The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 76: Examination


Looking at the serious child, Gu Lian suddenly had bad intentions.

She also nodded solemnly, and began to ask the question: "Your father and your mother are in trouble, and your mother wants to secretly take you away from your father, what should you do?"

Qiao Ancheng tilted his head and thought for a while, and wrote in a hurry: accompany my mother, and then pretend to think of the father and ask my mother to take me back on the road.

Gu Lian looked at it, suddenly reached out to a thin book, and patted his head: "Stupid! You made such a mistake just after complimenting you."

"Ah?" Qiao Ancheng looked at Gu Lian in confusion.

Gu Lian snorted, picked up a pen and wrote: I cried and cried and refused to leave, and then found an opportunity to sneak up to find your father and emperor, so that your mother could not leave if she wanted to.

Qiao Ancheng's mouth opened wide in amazement.

Seeing him like this, Gu Lian sighed, took the blank rice paper on the side, picked up a pen and wrote down a word—dirty.


Gu Lian glanced at Lingsu, who was sleeping, and began to spoil the child: "The way of doing things cannot be too clean, and when it should be dirty, you should be dirty. In order to achieve your goal, you should choose the most efficient method that does not violate morality. Anyway, you are a child. , and don’t be afraid of being embarrassed. When you grow up, you will naturally weigh efficiency and face, and then make appropriate choices.”

Qiao Ancheng has never heard of such a statement. His husband taught him to be an upright person. His father taught him not to be too simple in life and things. His mother taught him to do what he wants to do. Who to listen to.

"What's so difficult about this?" Gu Lian tugged at his little ear, "I ask you, if someone bullies you, what would your father want to see?"

"I ordered my servants to clean up that guy."

"What about your mother?"

"My mother hopes that if I can beat it, I will beat it myself. If I can't beat it, my mother will help me beat it back."

"How about you sir?"

"I want me to convince people with virtue and influence them with reason and sincerity."

"Isn't this the end?" Gu Lian felt that this question still needed to be asked, "When your father is here, you can do it the way your father wants to see it, and when your mother is there, you can do it according to your mother's idea. When your husband is there, you will strengthen and influence each other. However, these are not the point, the point is what do you want to do yourself?"

Qiao Ancheng didn't even think about it: "I want to beat him!"

"No promise." Gu Lian reached out and patted his head.

"Then..." Qiao Ancheng was stunned for a while, "I'll find someone to beat him?"

Gu Lian was satisfied: "Ruzi can be taught. If you feel too angry, you can beat yourself up, but most of the time you can let the next person go, and watch it coldly by your side, and you won't get your hands dirty. This is yourself. If you don't have your father, your mother, and your husband, you can just do it. And if you forgive each other in front of your husband, it's not a bad thing. It's a big deal to beat him back behind his back, so that the husband will think you are a A benevolent person, but in fact you are out of breath."

"However, the people around me will tell my parents what I did." Qiao Ancheng said.

"What's so difficult about this, next time I'll teach you how to tune-teach the servants, keep them from talking nonsense."

Qiao Ancheng looked at Gu Lian with bright eyes: "Auntie, you are better than my mother!"

"That's natural, otherwise I'm his aunt?" Gu Lian showed a fascinated smile.

Qiao Ancheng didn't know the inside story. He nodded solemnly. Auntie was a generation older than her mother, so she should be better than her.

This child is so deceiving, Gu Lian cleared his throat and gave him a new piece of paper: "We will continue the assessment."

"Yes!" Joan was enthusiastic.

So one person taught and one study, and he studied like this for one afternoon. Qiao Ancheng felt that he had learned a lot of magical operations today, but his head was dazed, and he couldn't master them all for a while. Fortunately, Gu Lian will ask questions to let him think about how to use the knowledge he has learned, so Qiao Ancheng still has some proficiency in these things.

Gu Lian thought for a while, picked up a pen and wrote a bunch of practice questions for him, letting him keep it and do it slowly. Tactics are a good way to quickly familiarize a person with knowledge. A child like Qiao Ancheng must memorize the knowledge first, and then use it slowly. The practice questions are all kinds of strange, and it can definitely promote his little brain to think, so that his thinking will not become rigid.

When Qiao Mingyu came back from his brother's cup of tea and snacks, he found that Gu Lian and Qiao Ancheng had finished their studies, and there were piles of used rice paper on the table. Gu Lian is holding the rice paper and preparing to destroy it, lest the child's parents find out what she has taught.

Lingsu woke up halfway through, and was kicked out by Gu Lian for being a hindrance. At this moment, there were only one big and one small and Qiao Mingyu in the room. Gu Lian acted very naturally and generously.

"This is it?" Qiao Mingyu looked at the rice paper in Gu Lian's hand in surprise. There were too many words to make out what was written.

Gu Lian smiled: "These must be destroyed, or your brother will definitely say that I brought bad children."

Qiao Mingyu blinked and immediately proposed: "Sudan has entered the palace, I will call her to take it to my palace and destroy it later."

