The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 96: Know the cold


There are two famous temples outside Huaijing City, one is Jiming Temple, where dignitaries and dignitaries pray for smooth official careers and titles, and the other Qixia Temple is a place to pray for marriage and happiness and prosperity. The two temples were also given a very literary alias by Emperor Tai-Zu, the former "Zhihan Temple" and the latter "Zhinuan Temple".

In fact, it is not particularly literary, it is simply rude.

Last year, the Yin family went to Zhinuan Temple to ask for the amulet consecrated by the master Yunzi generation, and asked Gu Zishu to give it to the old lady. Now that Gu Zishu is dead, the Yin family has long regretted letting his son give the amulet.

Hearing Zhuxiang say, Yin Shi secretly felt that Gu Zishu's dead old lady had to bear the responsibility, just because she felt that it was her son's Anping who gave it to the old lady through the amulet, so the old lady could "get old and not die", but her son Queying died young.

The theory is very strange, and it was only mentioned in front of Magnolia. Yulan told Zhuxiang, but she didn't tell anyone else, otherwise the Yin family would have been cleaned up by the old lady long ago.

"We're going to Zhihan Temple?" Qiao Ancheng sat on the carriage, holding the crown of the prince, not looking out the window.

Gu Lian told him the historical origins of the two temples, and then brought up the topic that was interrupted before.

"Your father taught you the manners and majesty of your crown prince, but you have to know when to hold it and when not to hold it." Gu Lian said, "You've been sitting like this all the time, are you tired?"

Joan nodded honestly: "Tired."

Not only physically tired, but also mentally tired.

He wants to play and want to be as wanton as a child, not framed by the identity of the prince. But his father said that he was a prince, not an ordinary child, so he couldn't just play.

If it was in the past, his father emperor probably would not have taught him these things so early, nor would he have standardized so many things so early. Or because he learned so many things from Gu Lian, the bear child became polite, and the two unqualified fathers began to think that the child could start education.

However, Qiao Ancheng was a child, and he still wanted to play. The two bear fathers don't know what it means to combine work and rest, especially Ruidi, who regulates children in the way of regulating adults. If there is no Gu Lian, Qiao Ancheng will have problems sooner or later. It's not that he grows crooked, or that he resents his father in his heart, and he can't get close to him when he grows up.

Gu Lian touched his head and comforted him: "In front of the teacher, you don't have to hold it."

When Qiao Ancheng heard the words, he immediately let go of his strength, lay down in Gu Lian's arms, and half paralyzed, as if he had no bones. It was rare for Gu Lian to hug him and let him lean against him, instead of pushing the kid away and letting him lie down on his own.

"People have to learn to be lazy." Gu Lian said, "Being lazy makes people progress."

Don't you see how many inventions and creations are invented by human beings for better laziness!

"Being strict with yourself all the time will make you exhausted, and you are still a child. Be lazy when it's time to be lazy. It's enough to stand on the shelf in front of outsiders. In front of people close to you, you can show your true self. But you have to remember that you have to weigh the thoughts in your heart and expose them. Even close relatives, there are some things you can't tell them."

Qiao Ancheng understood this truth, otherwise his aunt wouldn't complain, he just said something in front of Gu Lian.

"I'll only hold you once, and then you have to go and lean on your own. Don't rely on me." Gu Lian pretended to be stern.

Qiao Ancheng was not afraid, but he still pretended to be good, otherwise he annoyed the teacher and would be cleaned up by the teacher and his aunt.

The carriage staggered to the front of Zhihan Temple. Gu Lian didn't feel anything when sitting in the car. The car had springs installed, so there was not much shaking when sitting, but when looking from the outside, he could see the car was constantly ups and downs and vibrated. The carriage has always been like this, and it can't compare to the hover car that the players talk about.

Gu Lian checked Qiao Ancheng's situation, and was relieved when he saw that he had no motion sickness.

"Let's go." Gu Lian led her up the stone steps slowly.

The Zhihan Temple in this dynasty has 3,333 steps, meaning 3,000 troubles and tribulations. Because this monastery is a spiritual monastery for the sake of smooth official career and the inscription on the golden list, people who come to worship Buddha and burn incense must walk up these more than 3,000 steps, otherwise it will not be effective. However, the six-hundred-meter-high steps cannot be climbed by ordinary people without a little perseverance.

Gu Lian took Qiao Ancheng and walked more than a hundred steps step by step, and became very irritable.

She looked left and right to see that no one was there. At this point, few people came to the temple. After all, it was too hot recently. The imperial examinations in the Tianxi Dynasty were held in the spring and autumn. There were no exams in summer, and naturally there were no common people who came to ask for the title of the gold list, and the dignitaries would not go out in hot weather to seek a smooth career, so the temples in summer were very deserted.

Since there is no one, Gu Lian doesn't care about that. She understands the methods of the bald donkeys very well. If they are not sincere, they will not show their spirits. They are all fooling people. Ask her to say that it is better to rely on yourself to ask God and worship Buddha. Haven't you seen a bunch of Daoist Taoists who don't care about the Sanqing Patriarch behind their backs, because the core teaching of Taoism is that it is better to ask God than to ask for a few, and it is better to believe in yourself than to believe in God. This group of people is not religious at all, but a group of people without religious beliefs.

