The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 93: make trouble


Gu Lian stopped searching for what the hell Qiao Mingyu was doing, and continued to pick out the herbs she needed. She was going to give Qiao Ancheng to make up her body.

Although this boy was raised by Lingsu to be fat and white, the weakness brought by his mother's womb has not been cured. Wanhua may not have a cure for this congenital disease, but the magical Great Five Immortals can cure it. After all, they don't take the usual path.

In fact, the quickest way is to use Phoenix Gu in conjunction with Nirvana Rebirth to completely reshape the body. However, considering that the child is so young and afraid of leaving him with a psychological shadow, Gu Lian decided to take a gentler approach to recuperation.

Saint Hand Zhitian's Weaving Gu also has a hidden function of repairing dark wounds in the body, but the speed is a bit slow, so it needs to be supplemented with various precious medicinal materials to speed up the repair.

As Gu Lian was picking, Zhuxiang came in from outside: "Miss, over there in the front yard..."

"What's wrong?" Gu Lian raised her eyebrows.

"Nothing happened, it's the uncle and the others who are here."

The Yin family members are here, and they are finally here.

The grandson died, and the daughter's only support was gone. She couldn't help her husband's favor. It's no wonder that the old lady and grandfather of the Yin family were not in a hurry. Naihe, now the manor is in charge of Yin's brother and nephew. They are afraid that they don't want to get involved in this matter, and they are afraid of making the Gu manor unhappy.

The current Gu Mansion is much more prominent than their Yin Mansion, and it is too late for them to flatter, how dare they hate it the most.

In the end, it was the grandmother next to the old lady who persuaded them: "If you don't go to Gu's house, you won't even have a chance to get close."

Going to Gu's mansion might make him unhappy, but if you don't go, you won't be able to gain favorability. As long as the Yin Mansion has a better attitude and cooperates very well, it will not necessarily offend the Gu Mansion, but it may increase the favor of the Gu Mansion.

So, today's uncle's house came over.

However, those snobbish eyes in the Yin Mansion wanted to please the Gu Mansion, but the old man and the old lady didn't think so. Uncle and uncle couldn't stop the old father and mother from coming, so he could only be careful, for fear that the two of them would offend Gu Fu. However, there will always be times when you can't guard against it.

The two old men were determined to find a place for their beloved daughter and grandson. As soon as they got in the door, they started to make trouble, and they insisted on Gu Fu's explanation.

Gu Zhimo is one big and two big. The old lady of the Gu family also said that she was sick and bedridden and couldn't come out to see people. Now there are no people who are the same as the old man and the old lady. As a son-in-law, Gu Zhimo can't contradict, filial piety is on top, plus the old man's official position is slightly higher than him before his resignation, he can't use his official position to oppress people, he can only passively endure the other party's toss.

Yin Shi lost his son, and the whole person didn't care. She didn't think about the future of herself and her daughter. When she saw her parents coming, she immediately cried and asked them to make decisions for herself. The whole mourning hall was noisy and quiet.

There was really no other way, Gu Zhimo had no choice but to invite Gu Lian, the great Buddha, here only Gu Lian could suppress those two disrespectful fellows.

Gu Lian came with the maid neatly, but she didn't mean to help, and stood watching the play. Gu Zhimo deliberately drew the words to Gu Lian, but was brushed over by Gu Lian in a few words, and Gu Zhimo's teeth were itchy as if he was out of the way.

He didn't give up and tried a few more times.

This directly annoyed Gu Lian, Gu Lian immediately changed his original position, from watching the show to fanning the flames. Gu Zhimo was already in dire straits, and with his family's overt and secret provocation, it was even worse.

He was trembling with anger, but he didn't dare to get angry with Gu Lian, so he could only endure it by himself.

No matter how confused the old lady and grandfather were, they knew that this matter had nothing to do with Gu Lian, and it was impossible for them to find the Princess Royal Highness who had already moved out with the grace of Cheng Mu. The Yin family was even more afraid of offending the now-prosperous county master, so they helped to make jokes together. In the end, Gu Zhimo was helpless, but he was no one inside or outside.

Uncle Yin's abacus is good, as long as he can please Gu Lian, why worry about the Gu family? Isn't the Gu family the most prominent of this county master!

Gu Liancai didn't want to be a gunman for them, so after speaking a few times, he stopped and continued to watch the fun. She came to see the play, not to act.

"I don't care what your Gu Manor's plans are." The old man put the pestle and crutches, "In short, within three days, the old man needs to know who killed my grandson!"

Gu Zhimo's heart is not worried, but he can only answer again and again: "Father-in-law, don't be angry, the youngest son-in-law will definitely find out the real murderer as soon as possible!"

The so-called family scandal cannot be made public, and the Gu family has not reported it to the governor of Huaijing until now, apparently intending to solve it in the house on its own.

The old man was quite satisfied with his attitude, so he stopped making trouble. If Gu Zhimo had such a good attitude before, why did he make trouble for a long time? But seeing that Gu Lian was not on his side, he gave up.

