The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 65: Prepare for battle


Gu Lian, who was teaching the girl, saw Qiao Mingyu coming, temporarily ended the training of the smiling tiger, and left with bamboo incense.

"Why did you come here?" Gu Lian poured her a glass of water, "Have you been thirsty after beating for so long? Are you hungry?"

Qiao Mingyu was excited, but he wasn't hungry at all. He drank two glasses of water, and he was in high spirits.

"Ah Lian, am I particularly good today?"

Gu Lian pursed her lips and smiled: "Yeah, today Mingyu has impressed me."

Qiao Mingyu suddenly became complacent, even someone as powerful as Alian said she was so powerful.

"Don't Mingyu need to watch from the front?" Gu Lian asked.

"It doesn't matter, the Huns won't make any more fuss today." He was embarrassed, and he was embarrassed to make some corrections.

Gu Lian nodded: "Are you sure about tomorrow's battle?"

It's hard to say, Qiao Mingyu was a little hesitant because he had never seen the opponent's strength. Although victory or defeat is common in military affairs, the competition between the main generals is often related to the morale of the two armies. If they lose, the loss will be great.

Seeing this, Gu Lian held her hand and gave her support: "Don't worry, I see that the leader's skill in going down the tower should be on par with you. The outcome is hard to tell, and you can play with him happily. Yes."

"Really?" Qiao Mingyu's eyes lit up.

If it was as she said, that she was as good as the leader, then she would have no pressure. Neither of them can win against each other in a short period of time, and she can have a good time with her temperament. To avoid watching the battle every day, my hands are itchy, and the enemy is too weak to fight.

Gu Lian nodded with a smile. She has been in the arena for so many years. It's hard to say anything else, but she still has the eyesight to see the strength of others.

The previous leader deliberately jumped directly from the tower in order to boost his momentum, and he did not hide his clumsiness. What he had to do at that time was to defeat Qiao Mingyu with the fastest speed and the strongest strength. Because only the strength crushed Qiao Mingyu, the morale could rise again. The more powerful he is than Qiao Mingyu, the more beneficial it is to their own morale growth.

Therefore, he did not deliberately show weakness at that time.

With just this short display of skill, Gu Lian dared to say that she had figured out 70% to 80% of the opponent's strength. That's why she dared to stand up to stop her, and walked over slowly to provoke the other party. Even if the man fought her in a hurry, she still had the confidence to defeat him.

With Gu Lian's words, Qiao Mingyu felt a lot more relaxed. She happily clenched Gu Lian's hand with her backhand: "A Lian, it's great to have you here."

Qiao Mingyu was actually a little nervous when he officially led the army for the first time.

Seeing her like this, Gu Lian thought of herself back then, with a group of miscellaneous soldiers, and she didn't feel any anxiety. The motley army was just like her, heartless and heartless. Before setting off, they chatted and laughed, arrogantly claiming to destroy all the enemies, especially the leader of the other party. At that time, they were young and energetic, and they were not afraid of the sky at all. They thought that if they died, they would die. Anyway, after walking on the rivers and lakes for a while, they had already lived enough. Even if you die in battle, you can still be praised and earned!

As a result, the battle ended, and only 12 out of 12 survived. Too many comrades in arms died on the battlefield, and some of them couldn't even find their bodies. What's more, the body has been trampled by horseshoes and enemies several times, and it has long been impossible to recognize who is who.

Gu Lian sighed lightly, not knowing how many of her old friends survived on the battlefield.

Qiao Mingyu didn't know why Gu Lian suddenly became unhappy, she hurriedly hugged Gu Lian: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I thought of a group of old friends." Gu Lian said softly, Qiao Mingyu knew her origin, but Gu Lian didn't tell her how he died, nor did he say anything about the An Shi Rebellion. She only shared with Qiao Mingyu the happy things about her childhood and when she was in the arena, and she didn't want to pass on her sadness and anger to Qiao Mingyu.

Qiao Mingyu's life is mostly simple and happy, and Gu Lian likes to see her happy all the time.

Although Gu Lian didn't say it, Qiao Mingyu was not stupid. She probably guessed that Gu Lian had experienced a lot of unpleasant things. She didn't know how to comfort her, so she hugged her tightly and comforted her silently.

Gu Lian just sighed with emotion, not really sad. She smiled and pushed Qiao Mingyu away: "I'm fine, it's all over."

Qiao Mingyu did not speak.

"I'll tell you those things next time, okay?" Gu Lian quickly coaxed.

Only then did Qiao Mingyu ease her face, and she was relieved to see that Gu Lian was really not sad anymore.

"I'm hungry." Qiao Mingyu took her hand and said, trying to divert Gu Lian's attention.

Gu Lian was indeed led over, but she didn't notice Qiao Mingyu's thoughts at all, she got up and went to get the washed bracken: "I'll cook hot pot for you, I've eaten cooking with the same taste for a few days, and today I'll change it for you. ."

