The Imperial Guard’s Revenge

Chapter 100: showdown


Wang Yanqing only felt that she had a very long dream.

In the dream, she hadn't seen her grandfather since she was born, and her mother died when she couldn't understand what "death" meant. She and her grandmother depended on each other for life. From her grandmother's mouth, she learned that she still has one of the most important relatives - her father. Her father was on the battlefield, and when the battle was over, her father would go home to see her.

However, before the father came home, the grandmother left first.

At seven, when the other children were playing freely in their parents' arms, she was thinking about her grandmother's funeral. In the end, with the help of neighbors and distant relatives, the grandmother was buried smoothly, but Wang Yanqing's future ownership became a big problem.

Luck is stingy, but misfortune is always one after another. The grandmother had just been mourned, and the door of the Wang family was knocked again. This time, she heard the news of her father's death in battle.

The relatives had no scruples and competed for their family's ancestral property and house in front of her. No one took a seven-year-old girl seriously. In the hearts of the clansmen, seven-year-old children could not understand this, so when they competed for the property of the dead, they never concealed those ugly and twisted faces.

For the first time, Wang Yanqing really realized that poverty and greed can make people so ugly.

No one would have thought that the uncle and aunt Tang hadn't fought over who their land belonged to, yet another person came to the capital. This time, the other party sent a lot of pensions, and named Wang Yanqing by name.

Wang Yanqing entered a world that she could not imagine at all. The people here wore precious silk, their clothes were changed every day, the women had long nails, and five or six people waited on them to wash their faces.

As soon as she entered Zhenyuan Hou's mansion, she knew that she was different from those Fu family ladies, even if Fu Laohou asked them to be sisters. She knew that Mrs. Tai and the Chen family didn't like her—instead of herself, she wouldn't like a woman with a foreign surname who suddenly broke into her home, except for her youth and beauty.

When she was a child, she grew up in the land freely and savagely. Even if the life at home was not easy, Wang Yanqing never worried that she would be inferior to others, and that her grandmother would not want her after doing wrong. But after coming to Fu's house, she was afraid all the time. She was afraid that she would make people angry and that Mr. Fu would no longer adopt her; she was afraid that if she did not do well, Fu Tingzhou would no longer need her as a playmate.

After two years, she grew tall and turned white. From the attitude of others, she easily realized that she was not bad. As a result, her situation became more difficult. She had to deal with the picky Miss Fu family, and she also had to be careful of the noble man who came to the Fu family as a guest. Every time the distinguished young masters looked at her with amazed interest, Wang Yanqing felt scared.

What is she in these people's eyes? A plaything, a ban, a vase that can be disposed of at will

Wang Yanqing also knew that the family background of any of these young masters is enough to imprison her and act recklessly. Even if she dies, there will be no splash in the outside world. She is like a duckweed in the torrent of power, and the only one she can catch is Fu Tingzhou.

She thought that the second brother was always different. The second brother had childhood friendship with her and the face of the old prince. At least the second brother was willing to marry her as a proper wife. It's a pity that she finally realized that the second brother was no different from those people.

In the eyes of the powerful, the life of a commoner is nothing, let alone dignity

After ten years in the capital, Wang Yanqing finally realized that she did not belong here. Before she left, she agreed to the second brother's request for the last time to go to Dajue Temple to meet his fiancée.

The last picture in my memory is that she fell into the cliff, the sky was covered with lead clouds, heavy and depressed, and the corner of her red clothes slowly stopped in front of her.

Flying fish suits, embroidered spring knives, these two together can be recognized by any Ming people.

Jinyiwei pro-military commander's mansion.

The dream stopped here, Wang Yanqing opened his eyes, and the corner of the red clothes in the dream seemed to still appear in front of him, and gradually merged with the red bed tent. Wang Yanqing turned back and saw a large area of red.

The heavy crown of hair on her head was removed, but she was still wearing her wedding dress. Wang Yanqing lowered her head and looked at the finely embroidered garments on her body. The expectation and anxiety of not long ago were gone. Wang Yanqing leaned against the bedpost and stared at the happy words on the window like a lost soul.

