The Imperial Guard’s Revenge

Chapter 103: Farewell


Wang Yanqing heard Fu Tingzhou coming, stared at his fingers, and fell silent for a long time. Seeing that Wang Yanqing did not move for a long time, Feicui asked tentatively, "Miss?"

Wang Yanqing sighed secretly, stood up and said, "Since the Marquis of Zhenyuan is here, please come."

Fu Tingzhou entered this courtyard, which is nominally called Wang's House. Along the way, although there was no gold or silver, the rockeries and waters were well-proportioned, and the landscape trees were arranged just right. It was impeccable in terms of safety and practicality, even more expensive than some officials. The mansion built with huge sums of money is even better.

It can be seen that this house is carefully used.

Fu Tingzhou had an indescribable feeling in his heart. It was impossible for Lu Heng to know that Fu Tingzhou planned to send Jade to remind Wang Yanqing on the wedding day. If Lu Heng knew in advance, Jade would not succeed. That is to say, Lu Heng built this house to perfection when he knew that Wang Yanqing would only live for three days

Combined with Lu Heng's purchase of real estate in the name of Wang Yanqing, I am afraid that from the very beginning, he wanted to regard this house as Wang Yanqing's "mother's home" in the capital. Even if the name is not real, but the woman has a family in name, she is always more confident.

I just didn't expect that Lu Heng's words would become a prophecy, and this house would really become Wang Yanqing's home.

Fu Tingzhou's heart is actually a bit complicated. He always felt that Lu Heng originally wanted to use Wang Yanqing, but because of Wang Yanqing's beauty, Lu Heng became interested, so he took her as his wife. If Lu Heng is greedy for beauty, why should he lie that Wang Yanqing is his sister, and really let people treat Wang Yanqing with the attitude of Miss Lu Fu? If Lu Heng took pity on Wang Yanqing's loneliness, and would have married him as soon as possible to take care of him, why bother to "build" a king's house in the capital

Fu Tingzhou faintly felt that Lu Heng not only wanted to possess Wang Yanqing's beauty, but also wanted to make Wang Yanqing his wife in all aspects of psychology and society.

The so-called Wang Mansion has no one at all, and the capital circle of officials and wives will not know it, but Lu Heng is telling everyone that even if Wang Yanqing has no family backing, she is still the wife he is marrying. If someone embarrassed her, and no mother's family came forward, then Lu Heng would come forward. Who made Wang Yanqing unhappy, Lu Heng made their whole family unhappy.

Fu Tingzhou was in a gloomy mood. When he was in Datong Mansion, he had been looking forward to this scene for a long time. Now that I really want to see her, Fu Tingzhou's steps are getting heavier and heavier.

But no matter how slow you go, the end is still there. When Fu Tingzhou entered the door, he felt that something was wrong. Wang Yanqing set the reception place in the main hall, a place where guests were treated seriously. It's not wrong in principle, but Fu Tingzhou instinctively felt ominous.

Wang Yanqing sat on the wide armchair, and when she heard Fu Tingzhou come in, she stood up and bowed her head: "Wanfu, Hou Wanfu of Zhenyuan."

Seeing her like this, Fu Tingzhou twitched in his heart and said, "Are you so estranged from me now?"

Wang Yanqing pursed her lips and smiled, then changed her words: "I'm afraid the second brother will blame me."

She was talking about the knife she stabbed Fu Tingzhou during the Southern Tour. Fu Tingzhou shook his head and said, "Don't talk about the past."

The two greeted each other with a smile, and they seemed to return to the past. Fu Tingzhou sat down, and he saw Wang Yanqing wearing a white jacket with a stand-up collar, with a white velvet-trimmed jacket, and a red horse-faced skirt underneath, with the skirt naturally hanging down on his knees.

This outfit is light and red, and looks very clean, especially the little tigers of various shapes embroidered on the skirt. She added a lot of cuteness, and the distance was shortened in an instant.

Since Wang Yanqing's "disappearance", Fu Tingzhou always thinks that Wang Yanqing is dressed very plainly every time he sees her. He originally thought that Lu Heng treated her harshly, but later found out that Wang Yanqing prefers this kind of dress.

