The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 55: New Year's Banquet


Qiao Ancheng is a very magical child.

He knew how to wink and knew who could bully who was not easy to bully, so he hugged Qiao Mingyu's thigh tightly and got a lot of benefits. Then, he was cute and cute towards Lingsu who raised him, and then his occasional mischief was ignored by Lingsu.

In the end, he found that as long as he hugged Lingsu's thigh tightly, he could completely ignore his father's opinion. Even if he openly confronted his father, as long as Lingsu was there, he would not be dealt with, so his father was very happy. jammed.

Apart from going to the house and uncovering the tiles, there is nothing that this kid has not done.

"Who is this plum blossom for?" Qiao Mingyu asked curiously.

Qiao Ancheng grabbed the flower branch and didn't let go: "For my mother!"

"Good." Qiao Mingyu patted his head.

This kid is very heavy, Qiao Mingyu hugged him for a while and then put it down, otherwise his hands would be sore. Qiao Ancheng didn't make a fuss, and walked obediently by himself. The little man walked very steadily, holding flowers in one hand and holding the other behind his back, looking like a decent person.

Qiao Mingyu looked amused, and whispered to Gu Lian, "My brother usually walks like this."

Gu Lian chuckled, it turned out to be learning from his father.

"But he never walks like this in front of my brother." As if thinking of something funny, Qiao Mingyu smiled even more, "My brother is the most annoying for him to walk around, so he will do it. Every time in front of his father, he deliberately Walk swaggeringly at him."

Hanging around, swaggering, why is this adjective so familiar

Qiao Mingyu added: "It's just like the way my sister-in-law walks."


So the prince's father treats him differently, his sweetheart can walk like this, but his son can't.

"Auntie." Qiao Ancheng went to the front, ran back after a while, took Qiao Mingyu's hand, and looked at Gu Lian curiously, "Who is this beautiful sister?"

Qiao Mingyu smiled: "He is your mother's little aunt."

"Then..." Qiao Ancheng carefully counted her seniority for a long time, but to no avail, she asked directly, "Then what am I going to call her?"

"Call auntie."

This was not what Qiao Mingyu said.

Naturally, it wasn't what Gu Lian said.

Gu Lian looked at the stupid baa in front of him expressionlessly, and decided to go back and add some more to his detoxification holy artifact. If she remembered correctly, Lingsu is extremely afraid of hardship. The addition of Coptis juice and lotus seed core to the detoxification sacred object will not affect the medicinal properties, so you can put more.

"National teacher." Qiao Mingyu greeted him and glanced at Gu Lian. Seeing that Gu Lian was not very happy, he added, "Prince climbed a tree again, remember to educate him. You It's his grandfather, don't leave him alone and let him play wildly, your grandfather is too incompetent."

Lingsu: ... ... the sister-in-law actually learned to teach him a lesson!

Sure enough, love can change people.

Looking at the son who pitifully offered the plum blossom branch, Lingsu couldn't help but feel ruthless. However, in front of Qiao Mingyu and Gu Lian, two people stared at each other, Qiao Mingyu was over, Gu Lian's threatening gaze was really scary. He swallowed his saliva, picked up his son, turned around and ran away.

It's too dangerous here, it's better to take my son away.

"Mother?" Qiao Ancheng looked at Lingsu blankly.

Lingsu Yu said to his son earnestly: "Your aunt has a bad temper, remember to stay away from her."

Qiao Ancheng nodded obediently, and handed over the plum blossom branch again: "Mother, this is what Cheng'er picked by himself. Here it is for you."

Lingsu looked at the plum blossom branch and was embarrassed to tell his son that he didn't like flowers. Pretending to happily accept the gift that his son picked with his own hands, it would be even more difficult for him to reprimand his son. So the matter of educating his son not to climb trees was over, and Lingsu decided to pretend that he didn't know there was such a thing.

"Fleeing really fast." Gu Lian said coolly, straightening his clothes, and slightly raised the corners of his lips.

If you can escape the first day of the first year, can you escape the fifteenth? On the fifteenth day, she will definitely offer the relic with the added seasoning, huh.

Qiao Mingyu shuddered, and Alian started again, so scary. Well, but I still think Alian is so handsome...

"Are you going to continue shopping?" Gu Lian stood in the midst of the Merlin and smiled softly, his smile burning like a red plum.

Qiao Mingyu's heart skipped a beat and he almost forgot to breathe.

"It's better not to go shopping..." She would die suddenly if she went to visit again. Beauty kills people.

Such a good-looking Alian, she is going to take it back to the palace, close the door, and watch by herself!

"Let's go then."

After Gu Lian walked out for several meters, Qiao Mingyu suddenly came back to her senses and quickly followed. She reached out and grabbed Gu Lian's hand, and it was really cold. Gu Lian is like this all year round, and there is not much heat in his body. She grabbed Gu Lian's hands and covered it, and walked towards her palace in an awkward posture.

Gu Lian didn't refuse, and let her hold her like this.

The two of them didn't speak a word along the way, but the atmosphere was unprecedentedly warm.

The two of them were reading and chatting around the fireplace in Qiao Mingyu's bedroom, and the whole afternoon was so wasted. In the evening, someone from the palace came to deliver a letter, saying that a banquet was going to be held, and the princess and the county owner were invited to come over.

There is nothing to do with the concubine at the palace banquet. They will only attend the family banquet after nine o'clock, so Qiao Mingyu is the one with the highest status in the female family. There were no high-ranking concubines in the palace, and the queen mother had also passed away. The old emperor's queen mother had gone long ago. Except for Qiao Mingyu, there was no decent hostess in the entire palace.