It's ridiculous that she recognizes lies based on other people's expressions, but she has been deceived by the people around her. What happened after she lost her memory kept flashing in Wang Yanqing's mind. When she first woke up, the maid's attitude towards her was alienated and wary. Lu Heng was sitting outside the screen drinking tea. After learning that she lost her memory, their attitude changed.

By the way, Lu Heng went out for a while, and when he came back, he said he was her brother. She needed a sense of security at that time, so she ignored a lot of strangeness. Including the later period, she firmly believed that he was her second brother, so she kept finding reasons for him and rationalized all the flaws.

The so-called brothers and sisters, the so-called true feelings, the so-called childhood sweethearts who are not married are all jokes.

In Wang Yanqing's trance, Lu Heng came back. He was still so gentle and calm, unhurried, like a responsible brother visiting a sick sister. He still called her Qingqing and asked her about her condition familiarly. Until the last moment, he still wanted to stabilize her, not tell her the truth.

Wang Yanqing thought that she was a complete tragedy, and she was held in their hands until she died, acting like a marionette.

When Lu Heng heard Wang Yanqing call him Lord Lu, his eyebrows jumped uncontrollably. He knew that this time was completely over, and she regained her memory.

Lu Heng immediately overturned the plan just now, and insisted on saying less, less mistakes, and not saying good things. He changed his strategy, and without mentioning the past, he said in a gentle voice: "Qingqing, Lang Zhong said that you hurt your head. If you don't take good care of it, you may have sequelae. You lie down first and recuperate in peace."

Wang Yanqing's black pupils were clear, and his figure was clearly reflected in his eyes. Lu Heng was flustered by this look, even when he was besieged in the courtroom, he never felt out of control.

Wang Yanqing hadn't eaten for a day, her face was so pale that she was indifferent, and she slowly said, "How can I be fit to recuperate in Lord Lu's mansion?"

Of course she recognized that this was Lu Heng's yard. Previously, on the grounds that he wanted to live together after marriage, he set up the new house in his courtyard and moved Wang Yanqing's daily utensils.

Lu Heng was frightened when he heard her tone. He pretended to smile calmly and said, "Husband and wife are one, what's the difference between you and me? How can you say such a thing."

couple? Wang Yanqing felt ironic when he heard such words. She smiled very lightly, and said, "Lord Lu wants to marry an adopted sister who has been by your side since childhood, knows the roots, and is obedient and obedient. I'm afraid that people's daughters are not worthy."

Lu Heng gave up, he felt that if he continued to hold on, he would return to the state of being alone and widowed again. Lu Heng was able to bend and stretch, and immediately bowed his head to apologize: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you, I originally planned to tell you the truth slowly."

Wang Yanqing showed sarcasm on his lips and asked, "When?"

Lu Heng's throat slid, his tone a little dry: "After getting married."

Wang Yanqing showed an expression of "that's true", Lu Heng clenched his fingers silently, and bitterness surged in his heart.

He was telling the truth, but she no longer believed him. He did plan to tell her the truth step by step and little by little after he was married. In any case, it won't be the bold and exciting way it is today.

Wang Yanqing looked back, all eyes were bright red. Wang Yanqing felt more and more uncomfortable. She lowered her eyes and wanted to laugh at herself, but she found that she couldn't even fake a smile: "If Master Lu wants to take revenge on the second brother, just do what happened in the study that day to the end. Why bother? For giving up such a large amount of money, I am wronged that you accompany me to play?"

As soon as Lu Heng heard it, she might have completely misunderstood his actions. Lu Heng couldn't care less about being angry. She called Fu Tingzhou "Second Brother", held her hand tightly, and said solemnly, "Qingqing, it's not what you think. Look at me and listen to me."