Although Fu Tingzhou doesn't know much about women's clothes, people's perception of beauty is the same. He also has to admit that although Wang Yanqing's clothes were luxurious when he was in Fu's house, there was a sense of tension, like gold inlaid jade that he worked hard to carve patterns everywhere. , Beauty is beautiful, but less generous. Now her body has less color and her posture is relaxed. Instead, she is like a priceless pearl, naturally exuding dazzling brilliance.

A person's state can reflect many things. In the past, Fu Tingzhou could deceive himself that the Fu family was very good to Wang Yanqing, but looking at her current state, Fu Tingzhou knew how unhappy she was when she was in the Fu family.

Fu Tingzhou sighed secretly and said, "Your clothes are unique and suit you very well."

Wang Yanqing smiled lightly and said, "Thank you second brother for your love."

If Wang Yanqing remembers correctly, this should be the first time Fu Tingzhou has praised her for her beauty. In the past, Fu Tingzhou took her by his side and regarded her as his property. From his eyes, he could feel that Wang Yanqing was very attractive, but he really admitted that she was beautiful, but only this time.

In two years ago, such words were enough for her to go through fire and water and give everything. But hearing it now, Wang Yanqing only felt calm.

Maybe it was because she heard Lu Heng's uninterrupted compliments, and when a man complimented her again, she wouldn't have the thought of giving all her back.

Fu Tingzhou took out a box, put it on the table, and said, "This is Feicui's contract of sale. It used to be kept in the house. Now she follows you. You should keep these things."

Seeing the box, Wang Yanqing didn't reach out to pick it up, she just nodded and said, "Second Brother Xie."

Fu Tingzhou came to the door on the pretext of giving Wang Yanqing an emerald sale contract, but after speaking, he didn't know what else to talk about. There was silence in the room, and the atmosphere was slightly awkward. Fu Tingzhou was quiet for a while, and finally made up his mind to speak: "Qingqing..."

"Second brother..."

Wang Yanqing also spoke at the same time, the two were startled, Wang Yanqing stepped back and said, "Second brother, please speak first."

Fu Tingzhou felt that this matter had to be ended sooner or later, so he said: "Qingqing, I was sorry for you the day I fell off the cliff. I forgot your birthday and forced you to do things you didn't like. About Hong Wanqing... "

Wang Yanqing didn't let Fu Tingzhou finish, but interrupted abruptly: "Second brother, you also said that it was in the past, I forgot, don't mention it again."

Fu Tingzhou looked at her, his eyes silent: "You are still blaming me? I am sorry for you about the marriage contract."

"It doesn't matter." Wang Yanqing said, "Second brother, although you inherit the marquis, you are still young and inexperienced, so there will inevitably be people outside the mansion who will disagree with you. The Marquis of Yongping is famous but has no real power. The Marquis of Wuding has been out of the front line for a long time, and someone needs to replace you. He is in charge of the army, and you also need backing to escort the DPRK. Marriage is the simplest and most effective alliance, which is beneficial to all three parties, and your choice could not be wiser."

Fu Tingzhou frowned, Wang Yanqing was still so well-behaved and sensible, but Fu Tingzhou felt bad. Fu Tingzhou stabilized those bad premonitions and said, "But in my heart, only you are the only wife."

Fu Tingzhou looked at Wang Yanqing deeply, trying to make her feel the sincerity in his words, but Wang Yanqing lowered his head and refused to look at Fu Tingzhou: "Second brother, there is something I wanted to tell you, but it happened to happen. Amnesia, I didn't have time. Just take advantage of today, let's talk about it together."

Fu Tingzhou's heart was cold, and he had an ominous premonition: "Qingqing..."

Wang Yanqing ignored the pleading in Fu Tingzhou's words, lowered his eyes, and said what should have been told to Fu Tingzhou two years ago, exactly two years, one month and eleven days ago, and said slowly and firmly: "I have been in custody in the capital for many years. , I have forgotten what my hometown looks like. I want to go back to my hometown to see, thanks to the old man and the second brother for taking care of me over the years."

Fu Tingzhou's blood was cold: "Are you really going to leave?"

"Yes." Wang Yanqing said, "Thank you, Commander Lu Du, Tongzhi, for allowing me to recuperate here. After the situation stabilizes, I will leave."