Qiao Mingyu was happy and went over to see. After thinking about it, Gu Lian decided to replace the bracken with something else. After eating bracken for so many days, Qiao Mingyu must be tired of it.

But it's not good to cook hot pot right now. It's too extravagant to eat this in the military camp. Gu Lian thought about it, adjusted the soup base and cooked it directly, and then brought it to Qiao Mingyu to eat. Originally, Qiao Mingyu, who was just making an excuse for not being hungry, was really hungry after smelling this smell, and ate several large steamed buns with a small bowl of vegetables.

Gu Lian felt distressed when she saw it. There was no white rice in the barracks. Rice was so expensive. It would be nice to have gruel to drink. Gu Lian herself is from Bashu, and she is used to eating pasta, but she knows that Qiao Mingyu is a native of Huaijing and is used to eating rice. She is not used to eating too much pasta.

But I can't get rice right now, so I can only bear it for a while.

Gu Lian cooked a large pot of food, which was very easy to eat. Qiao Mingyu only needed a small bowl to eat as many large steamed buns as two bowls of rice, and the others were probably similar. Gu Lian thought for a while, and asked someone to pack the dishes and send some to each general.

In addition to the main generals and generals in the barracks, there are also many junior generals with lower positions. Low is only relative, and their status in the military camp is not low. Gu Lian sent these in the name of Qiao Mingyu, so that they would be soft-hearted and give more convenience to Qiao Mingyu in the future.

Most of these young generals climbed up from mud legs. In the capital, military generals and children of Guixun rarely went to the frontier to fight often. The generals are okay, and they will send their children to other peaceful armies, but Guixun is staring at the capital defense army such as the Imperial Guard. He is a close minister of the emperor, and the security treatment is good, which is much better than going to the frontier to endure hardship.

Since it came out of the common people, it is inevitable that there will be many people who look down on those who have a background. I feel that they have no real ability and only rely on the back door. Although Qiao Mingyu is a princess, people don't necessarily trust her ability behind their backs, and gossip is always said by someone.

After eating and drinking, Qiao Mingyu lay lazily on the bed and refused to get up, not knowing that Gu Lian had done so much for her. Her head rested on Gu Lian's thigh, and Gu Lian massaged the acupuncture points on her head.

After a while, she felt very comfortable, and her mind was much lighter.

Gu Lian massaged the acupuncture points gently, until she pressed Qiao Mingyu to fall asleep before retracting her hand and laying her down on the bed. This guy was so excited last night that he didn't sleep long at all. Anyway, the Huns will be obedient today, so let Qiao Mingyu take a nap.

Gu Lian called to Sudan to wait in the tent, but when Qiao Mingyu woke up, no one was there to serve her, so she went to the front and continued to stare. Although the Xiongnu will basically not make trouble again, but just in case, she still came to watch it.

Qiao Mingyu is not here, everyone will feel more at ease with her.

After lunch, reorganize the infantry to attract Feather Arrow's firepower. Gu Lian can't estimate how many arrows they still have in their hands, but it doesn't matter, it's okay to surround them for a few more days. When Hanyueguan received the news, there would be a one-day delay, and it would take some time for the whole army to come to support.

Gu Lian called several generals, found a large camp nearby, and discussed the ambush plan together.

The snow in the mountains has melted a lot, but now there is more left. Qiao Mingyu and the others had long since consciously selected a large number of soldiers and prepared them to ambush them. Gu Lian asked people to add bracken powder to their diet to strengthen their body. Now with thick clothes, there should be no frostbite.

"Actually, the ambush can be higher." Gu Lian said.

Qiao Mingyu went to the nearby ambush site to see it. The mountain is relatively high, and people passing by in the distance cannot see the situation halfway up the mountain. Although the mountain is full of snow and trees with only branches, but after the altitude is high, it is impossible to see people on the mountain.

"And then put a white robe on the outer hood of the soldier's armor. You don't need a lot of thick cloth, it's just a shield." The mountain is white, and a group of people in white clothes can hardly notice, "If there is more cloth, you can do it again. Some hijab hats or something, wrap the hair."

King Zhuang nodded: "It's good to have a high ambush, but will it affect the battle?"

"Should not."

The snow on the mountain is still relatively thick, and stepping on it will not reveal the grass and mud below. The gap between the trees is large enough that it is not difficult to rush down from the mountainside, as long as you don't slip and fall. Gu Lian's idea is to let people inquire about the location of the Xiongnu reinforcements at any time, and the others will be ambushed at high places. Go up the mountain from the back of the mountain, and then circle to the front of the mountain, so that there are no footprints in front of the mountain. The Xiongnu scouts generally did not expect that they would be ambushed so high.

In this case, the Xiongnu will likely reduce their vigilance, and the effect of their ambush can be maximized.

"Wait until our scouts find out that the Xiongnu has entered the surrounding area, then go down the mountain and ambush in a position suitable for rushing down the mountain. Before that, stay on the top, so that you don't have to stay motionless all the time, you can exercise properly to keep your body temperature, so as not to freeze your body. "

Gu Lian said.