The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 61: Night raid


Generally speaking, there will not be a large number of mobile red names on the big map, only the small map will have them, but the mission objectives will be displayed on the big map with red dots. For example, if you take a quest to kill a wild wolf, there will be a batch of red dots on the big map. These are the refresh points of the wild wolf. Sometimes depending on where the wolf moves, when the map is closed and reopened, the position of the red dot will also change.

This time, the system defaults that the Huns are Gu Lian's mission monster, so a red dot appears on the map. As for why the red dot moves directly, it is probably the special plug-in effect that comes with the system.

Each red dot is displayed as a Xiongnu, and several big red dots in the style of red dragon heads are the existence of the leader level. Gu Lian checked them one by one, and found that the people who came were actually not too high in the Xiongnu tribe. Either the Xiongnu were very confident and did not take them seriously, or this group of Xiongnu was here to deliver food, and they did not intend to cause huge losses to Tianxi's military camp with the mentality of killing as much as they could.

The Xiongnu now have few people, and the cavalry advantage cannot be exerted, so there is not much chance of winning against the generals of Tianxi. But they don't like being beaten passively, and they're afraid they'll fight back if they don't give up.

"What's wrong?" Qiao Mingyu didn't dare to sleep deeply, so he woke up after being pushed by Gu Lian.

Gu Lian solemnly took out a compass larger than a palm from his sleeve, and said, "I estimate that the Huns will attack the camp, Mingyu, hurry up and arrange for the enemy. The Huns are just ten miles away, and I'm afraid they will arrive in no time. ."

Qiao Mingyu was startled, and then he remembered that Gu Lian had calculated that the border was breached by the Xiongnu, and then told Lingsu, and Lingsu told them brothers and sisters. The battle report arrived a few days later. Since then, Qiao Mingyu has put great trust in Gu Lian's calculation ability. This is the second time she has seen it.

Although she didn't know that Gu Lian couldn't count fortunes at all.

The compass is owned by Jianghu. There is a metaphysician Yu Banxian in Datang who likes to tell fortunes for young chivalrous men who are just entering the Jianghu. Later, it developed to the point of giving a compass to an acquaintance. If you don’t want it, you can use it to measure the feng shui treasure land. It will be easier to succeed if you do some things with a success rate of less than 100% on the feng shui treasure land. Although, this is a false metaphysics.

But thanks to her, players have a compass in hand, and they usually throw them in the warehouse to collect dust.

Qiao Mingyu left in a hurry, she wanted to wake up the lieutenant and prepare to meet the enemy.

This time the Xiongnu did not come on horseback, the ground would vibrate when a group of horses ran, making the enemy aware of it in advance. And the terrain here is not suitable for horseback riding, but it is cumbersome, so I simply gave up the horse.

The dismounted cavalry was not so easy to deal with. The Huns were fierce not only in character and behavior, but also in physique. Years of sweating and drinking blood, coupled with a disagreement, it was resolved with fists. The Xiongnu man was strong, and one was estimated to be as wide as two Gu Lian.

Soon, the messenger horn in the barracks sounded, and the soldiers got up and dressed, ready to meet the enemy.

Gu Lian removed the kettle from the heater, poured a glass of water that was already warm, and felt comfortable after drinking it. She tore off her cumbersome cloak and wore only thick clothing. Since she came to the barracks, she didn't even wear a skirt, she wore pants like Qiao Mingyu. However, usually you can't see it with a smock on the outside. Now if you don't wear a smock, you don't look so weak, like a sassy chivalrous girl, but the skeleton is petite.

There was a fight for a while, Gu Lian had not moved his muscles and bones for a long time, and he was looking forward to it. The Langya Army she faced at the beginning was also an army outside the Great Wall, but it was a big man outside Yanmen Pass in the northeast, and it was a match for the Xiongnu. The only thing she didn't understand was the Xiongnu's words, but she was very familiar with the harsh words of the big man in the northeast, and she also learned a few words along with them.

"Miss!" Mei Xiang and the others hurried into the main account.

Gu Lian asked them to stay in the account and not get in the way. Although a few girls had learned a little Qixiu, they were all skinny. It was okay to beat an ordinary man, and maybe even the clerks in the barracks couldn't beat him.

"You are optimistic, don't let people come in, there are a lot of letters here, and they must not be leaked." Gu Lian urged.

Mei Xiang nodded quickly, and they all knew without her having to say it.

Gu Lian took the Liuli flute and went out.

There were not many torches in the barracks at night. As in the past, there were only one torches far apart, but they were concentrated on the edge of the barracks, so that it was convenient to check whether there were suspicious persons nearby.

The Huns were discovered by Gu Lian when they were still far away, so they had enough time to deal with them. Now the barracks is quiet, as if it is no different from usual. The soldiers were guarding in the dark, and there were others beside the unlit fire, just waiting for an order to light the fire to illuminate the entire army camp, and then jumped out of the dark to fight with the Huns.