What Fu Tingzhou didn't want to believe came true. She packed up her documents two years ago and really wanted to leave. Even if Lu Heng didn't step in, he and she couldn't get to the end.

Fu Tingzhou asked, "What about our engagement?"

When Wang Yanqing saw Fu Tingzhou, he didn't shy away from people. The doors and windows of the main hall were wide open, and there were attendants standing around, with a polite and clear conscience. When the maids on standby heard Fu Tingzhou's words, even if Master Lu had explained that they would pretend to be deaf and listen to the lady, they couldn't help showing anger at the moment.

The marriage contract is a shit, the wife is already married, and the Marquis of Zhenyuan is also married. They have a ghost marriage contract

Sure enough, Wang Yanqing just smiled and said, "Second brother, it's just a joke from the old marquis many years ago. How can we have any engagement."

Fu Tingzhou's body was completely cold, his heart was cold, and he could hardly feel the beating: "Is it because of the Hong family? I have been preparing for this for a long time. My marriage to her was originally calculated by others. Now I have made military achievements, I'll go and tell the emperor, maybe the emperor can take back his order..."

Before Fu Tingzhou finished speaking, he was interrupted by Wang Yanqing. Wang Yanqing finally raised his head and looked at Fu Tingzhou with a pair of eyes: "Second brother, think twice before you act. You are not joking, don't say such things again."

"Are you still blaming me?"

"No." Wang Yanqing's eyes are clear, like ice-soaked jade, and all the ugliness in the world are reflected in Qing Lingling, "It is not easy to take the helm of a family, what the second brother does is for the Zhenyuan Houfu, I can understand. Hong Miss Hong was born in a family, and her interests are compatible, and she has a deep love for you. It is a great joy for you to marry her. I heard that next month will be the happy day of the second brother. Miss Hong has been waiting for you for a long time, and it is a good thing that you are now married. I'll be leaving Beijing soon, I'm afraid I won't be able to attend your wedding, so I would like to congratulate my second brother in advance, and I wish you all a long life and an early birth of a precious son."

Before Wang Yanqing lowered her eyes, Fu Tingzhou always thought she was unhappy, maybe she was angry with him, so she deliberately didn't look at him. Now Wang Yanqing raised her head and calmly laid out all her expressions in the sunlight, only then did Fu Tingzhou realize that she was not sad or reluctant at all.

Fu Tingzhou was deeply hurt by this realization.

Fu Tingzhou has always felt that doing things should be respectable. After the other party shows the intention of rejection, he must not stalk and investigate the root cause. Even if he leaves the venue, he must leave with dignity. But only now did Fu Tingzhou know that the behaviors he despised the most, such as entanglement, crying and hanging, were not intentional, but they encountered something that could not be lost.

Fu Tingzhou's eyes turned red, he stared at her and asked, "Is it a lie when you said you were going to marry me on your tenth birthday?"

At that time, Fu Yue was still alive, and when the Hou Mansion celebrated Wang Yanqing's birthday, no one knew who deliberately teased her and asked her what kind of husband she would marry in the future. At that time, Wang Yanqing was ignorant about the matter of men and women. She felt that the second brother was very good to her, so she said that she wanted to marry someone like the second brother.

At that time, everyone laughed and laughed, and it was all right after laughing. But from then on, Fu Yue became interested, and really moved to match Wang Yanqing and Fu Tingzhou.

It was many years ago, and Wang Yanqing thought that no one would remember this embarrassing incident except for her and the deceased Lord Fu. Unexpectedly, Fu Tingzhou also knew.

Wang Yanqing remembered those years, turned her face away, and held back the tears in her eyes. She paused, and finally said calmly and unfeelingly: "That was when I was a child. I was ignorant when I was young. Now, we are all grown up."

When they were young, there were not so many compromises of interests, and liking and disliking was the most important thing; now they have grown up, they have become forward-looking, secular and slick, and liking has become the last factor to consider. The promises made when I was young are naturally no longer counted.

Fu Tingzhou didn't reply in the end and left silently. After Fu Tingzhou left, Wang Yanqing's good mood for a lunch break was gone. The maids came in one after another to change the tea. Wang Yanqing saw the jade that was quietly cleaning up the tea cup, and his eyes moved, but he didn't speak in the end.