There are quite a few wives and old wives of the first rank and the first rank among the official family members. Fortunately, the princess is also of the first rank, so it is not impossible to suppress it. Qiao Mingyu sat directly in the main seat, and Gu Lian sat at a table with her.

Anyway, Qiao Mingyu is the only one in the main seat, and whoever sits next to him is Qiao Mingyu's own business, and no one else can say anything. If she had the queen dowager or the like beside her, it would be difficult for Gu Lian to come over and sit on an equal footing with them.

On the man's side, the emperor's seat is placed at the top, and the closest one is the position of the national teacher and the position of the prince. The two tables are far away from each other, and the other princes and royal relatives are at the bottom.

No matter what happens to the men, in short, Qiao Mingyu has the final say in the women's family.

The New Year's Banquet is held in the Gufeng Hall, which is a special place for the New Year's Banquet. The hall can accommodate hundreds of people for a banquet, which is very huge. Even if it is divided into two areas by a screen, it does not appear crowded. The maids walked around with delicious food, and the dancers and musicians performed diligently, which was very lively.

However, everyone did not dare to be really lively and laughing. After all, the emperor had just left, and everyone here knew the inside story.

But if he didn't laugh and make a noise, he didn't dare to make the new emperor unhappy with a straight face, he could only smile implicitly, but his face stiffened. Covering his face with his big sleeves through the act of drinking, he took the opportunity to rub it.

I really don't know how disgusted the new emperor is to see the previous emperor, and even if he doesn't give a funeral, he has to hold a New Year's banquet. As soon as the old emperor died, everyone laughed and feasted. I wonder if the emperor would jump out of the coffin in anger.

There was no smile on the new emperor's face, his expression was light, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Anyway, he didn't laugh, or he would be poked in the spine and called him unfilial. My father just died, so I'm embarrassed to laugh

"All Aiqings, don't be restrained today." The emperor's majestic voice came from above, and the tone was the same as saying, "This is your last prison meal, so you must eat well and eat a little more so you can go on the road."

Everyone's heart was stunned, and the raised chopsticks were quietly put down again.

Or drink, drink a bar!

As soon as he raised his wine glass, the new emperor raised his chopsticks and took a bite of the dish. This time, everyone was muttering again, not only banquets, but also alcohol should be banned on the twenty-seventh day after the emperor's death.

Thinking of this, they silently put down their wine glasses again.

It was too much tossing. After such a palace feast, it is estimated that I will have a stomachache.

The female family is much simpler, Qiao Mingyu doesn't have so much nonsense at all, just say something, don't worry about me, and then pull Gu Lian to start showing her affection. You give me vegetables and I give you vegetables, and I am very happy to eat.

The ladies who had had stomach pains at first felt that their stomach pains were gone, and their eyes were a little sore.

In order to protect their eyes, they decided to bury their heads in the food, or watch the song and dance performance, just not to see the two people in the previous song showing their affection.

"This is not delicious." Qiao Mingyu secretly complained to Gu Lian.

There was one dish on the table, it was cold, so it didn't taste much. If the dish is cold, the fishy smell originally suppressed by the seasoning will be stronger, which is acceptable to most people, but Qiao Mingyu is very sensitive to this.

Gu Lian gave her other dishes: "Then don't eat that, just eat this, this is delicious."

The two of them ate together intimately and the atmosphere was very good.

After a while, the prince slipped over.

"Auntie." The little prince shouted crisply, but fortunately he remembered to keep his voice down, otherwise the whole world would hear it.

Gu Lian's mouth twitched: "What's wrong?"

Qiao Ancheng asked earnestly, "My mother refuses to eat fish, she says it smells fishy and makes me vomit after eating. Does he have a baby in his belly?"

Gu Lian, who knows medical skills: "..."

Qiao Mingyu, who also felt fishy and wanted to vomit after eating fish: "..."

"Why do you ask that?" Gu Lian suppressed the twitching corners of his mouth.

Qiao Ancheng tilted her head: "My mother said that your medical skills are very good, and I think that my mother gave birth to me, and you are his aunt. You must have given birth to children, and you know this better."

Gu Lian was speechless.

"Your mother..." Gu Lian suppressed the desire to complain, "There should be a baby, you go and accompany him, darling."

Qiao Mingyu was stunned to watch Gu Lian open her eyes and talk nonsense. She forgot to tell Qiao Ancheng the truth. When Qiao Ancheng saw that she didn't speak, she thought she thought the same, so she quietly ran back to the man. He has to protect his mother well, so that he will have younger brothers and sisters in the coming year.

Gu Lian asked Qiao Mingyu incomprehensibly, "Does this child always think he is a spiritual student?"

"... ... Guess so."

Because no one has ever specifically told Qiao Ancheng about his life experience, and he doesn't believe what his grandparents said, Qiao Ancheng still firmly believes that he is a spiritual student. His father told him that his mother appeared suddenly, so his mother was a very powerful immortal, and immortals would definitely give birth to babies.

What a beautiful misunderstanding.

It is said that the five poisons have a kind of Gu that can make men have children. If Lingsu needs it, Gu Lian doesn't mind getting it for him, but it is a bit troublesome to raise.

Lingsu, who received Gu Lian's advertisement, was confused. He didn't want to have children. Why did Gu Lian suddenly ask this question

The author has something to say: I can't help but talk nonsense seriously... I hope Lingsu will be very...

Tomorrow is about to go to war, and then the princess turns into a handsome general. This is a normal character design. She is now insane!