Seeing that there was nothing good to see, Gu Lian returned to the small courtyard.

One wave after another, Gu Zhidai's matter has not yet been dealt with, and now it is Gu Zishu's matter. The Gu family was at an eventful time, but fortunately, Gu Lian could not be involved.

In the next few days, except for Qiao Mingyu who came a few times, Gu Lian was always in the house and rarely went out. Hanging a sign of thanking guests behind closed doors, even the Gu family made excuses for calling her down.

It's nothing more than boring parents making all kinds of fuss, even if they don't watch it.

On the other hand, Qiao Mingyu didn't go back to live in the mansion. Gu Lian went to her in the evening and couldn't find anyone, so he just let it go. Qiao Mingyu didn't know what surprise she was making, and she forgot to inform her that she was not staying in the mansion. Gu Lian fluttered once, and then she didn't go to Qiao Mingyu again at night, just waiting for Qiao Mingyu to come to her.

It was not until the first day of Gu Zishu's first seven days that Gu Lian took off the sign of "Do Not Disturb the Idlers" and stepped out of her living room.

Gu Zhimo promised well, saying that the culprit would be found within three days, but nothing was found. I randomly found a few suspected scapegoats, trying to fool them. He now has a second son. Rather than worrying about the cause of his unsatisfactory son's death, it is better to put his son in the ground as soon as possible, so as not to continue to cause trouble in the family. He was also afraid that Gu Zishu's spirit in the sky would affect his younger son's temperament or something. He wouldn't dare to try such a mysterious and mysterious thing.

However, the two old people of the Yin family are not stupid, how can they be so fooled. Because of Gu Zhimo's unconcerned attitude, they were so angry that they had a few more fights.

Things dragged on and on, and on the first seven days, there was still nothing to see.

The Yin family suspected that Gu Zhimo had already found out the murderer, but the murderer was someone he loved and protected in his heart, that's why he was so prevaricious. The grandmother beside the old lady quietly contacted Yin's people and secretly checked for a few days, but she didn't know what she could find.

The custom of the Tianxi Dynasty is to hold a funeral on the first seven days, and let the remaining guests come to mourning. Those with close kinship will come once before, and they will come again during the funeral. At the same time, on the day of mourning, the body of the person should be buried, so that people can be buried in the ground.

Therefore, it is very taboo for people to make trouble on this day.

The guests arrived soon, put requiems in each, and spoke with the old lady who was "recovering from a serious illness", then glanced at Yin sympathetically and left. It is not easy for outsiders to watch the burial, so the guests will not stay too much.

The auspicious time of the burial was calculated by the witch. At a specific hour in the evening, the burial pit had been dug in advance, and only after the hour was symbolically dug by the immediate family members, and then put into the coffin, and then there were immediate family members. Sprinkle two handfuls of soil on the coffin, and the rest will be fine. Naturally, someone responsible for burying the grave fills in the soil and then builds the tombstone.

Before evening, the guests had already left.

Gu Zhimo really wanted to greet people to lift the coffin, but suddenly someone stumbled in and rushed in.

"Master, Madam, the person who killed Young Master Shu has been found out!" He looked sad and angry, and stared straight at Aunt Li.

Aunt Li's heart skipped a beat and she tried to calm down.

Gu Zishu wasn't killed by her, these people definitely couldn't depend on her.

Gu Zhimo's face sank instantly, and the faces of the Yin family and the old lady were not necessarily good-looking. Crying in the mourning hall is simply because I don’t want the dead to be reincarnated with peace of mind!

This person was a servant of the Yin family, in other words, a domestic servant brought from the Yin residence. He deliberately made trouble at this moment, and Gu Zhimo naturally thought it was the Yin family's idea. But the Yin family didn't mean it at all, they couldn't get along with the Gu family and the deceased, not to mention the deceased was the grandfather's grandson.

The two old people immediately figured out the key points. This person, who was probably bought by others, deliberately made trouble at this time.

"What a formality!" Gu Zhimo scolded and told him to step back.

However, how could this person just let it go, he hasn't made a big deal out of it yet.

"Master, you can't be partial to Mrs. Side any more! You know that Mrs. Side killed the third young master, how could you deliberately cover up? Just because Mrs. Side gave you a young son? The third young master is also your son! "

The servant's sentence was mournful, as if he was really thinking about Gu Zishu.

Yin Shi was a little out of his mind, and at this moment, he was even more irrational. She forgot the meaning of making trouble in the mourning hall, and now she just wants the culprit to pay for her son's life!

"Good you Zhao Mianli! It turns out that you harmed my son! I fought with you!" Yin Shi screamed and rushed over, with long, sharp nails on her withered fingers.

Concubine Li hurriedly avoided her and almost got scratched on her face.

"This matter has nothing to do with me! You have to show evidence for slandering me!" Concubine Li was furious.

The Yin family is really arrogant and unreasonable! This is the mourning hall, and it actually made a fuss!

Gu Zhimo was stunned for a moment, and quickly asked someone to pull the two women apart.

"Nonsense!" Gu Zhimo was furious, and the group simply ignored him.