Wang Yanqing only felt that the place he touched was burning like fire. She struggled hard. Lu Heng knew that this kind of juncture was not the time to talk about courtesy. If he let go, the knot would never be solved. He sat on the edge of the bed, hugged her from behind, and forcibly hugged her struggling arm: "Qingqing, I admit that at first I had the intention to use you, but later I gradually moved my heart. Those words are true, I want to marry You are real too."

Wang Yanqing couldn't get rid of his arm no matter how hard he tried, Wang Yanqing gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "Let go!"

Lu Heng didn't let go, but hugged her even more tightly: "I was in ambush that day for Fu Tingzhou, and it was purely accidental to cause you to fall off the cliff. I'm sorry for causing you to lose your memory, but I dare to swear that my feelings for you are not adulterated at all. Can't you tell the difference between true love and falsehood in the past two years?"

The struggle quickly consumed Wang Yanqing's little remaining physical strength, her body movement stopped, but tears fell from her eyes, crying silently and sorrowfully.

Lu Heng couldn't see her expression, but felt a tear fall on his hand. Lu Heng's hand seemed to be scalded. He clenched his fingers patiently, his knuckles turned white, he could only squeeze her tighter, leaning his face against her temple, and whispered, "I'm sorry."

Lu Heng knew that he called shooting herself in the foot. He lied to her for two years. Now, even if he told the truth, she didn't want to believe him.

Wang Yanqing's tears poured out uncontrollably. She cried for a long time, but Lu Heng held her and whispered sorry in her ear. After Wang Yanqing cried once, her emotions gradually stabilized, and she still pushed Lu Heng's hand away firmly. Lu Heng felt that her body was no longer trembling, and even if she didn't want to, she could only obey her and let go.

Lu Heng sat back on the round stool by the bed and faced her face to face. Seeing Wang Yanqing's red eyes, Lu Heng felt distressed but did not dare to wipe her tears, and asked cautiously, "Qingqing, all the mistakes are my fault, are you feeling better now?"

Wang Yanqing had just cried, her eyes were full of water, and she seemed to glow in the room, bright and compelling. Wang Yanqing said coldly, "I'm a commoner, my parents are dead, and I don't have anything, so I don't dare to climb up Lord Lu. I don't deserve to be the commander of Mrs. Tongzhi.

When Lu Heng heard her saying that the marriage was annulled, his anger went straight to his forehead, but he suppressed it abruptly. There is no use in venting emotions except to screw things up. He wants to solve problems and cannot be controlled by emotions. Lu Heng took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and said to her again in a calm and calm tone: "Who said the ceremony was not successful? Today, the ceremony was interrupted because of the assassin's interruption, but in the eyes of outsiders, this wedding has become a success. Yes. Today's guests are high-ranking officials of the aristocratic clan, noble dukes, if the wedding is cancelled, where will my face go?"

Wang Yanqing thought it too, Lu Hengguang sent invitations, and the whole court knew that he was going to get married. Now that it is impossible to achieve it, no one can explain it. Wang Yanqing stepped back and said, "Then let the 'Wang family' die of illness after a while. Anyway, with the power of Lord Lu, there are women in the capital who are willing to marry and become the heirs. A first wife who died early will not hinder your marriage. "

Lu Heng stared at Wang Yanqing's face and said carefully, "There have been rumors about me in the DPRK, and if my wife dies soon, I'm afraid those rumors will get worse."

This doesn't work either, Wang Yanqing is impatient. With a cold face, she asked, "Then what do you want?"

Lu Heng said cheekily, "I think it's good to be wrong."

Wang Yanqing laughed angrily, she snorted sarcastically, and said: "Master Lu, I stabbed the second brother according to your wishes, and I have helped you to eradicate political enemies many times. What else are you planning?"

"What if I don't have any plans?" When Lu Heng heard her mention Fu Tingzhou, there seemed to be regret in his tone, but Lu Heng also became angry, and his tone could not be controlled and became fierce, "Fu Tingzhou and Hong Wanqing have already given marriage, and the wedding date is Just next month, you don't want to go back to be a concubine, right? You marry anyone, why not marry me?"