Feicui persuaded her to go out to relax in the morning, but after she refused, Fu Tingzhou came in the afternoon. If Wang Yanqing really went out in the morning as Jade said, would he "just happen" to meet Fu Tingzhou on the road

Fu Tingzhou can find a trustworthy place to talk to her without worrying about Lu Heng listening to the content of the conversation. If Wang Yanqing shows signs of softening, he can take her away.

Wang Yanqing was reluctant to want to accompany her childhood friend of ten years in this direction, but perhaps indeed, she should consider Jade's way out.

The Fu family is Jade's parents. Loyalty is all Jade's beliefs. Wang Yanqing can understand her for the sake of the main family, just as she can understand Fu Tingzhou's choice of a marriage partner that is more beneficial to his career.

But Wang Yanqing could no longer pretend that nothing had happened, and continued to get along with them beautifully.

Jade was older than her and had reached the age of marriage. Fu Tingzhou had already handed over Feicui's deed of sale. Before Wang Yanqing left the capital, he would complete the release procedures for Feicui, give her a dowry, and let her marry freely. It would be the end of their ten-year friendship.


In Lu Mansion, Lu Heng just came back from Nanzhen Fusi, and the attendant followed, and said behind Lu Heng, "Sir, the Marquis of Zhenyuan is going to see his wife today."

Lu Heng had been looking for an assassin for a day, and he was very tired. Hearing this, his eyes became bright, and he was no longer tired: "When?"

"It's late afternoon."

Lu Heng raised his head with anger, but told himself to hold back. In the final elimination stage, it is often not who is doing better, but who is making fewer mistakes.

Wang Yanqing was originally dissatisfied with being manipulated, because her experience in the Fu family and her memory loss made her feel very insecure and most taboo to be controlled and used by others. Wang Yanqing was so angry with Lu Heng, not because he caused her to lose her memory, but because Lu Heng lied to her.

And cheated for two years.

Lu Heng was at a loss and had nothing to say about it. At this stage, what Wang Yanqing needs most is to be respected, to rebuild her confidence that she can control her own destiny, and not to cross the line in the name of being good for her and actually make decisions for her.

When Wang Yanqing slept without eating yesterday, Lu Heng was very anxious, but held back. Facts have proved that he has not been a scumbag in the officialdom all these years. He successfully predicted Wang Yanqing's psychology and escaped a fatal temptation.

If he really showed that he knew what Wang Yanqing did yesterday, he would have lost her completely - although, Lu Heng did know.

He clearly knew her heart knot, and if he intervened in her life casually, inciting people around him to say good things, and stalking her, he was not admitting his fault, but coercion.

Since she doubted Lu Heng's intentions, Lu Heng made room to let her believe that Lu Heng liked her, and then decided whether to accept it or not. But she couldn't completely let her think about it. If she calmed down and still felt that she should make a clean break, then it would be Lu Heng's turn to go crazy.

Lu Heng was originally worried that the closure of the city was not long enough. How could he stop Wang Yanqing from leaving, but Fu Tingzhou took the initiative to come out and die. Only with Fu Tingzhou's comparison can Wang Yanqing realize Lu Heng's respect and love.

Lu Hengming knew that this was a good thing, but he was still very angry.

The attendant looked at Lu Heng's face carefully and asked, "Sir, the insider recorded the conversation between Mrs. PM and Marquis Zhenyuan, do you want to take a look?"

"Don't look." Lu Heng became angry when he heard Fu Tingzhou's name. He grimaced and gritted his teeth, "Throw it out and burn it."


Lu Heng returned to the room, the furnishings in the room were as usual, and now, there will be no one waiting for him by the couch. Lu Heng walked around the room, his eyes hurt by the red decorations, but he did not allow the servants to remove the red silk. He would get sullen when he was born, and finally called the attendant helplessly: "Bring up the conversation just now."

The attendant was startled and panicked: "Sir, the little one has been burned as you ordered."

Lu Heng has always been very efficient in his work. He ordered it to be burned. The people below did not dare to delay, and immediately set it on fire and did not dare to leave the scraps of paper. There has never been a situation where Lu Heng repented after giving an order before, so that the attendant did not stay behind, and now he is completely stunned.

Lu Heng sneered and said without any warmth, "Then make another copy."