Gu Lian looked left and right and felt that it was not right, so he pulled a soldier at random: "Find someone to fetch water. If the water is not enough, shovel the snow, and then place the bucket at the northwest edge of the military camp."

Xiao Bing recognized Gu Lian, didn't ask more, nodded and ran to find someone.

Seeing Xiao Bing earnestly implement her order, Gu Lian felt relieved and went to the northwest corner, which is the only way to come to Mincheng, and it is also the first place where the Xiongnu will appear later.

"Ah Lian, why are you here?" Qiao Mingyu frowned slightly, "It's very dangerous here."

Gu Lian smiled: "Don't worry, I have the ability to protect myself."

This time, she put on a hidden weapon bag and equipped with a hidden weapon. It was a hidden arrow hidden in her sleeve, with 200 rounds of hidden weapon, which could be used within 20 feet.

Xiaobing brought a bucket and a snow bucket over. Gu Lian instructed the bucket to put it by the fire, and the snow was simply dumped next to the fire, so that the bucket could be reused.

"What is this?" Zhuang Wang asked curiously.

Gu Lian looked at the fires. These fires were not piles of firewood on the ground, but raised high. However, if the Xiongnu slashed hard and the fire fell over and fell into the snow, it would be fine, but if it fell on a person or a tent, it would immediately cause a fire. Water and snow are just a precaution. In the event of a tent on fire, burying it with snow is more efficient than water.

Fortunately, there is still a small amount of snow on the ground, so that one tent will not be burned to the second camp along the withered grass on the ground.

After hearing this, King Zhuang agreed: "You women are more careful and thoughtful than the big men like us."

Hearing this, Qiao Mingyu felt uncomfortable in her heart, so she moved her steps quietly and stood in front of Gu Lian, isolating King Zhuang's admiring eyes.

"Come." Gu Lian said solemnly.

Red dots have begun to appear on the minimap, and the red name reminder is constantly flashing. Although everyone had not seen the Xiongnu, no one doubted Gu Lian's words.

The minimap will cover a wide area in the open, farther than what a human can see in broad daylight, let alone at night. There was no movement on the ground, and the Huns did not ride horses. There was a dedicated soldier who lay down on the ground and listened to it for a long time. Although there was no hooves, there was still the sound of people walking. Those Xiongnu were not good at sneak attack at night, and their sturdy stature also determined that it was almost impossible for them to walk silently. Although the steps they stepped on were deliberately light, they were still very heavy.

After listening for a while, Xiao Bing got up and reported: "At least fifty people came, no more than seventy, no horses, and they should appear in a dozen or so breaths."

Although there are only fifty or sixty people, it is not a problem for the Xiongnu to take one to three. If they attacked, fifty people would be enough to cause some turmoil. But everyone still felt that fifty was a little small, and the Huns might still have reinforcements.

Only Gu Lian knew that there were no reinforcements at all, only fifty.

After ten seconds, the Huns appeared. As soon as they saw the large number of people standing in the firelight, they knew that the sneak attack had been exposed. The two leading people were startled, and at this moment there was no way to retreat, they directly waved their knives, shouting incomprehensible words in their mouths, signalling to attack.

This group of people directly chopped down the wooden railings at the edge of the camp, and quickly jumped over the railings and rushed in. Avoiding the crowd, he slashed directly at the fire.

The high fire fell down, smashed on the tent next to it, and immediately burned.

No need for Gu Lian's order, except for those who went to fight with the Xiongnu, the other soldiers immediately began to put out the fire.

No wonder fifty of them dared to come here to make trouble, for fear of setting fire to the camp. If it weren't for the large number of soldiers here, there would have been a lot of Xiongnu rushing into the depths of the camp when the chaos just started. There is still snow on the edge of the ground, but the snow in the depths of the camp has long been shoveled out. If the fire burns a tent, it will definitely have a chain reaction. Not to mention that the Huns could pull out the burning firewood from the fire and throw them on the tents. The consequences would be unimaginable.

They are here to die, and they have the idea that fifty people will be buried with most of the army camp.

King Zhuang rushed forward with his guards and directly confronted one of the Xiongnu leaders, and another lieutenant confronted the second leader. Qiao Mingyu sat in the rear and shot at the Xiongnu who rushed to the rear, but did not rush forward.

Gu Lian stood by her side to protect her, and did not rush to act.

There are three leaders here, and one is hidden in the crowd, and he is the best. It's a pity that there are too many red names nearby. Although Gu Lian can find his approximate location, there are several Xiongnu around, and Gu Lian, who has severe facial blindness from foreigners, can't tell the difference in appearance between those Xiongnu. Know who the leader is.

She frowned and watched for a long time, then suddenly patted her head.

She's really stupid, and it's not enough to just add a focus to that guy, and find it by herself. Having never used the player's system, Gu Lian is really not used to the very convenient and quick functions of the player.

"I found it!" Gu Lian directly selected the person in the focus list, followed the red line to find the target position, adjusted his face to face the target, and then played the colored glass flute horizontally and sounded the syllables.