Wang Yanqing was also excited when he heard it: "You are not the only men in the world, why do I have to choose among you? I would rather not marry for the rest of my life!"

Wang Yanqing hadn't eaten since yesterday afternoon. Today, she was tossed about by the wedding ceremony for a long time, and she fell into a coma in the afternoon. Under the excitement, her eyes suddenly turned white, she couldn't see anything for a moment, and even her body couldn't stabilize. Lu Heng hurriedly sat on the edge of the bed and held her hand: "Don't get excited, breathe slowly. Lingxi, bring brown sugar ginger tea."

Wang Yanqing didn't know what to rely on, so he lowered his head and gasped for a while, and finally felt that his heart was supplying blood again, and his vision was restored in front of him. After Wang Yanqing was able to see things again, she realized that she had been leaning on Lu Heng's arm. Lingxi had already brought the hot tea, and Lu Heng took it with one hand, wanting to give her water: "You are still injured, Don't get excited. Drink this bowl of brown sugar water first, and I'll let people cook."

Wang Yanqing saw him with a familiar attitude, as if the deception and harm between the two did not exist. Wang Yanqing was angry and pushed his hand away. Usually, Lu Heng pushed it away, but this time Wang Yanqing used all his strength, and the bowl in his hand did not shake at all: "Everything is light or heavy, drink the water first, Be careful that your body won't be able to take it for a while."

Wang Yanqing didn't want to listen to his manipulation, but Lu Heng was tough and did not allow her to get angry at all. Wang Yanqing thought that her body was her own, and there was no need to live with her. But she refused to let Lu Heng feed her, and said stiffly, "Give me the bowl."

Lu Heng sighed secretly, handed the bowl to her, sat back on the bed again, and distanced himself from her. The temperature of the brown sugar ginger tea was just right. A bowl of hot water entered her stomach, and the water and sugar returned to her body. Wang Yanqing's fast-beating heart slowly calmed down, and her thinking became much clearer.

Seeing that she regained her strength, Lu Heng had the bowl removed. When there were only the two of them left in the house again, Lu Heng asked, "I can't argue with you about lying to you. You should be angry. No matter what you decide, I have no complaints. But I don't want you to go back to Zhenyuan. Hou's House."

Face is already second, and Lu Heng can't imagine that the woman he has been taking care of for two years is going to be a concubine to another person, and she is careful and compromised under others. If she really wants to do this, Lu Heng can only give up his demeanor that doesn't exist and force her to stay in the Lu Mansion by force.

Wang Yanqing leaned wearily against the bedpost and said in a breath, "Two different things."

She planned to leave Zhenyuan Hou's mansion before she lost her memory, but her leaving Fu Tingzhou does not mean that she has to endure Lu Heng's deception. Whether it is Lu Heng or Fu Tingzhou, they were born on the cloud, calling for wind and rain, perverting the law to gain power, and Wang Yanqing is only one of the living beings under the cloud.

Since she is not in the same world, there is no need to force fusion, she just leaves. From then on, they married their high-ranking wife, she lived her ordinary life, forgot each other's rivers and lakes, and each returned to her own place, and the powerful people in the capital and the court situation had nothing to do with her.

Lu Heng breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't plan to go back to Fu Tingzhou, otherwise he would really think about making Fu Tingzhou have an "accident". Lu Heng thought about the way back and asked carefully, "Then what do you want to do?"

After speaking, Lu Heng quickly distanced himself from the relationship and made his attitude clear: "Think slowly, I won't force you. You can feel at ease, no matter what you do, I will not interfere."

Lu Heng silently added in his heart, as long as he felt it was reasonable.

Lu Heng's words were sincere, and Wang Yanqing really believed it at that moment. "I'm leaving Beijing," she said.

She needs Lu Yin to go on the road, and her household post and Lu Yin are still in Zhenyuan Hou's mansion. She definitely couldn't get it on her own, but if it was Lu Heng, it wouldn't be easy to get a job done.