As the son of a Taoist priest, Qiao Ancheng naturally doesn't need to care about whether it works or not, otherwise his mother will definitely clean him up.

Gu Lian picked up Qiao Ancheng without any psychological pressure, and jumped up the steps with Qinggong. In the blink of an eye, he passed dozens of steps. Seeing this, Qiao Mingyu also used light work to keep up, so the two big and one small climbed up the three thousand steps by cheating, stopped before the last one hundred steps, and walked up slowly, pretending that they had climbed up.

Qiao Ancheng's face was indifferent, which was so unreasonable. Fortunately, no one here believes in Buddhism, otherwise they would definitely be pissed off.

"Don't believe in Buddhism." Gu Lian taught the apprentice in a low voice. Seeing that the apprentice didn't respond, she added a threat, "Otherwise your mother will definitely not want you."

Qiao Ancheng nodded immediately, he could not have his father or his mother!

Sure enough, children are easy to deceive. If she was a little older and she said this, it is estimated that the child would refute her and say that she was lying. After all, adults like to use "Your parents don't want you anymore" to intimidate and threaten.

"Why do you want to promote Buddhism?" Qiao Ancheng asked.

Buddhism and Taoism in this dynasty were very prosperous. When the country was founded, Taoism was implemented. Later, Buddhism became more and more prosperous and overwhelmed the limelight of Taoism. But when his grandfather was there, Taoism suddenly emerged again, overtaking Buddhism. When Emperor Rui ascended the throne, Buddhism was not completely suppressed.

But Gu Lian taught him to practice Buddhism when he reached his level.

As the son of Lingsu, he was naturally unwilling to abandon his mother's religion to promote another. He didn't like baldness, especially after his teacher told him to do it, he hated monks even more.

Gu Lian didn't care about the child's simple likes and dislikes, rubbed the crown prince's head, and taught: "Taoism emphasizes governance by inaction, and Buddhism promotes the theory of 'reincarnation and cause and effect'. Fight with the common people for the opportunity to recuperate, so that they can grow and develop slowly. After that, they will be promoted to Buddhism, in order to educate the common people."

The so-called causal reincarnation theory is a theory that Buddhism spreads. Specifically, Buddhism believes that human beings have reincarnation. In this life, be a good person and don’t do bad things, and in the next life, you will be able to give birth to a good child. The rulers used this to tell the people to keep their peace, and after a long period of education, the people would not dare to rebel easily, so as to maintain social stability.

When the late emperor was in power, he supported Taoism because he fought with the Xiongnu at that time. Although the Xiongnu was crippled, the Tianxi Dynasty was also broken, and the people needed to take a breath. After that, the appearance of a peaceful and prosperous age was restored. However, the national treasury was not rich, coupled with the chaos during the seizure of the throne and the subsequent second battle, the Tianxi Dynasty had not fully recovered, so Emperor Rui continued to implement Taoism.

By the time Qiao Ancheng succeeded to the throne, he was almost at the end of his recuperation, and Gu Lian felt that Buddhism should be implemented at that time.

In ancient times, there was no good way to educate the people, and it was impossible to teach everyone the same values in politics as in later generations. This is unrealistic. The easiest and quickest way is to use religion, and Buddhism is clearly the best tool at the moment.

Qiao Ancheng was still young, so he didn't understand very well. Gu Lian didn't insist, she just initially weakened Qiao Ancheng's rejection of Buddhism, lest the boy resisted too much in the future.

Qiao Ancheng is not an ordinary child. Although he does not understand, he knows that this is very important. So I didn't get angry, but listened obediently, wrote down this question, and decided to ask the teacher again when I grew up, and he would definitely be able to understand at that time.

"It's here." Gu Lian pointed to the tall red gate of Jiming Temple, then put his index finger on his lips, "Shh."

What she just said could not be heard by the monks.

The old monk definitely understands this, but the younger monk doesn't understand it, so it's not good for them to hear it.

Qiao Ancheng nodded obediently, blinked, and closed his mouth, pretending to be an ordinary child.

Qiao Mingyu followed beside her heartbroken. Every time Alian educated her stupid nephew, she would forget her existence. Is she so inexistent? !

It turns out, yes, it just doesn't exist.

"Three benefactors." The young monk who was sweeping the floor greeted him and made a Buddha salute, "Amitabha."

Gu Lian and Qiao Mingyu returned the salute, and Qiao Ancheng took a pat, looked up at the two, and learned to salute.

"We're just here to offer incense." Gu Lian smiled.

The little monk knew it, so he did not follow the reception and let them in by themselves.

The author has something to say: I did some serious calculations, the first step is 18 cm, the 3333 steps is about 599 meters, and the Jiming Temple is 621 meters above sea level, which is almost _(:з"∠)_ I am really busy.. . …