The Imperial Doctor Belongs To The Princess

Chapter 98: revenge


Her Royal Highness is not one to give up easily, she took the initiative to sit opposite Gu Lian to increase her presence.

However, Gu Lian didn't notice her at all.


To tell the truth, Qiao Mingyu would have made trouble before, but now she has matured a lot, so she told herself not to worry and tried to talk to Gu Lian.

It's just that the topic is a bit dry: "Ah Lian, do you like this gift?"

"Well..." Gu Lian nodded casually.

Her Royal Highness the Princess made persistent efforts: "Then Alian, do you have anything else you want?"

"No, this is fine."


No, it's impossible to chat at all.

However, Qiao Mingyu was not an articulate person, she was so tangled that she didn't know how to find a topic next. But she saw Gu Lian suddenly raised her head to look at her, and stopped staring at those little things.

Gu Lian pretended that she didn't mean to tease Qiao Mingyu just now, and asked lightly, "Do you want to return the gift?"

"Ah?" Qiao Mingyu looked confused.

"A gift in return, do you want it? You gave me a gift, and I'll give you a gift." Gu Lian added.

Qiao Mingyu was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately: "Yes!"

Don't be in vain!

Gu Lian smiled lightly, walked over and sat down beside her, and suddenly kissed her face.

This is the second time that Gu Lian has kissed her, and Qiao Mingyu is stunned again. This time it wasn't just his ears that were congested, his whole body was flushed red, his cheeks were hot, and Qiao Mingyu felt like he was getting used to it.

Ah, how can Ah Lian be able to take care of relatives? QAQ!

She almost jumped up in fright!

Qiao Mingyu had to wonder if Alian also liked her, but facing Alian's pure eyes, she felt that she was thinking too much.

Ah Lian has kissed her before, so this is actually... It shouldn't be a big deal in Ah Lian's heart, right

But since Alian can accept kisses, she can try to do something else!

Qiao Mingyu suddenly foresaw a bright future, and her fighting spirit was high. She stared at Gu Lian with burning eyes. Seeing Gu Lian looking at her innocently, she immediately stretched out her sinful claws and wrapped her arms around Gu Lian's waist.

Slap, he also kissed Gu Lian's face.

"Why are you kissing me?" Gu Lian asked deliberately.

Qiao Mingyu endured shyness and said, "Reciprocity!"

"Oh..." Gu Lian seemed to be fooled, but in the next second, she asked another difficult question, "But if I give you a gift in return, and you return the gift, then I still owe you one. Reward!"

Qiao Mingyu immediately proposed: "Then you kiss again."

Gu Lian refused: "If you go back with courtesy later, it will be over."

Good, didn't get a third kiss.

Qiao Mingyu is not depressed, she has already made a lot of money if she has one, and she also took the initiative to kiss Alian.

Once a person starts to lose their integrity, their integrity is like broken glass, it can't hold at all, it falls faster and faster, and eventually it shatters all over the place and can't be picked up. Qiao Mingyu is like this, from a shy and lovely innocent princess to a cheeky general, His Royal Highness, in just one month.

By August, the hottest season in Huaijing has passed, the weather has begun to turn cooler, and the people have begun to harvest. In fact, Jiangnan has two or three kinds of rice a year. In addition to autumn, there is also a season of rice harvested in summer. However, in autumn, not only rice is mature, but also various fruits are also on the market.

Qiao Mingyu returned from the palace with a pile of tribute fruit, and sent it to Gu Lian's mansion like a gift.

"This honeydew melon is a tribute from the northwest." Qiao Mingyu pointed to the cantaloupe and said, "It's very sweet, Alian, you can try it."

Saying that, he forked a piece and sent it to Gu Lian's mouth.

Earlier, Gu Lian was not used to this feeding method, but now he is slowly getting used to it. Although she prefers to nibble boldly with a large piece of melon petals in her arms, she is not interested in this delicate way of eating, but Qiao Mingyu has fed a lot, so she will not reject it.

I opened my mouth and bit half of it. The melon was cut a bit too big to eat in one bite. Mei Xiang would not make such a mistake, it was obviously ordered by someone on purpose.

Sure enough, Gu Lian had just finished biting before swallowing, and Qiao Mingyu had already put the remaining half into his mouth.


This way of eating really hurts my stomach.

Gu Lian silently pushed Qiao Mingyu away, and picked up the small fork to eat, much faster.

Qiao Mingyu was unhappy, and came over depressed, waiting for the opportunity to steal half of the melon that Gu Lian bit. If they can't steal it, they will bite the ones that haven't been bitten before, and they won't eat the remaining half.

Gu Lian reluctantly indulged her and ate the rest.

After such a boring interaction for a long time, Qiao Mingyu was not bored at all, so Gu Lian had to finish the meal quickly, pushed the person aside, and continued to read. Allowing Qiao Mingyu to pretend to be pitiful and wronged without being indifferent, she is really used to it, and she is getting more and more shameless.

Qiao Mingyu looked left and right, and there was no one else in the room, so she quietly put her arms around Gu Lian's waist.

"Ah Lian, it's the Mid-Autumn Festival again." She said seriously, but the other hand touched Gu Lian's idle hand, trying to hold it, "There is a banquet in the palace, let's go."

"Yeah." Gu Lian waved her restless claws at will, with a natural movement, not like she did it deliberately.