"Alright." Gu Lian gave it to her.

Qiao Mingyu secretly carried a pile of paper that could be used as evidence, and called Su Dan and asked her to destroy it quickly. Sudan watched the princess act like a thief, not knowing why. But she still obediently took it away and destroyed it without peeking.

Back in the room, Gu Lianzheng took out the tie with duck eggs from the small medicine box that he carried with him. In the medicine box, there was packed ice cubes, and when he opened it, a coolness hit his face.

"What is this?" Qiao Ancheng leaned over to look.

Gu Lian picked up Luozi and brought it to him: "You learned well today, this is a reward for you."

"..." Qiao Ancheng looked at the ugly colorful network, and wanted to cry without tears.

"Don't take it down." Gu Lian threatened.

Qiao Ancheng asked for help from the aunt who entered the door, but auntie's heart had long been biased towards his aunt, so she turned a blind eye to the pitiful eyes of the little guy, but cared about Gu Lian instead.

"Are you hungry? The banquet will be held in a while. Brother Huang went to find his sister-in-law, and they will be there soon."

Boss Qiao Ancheng puffed up his face unhappily, and Aunt Lian didn't help him anymore!

Just as he was talking, Ruidi and Lingsu came in.

"Son." Lingsu greeted his son with a smile, leaned over and poked his bun face, "What's wrong? Who bullied you?"

"Auntie." Qiao Ancheng said pitifully.

"Uh..." Lingsu froze for a moment and coughed dryly, "Auntie was joking with you..."

Ruidi couldn't see it, and it was too obvious that his wife was bullying the soft and fearing the hard.

"Let's go, let's have dinner." Ruidi quickly took Lingsu away and changed the subject to avoid embarrassment for his sweetheart.

The side hall has already served delicious food at this time, and the family sat around the square table to eat, looking happy.

After dinner, Ruidi tested his son and asked him what he had learned today.

Qiao Ancheng stood in front of Rui Di graciously, without even glancing at Gu Lian, he said without a guilty conscience: "My aunt told me to learn to hide clumsiness and not be too smart, otherwise others may be jealous because of jealousy. hurt me."

"Well, yes, what else?" Ruidi agreed.

Just because of Qiao Ancheng's intelligence and energy, there are many jealous people who whisper "Huang Zhongyong" behind their backs. If you let them know how smart Qiao Ancheng is, they will probably fan the flames and spread rumors and spread rumors that Qiao Ancheng is a weirdo.

Modern people have seen all kinds of prodigies, and they think it’s okay for children to be proficient in the world. The ancients didn’t think so. In particular, the Tianxi Dynasty believed in these things, and Emperor Rui did not hope that one day, the courtiers would ask him to execute the "evil prince".

Qiao Ancheng didn't tell Gu Lian at all, and Gu Lian deliberately didn't remind him what to say and what not to say, she wanted to see how smart this child was.

It turns out that Qiao Ancheng is more clever than she thought.

He avoided the important and took it lightly, concealed everything he couldn't say, and told his father the emperor with a good one.

Ruidi was very satisfied after hearing it, but he was worried that his son only remembered it superficially and would not use it. Lingsu proposed to let him test Qiao Ancheng with a question, just like Gu Lian.

This form sounded quite novel, but Ruidi's eyes lit up, and he felt more and more that Gu Lian was really powerful. So he imitated Gu Lian to ask a question: "Father asked a question, see if you can answer it."

Qiao Ancheng was very interested in the quiz game and nodded immediately.

"You are now being taught by your husband with the children of several important officials in the court. Your husband has a problem and no one can answer it. If you can answer it, will you choose to answer truthfully or hide it?"

"Is the problem difficult, or is it just a little bit difficult?" Qiao Ancheng asked rhetorically, this is also a habit developed by getting along with Gu Lian.

Ruidi nodded approvingly: "There are both, you answer them one by one."

Qiao Ancheng thinks this question is very simple: "I'm only a few years old now, so I will answer the difficult questions truthfully, and then pretend that they are not difficult questions. When I grow up, I will put together the difficult questions. Answer. Auntie said that I need to hide my clumsiness now, but I also have to show a little bit of something better than others, so that over time, others will feel that I am out of reach, and they will not be able to resist me. "


Since ancient times, emperors who have established princes and cultivated them have always emphasized the differences between princes and other princes. The prince is better than others, and accumulated bit by bit, when he grows up, other princes will think that the prince is much better than himself, and have no intention of competing with the prince for the throne. This kind of training is considered to be relatively successful, and it can also avoid the battle for the throne.

After Ruidi's teaching examination, he felt that Gu Lian's education method was much better than his, and he was not very good at getting along with his son. It was a wise decision to ask Gu Lian to teach.

Gu Lian smiled but did not say a word, as if she did not pollute a pure child.

The author has something to say: I don’t catch bugs today, and the little angel who helped me catch bugs hasn’t gotten up yet_(:з”∠)_The second is at half past eleven, because I’m stuck, it’s going to take a while wwwwww