The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 75: teach


Qiao Ancheng is a smart boy, he studied hard and studied very solidly.

Rui Di didn't think the Four Books and Five Classics were of any use, but if Qiao Ancheng wanted to inherit the throne, he had to learn these, after all, he had to deal with those literati. Emperors who do not understand the Four Books and Five Classics will be looked down upon by the civil servants, and even cast aside by the people of the world.

Sometimes this group of nerds is so annoying, holding those sages and sages books every day with a look of aloofness, looking down on mud-legged people, peasants, people who don't study, and people who do business. Not only that, but they look down on each other, which is just wrong.

Although he spurned these literati in his heart, Ruidi still had to do a good job on the surface. First of all, you have to stand on the moral high ground, and then you can put shoes on this group of people in an open and honest way.

For this reason, I can only grieve my son to learn these books, which are basically useless for running the country.

Fortunately, Qiao Ancheng never shied away in learning. Although he didn't like the Four Books and Five Classics, he studied it obediently and earnestly. But learning is learning, but he doesn't take it to heart. He knows that learning these things is just to decorate the facade. If the real governance of the country depends on this, it will be over.

No matter how busy Rui Di is every day, he will take time out to teach his son the way to govern the country. Recently, there have been fewer civil servants chattering, and the time for approving memorials has been greatly reduced, but there has been a lot of spare time.

Gu Lian looked at the child's words and felt that it was really good.

Much better than her dog crawling.

Gu Lian's font is delicate and small, but it is limited to the Central Plains characters she can write. If she was asked to write their Gu Miao characters, what she would write would be really irritating. In her hometown, she rarely used paper and pen to write, and most of them were engraved. The main thing is to recognize the characters, and it is not required to write well. Gu Lian has never practiced, so naturally it doesn't look good.

It was the Central Plains character that could catch the eye, and it was Gu Lian who was ridiculed by her second-generation official friend of the Changge Sect when she learned the Central Plains character, and decided to practice it, otherwise it would be a dog crawling.

Children need more encouragement, Gu Lian reached out and patted Qiao Ancheng's small head: "The word is good."

Qiao Ancheng covered his head: "My mother said that the head can't be shot, and the president is not tall!"

"Stinky boy." Gu Lian raised her eyebrows and patted it twice, "Your mother knows a shit? Your aunt is the one who studied medicine, you listen to his nonsense. How can you not grow taller if you pat your head? Not tall. Listen to me, eat less sugar and eat more in the future."

"Why eat less sugar?" Qiao Ancheng frowned.

"Because eating too much sugar doesn't grow taller!"

Lingsu sneered and said that he was talking nonsense, but Gu Lian himself was not talking nonsense. However, he didn't dare to offend Gu Lian. She was a young lady with five poisons who could bring her back to life. As a sheep with kidney deficiency, he still had to hold the poisonous milk's thigh tightly.

Qiao Ancheng looked at his mother, found that his mother did not refute, and nodded hesitantly: "Well, I will eat less sugar."

How deceitful.

Gu Lian sighed in his heart.

I don't know if it's a problem with their Qiao family's genes. Qiao Mingyu is easy to cheat, Qiao Ancheng is also easy to cheat, and so on, Ruidi probably won't be much better.

However, these three are only stupid in front of her and Lingsu, and they are quite smart in front of outsiders.

"Where's my aunt?" Qiao Ancheng asked, he knew that Gu Lian was always with Qiao Mingyu.

Gu Lian rubbed the ink for her: "She went to find your father, let me accompany you first."

"I have my mother to accompany me." Qiao Ancheng's eyes lit up, he liked Gu Lian very much, but he was afraid that his mother would be jealous when he showed his happiness, so he glanced at Lingsu cautiously and said dutifully.

Gu Lian couldn't see his little tricks, and poked his baby's fat face: "Your mother is not good, he will play with himself. Come, auntie will accompany you to read."

"Then can I ask you if I don't understand?" Qiao Ancheng asked expectantly.

"..." My dear, I don't understand what you don't understand. I haven't studied the Four Books and Five Classics! Gu Lian's mouth twitched slightly, "I can tell you the truth of life, the four books and five classics are exempted."

Qiao Ancheng didn't dislike it either, and happily agreed. He didn't ask questions about the Four Books and Five Classics, and he didn't want to do academics. It was enough to know a little to deal with those literati. According to his father, those literati like to cite scriptures when scolding people. If he doesn't understand allusions, he won't know that people are scolding him when he is scolded, so he has to memorize allusions.

His father taught him the way to govern the country, his husband taught him the Four Books, Five Classics and allusions, A-niang taught him how to scold people and do bad things, and now his aunt said that he could teach him life lessons. Qiao Ancheng counted with his fingers, and felt that he could learn a lot, so he was very happy to finish his homework, throwing away the pen and pestering Gu Lian to explain the truth to him.