Qiao Mingyu continued to touch her little hand: "Speaking of which, the person who framed you last year is already married."

Gu Lian didn't know about this matter. If Qiao Mingyu hadn't mentioned it, she would have almost forgotten.

Last year's Mid-Autumn Festival, Gu Lian also attended the palace banquet. However, that time was not very pleasant. After all, someone wanted to pour hot soup on her first, and the concubine almost had a miscarriage later. It cast a shadow over the entire Mid-Autumn Palace banquet, and no one wanted to talk about it afterwards.

Fortunately, Gu Lian was fine, and that Lin Guiren didn't have a miscarriage. However, after all, it was due to fetal gas. The posthumous child born by Lin Guiren was not very healthy. The decoction and medicine continued throughout the day. The concubines felt that the child would not survive for a few years, and they were afraid that they would not even be able to survive this winter.

And the one who framed Lin Guiren was another concubine who entered the palace at the same time. She was obviously of a higher rank, but she was never pregnant. After Lin Guiren became pregnant, she realized that she had been sterilized by the imperial concubine. The imperial concubine saw that she was too favored, and was afraid that she would make trouble when she gave birth to a child. She did not dare to offend the noble concubine and the four princes who were in full swing, so she bullied Lin Guiren.

Lin Guiren has no background, and her parents' family is only a rank six petty official, which is nothing at all. The palace concubine hated that Lin Guiren could get pregnant but couldn't, so she made this decision.

She climbed up to another concubine with a high score, thinking that she would be fine with her hands, but she thought that the other party would directly stab her out. In the end, the palace concubine was put into the cold palace, and Xiangxiaoyu died at the beginning of the year.

After Rui Di took the throne, he threw all the concubines into the remote palace group like sweeping garbage, and let them fight internally. None of this group of people had clean hands. He simply pretended not to know who did what.

Gu Lian hadn't paid attention to these, and when Zhuxiang said it, she forgot after hearing it, but who framed Gu Lian, even Zhuxiang didn't know.

Gu Lian happened to encounter something at that time, so he forgot about it. Why did Qiao Mingyu suddenly mention it now

"That time I found the person who did it, and I was very angry." Not only was he very angry, he was going crazy.

The palace maid was holding the soup. At that time, Gu Lian was sitting, but the maid was standing, so if the hot soup was poured directly, it would probably have been poured on her head. At that time, Gu Lian will definitely be disfigured. A woman will destroy her appearance, and it will be ruined in her whole life. There is no plastic surgery technology here. Even if good luck doesn't splash on the face, the burns will leave scars on the body, not to mention the burns are like fire, and the pain is abnormal, which is unbearable for ordinary people.

Every time Qiao Mingyu thinks about it, she feels scared. She used to think that Gu Lian was lucky to survive, but now she is not so naive. Ah Lian is not lucky at all, it is she who knows martial arts. If she doesn't know martial arts, she must have suffered!

Damn these people.

Although Qiao Mingyu has always forgotten to tell Gu Lian about this, it does not mean that she did not take revenge on the guy who dared to do it.

"Who moved the hand?" Gu Lian asked casually.

In fact, she didn't know her either, she was nothing more than a noble lady in the capital, but Gu Lian knew only those in the female guard who had spoken to a few people at the banquet.

Qiao Mingyu said dully: "The young lady of Ningguo's family was instigated by the young lady of Dali Temple's family."

Ning Guogong's family are all wonderful, and other noble families are eager to send their daughters to the female guard to be gilded, but they despise the female guard. They felt that Congwu was too rude, and the girl's family should study hard and go to girls' school. However, the women's school of the Tianxi Dynasty was also a wonderful work, which taught the feudal cancer thinking of three obedience and four virtues. Ruidi has been planning to seal the female school, but has not found a good opportunity yet.

The young lady of Dali Siqing's family was jealous of Gu Lian, but her mother wouldn't let her get into trouble. After all, the position of Dali Temple Secretary is not too high, but it is the third grade, but the people at the palace banquet, the lowest official position is the third grade.

She couldn't do it herself, so she provoked the arrogant Miss Ning Guo's family.

Gu Lian nodded indifferently, and asked casually, "What did you do to the family?"

Seeing this, Qiao Mingyu must have been angry for her.

"It's just the way of the other person."

Doesn't she like hot soup? Then give her hot soup.

Qiao Mingyu didn't let the other person off so easily when she hated someone. She first made a small punishment and a big admonition to make Miss Ning Guogong make some appearances. Her family thought she was ashamed, so she hastily married someone. The man was interested in each other before, but it was for her concubine sister, but she had a bad reputation and could not marry well, so she could only pick this one and marry him. In fact, the man is not bad, but it is much lower than the original lady's psychological expectations.

After marrying her, Qiao Mingyu really fought back and poured hot soup all over her.

Qiao Mingyu felt that she was already very kind and did not splash on her face, but there was a scar on her body. The husband disliked the unsightly scars, it was impossible to sleep with her again, and he spoiled the concubine's room.

After listening to Gu Lian, she didn't feel anything, she nodded and asked casually, "What do you want to eat at night?"

"..." For several months, Qiao Mingyu, who was afraid that Gu Lian would find her cruel, was speechless.

The author has something to say: You have almost forgotten about this! Hahaha! All the people who bully Ah Lian will not be better hum ╭(╯^╰)╮ But the disfigurement is too cruel, so let's replace it with scars on the body and separation from the husband