come back in seven days." Anyway, you can raise a batch in seven days, which is very fast.

Qiao Mingyu wasn't afraid to see any miraculous sights, on the contrary, she was curious. She didn't worry about Lian alone, so she stayed cheeky. This time, she didn't dare to talk too much, for fear of being told by Gu Lian to let her go out again.

Although Gu Lian didn't mean it, he was just afraid of scaring her.

"It's done!" Qiao Mingyu stared at Gu Lian in a daze, but did not glance at the stove. When he glanced at it, he saw a strange luster on the top of a Gu egg, and was immediately surprised.

Gu Lian nodded slightly and smiled: "Good luck."