When Lu Heng heard that she was leaving the capital, he clicked his heart, thinking that the matter was a bit big. Lu Heng pondered for a while, wondering: "It was fine before today, but I'm afraid it is a bit difficult now."

Wang Yanqing looked at him quietly, his eyes floating: "You don't want to help me."

The dignified commander-in-chief of the intelligence of the whole dynasty actually felt that it would be difficult to lead the way. If he doesn't want to, why promise it

"No." Lu Heng quickly clarified for himself and said solemnly, "I didn't lie to you, it is indeed more troublesome. You were unconscious in the afternoon, and you didn't know that the unknown assassin attacked the Lu Mansion had spread to the palace, the emperor was furious and ordered The gates are blocked, and no one can enter."

Wang Yanqing frowned. She might not have understood it before, but following Lu Heng in the past two years, she has learned a lot about the secrets of the imperial court. Blocking the city gate is not an order that can be given casually.

Wang Yanqing asked suspiciously, "The emperor ordered to seal the city?"

"Yes." Lu Heng promised the emperor without blinking. It doesn't matter, it will be locked tomorrow. He told Wang Yanqing the result in advance, which was not a deception.

Wang Yanqing frowned and asked, "Why?"

"Because today's people are not ordinary assassins." Lu Heng said, "I'm not sure yet, but according to my judgment, most of them are from Dongying."

Wang Yanqing's pupils dilated unexpectedly, it turned out to be a foreign work! This matter is related to the diplomacy of the two countries, and it makes sense to block the city gate.

Wang Yanqing frowned, feeling very embarrassed. Involving the war between the two countries, it is definitely impossible to leave the city during this time, and if you leave rashly, you may be suspected of being a spy. She originally wanted to go back to her hometown, but now it seems that it is best to stay in the capital in the near future.

Then she has to think about where she lives. Wang Yanqing is determined to make a clear relationship with this group of people, whether it's Jin Yiwei or Zhenyuan Hou's mansion, she can't be provoked, so it's okay to hide? Wang Yanqing took another step back and said, "Then I'm going to move out of the Lu Mansion. You have to promise me that you will never pester me from now on. We will make a clean break."

Lu Heng thought that it was impossible, she was already his wife in the legal and social sense, why did she say a clean break would mean a clean break? But now she was angry and couldn't be excited. Lu Heng pretended to think and reluctantly agreed: "Okay. It happened that the house you married was bought in your name, and you can move there."

What's the difference between that and living in Lufu? Wang Yanqing vetoed: "No."

"This is my bottom line." Lu Heng was equally strong and said, "There was a Dongying assassin at the wedding, and I don't know how many are hidden in the city. You are a young and beautiful girl, alone in the capital, can you find a safe house? That house has your name written on it, and I have arranged it inside and out. You can at least rest assured that you live here."

Wang Yanqing knew very well that if she accepted this house, she would have to use the people inside, and then Lu Heng would be able to appear in her house at any time. In this way, Wang Yanqing's so-called demarcation was meaningless. Wang Yanqing insisted: "Safety is my business, not yours."

Lu Heng was angry when she heard her say "it has nothing to do with you", but he held back and continued to negotiate with roundabout tactics: "Your parents' tablets are still in the house, you don't care if you are wronged, what about your father-in-law and mother-in-law?"

When Wang Yanqing heard this, her eyes froze and she said coldly, "Are you threatening me?"

"No." Lu Heng unknowingly moved to Wang Yanqing's side, he put his hand over the back of Wang Yanqing's hand and sighed, "Let me tell you the truth, no matter which house you buy or rent, I will definitely buy all the surrounding courtyards. Come down and arrange manpower protection. It doesn't really matter where you live, it's better to go to the house where you will pick up your relatives today, at least to live comfortably."

Wang Yanqing looked at him, because she was so shocked that she forgot to withdraw her hand. How shameless can a person be, and how dare he say such a thing