The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 69: Snowball


The author has something to say: Today is Qixi Festival, and everyone must have eaten a lot of dog food, so I will not continue to feed you dog food, today’s plot = 3 = I’ll treat you well! (My friend also said that she was going to drive a car as a benefit for the Chinese Valentine's Day. This is simply forcibly stuffing dog food! It is recommended to kill it directly!)

"Snow?" Zuo Lieutenant General was taken aback, "It should be more."

It was close to the outside of the fortress, and there was still snow outside the fortress, so the snow melted more slowly.

Gu Lian thought about it, she still had to take a look at it in person.

The topography of the Tianxi Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty is roughly the same, but there are some subtle differences. If Gu Lian didn't see it with his own eyes, he wouldn't be sure.

The method she thought of was actually very simple, it was just snowballing.

Many maps in the Tang Dynasty had this kind of rolling stone mechanism. Gu Lian was trapped by these big stones many times, and he was very resentful about it. Therefore, she really wanted to use this trick to deal with the Huns.

In fact, avalanche is the fastest and most labor-saving way to come, but you don't have to think about it, you know that the mountains on both sides of Hanyue Pass will definitely not be able to pile up so much snow, and it is not realistic to want to bury Hanyue Pass. Moreover, the avalanche is not easy to control, and if you are not careful, you may bury yourself in it. Thinking about it, it is better to roll a snowball. If the terrain is suitable, the snowball should be able to directly smash into the pass.

That night, Gu Lian coaxed Qiao Mingyu to sleep, and then left the camp alone.

Five Poison Player Qinggong has a very beautiful purple special effect, no matter the old version or the new version, it is very eye-catching. Fortunately, Gu Lian has cultivated his internal strength, and NPC Qinggong doesn't have that many effects, so he can completely come and go without a trace.

Similarly, the NPC's Qinggong is not as pitiful as the players.

Wudu is notoriously short-legged, flying slow and short, walking like an old lady. The new version of Qinggong is slightly better, but also very slow. NPC Qinggong is much faster, from here to Hanyueguan for dozens of miles, it takes less than half an hour to go back and forth.

Hanyueguan is sandwiched between two mountains, and both sides are insurmountable mountains, so there is no Great Wall protection here. It is not easy to climb the mountain, and there are soldiers patrolling all the year round outside the gate. It's easy for the team to sneak in, but forget about the big team. It's impossible to climb over the mountains on both sides without disturbing people. Therefore, Hanyue Pass will become a natural danger in the northwest, sitting on this pass, and then a large area can sit back and relax.

Gu Lian bypassed the Huns' scouts and flew up the mountain. With light work and no trace of snow, he quickly climbed the mountain. Standing on the protruding rock and looking down, Hanyueguan is just below.

If you throw something down from here, it's a hit and miss. Gu Lian looked back and saw that there was a large flat ground here, enough for a group of people to stand here and snowball. Gu Lian recorded this point on the map and continued to search for other suitable locations on the mountain.

The Hanyue Pass cannot be destroyed, the buildings inside can be destroyed and rebuilt, but it is best not to damage the high walls, which is troublesome to build. Gu Lian ruled out a few locations that might attack the city wall, then went down the mountain and continued searching for the other mountain.

After an hour of busy work, I finally searched both mountains. Looking at the dozen or so markers on the map, Gu Lian returned to the barracks with satisfaction.

It only takes about a thousand people to add up to these locations, and it is not conspicuous if they are divided into small groups and lurking up the mountain. Gu Lian decided to go back and lead the team herself. She has a small map and can avoid those scouts in advance so that they will not be discovered.

Previously, Gu Lian and Qiao Mingyu had the same idea, they were to conquer Mincheng first and then Hanyueguan. After all, there might still be living people in Mincheng. Moreover, after the Hanyue Pass was captured, the Huns in Min City knew that they could not escape alive, so they would fight to the death, and they would easily suffer heavy casualties. Because of his back to his hometown, his will to fight is slightly weaker, and he feels that he can't beat him. He can also fight into the grasslands of Feixue. Even if he freezes to death there, it is better than being completely wiped out by Tianxi soldiers.

But on the other hand, it is actually possible.

First, they conquered Hanyueguan with lightning strikes, which greatly reduced the morale of the Xiongnu, and then spread rumors to disturb the army, and finally captured the Xiongnu in Mincheng, who had no intention of fighting. The plan cannot keep up with the changes. Fortunately, both schemes have their own reasons, and it is impossible to say which one is better.

When Gu Lian returned to the tent, Qiao Mingyu hadn't woken up yet. She warmed her body before laying back on the bed, planning to have someone with Qiao Mingyu tomorrow.

It was already early March, and the provinces in the Tianxi Dynasty were still receiving disaster relief. Gu Lian thought that if these Xiongnu could be solved sooner, she might be able to help out. The more she does, the heavier Qiao Mingyu's bargaining chips are. Even if the new emperor wants to turn his face, she will think about it for her face.

The next day, Gu Lian shared his thoughts with Qiao Mingyu.