Gu Lian couldn't think of what to say for a moment, so Qiao Ancheng tilted his head to think for a while, and asked Gu Lian what he saw but didn't understand.

"Auntie, last time I saw Sister Xiu'e beside me beating and scolding Qingyu in my palace, saying that Qingyu was not serious in her work and was lazy. But I clearly saw that Qingyu did other people's work together, and there was no such thing at all. Lazy, why does Sister Xiu'e say that?"

I really don't know how Lingsu and his man raised their children and let them see these bad behaviors. Gu Lian carefully inquired about the situation in his palace, pondered for a while, and then told him: "Xiu'e was not originally on duty by your side, but was sent here later. I was afraid that she was bullied by other big girls before, so If you feel unsatisfactory, you will bully others and vent your anger. Qingchu is soft-tempered, others love to bully her, let her work for her, and you don't have to worry about her going to sue, Xiu'e probably likes her."

"So although Qingyuan is pitiful, the reason for all this is that she is too weak to blame others, right?" Qiao Ancheng was very smart and immediately thought of it.

"That's right." Gu Lian couldn't help pinching his face, "Poor people must have something to hate. You need to remember that for someone like Qingyuan, it's useless for you to teach her to bully her. Yes, she will be bullied by others next time. Because she won't file a complaint, so even if you strictly forbid others to bully her, some people will continue to bully her behind their backs. I'll tell you, and you won't know that someone violated your order."

"Then how to solve this problem?"

"Change her. To solve the problem, we must solve the root cause. There are two reasons why she is bullied. One is the inherent viciousness of people, which cannot be completely solved, and the other is the softness of her character. Transform her character and let her Learn to fight for yourself, so that even if you stop helping her in the future, she can take care of those who bully her."

Qiao Ancheng thought thoughtfully: "Then... How do you deal with Xiu'e?"

Gu Lian did not give an answer directly, but instead asked: "What do you think should be done?"

"I think..." Qiao Ancheng frowned and thought about it carefully, "I think I'm still a child, and I can't handle these things, so I should tell my father and my mother!"

Gu Lian couldn't help but smile: "Smart."

This matter should not have been done by children, Qiao Ancheng was only a few years old. If he is a teenager, then he should teach his palace servants by himself, but he is only so young, the best way is to pretend that he doesn't know how to deal with it and ask the adults for help. Smart and exposed children can easily become a thorn in the eyes of others, and children have no ability to protect themselves, so it is very necessary to hide their clumsiness.

Qiao Ancheng may not know how to deal with it in person, but he knows how to ask adults for help. Gu Lian sighed that this child was really extraordinary, and by the way emphasized the importance of hiding clumsiness to him.

"You can show your abilities freely in front of your trusted relatives, but in front of outsiders, remember to hide five points in addition to your academic abilities. Never let others know how much ability you have, so that others will despise you. , and you can kill them with one blow at any time."

Qiao Ancheng nodded: "I know that arrogant soldiers will lose!"

Gu Lian patted his head approvingly.

A prince is smart and clever in learning, and outsiders will think that he is diligent and conscientious and is a man of talent. They don't think about whether the things they have learned are useful for running the country, they only think that this prince is qualified, not a prince who can't be helped.

However, he will not be too afraid of the prince. Being knowledgeable does not mean that you can handle the world well. What Gu Lian taught can ensure that Qiao Ancheng grows up safely, and she will slowly teach this child about the next things.

Looking at the child's adoring eyes, Gu Lian suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment. If you can cultivate an excellent emperor with your own hands, it is also something worth showing off, and it is worth her life in this world.

Lingsu is not as lofty and enlightened as Gu Lian. He feels that he will be satisfied with finding a confidant in this life. As for cultivating a wise man, that is his man's business. Seeing that Gu Lian and his son were getting along very well, and that Gu Lian was also earnestly teaching him not to talk nonsense, Lingsu yawned and fell asleep at ease.

Gu Lian turned his head to see this scene, and resisted the urge to smash a pillow and go over.

Qiao Ancheng continued to ask Gu Lian about things he didn't understand, but Gu Lian refused to say it.

"You're still young, you don't have to figure it out all at once. You first learn a few principles that I just gave you, and I'll teach you the rest." Gu Lian took him a blank rice paper, "I want I will test you, I will ask the question, you will answer it, and see if you really understand what I said."

Qiao Ancheng immediately sat upright and picked up the pen: "Then tell me."

The author has something to say: I decided to add two chapters at 11:11 in the morning tomorrow. I will be on vacation and willful ╭(╯^╰)╮ After a few days of school, there is no way to be self-willed, and I can only try to ensure two changes every day_( :з」∠)_

I pressed the wrong button again, and adding to the manuscript box has become a direct publication of QAQ