Qiao Mingyu immediately disagreed: "It's too dangerous for you to go alone."

"Don't worry, I'm not that weak."

Of course Qiao Mingyu knew that she was not weak, but as long as Gu Lian was not by her side, she felt uneasy. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and no one can guarantee that they will win. If Gu Lian were discovered, the consequences would be unimaginable. Qiao Mingyu didn't like to take this risk, but Gu Lian obviously made up his mind.

Seeing Gu Lian's firm expression, Qiao Mingyu hesitated for a while, but agreed.

"I'll give you a thousand able-bodied soldiers."

The only thing that can be done is to give her some more high-quality soldiers to help her plan.

"I still have to send someone to attack the city." Gu Lian added, "I will send someone to notify after the event is completed, and then it will be fine to attack the city directly."

If you want to attack the city, you will have to divide a part of the army in the camp. However, since the main target is Hanyueguan, they can just send some soldiers to pretend to besiege Mincheng, and the large troops rush to Hanyueguan to take down Hanyueguan first.

These are not in a hurry, Gu Lian said that she is going to take people up the mountain first, which will take more than a day, and then making snowballs or something will take some time. The official start is set in three days, and Qiao Mingyu can arrange the time by himself to see when the army will start.

After the discussion, Qiao Mingyu did not intend to inform the lieutenant of the plan. The less people know about this, the better, lest the news be leaked.

On the same day, Gu Lian took people away.

Yesterday the Huns suffered a great loss, and today they should not send anyone to support Mincheng. But to be on the safe side, Gu Lian took a thousand people on the mountain road. You have to climb over a few mountains, avoid the scouts of the other side, and avoid the ambush of your own side in the mountains and forests, be careful along the way, and try not to leave any traces.

It usually takes two hours to walk on dozens of miles of mountain roads, but it takes more time to hide the whereabouts. The dispatch of troops was in the morning, and when they arrived near Hanyueguan, it was already dusk.

"The main force is stationed here first." Gu Lian waved them to stop, they were going up the mountain at the moment, and there were no scouts around, "I'll take the first team up the mountain first."

The others were preparing dinner on the spot. There were eighty people in the first team, and they would solve the problem of eating after arriving at the destination.

Because the siege was scheduled for the third day, everyone brought enough food for three days. Most of them are dry and cold noodles, but fortunately, you can eat them with hot water with a small pot.

The three-day ration is not too much, and the carrying is not heavy, and it will not affect the movement. Gu Lian ate the cakes with them, but Mei Xiang and the others felt sorry for her. The cakes baked for her were filled with fillings, which were much better than the salty cakes of others.

It is very convenient to have the red name reminder on the map, and the scout will be found a mile away. Gu Lian led people up the mountain along the mountain road she was optimistic about before. The people here are all experienced veterans, and the veterans at the end of the team are very handy in handling things like footprints. Gu Lian's chosen mountain path is very biased, and if he disguises his footprints, it will be even harder to be discovered.

In this way, she brought a group of people to the location chosen by Gu Lian. She carefully explained to the 80 people how to make thick snowballs and how to safely push the snowballs down the mountain before leaving. There is a lot of snow on the mountain. If the action of pushing the snowball is not correct, it is very likely that they will slip and fall on their own feet and roll down with the snowball, which is bad.

The 1,000 people were divided into more than a dozen teams, each with less than 100 people. Gu Lian took the big team up the mountain first, and the smaller teams stayed behind. The sky was getting darker and darker, and it was difficult to climb the mountain. It was even more difficult to climb the snow-capped mountain in the dark. If the number of people was small, Gu Lian could still handle it.

It wasn't until it was completely dark that Gu Lian gave up.

"The rest will go up the mountain tomorrow." It was really dark, the dark clouds were heavy tonight, and there was not much light at all. Yesterday there was a moon anyway, and the moonlight reflected on the snow was fairly bright, but now the moonlight is blocked, and the stars can't be seen.

Fortunately, Gu Lian chose a good location, and everyone built a fire to keep warm, and they were not afraid of being seen by the scouts.

"Have a good night's rest, and go up the mountain in the morning tomorrow." Gu Lian said, slowly drinking a cup of hot water, "The two teams take turns to watch the night.

Saying that, she ordered two teams with a larger number of people.

Because snowballs have to be prepared after going up the mountain, there is not nothing to do. Teams with more people prepare snowballs faster, so the preparation time can be reduced slightly. Moreover, the snowballs were more prepared, and they couldn't throw them all down in a short time, which was also a waste.

Gu Lian chose a rock under the tree and meditated cross-legged on the rock, preparing to deal with it all night. In order to prevent snow from falling from the top of the tree in the middle of the night and smearing her face, she shook all the snow off the tree in advance.

The others sat around those fires and found hay to spread on the snow, which made them feel much more comfortable.

The dark clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker, and I don't know what the weather will be tomorrow.

I hope it doesn't snow heavily, otherwise it will be difficult to climb the mountain, and keeping warm is also a big problem. Making snowballs against the wind and snow is really embarrassing.